ooc update: my dad died. We had to go through some struggles to get the ashes (he died out of state and didn't have current contact info for his kids on him, I guess). Memorial is tomorrow followed by Thanksgiving with the family. I know the RPs I run have pretty much lost all momentum over the last two or three months and f!*& 2017 seriously. I'll let you all know what the plan is once I'm home this weekend.
ooc update: my dad died. We had to go through some struggles to get the ashes (he died out of state and didn't have current contact info for his kids on him, I guess). Memorial is tomorrow followed by Thanksgiving with the family. I know the RPs I run have pretty much lost all momentum over the last two or three months and f!!+ 2017 seriously. I'll let you all know what the plan is once I'm home this weekend.
Excellent. I meant to dot in earlier but I'm still waffling a bit about character choice. I kind of like to backfill whatever the party is missing. Am I correct in assuming that this is going to be a little more roleplay heavy than average, given that it's back East? Early character concepts:
-An old lady prospector from just outside Lost Angels who had her only lucky break mining when Greenwood happened by. Old, ornery, but with more stories and drinking songs than teeth by this point. Role: leader/face, storyteller, knowledge-monkey.
-Ex-Confederate sniper turned snake oil salesman with a ghost steel tooth that Greenwood bailed out of jail on his way through the disputed territories. He knows a meal ticket when he sees one, and Greenwood definitely fits the bill. Role: diplomancer, sniper, greedy coward. -A voodoo Out of the three I've got so far, I'd say a Veteran draw would work for the first two, not so much for the Voodooist. Would you be okay with pulling me a card and letting me write it off and build a Novice if I go for the Voodoo?
So I'm going to do my best to update in a reasonable amount of time. Bear with me for a moment. My neighbor is abusing his girlfriend and I took umbrage with that and got into a fistfight with the dude over it. Spent a lot of time dealing with police reports and s*#~ over the last couple of days. Also sleeping like 3 hours/night while cuddling a baseball bat because despite God's loving presence m$*%@#*~@~@& is still not in jail and now he knows my face and name.
Related note: I have a little "RIP" folder for all my dead Savage Worlds characters. For a while, for some reason, every character I made would die horribly. The best was when I joked with my GM about what it would take to let me play a Super Mutant in Fallout. His answer was a six-page, single-spaced backstory with footnotes. I actually wrote it, and that poor Mutie got oneshot by a junkie in the second game. RIP two hours of writing. :')
Yeah, the integration thing is just kind of waved off by the books. I think the official party position basically boils down to "discrimination was a real part of those times, but we don't want to force you to play a racist or sexist, so... GM's call!" :P No worries, and that answer makes perfect sense. A couple more questions: Since we're mixing and matching from all three of those books, which version of Guts do we use? Is there a Grit stat? Sanity? Status? Soldier: Desmond Thorn:
Concept: A former Louisiana voodooist looking to forge a new career and a life for himself and his family after losing his powers. Honest, reserved, and still a little shook from his own loss of faith, Desmond's main goal is getting back home to his family.
Backstory: The Thorn family has begat some of of the most powerful chual in the history of voodoo. Some of them have gone out as adventurers, some sought their fortune with Baron LaCroix during the rail wars, or rushed westward in search of ghost rock. But they've always had a strong presence back home in the bayou, and the folks of New Orleans, for years turned to them for hoodoo, voodoo and gris-gris as needed. When Desmond was born, he was fated to take over the family business. For a time, he worked hard at his craft, and took to it with an unmatched verve. Nobody's faith in the Loa was greater than his, and it made all the greater of a blow when his powers began to fail. No longer able to work his magic, he left the family home to his cousins who's powers, more measured and ritualistic, still worked. But by the time he lost his power and faith, Desmond already had a wife and a daughter to look after. As the early events of the Great War began to unfold, Desmond volunteered, hoping to forge a new path for his family, an honest path where he could rely on himself and his new brothers, and not the spirits who betrayed him. Finding a natural talent for gunwork, he learned to shoot, and shoot well, from a distance. Now, he stays as far back as he can, wearing his new disbelief as armor, and hoping he can make it back to his family. Crunch:
Note: I absolutely do not expect him to live, and I will write out a heartbreaking scene of a CSA flag and set of dusty boots being presented to his wife. :') Ripper: Jorge Guerra: Concept: Scrapper, former moonshine runner and cartel operator, all-around charismatic individual except for his problems with authority. A reluctant Ripper, he finds himself in deep debt to the organization if not outright blackmailed to take advantage of his contacts.
