About Sun Li TaoSun Li Tao
Agility d6
Pace: 6 (d6)
Detect Arcana*+ (Innate):
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 1 (+1); Range: Self; Duration: 5 (detect)
Trappings: Opening The Third Eye Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight for five rounds. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, weird science devices, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the general type of enchantment as well—harmful, obscurement, magic, miracles, etc. Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise). EXALTED DETECT ARCANA (+2):Detect arcana is greatly enhanced, giving it expanded analytical effects. With a successful Arcane Skill check on a particular magical effect or supernatural entity or phenomena, the caster can learn the following: - Active powers and arcane abilities. - Type of supernatural creature (vampire, werewolf, dragon, etc.). - Enchantments present on an item. - The PPE or ISP possessed by a target. - Other information the GM allows. When used on a supernatural creature, a raise on the Arcane Skill check reveals any susceptibilities, Weaknesses, and ways to bypass Invulnerability. PRESENCE SENSE (+1): The caster is able to sense the presence and exact location of living beings within range like a radar; detect arcana activated with Presence Sense no longer requires line of sight to locate living beings. Conceal Arcana* (Innate):
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 1; Range: Self; Duration: one hour (conceal)
Trappings: Telepathic muting[/b] Conceal arcana prevents detection of arcane energies on one being for one hour (see the Size Table Savage Worlds). STRONG (+1): Detection rolls to see through the concealment are made at −2. EXALTED CONCEAL ARCANA (+2): The recipient is −2 (or −4 with a raise) to be seen or found with detect arcana, divination, and other arcane abilities; may not be used in combination with the power’s Strong modifier. Smite*:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 1 ; Range: Self; Duration: 5
Trappings: The attack/weapon is encased in shield of volatile kinetic force This power is cast on a weapon of some sort. If it’s a ranged weapon, it affects one entire magazine, 20 bolts, shells, or arrows, or one full “load” of ammunition (the GM determines the exact quantity for unusual weapons). While the power is in effect, the weapon’s damage is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise. GREATER SMITE (+2): The weapon’s damage is increased by +4, or +6 with a raise—it also deals Mega Damage, if it didn’t already. Mind Reading:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 2; Range: Smarts; Duration: Instant
Trappings: Psionic Invasion Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one truthful answer from the subject. The target is aware of the mental intrusion unless the mind reader gets a raise. The GM may apply modifiers based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or current state of mind. MIND WALK (+4): Allows the caster to walk through the mind and memories of the subject; Duration increases to 5 minutes. While the power is in effect, the caster can ask any number of questions, explore memories, or simply have a brief conversation with the inner consciousness of the target. Particularly vital or dangerous questions or thoughts—or exploring deep hidden fears or something of great emotional value to the target—may call for an additional contested roll. Deflection*:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 2; Range: Self; Duration: 5
Trappings: Shield of Telekinetic Energy Deflection powers work in a variety of ways. Some manifestations actually deflect incoming attacks, others blur the target’s form or produce illusionary effects. The end result is always the same, however—to misdirect incoming melee and missile attacks from the recipient of the power. Once cast, foes must subtract 2 from attack rolls directed at the user (or 4 with a raise). GREATER DEFLECTION (+3): The penalty to attack the recipient increases to −4 ( – 6 on a raise). Boost/Lower Trait:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 2; Range: Smarts; Duration: 5 (boost); Instant (lower)
Trappings: The character telepathically activates parts of the person's brain to improve or degrade their skill and ability. This power allows a character to increase or decrease a target’s Trait (attribute or skill). Boosting an ally’s Trait increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise, for five rounds. Lowering an enemy’s Trait has a Duration of Instant and lowers the selected attribute or skill a die type with success, or two with a raise (to a minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action at the end of his following turns. Success improves the effect one die type, and a raise removes the effect entirely. Additional castings don’t stack on a single Trait (take the highest), but may affect different Traits. ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. STRONG (+1): Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to shake off the effect is made at −2. GREATER BOOST/LOWER TRAIT (+2): The power’s effects are enhanced. With success, the selected Trait gains a free reroll once per round, or once per action with a raise. For lower Trait the target applies a −2 penalty to the rolls Bolt:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 1; Range: Smarts ×2; Duration: Instant
Trappings: Telekinetic bolts that distort the air. Bolt sends damaging bursts of energy, streaks of holy light, or shards of matter toward one’s foes. There are no Range penalties, but the arcane skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual penalties. The damage of the bolt is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise. DAMAGE (+2): The bolt causes 3d6 damage (4d6 with a raise). GREATER BOLT (+4): The bolt causes 4d6 Mega Damage (5d6 with a raise). ONSLAUGHT (+2): The bolt attack is made at Rate of Fire 2 (ignores the Recoil penalty) and may be used for Suppressive Fire (see Savage Worlds). Stun:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 2; Range: Smarts; Duration: Instant
