Mask of the Mantis

Jingμ's page

219 posts. Alias of LastNameOnEarth.

Full Name



Malliferan Bee Man




Wounds 0 | Bennies 3/3 | Parry: 13; RATN: 10; Tough: 18(8) | Notice: d8, Psionics d12+1 | 40/40 ISP | Active Conditions:

About Jingμ

Jingu is a large humanoid bee, about the size of a human child.

Height: 3'9"
Weight: 50 lbs
Eyes: Red


Agility: d8
Smarts: d10
Spirit: d8
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6

Derived Stats:
Charisma: Neutral : -2 to Human Supremacist
Parry: 13 (Fighting+Block+Shield+Acrobatics)
RATN: 10 (4+Size+Shield+Acrobatics)
Pace: 5 (d4)
Flying Pace: 12 (d6)
Toughness: 12(4)
Armoured Toughness: 18(8)

Psi-Blade Attack d12+2 Damage 2d12+7 AP 26

Melliferan Race:

Armour +4
Attribute Increase Agility
Attribute Increase Smarts
Edge: Psionics
Edge: Major Psionics
Flight Pace 12
Powers (Mind Link + Darksight)

Racial Enemy: Xiticix
Small Size
Cannot Speak
Environmental Weakness (cold)
Cyber Resistant
D-Bee (Obvious)
Non-Standard Build
Alien Physiology
Restricted Path: (no PPE)
Reduced Pace: 5 d4

(Minor) Greedy
(Minor) Mild Mannored
(Major) Arrogant

Major Psionics
Master Psionics (Hindrance)
Telemechanics (Hindrance)
N1 Brawler
N2 Increase Spirit
N3 Martial Artist
S1 Rapid Recharge
S2 Imp. Rapid Recharge
S3 Power Points
S4 Bruiser
V1 Powers
V2 Powers
V3 Exceptionally Rapid Recharge
V4 Stat Boost
H1 Martial Warrior
H2 Power Points

Psi Warrior Edges:
Arcane Background: Psionics

Fasting and Self-Denial: Psi-Warriors gain +2 on all Vigor checks to resist Cold, Heat, Hunger, Sleep, or Thirst.
The Arts of Offense:The Psi- Warrior's Psi-Blade damage dice count as Claws when applying bonuses from Edges.

Psionic Powers:
*Boost/Lower Trait
*Warriors Gift
Mind Reading
Arcane Protection

Powers Accessed through Gear:

Athletics d8
Common Knowledge d4
Notice d8
Persuasion d4
Stealth d6

*Psionics: d12+1

Fighting d12
*Electronics d6
*Hacking d10
Pilot d4
Shooting d4
Survival d4
Thievery d6

Heroes Journey:

Narrative Hook: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Nearly Done For. You nearly died, or the jig was almost up when the tide turned and someone from the Tomorrow Legion rescued you, which leaves you in their debt.

Armour: 1d20 ⇒ 1
You may trade the starting armor from your Iconic Framework for any other body armor (not power armor or robot vehicle). If this is not your first roll, apply all other results from rolling on this table to your newly chosen body armor.
Experience and Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Life on the road, in the wilderness, and wandering the streets of the cities that remain gave your character special insight and some key experience with a particular calling. You may give her one Professional Edge, ignoring requirements, so long as it makes sense and the GM agrees with it.
Psionics: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Your psionicist gains either the New Powers Edge or one power chosen from the Mind Melter's list (Rank permitting).
Fortune and Glory: 1d20 ⇒ 16
My Young Apprentice: Gain the Sidekick Edge. The sidekick is a Wild Card character with his or her own Iconic Framework. Additionally, roll once on the Experience & Wisdom, Training, or Underworld & Black Ops table; your hero and sidekick both gain the result, reflecting a notable shared experience.
Fortune and Glory: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Smart and Learned: Your hero adds one die type to Smarts and two die types to any three Smarts-linked skills.


NG-52 Survival Pack
Arzno TWA-1500 Incursion EBA (TW) +4 Armour +3 Toughness
Invisibility, Deflection, Silence, Flight
Incorporated Multi-Optics Helmet: This helmet—compatible with EBA systems (see page 88)—includes a targeting sight, magnification, thermal, infrared, ultraviolet, and night optics. The wearer ignores Illumination penalties, gains +2 to sight- based Notice checks or to offset Range penalties, and +1 Shooting with calibrated weapons. The helmet includes a hands-free radio (10-mile range) and megaphone voice-projection system. It provides +4 Armor and +2 Toughness to the head only, and can integrate into body armor helmets for an extra 500 credits (5 lb, 25,000 credits).
Covered in a fiber-optic material, your armor color shifts to match the surrounding area with custom camouflage patterns, masks infrared as well as thermal emissions, and is designed to reduce noise. Wearers are +2 to all Stealth rolls.
Good for all situations, this armor suit has +1 Embedded Toughness to handle the sharpest blades and most piercing lasers. This result may only be applied once.
Temperature Cloak: This advanced variant of all-weather gear is a waterproof cloak, poncho, or duster with a series of layers designed to dissipate or retain heat depending on the environment. The wearer adds a +4 bonus to rolls versus Cold or Heat (2 lb., 2,000 credits).

NG-52 Survival Pack:
∙One two-person tent, insulated against up to −40 degrees Fahrenheit. It has water collection capabilities, capturing ambient humidity and evaporating water from occupants, thus extending water supplies by 20%.
∙One sleeping bag, also insulated.
∙One flashlight, with a concealed pocket knife. Miniaturized solar panels give it near-infinite operation under typical conditions.
∙One biometric compass/inertial mapper. Body motion provides the necessary power, and the system lets the user know how far and in what direction he’s traveled over time (+2 to Survival rolls related to land navigation). A mirrored back allows for reflective signaling to other if the sun is out.
∙One short-range radio, five mile range. One first aid kit, provides +1 to Healing checks. It has three uses before it needs to be replenished (300 credits).
∙One hunter/fisher kit, containing wires, line, hooks, and other elements necessary for fishing and small game trapping. This provides +1 to Survival checks where food gathering is concerned.
∙Three saw wires, composed of serrated, high tensile strength wire and two ring handles. Capable of slicing through wood, stone, and even non-Mega metals.
∙One fire starter, a combination solar powered ignition cell and flint sparker (with six extra flints).
∙One survival knife, one small hatchet, and one wooden cross.
∙Four signal flares.
∙One climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, four ceramic spikes, and a small mallet.
∙One bar of soap and a sterilized cloth.
∙One canteen.
∙Two weeks worth of minimal sustenance survival rations in sealed pouches.

Planned Advances:

Requirements: Seasoned
Rifts Earth is full of big mean enemies of
all kinds whether they be tanks, dragons,
or Techno-Wizardry automatons. When
attacking targets 1 or more Sizes larger
than the hero, he adds +4 to the AP value
of his weapons.
Requirements: Veteran, Take ‘Em
When attacking targets 1 or more
Sizes larger than the hero, he may reroll
damage once without spending a Benny.