Backstory: Practically born on the wrong side of the law, Jorge Guerra dreamed of a bigger life north of the border in the CSA. As a teen in the roaring 20s, he got himself thrown back south a half-dozen times by getting in trouble with the law--the beatings he got from Rangers on patrol didn't do much to curb his tongue, even when they beat him so bad sepsis set in and he lost his arm. By the time prohibition set in for the Union, Jorge was a little older, a little wiser, and an expert at crossing borders. He hopped three of them to get from Mexico to the CSA, the CSA to the Union, and then dropping back down into the Republic of Deseret. What he didn't realize was that he was being followed. Between himself and a group of like-minded muchachos, Jorge hatched a plan to sneak liquor from the CSA into the Union and Salt Lake City. Taking up some deep debts to get himself a new mechanical arm, Jorge snuck quality liquor across the border for years, always keeping a private reserve of the best stuff stashed in his mechanical arm. But all around him, his friends kept getting dead, in weirder and weirder ways. Once one of his oldest friends was found drained of all his blood, the rumor got out that Jorge was cursed. Burned from his own cartel, he figured the only way to prove his name was to find out who was really behind the killings. After studying both every murder he'd been connected to and ancient books, he found his answer--the Chupacabra that had followed him from Mexico. Unfortunately, in trying to track the beast down, he got himself cornered, and only just barely saved by the Rippers Lodge of Deseret. Sensing potential in him, they took him in. Now with connections, a real green card and a rap sheet as long as the CSA border hanging over his head, he works a day job as a bartender, and by nights works for the Rippers. Crunch: None yet! Would you like to draw him a card for Veteran of the Concrete Jungle? :)
Are the extended books for Deadlands Reloaded (particularly, the 1880 Smith and Robards Guide) fair game for creating a character for the Las Vegas side of the campaign? I have an idea for a scrapper/moonshine runner if I can make it work with the lower-cash setting in Noir. Edit: Also, is Veteran of the Concrete Jungle allowed? For the Soldier side, how's racial/gender integration working out in the extended setting? I know in Deadlands the South integrated early on in the Civil War to make up their manpower deficit (the Union followed later IIRC), and there's mention of female sheriffs and whatnot due to the overall lower population/more rough and tumble nature of the frontier. I am most likely going to play a CSA civilian who got drafted, but still waffling about the backstory fluff, dependent on how integration worked out. Probably shooting for the Scout Sniper archetype. :)
ZenFox42 wrote:
I own all the books and I've GM'd Deadlands for going on eight or so years. With Loup's permission (the settings suggest keeping the players in dark about aspects their characters wouldn't know about, and diferent GMs tend to stake that line at different places), I can give you a breakdown of anything you're curious about. :) (I am also super interested in this, but I need to brainstorm and consider my schedule)
I would love to play in a Rifts game. :) Assuming you're cool with it, here are my rolls for a Techno-Wizard: Narrative Hook Table: 1d20 ⇒ 18 Automatic Techno-Wizard rolls:
Custom Techno-Wizard Rolls:
Geeze, I think I just burned through all the good rolls I need in my 5e game. ^_^;;
Dotting and rolling. Still hashing out backstory details. I've got to shuffle through my files and remember if it's third party or not, but I'm pretty sure there was a Battle Chef class made by Paizo that I'd love to play. :) 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) - 2 = 12
Oof. I might go for a point buy. ^_^; ETA: Darnit, I think the one I was thinking of was 3pp after all. I'll see about working it into an Alchemist or something with Craft: Cookery. :)
So in case the last couple days haven't made it clear: Just gonna try to post as much as possible, and if I occasionally have to dip for a couple days, try to roll with it. I'll try to give you guys warning when I can. :) Alanna: I'm gonna sleep on that one before I commit to it. I've always played diagonal movement as 1.5", but Clint Black runs 1" diagonal movement. Then again, I don't always agree with Clint (he says you can wild attack into a called headshot?? for real???)
