Savage Rifts and the Tomorrow Legion

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud.


Current Characters

Daji the Fox

(2,547 posts)
Market Patron

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

played by ZenFox42 (916 posts)
Danse Macabre
DM ShadowBloodmoon

Savage Rifts RotRwT

played by Shadow Bloodmoon (4,418 posts)

Lesser Bandersnatch: Parry 11, Ranged TN 4, Toughness 24(8)| Wounds: 0; Fatigue: 0; Bennies: 3/2

played by LastNameOnEarth (464 posts)
Mask of the Mantis

Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 13; RATN: 10; Tough: 18(8) | Notice: d8, Psionics d12+1 | 40/40 ISP | Active Conditions: Malliferan Bee Man Psi-Warrior

played by LastNameOnEarth (219 posts)
Millech the Hump
Josiah Oates

Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 4; Tough: 13(6) | Notice: d6, Drive d8, TW d12, Repair d12+5, Occult d12 | 20/20 PPE | Active Conditions: None

played by LastNameOnEarth (80 posts)

Current NPCs

Jace Belleraphon

M Human Hyperion Juicer| Bennies 3/3| Wounds 0| Burn 7, Reflexes (-2 to be Hit) Agl d12 Smt d6 Spt d6 Str d8 Vgr d10|| Pace 20 (d10) Parry 9 Tough 15 (5) |
. Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Language (American) d8, Notice d6, Persuade d4, Research d4, Shoot d12, Stealth d4, Survival d8

played by Shadow Bloodmoon (148 posts)

Previous Characters

Arcane Experimenter

(175 posts)
Tin Golem

(734 posts)

(242 posts)
Sea Dragon
Storm Dragon

(3,202 posts)
Dr Davaulus
Abraham Pierce

Private Eye - Hard-Boiled | Hit Points: 04/30; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 51/25/10; Spot Hidden: 90/45/18; Luck: 08/65; Sanity: 45/90; Magic: 10/10; Default Reaction: Dodge

played by KingHotTrash (235 posts)
Jazz Greyjune

Female Human
Fighting d4, Investigation d6. Knowledge: Arcana d6, Knowledge: Engineering d6, Knowledge: Science d6, Healing d4, Lockpicking d6, Notice d8+2, Persuasion d4, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Techno-Wizardry d10-1
Bennies: 5/4 Wounds 0 Toughness: 8 (4) Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Strain: 1 Power Points: 15/15 Active Gadgets: Speak Language: D-Bee 5/7 PP

played by Aloha-Shirt-Samurai (64 posts)
Jonis Witta

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

played by Corsario (277 posts)
Rigor Rictus

A killer GM with a killer smile.

played by LastNameOnEarth (2,201 posts)

Previous NPCs

Spectral Dragon
Dark Archive Atlas2112

(957 posts)
"Shakti" शक्ति

D-Bee Mystic: Size: 0, Parry 8, Pace 6, Toughness 14 (7), Charisma -2, Bennies: 6, PPE: 20/20, Staff PPE: 10/7, ISP: 10/10
(329 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Sovereign Court Anya "Wraith" Whiteangel

(457 posts)
Mystic Theurge
Arsenio Doloso

Parry: 4| Toughness: 3 (6)|Bennies: 0/3|Pace: 6: Charisma: 0|Wounds: 1/4|Fatigue: 0/4|ISP: 20/30| Quick Edge|Flame: On
(135 posts)
Tallow Golem
Dark Archive Assaultmech Atlas 21-12

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

(336 posts)
Auriel Acherean

(299 posts)
Elias Maru

Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 7; Tough: 16(7) | Notice: d8, Persuasion d10, Psionics d8 | 12/15 ISP | Active Conditions: None
(30 posts)
Ezekial Ashcraft

Parry: 6| Toughness: ?|Bennies: 4/3|Pace: 6: Charisma: 0|Wounds: 0/4|Fatigue: 0/4|MP: 1/15|
(62 posts)
Gavryn Wyat

Bennies: 4 | Parry: 8 (Tecnhological Weapons suffer -2) | Toughness: 6/8 w Cyber-Armor Shell | Armour: 6 | Wounds: 0 | ISP: 17/20
(42 posts)
Jaquline "Jaq" Cho

(279 posts)
Jason Whitlock

NG-303 Rail Gun | Range:30/60/120 Dam:2d10+2 ROF:3 AP:6 Shots:20/20 | Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 6; Tough: 24(9 MDC) | Notice: d6, Electronics d8+2, Repair d6+2, Shooting d10, | Active Conditions: None
(56 posts)
Zokar Elkarid
Sir Humphrey Worthington-Smythe

Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 11*, Toughness 10(4)*; Fighting d12+2 Notice d4+2, Shooting d8, Psionics d6; 10 ISP
(110 posts)
Consortium Agent
Sun Li Tao

Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 5; Tough: 12(5) | Notice: d8, Intimdate d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d8 | 14/40 ISP | Active Conditions:
(105 posts)