Trappings: Synaptic shock Stun shocks a target with concussive force, sound, light, magical energy, or the like. A successful casting means the victim must make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the arcane skill roll) or be Stunned (see Savage Worlds). AREA OF EFFECT (+2/+3): For +2 points the power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For +3 points the area of effect is increased to a Large Blast Template. GREATER STUN (+2): Resistance rolls are made at −2, or –4 with a raise. Sound/Silence:
Rank: Novice; Power Points: 1; Range: Smarts ×5 (sound); Smarts (silence); Duration: Instant (sound); 5 (silence)
Trappings: A mental suggestion that prevents a target from making any noise. An auditory hallucination. A telekinetic shroud that muffles noise as it passes through Sound mimics any known sound or voice, emanating from a point of origin within Range at a volume up to the sound of a loud shout. If used as a Test, the defender opposes the casting roll with Smarts. Silence does the opposite, muting all sound up to a loud shout within a Large Blast Template. This subtracts 4 from Notice rolls made by those inside the area of effect, as well as anyone trying to hear sounds made from within. A raise completely mutes all sound inside the template—such Notice rolls automatically fail. MOBILE (+1): The caster can move the area of effect up to his arcane skill die type each round. TARGETED (+0): Instead of casting silence in an area of effect, the caster may instead target individuals in Range for 1 Power Point each. Unwilling targets resist with Spirit (at −2 if the caster gets a raise). EXALTED SOUND/SILENCE (+1): Targets oppose the caster at −2 or –4 with a raise; silenced magic users cannot activate new powers. ------------- Equipment ------------- Combat Gear: Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol (15/30/60,3d6, RoF 1,AP 2, 20 shots), Huntsman Medium Personal Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness, STR d6), 2 E-Clips Mundane Gear: NG-S2 Survival Pack, Survival Knife, Wooden Cross, Wooden Stakes, 1740cr, 2,000cr of valuable goods ------------- Hero's Journey ------------- Narrative Hook: The Siege of Tolkeen - The invasion and destruction of the magical state of Tolkeen by Coalition forces in 109 PA reverberates throughout North America. You may have fought in that war. Many Tolkeen refugees are now in or near Castle Refuge. Training: 1d20 ⇒ 1 = +3 Skill Points for Athletics, Shooting, and Fighting only.
Training was intense and relentless; those not capable of meeting their full potential were relegated with more civilian or "safer" positions. Sun Li pushed himself constantly, physically and mentally. His powers continued to manifest in various forms and his talent signified him as a mind melter, a superpsionic of incredible potency. Years of combat and infiltration training while learning to discipline his mind. Upon finishing his training, he was assigned to intelligence operations throughout the territory of the Coalition. For years, he served by infiltrating into enemy encampments and facilities, stealing information from their minds, and assassinating rogue psychics, dangerous mages, and vile d-bees. His work, while occasionally bloody, kept him out of the worst of the Coalition States' wars. That was until the war with Tolkeen. With the civil war with what would be Free Quebec and the constant war of attrition with the Xiticix meant that all hands were summoned for the conflict with Tolkeen. It was Sun Li's first real-time in war. While Sun Li knew that all the propaganda that the CS espoused was not true, he had not expected to see the horrors of the war machine unleashed. Tolkeen's summoning of demons and other horrors steeled their will but Sun Li could not forget the minds of the innocent who were put to death under flames, of suspected traitors being executed by his word, of children being tossed into mass graves. While Tolkeen had fallen into darkness and became the monsters that the CS said they were, Sun Li's eyes were open to the terrors his nation created. Assigned to the extermination squads, Sun Li lost his patriotism and zeal on the battlefield which left him with a gaping emptiness and guilt. He returned home as a hero, to the cheers of others. Even as a mind melter, he was seen as a champion of mankind. What he had always hoped for now disgusted him. He paid a doctor out in the slums around Chi-town to remove the implant from his chest and burn away the barcode upon his neck. With the same skills he had been taught, he quietly left the CS behind to commiserate with his sins. In the months that passed though, he heard rumors of a place that was helping refugees of Tolkeen. He traveled there and discovered Castle Refuge, the birthplace of what would be the Tomorrow Legion. Finding purpose once more within the military structure of the Tomorrow Legion, while also finding a chance for atonement for the sins he had committed, Sun Li has dedicated himself and all of his training to aid the newly founded organization. No one knows of his past and he fears how the Legion, as well as those who shelter within it, will react to find a monster wearing a man's flesh in their midst should they ever learn. Till then though, he offers the power of his mind and training as a member of the dynamic SET teams out in the field. Personality: Sun Li is a quiet, unassuming man that tends to listen more than he speaks. When engaged in conversation, he is polite, cordial, and enjoys getting to learn about others while revealing as little about himself if possible. While he can come of as coldly calculating and blunt, Sun Li truly does wish to find a place to call home and a group to potentially call family. Being raised in the CS has rubbed off on him and while he is not bigoted towards any D-Bees, the more inhuman and strange variations tend to leave him off-put and awkward. Sun Li has just enough ruthlessness to be an excellent operative without betraying his new sense of right and wrong in the world. Appearance: Coming Soon! |