Those all seem like pretty reasonable hindrances. Outsider would mostly function as the sprite not caring about physical space norms, but otherwise those are all reasonable assessments. :) @Kitsune: I think you're good to go now. Once you reply to Mr. Plant he'll get back to you with further details and I can advance the campaign. Once you have the travel info from him, you can adjust fire to fit Nexxon's plans for transporting you. :)
So I'm going to leave on Monday for a trip for one week. I should be able to update at least once or twice but it may be a little more sparse. Basically I need to know if you guys are going to try and take the Nexxon offer and we'll proceed from there. It may somewhat modify the logistics of your entry if you do.
Opening up the discussion thread so people can dot in and start making aliases. Our current character list: 1. Beoh
I'll be opening up the actual RP thread sometime before Monday when I'll be going on a trip. I'll update when I can while travelling (which may not be too much). Once I get back on the 22nd I'll be working to get the campaign underway. For people who haven't been keeping up with all the discussion in the discussion thread, I'm going to run the first game, at the end of which you'll be sorted into two teams. I'll be GMing one team, Rungok will be GMing the other, and we may occasionally merge back to one thread when appropriate. :)
@Schythe: Both look good now (take the first version of the Semblance listed for Sinn, though). :) The decision's still yours who you want to play. @Everyone: Opening up the discussion thread so people can dot in. I'll get the first post/open RP up sometime either today or this weekend before I leave for my trip on Monday :)
Haha, I think part of that is the setting. Cyberpunk makes people detail oriented, and there's more options/threats to consider. I almost never put that much thought into my gear list, but oh man did I go over my Shadowrun characters with a fine tooth comb... Let's spitball and say a 100 gallon tank can actually fit in the back of the cruiser (or two 50 gallon drums). If you only have three people inside (Kitsune and Ghiv travelling on their bikes--that's a lot of time in the sun, though), you could probably put a seat down and fit another 50 gallon drum. Trailer... Oh lord. Again, not an economy wizard, so feel free to argue with these if they seem unfair: Uncovered Flatbed Trailer: 1200 Creds
Yeah, I think I suggested Force Control for that reason, but I didn't really go into detail on it. Melee combat is more interesting to me regardless of setting, but yeah in RWBY especially. There's one sniper in season 3 who actually seems like a threat for a minute, but she's heavily specialized into it. It's mostly just that RWBY runs on rule of cool. If the setting ran on logic, literally everybody would have a sniper rifle, and hunters would just post up on walls and nuke any Grimm that got close. :)
Oh god, okay. I got an updated version of the book from DTRPG which has some new explosives (like the MicroFusions) in it and a stat balance or two. Ugh. So somebody took a long hard look at explosives and decided they needed more, but couldn't take ten minutes to average out some costs? Lord. I got a stat confused on molotovs and thought they covered a different burst template. Also: didn't realize 40mm incendiaries increase both damage and burst template (so they're just objectively better). So ignore the chart up above and I'll rebalance here. TAZ-40: Let's say 350/ea? It's still a more specialized weapon that would have more specialized parts, but I am in utter agreement that 3500 is ridiculous. So total price shakedown: APC-40 ANTIPERSONNEL CLUSTER: 200/ea
Micro Fusion Grenade Stats:
You can buy any grenade you want as a throwable variant. If you get a throwable grenade, it can't be loaded into a grenade launcher, vice-versa if you have a grenade for your launcher, it can't be thrown (their pin mechanism is different--I guess you could throw it and then make a called shot if you're a badass).
