Porkgasm |

Pork the Kobold Druid
HP 21/21
CHA -1
D6 Damage.
Load = 3/7
Gear - Token of my land (Boar tooth necklace), Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight), Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight), Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
I think that should be everything.
Pork is a bit..strange. Personal hygiene is not something known to him. He's covered in Moss, rotted hides, and smells like something that crawled out of a swamp. Even though he has no NEED to eat, he still enjoys finding various things to eat, and has a voracious appetite, willing to eat almost anything, from Rotting fish to Bones cracked open for marrow, etc. What can I say, Kobold likes to eat.

Smoog |

Smoog the Tinkerer (soon to be a full-fledged Artificer)
Blue scales, lanky, quick,
Sees in the dark better than most from mining so much,
Whistles / talks to himself,
STR: 9 +0
DEX: 15 +1
CON: 12 +1
INT: 16 +2
WIS: 13 +1
CHA: 8 -1
HP: 16
Fights with twin pick axes from mining
will use some gadget projectile weapon TBD
steam, projector, apparatus.
Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Protective Clothing (1 Armor, 1 Weight)

"Thunk" |

Smoog is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
Grick'’s ways are strange and confusing.
Pork is always getting into trouble—I must protect them from themselves.
Flung shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!

Flung |

Here are the bonds I have so far:
Thunk and I keep an eye out for each other.
Things never go as planned with Sees around.
I've got two more:
________ can sense opportunity as well as I can.
Sometimes I think ________ has a death wish.
Any takers?

Porkgasm |

Well, I put some thought into mine, and this is what I've come up with based on who we have. I've never really understood the bond system from my frevious games, but, hopefully I'll learn something new here.
Sees smells more like prey than a hunter. (A singing/dancing Kobold would seem preatty tame to a guy who survives in the swamp at first look)
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Smoog. (With all the gadgets and gizmos that Smoog has, it's not beyond belief that some spirits might not take kindly to him using technology to do what used to only be done by spirits, or through their power)
I have showed Grick a secret rite of the Land. (It's not beyond belief that Grick and Pork would have met each other before, considering both of them sort of talk to spirits. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that Pork could have shown him a trick or two to help him talk to some of the more primal spirits)
Thunk has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it. (I feel Thunk is a good fit for this bond due to the more primal nature of a barbarian.)
Welp, that's what I got. I can try to come up with more if it's needed. Any Bonds that I have seen involving Pork seem fine by me.
Also, as I'm doing some reading on Kobolds in this setting, I believe Pork scale color will not be Green, but Black, perhaps with Green spots.

Smoog |

Excellent! Glad to see you're putting some good thought into it. I should be ready to begin the adventure soon with the group that we have. A Shaman, Barbarian, Skirmisher, Tinkerer, Immolator, and Druid makes up a pretty sweet party - plus whatever Robert Hodgson makes.
And a Bard.

Sees-Death |

STR:8(-1) DEX:13(+1) CON:12(0) INT:9(0) WIS:15(+1) CHA:16(+2)
Damage:d6 Armor:0 HP:18
Alignment: Evil - Use your art to crush someone's spirit.
Race: Kobold - When you meet an intelligent monster, you can ask the GM for one fact about the history of that race.
Bardic Lore: Legends of Heroes Passed.
Gorlaug's Horn
Poopsmith's garb
Slingshot(near, 1 weight)
Smooth Stones (3 ammo 2 weight)
Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Flung does not trust me, and for good reason. (looks like our bonds match)
This is not my first [job] with Smoog. He knew me when I was Scoops. (confirmed via PM)
I am writing a ballad about the adventures of Fssst. (Robert?)
Pork is often the butt of my jokes.(Porkgasm?)
Thunk is too quick to resolve his problems with tooth and nail. (MniGM?)
Did I get everybody? Lots of magic in our party. Immolator, Shaman, Bard, Artificer, and Barbarian? Lots of overlap, but at the same time, lots of diametric opposites. Range vs melee, spiritualism vs technology... I am so excited.
I was thinking, can we each determine something about one of the Hero party members? I think it would introduce interesting conflict for one of them to be a dragonborn.
Pork, I'm cool with that bond.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Sees: You and I clearly think along similar wavelengths. In fact, I already have the profiles for the adventurers that killed Gorlaug, and they were LED by a Dragonborn. He was a paladin, a resplendent badass with a double-handed broadsword and bright red scales. He gave a warcry praising Bahamut's name as he struck the final blow that decapitated the dragon you all worshipped.
Very heroic. Now he has to die.

Smoog |

With Grick the Shaman...
'Grick is suspicious of my gadgets; he thinks they insult the spirits by mimicking their power. I will win him over."
With Sees the Bard...
"Sees and Smoog share a common enemy, we will get our revenge together."
With Fssst the Firestarter...
"Smoog and Fssst disturbed something ancient and deep within the mountain during their escape together.'
With Thunk the Barbarian...
"Is Thunk too stupid to be our leader? I might have to help him."
With Pork the Druid...
"For some reason Pork seems to have my back?"
With Flung the Skirmisher...
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Flung will be my second skin/kin?"

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

What a refreshingly direct perspective you have, Thunk.
As for the outer world, it hasn't been a large concern for the kobold tribe living in and around Moontower Mountain. Therefore, Thunk, being one of the only outsider kobolds, you have a great deal of authority on what the outside world is really like. As the story plays out, and I ask you more and more about where you came from, the outside world will flesh itself out. For now though, it's a mystery. The Moontower Mountain kobold clan was always very insular and xenophobic.
Writeups for the adventuring party that killed Gorlaug will be coming shortly!