Oh man, I love them both. Whoever you don't end up playing I'll toss onto a rival team if that's cool. :) With your athletics concern since it affects both characters: I'd rather not use athletics and I generally try not to throw challenges for obscure skills at people unless they're trying to go out of their way to use them. I'm more willing to allow power stunts from the Super Powers Companion if you really need to do something special in a pinch. Don't forget about ballistic movement, either. Why climb things with your hands when you can climb them... with bullets?! :D Sinn: Oh man he's super cool and opens up a bunch of setting questions I kind of want to explore, but... I'm gonna say the Grimm pet is right out. Young Grimm are explicitly stated to be mindless and attack on sight. Only Grimm that are hundreds of years old have any sort of intelligence, which is basically just enough caution to not attack humans unless they're weak. Grimm as a whole are antithetical to humans--I would still say a mind control power that allows you to affect Grimm at all is extraordinary enough for Sinn to be picked up by Beacon. I could see a nomad tribe living without enough negative emotion to attract Grimm, that part is totally fine, and I also like the idea of non-sanctioned, family-trained hunters. I'm picturing low-tech people closer to Bloodborne hunters than the hyper-aggressive, high-tech, nation-backed Remnant hunters, which is really cool to me. I still need to update the PDF, but one ruling I should also make clear is that between Necessary Evil and the Super Powers companion, take the more expensive version of the power. Ergo, Mind Control would cost your 5 point allotment. Onyxia: I really like the idea of a gambler/petty thief with Jinx as a power. :) (I'm also biased towards brawlers because Melee combat is almost always more interesting to me than ranged combat) I see you too ascribe to the "put a d4 in everything you could ever want so you don't have to waste an advance on it later" school of thought ;) She needs the Outsider racial hindrance. I think a scent gland would also come under the "only one animal trait" rule (and the most extreme animal trait we've seen in series is Tucson's claws--everybody else either has ears, tails or horns/antlers). Maybe there's just an unfair stereotype about Skunk faunus? Most prejudice against Faunus in general seems to run on stereotypes that don't really hold water to begin with. Taking White Fang as an enemy is still fine, you can be a nuisance/disperse recruitment rallies without a scent gland. :P
Yeah, so the listed prices for grenades in the book are hella expensive. The creator of the game said as much, and then listed an alternate price scheme which was absurdly cheap (flashbangs on his price scheme cost less than three creds each ._.). Underbarrel grenade launchers are also really silly, because they can store 12 grenades at a time, which is... Not how underbarrel grenade launchers work?? I averaged them out to something that seems more fair. Bear in mind I'm no economy wizard. Explosives stay the same (Molotovs in the book are hand-mixed special by Bomzaway, and have a different stat spread than say, these incendiaries, so averaging them out to the same seems okay. Let me know if you disagree), as do mines (since they seem to be exclusively military grade tech). APC-40 ANTIPERSONNEL CLUSTER: 200/ea
Assume a 5/10/20 range for hand-thrown (Micro Fusions are going to stay expensive because they're essentially the "f%+% your chrome" button) @Neon: Use the prices above for your ammo. You can use the stats for the Foley Arms TAW underbarrel grenade launcher, but replace the 12 shots with 2. Pay 800 for the optional grenade launcher, which brings the cost of your gun up to a round 4000.
@WarforgedMan: Looks good! He is very Blake-like, but a much different take on a character with a similar situation. I love it. Only nitpick: Unless I'm miscounting, all your hindrance points went into attributes and edges (1 Free Edge + 6 attribute points for two edges and 7 attribute steps) so your expensive weapon should eat up your starting 500 Lien. (also is the leap part of your semblance cloning and throwing yourself? because... awesome. :D) @SpinningDice: Hahaha, well, I changed to the two tables plan on the fly thanks to Rungok. :) As for your semblance, SW usually hates group buffs because single buffs are so strong. As per a Clint Black ruling on superpowers and Leadership edges, your Semblance could be Telepathy with the Switchboard modifier so you could communicate with your party and give them the advantages of Leadership edges while they were in range. :) (and then any Semblance Mastery you take at later levels could be Super Edges for additional Leadership bonuses--even at 0 XP with just Command, that's pretty damn strong.) You can also take the standard party support build (Common Bond, Elan, Luck/Great Luck) to benny other people's rolls at a +2. :) @Schythe: We're sitting at 7 right now and SpinningDice is interested. Go ahead and make a character--depending on how my work schedule works out, I may end up GMing only anyway, in which case I'll just NPC my character onto one of the other teams. :) @Madcaster: Looks good to me. :) Love those names, too. @Rungok: Hahaha, yes! We're almost there! I'll shoot for starting Fridayish. My only concern right now is I'll be travelling with the boyfriend next week and I may only be posting every other day or so. Would you guys rather wait one more week and start later so I can update every day?
Hahaha, no worries. Let me know if you'd like help with anything, or need anything explained. :) Oh, and do keep watching. The first season was aight, but it didn't really hit its stride for me until the second season. The third is basically just me sitting there sagely nodding my head like "yes, this smells like a fine animes."
@Rungok: Killer Instinct: "This hero hates losing. If he ties on an opposed roll of any
I'm thinking about redoing her Semblance slightly because I did cram three powers into one, even though I gave it the slow to activate modifier. It's pretty powerful and I don't know if they all work thematically. @Madcaster: Kind of. It's a little slippery depending on what you define as an animal trait. Blake and Tukson both have catlike eyes but an additional animal trait (ears, claws). We definitely haven't seen a faunus with both ears and a tail yet. @NenkotaMoon: Maybe pick one trait to stick with? Oh, and I'll PM you with info on how to make your flash step work. :)
@NenkotaMoon: Looks good, especially for your first SW character! :D I'll fill you in on some of the stuff you're missing and some nitpicks: -Swap out No Mercy, as this setting gives everyone the benefit of No Mercy for free (Blood and Guts setting rule). :)
And my PC for Rungok's review: Tana Kazakh:
No matter how nations feel about each other, people are people, and people make children. Born to an Atlesian Colonel and a huntress from Vale, Tana has felt between worlds from an early age. Aspiring to follow in her father's footsteps, she was to attend Atlas Academy. Unfortunately, her older brother who was set to attend Beacon like his mother was savaged in a freak Grimm attack and unable to attend. At the request of her parents, she has been made a rare exception to Atlas' military service. Though she's being made to attend Beacon, she still takes after her father and tries to bring the rigorous discipline of the Atlesian military with her wherever she goes. That said, a lifetime under her strict father has made her a born follower. As soon as she gains respect for a leader, she's likely to follow them through anything. Race:
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6 (12 with semblance); Parry: 7 (8 with melee weapon); Toughness: 5 Hindrances:
Weaponry: Mors Tua and Vita Mea
So by my count, and counting my PC, we have 6. If we get two more together we'll be ready to start. :)
Just to clarify for everybody, the game's gonna work like this: I'm going to take 8 applicants and start the gameplay thread. You're going to go through your first training mission and get assigned teams. From there, we'll split the thread, and I'll take one team (four players) and Rungok will take the other. :) We might come back to the initial thread for large missions/times when there would be team overlap. @NenkotaMoon: I dunno, it's kind of cool when the main characters aren't necessarily the strongest ones, or the ones chosen by destiny or whatever. I'm a little sad about the somethinsomethinsilvereyes on Ruby, but I knew that was coming ever since season 1, so... On the plus side, it is kind of nice from a narrative standpoint when a show that seems very upbeat also isn't ginger with death/crippling. It's not exactly "realism", but handled well it does absolutely raise the stakes and make you more genuinely invested at any given time.