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Quick bios for what you've collectively seen/heard of the adventurers that attacked Moontower Mountain:
Name: Unknown
Race: Red-Scaled Dragonborn
Class: Justicar-Paladin of Bahamut
Weapon: Two-handed Broadsword
The Others:
Name: Twinkletoes (She kept shouting it during the attack..."Feel the wrath of Twinkletoes, kobolds!")
Race: Faerie
Class: Trickster Mage
Weapon: Illusions
Name: Unknown
Race: Human
Class: Dread necromancer
Weapon: Undead minions
Name: Unknown
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian Lord
Weapon: Fists, teeth, weapons woven into his beard
Name: Unknown
Race: Elf
Class: Archwizard
Weapon: Acidic Blasting Magic
Name: Unknown
Race: Halfling
Class: High Druid
Weapon: Nature Magic and Animal Allies

Smoog |

Smoog had worked in the Tunnelers' Guild from an early age. Learning from his father Thornhugger and older brothers Groot and Braam; Smoog adapted quickly. The tools fit well in his hands; the stone yielded to his persistence. His uncle Bugbelcher was a craftsman with the Stonecutters and taught him how to shape the rough stones the Tunnelers brought to the surface. Smoog used these techniques to leave small "signatures" and embossments in the walls of the tunnels he worked.
He loved the digging life and all that it offered. He was free to roam the lower tubeways not often used by the rest of the klan. He would sometimes find worked stone hinting that someone else had lived there but who and how long ago? He tried to copy them in his work but fell far short of the skill and subtlety needed for such delicate detail.
Smoog's small stature and fearless curiosity allowed him to squeeze into the narrower passages his tunnel team uncovered and he would often scramble ahead searching the newly excavated sections before others had a chance to confirm its soundness or safety.
Over the few years he was a miner, the klan territory had expanded down and outwards thru the mountain and Smoog felt more than a little pride in knowing he had helped his klan grow so large. Now that most were gone, the halls and tunnels seemed beyond empty, crypt-like even.

Smoog |

Here are the bonds I have so far:
Thunk and I keep an eye out for each other.
Things never go as planned with Sees around.I've got two more:
________ can sense opportunity as well as I can.
Sometimes I think ________ has a death wish.Any takers?
I think my bond about you fits with the "can sense opportunity" bond you have open.

BastianQuinn |

One GM style question, GMooshy: When we can choose more than one option, can we choose the same thing more than once, is it case by case, or never? Specifically: Bard advanced move Eldrich Tones allows two effects from a single Arcane Art roll, would this allow me to double-heal? would there be a limit, like needing separate targets? How do you want to handle that?
Still waiting on stats and bonds from Fssst and Grick.
We have pretty good stat coverage. With two WIS, two CON, we have good survivability.
Since Gameplay is open, I think we should meetup at like an abandoned guard outpost at the base of the mountain. Sees could open, walking in on a few of you who are already there. Anyone else who wants a dramatic entry can pop in after. How does that sound?

MiniGM |

I'm thinking that during the attack on his tribe thunk actually attacked the adventurers. I like to imagine that he actually hit one of them before being smacked away into oblivion. Maybe he hit the wizard and the dwarf called out a warning, and as the dwarf pummeled him he leanrned something more of how he fought

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Very well - but these are extremely high-level adventurers you attacked. After all, they've slain two dragons already. Pick a physical disfigurement that you suffered as a result of your thrashing at the Barbarian Lord's hands.
Sees-Death: I don't think it's intended to allow you to double-heal. However, you do not need multiple targets - multiple effects can target the same person. Example: Thunk is battling an adventurer and you have taken the Eldritch Tones talent. You use your Arcane Art on him, and choose healing and +1d4 to damage, both applied to Thunk. Or, you could shake someone's mind clear of one enchantment and give him +1d4 damage forward, if he hasn't taken any HP damage yet and doesn't need the heal option. But you cannot heal him for 1d8+1d8, or give him 1d4+1d4 to damage.
And yeah - if everyone could put their character sheets into their character profiles as much as possible, it helps me to easily reference what your Moves do.

Smoog |

This is my first play-by-post type game, so if I seem a bit lost, forgive me. My other games took place over IRC.
I'm trying to figure out where I should put up my character sheet for ease of viewing and such.
Click on Thunk's name and go look at his profile/alias page. He seems to have cracked the code and I just copied what he was doing. It takes a little trial and error to see what goes where and how it will show as a first line of your posts for the quick reference.

Smoog |

Also while editing your profile look for the reference button "How to format your text". That is where I found the [spoiler] formatting. very handy.

Smoog |

So DM,
Since it is very likely we will begin our search for our arch nemeses's, in the city to the west, what is the typical relations of kobolds with city dwelling folk? Are we going to have to slink around in sewers and shadows the whole time or can we expect a relatively luke-warm but indifferent reception? Will we be shot on sight or will they generally leave us be?

Smoog |

Yeah I figured but with homebrew you never know. I am actually hoping there are sewers we can take advantage of as a hidden highway so to speak. Lets hope they are not already overrun with who knows what. Hey, maybe some of our long lost cousins are already there?