@Ghiv: Sounds good. Sorry about skipping your post by the way! I made the campaign update before getting on my last plane and I guess I was working on it before you posted so I didn't notice until now. My bad. @Alanna: There is definitely some meat to work with here and I like that working of your occupation. :) Here's the thing with regards to Phoenix as of right now, though: It's been dead for months and nobody has gotten out. Phoenix is starting to get a reputation as where runners go to die. I'm not saying there's not a market, just that A) getting your usual drivers to go to Phoenix is going to be hard and B) you have more info about Phoenix right now than anybody else, but you still don't actually know what the inside is like--you don't have people on the inside to sell to yet. You need to make contacts. It's a real good idea, and it's a good way of keeping Cruiser in the loop as a contact without necessarily having to keep him as an NPC body you have to be constantly worried about. That said, his main ride is also totaled at the moment. Then again, hotwiring a car during your downtime probably isn't that big of a stretch for you. One more campaign post and then I'll shoot everybody a PM or spoiler up the thread with everything that happens to you individually during your down week. :)
@Alanna: To answer your earlier questions about the roleplaying, you can roleplay your occupation a bit if you'd like to, and there will be Things (tm) happening during the week of prep time as well. Whatever you do to manage your money is your affair--I assume in your case it's just laundering the money you already have. Since the only thing scarier than the IRS is the IRS with cyberware. @1dr0meda: The book is frustratingly unclear about this, as all it says is you need to plug into "some sort of outlet" once a night. Since a power pack provides one week of continuous use to a weapon and you only need to plug in for (I would assume) about an hour a night, but you likely use significantly more energy than a chainsaw, we'll say it averages out and you can still get a week of charge out of a power pack for simplicity's sake. I don't know how much a solar unit would cost on its own, but Alanna's car already has one to power its electric engine and DeepLink. Buy a set of jumper cables and an appropriate converter for 50 creds and we'll call it good (assuming Alanna is too amused to say no to hooking 1dr0meda up to a set of jumper cables). Given that you don't need to sleep and only need to briefly charge a night, approximately 2/3rds of the time during the pause you can safely spend on personal projects.
The upgrade in animation quality is incredible. Also oh no Yang my feelings ;-; I hope they don't just go the robo arm route. I feel like it would be a better character arc for her to struggle with a serious handicap and have to resolve who she actually is and what she wants. And then she can get a cool robo arm I guess :P (also something something blonde something something arm something game of thrones joke) @Rungok: Well, if you've run a plot point campaign before, I basically structured it like that. There's about six main story beats with room for extra sidegames/backstory related games on the side. I guess the campaigns don't actually need to be run in tandem either--it's just an easy way of solving the too many players dilemma. If one table focused more on the city and the other focused more on beyond the walls, it would give us an easy excuse for them to be separate. Shoot me a PM if you want to talk over the particulars of running those games side by side. Running PBPs is easier than running a game in person to me, but it is more time-consuming and stretches out much longer. My IZ2.0 game is well over 400 posts and it's about four months long. They've just crossed the threshhold of what would have been the second game if I'd run it in person, haha. @Zen: All sounds good. I am curious about how that Giri's going to work out, but I do really like it as a hindrance whatever you decide on. :)
@Alanna: all solid assumptions and yes please list your amount of rations. We can work something out with regards to other necessities like water. :) @1dr0meda: All good questions I'll be reading up on while I'm in the air tonight. I'll make an update with answers when I get to my layover. :) (The only one I know off the top of my head is that you can definitely plug into the cruiser somehow. it may involve jumper cables instead of the cigarette lighter though. )
@Zen: That backstory's totally fine. A lot of political elements of Remnant haven't really been explained yet, but every country is governed by a council--until RWBY bothers to tell me they're elected, I think we can assume at least some of them aren't. ;) There's a couple last little touches of flavor you can think about, like naming your weapon, but that's pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things. (also, I like your stat spread--I usually like to play skill monkeys, but especially in a setting like RWBY, narrowing yourself down to a handful of skills might actually be a really wise idea) @Don Jon Dux: Shame to see you go! I hope the busy schedule treats you well though. Earn that money and don't let the hustle break you down. :) @Madcaster: I like 'im! Everything checks out on your sheet. The game is most likely going to be set at Beacon, so you probably would have gone to combat training in either Vacuo or Vale. A couple last little flavor touches you can think about while we're waiting are naming your Semblance and Weaponry. :)
We do have four. I'm assuming nobody's taking me up on my "GM a second table, co-GM BFF dorm-mate teams" strategy? ;) Consider applications still open for the moment. If I have an unexpected windfall of time I may still like to run a second table (or I may rethink my strategy of runnning only four players). If everything goes according to plan, I'll kick the campaign off in about a week and a half. At the latest, I'll be kicking up the campaign thread and PMing everybody on the fifteenth.
So feel free to ask any more questions of Ten-Speed in character, but what's basically going to happen is this: Once you're all comfortable with what awaits you in Phoenix, you're going to take about a week or two in game to get ready for the journey. During this time you can also do some extra work so you'll be able to take your occupation money if it's still available to you (it should be for everyone still in the campaign for now except Kitsune, to my count). If you want to get in touch with any contacts as well, or do any stocking up, that would be the time to do it. For the most part, I'm going to let you guys plan your approach. 1dr0meda's smuggler friends might have tips but you're largely going in blind as very little info is actually leaking out of Phoenix at this point. @1dr0meda: Make a smarts roll for the Night Owl as well if you haven't already. Once we're done with this scene, make your 1d10 x 1000 roll for Nexxon corp and roll 1d8 x 100 for the Night Owl info assuming you make the smarts roll (it's significantly lower grade). Upgrading a skill upgrades it for all specializations. If you purchase a new skill, you get one specialization automatically. You can purchase two specializations for an advance, or one skill that doesn't exceed an attribute cap and one specialization.
@Vrog: Looks good with that fix. :) @Rungok: Looks good as well (-the power points as has already been pointed out), and I like the character background a lot, as well as the super cool weapon concept. The conversion power is an interesting idea but I'm not really sure how to make it work either. What do you see him actually being able to do with the conversion ability? There are options from Necessary Evil like Absorption, Negation or Energy Control that might work similarly to what you want. My only other issue is that you took points from your melee weapon to put into your ranged weapon. I'm not sure if I like being able to gimp one form to get more points back on the other--we'll let it stand for now but I may ask you to shuffle it around a bit. I pictured weapon creation under this system as being two independently created weapons that happen to be switchable. OTOH it's relatively balanced because you gutted its melee form so extensively (so somebody with a powerful melee weapon would be able to take your lunch money as long as they could close the distance). I've gotta meditate on that one. @Zen: You can take Giri. AP 2 is equivalent to extra flat damage against a target with armor, yes. Now that you've pointed it out to me, I kind of don't like the High Powered ability for that reason, although you could stack it with High Penetration and get the benefits of both. But if you only have points for one, High Powered is objectively better for the same cost. Hm. Maybe I do need to tear this system apart a bit. :\ @madcaster: Ruby is 15 in Vol. 1-3 and 16 in Vol. 4 according to the wiki. Weiss, Blake and Yang are all 17 (18 in vol. 4). If your character has the young hindrance you would be about 15. Otherwise, everybody creating characters should be 17-18 unless they have a real good backstory reason to be going to academy late. Also, love that name. ;) @NenkotaMoon: You can also PM me if you have any questions. I'm a bit busy IRL so it may take me a little while to get back to you. :) @All: So things I need to change in the pdf right now: -Make powers/Semblance activation clearer in their respective sections.
If you notice anything else that should be fixed, please let me know. :)
Yeah no worries. The crunch looks good but you should cut down to five total-- two major two minor and your racial hindrance as a Faunus. @Zen: oops forgot to mention that your
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