Sky Dragon

Gummitch's page

3 posts. Alias of Clebsch73.

About Gummitch

Male Cat's Eye Dragon Hatchling (sidekick of Ounce)

Agility: d10
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d8
Strength: d12+2
Vigor: d8

Athletics: d10
Common Knowledge: d6 –1
Notice: d6 –1
Persuasion: d4
Stealth: d4

Fighting (Agility) d10
Language (Smarts)( American) d6
Language (Smarts)(Dragonese/Elven) d8
Psionics (smarts) d8
Spellcasting (Smarts) d8

Pace: 6 (Fly: 12)
Parry: 7
Toughness: 6 (dragon form: 18 + Armor 18 MDC)
Size 6 Large, +1 Wound level, Reach +1 Scale Modifier +2

Abilities and Bonuses *only apply in dragon form
Armored Hide*: +18 MDC Armor, +6 toughness, + size bonus +6
Bite/Claws*: Str + 3d4 Mega Damage, AP equal to size (3)
Expanded Awareness: Detect Arcana power as innate ability PP reduced by 2 (min. 1), may detect supernatural beings with a notice check
Fear*: cause fear checks to all who see them
Electrical Breath*: action, Athletics Skill, breath bolt of electricity range 12/24/48 4d6 Mega Damage, 5d6 with raise, targets stunned.
Alternate breath form: cone template, successful evasion reduces damage by 1 d6 or 2 d6 with raise.
Flight*: flying pace 12", may 'run' for extra movement
Impervious to electricity Energy damage
Infravision: halve penalties for bad lighting vs warm targets (Edge Dragon Low Light Vision negates such penalties)
Inherently Magical: natural pool of 10 PPE added to PPE points from Arcane background, Power Points Edge grants +10 PPE, can use Techno-Wizard gear
Limited Metamorphosis (changed with Dragon Metamorphosis edge)
Mighty: Cat's Eye Dragons start with strength d12 + 2, Vigor d8, and Agility d8.
Minor Psionic: Arcane Background (Psionics), 10 ISP, Psionics d4, speak language and 2 other powers (Empathy, Mind Link).
Nigh Immortality: No need to eat or drink, immune to hazards of cold, heat, hunger, thirst, disease, poison, drowning, electricity, and radiation.
Size 6 (large): grants +1 wound level, +6 toughness (in addition to armored hide bonus)
Slow Regeneration: (improved with Dragon Fast Regeneration)
Tail Lash*: action to attack all opponents in rear or side, Athletics skill, ignores Scale Penalties, evasion possible, Damage Str + d8 Mega Damage

Cybernetics (cannot take)
Enemies (CS and others)
Outsider (Major)
Untested (hindrances added with advancements)
Very Young (start with 3 points for attribute adjustments and 10 skill points)

Magic Powers
Elemental Manipulation

Psionic Powers
Mind Link
Speak Language

Innate Power
Detect Arcana

Clueless (Major)
Tongue-Tied (Major)

Hindrances Details:

Clueless (Major)
Your hero doesn’t pay much attention to the world around him. He suffers a −1 penalty to Common Knowledge and Notice rolls.

Tongue-Tied (Major)
Your adventurer flubs cool lines (or thinks of them afterwards!), goes off on tangents when he’s trying to talk someone into something, and generally miscommunicates most everything he says. He suffers a −1 penalty to Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, and Taunt rolls that involve speech.

Rapid Recharge (from Hero's Journey roll)
Arcane Background (Magic), spellcasting (smarts), 3 starting powers (Elemental Manipulation, Healing, Stun), PPE 10 (+10 from Inherently Magical ability). Gained from Major Hindrance at advance 1
Dragon Low Light Vision (gained from Major Hindrance at advance 2)
Counterattack (advance 6)
New Powers (Invisibility, Protection) (advance 7)
Dragon Metamorphosis (advance 8)
Dragon Fast Regeneration (advance 9)

Edge Details:

Rapid Recharge
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Spirit d6+, Arcane Background (Any)
Power Points normally recharge at a rate of 5 points every hour spent resting (see Recharging, page 151). This Edge increases that rate to 10 every hour.

Arcane Background (Magic)
Arcane Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts)
Edge Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6
Starting Powers: 3
Power Points: 10
Power Points Type: PPE
Required Power Activators: Gestures, Speech, and Materials (when specified) Techno-Wizardry Gear Manipulation: Yes
Commonly called magic users, there are countless schools of the arcane practiced by the innumerable D-Bee and human cultures of the Megaverse®.
When putting together a particular style of magic, the Game Master and players should focus on common Trappings and use the Ley Line Walker’s spell list as a starting point. They have access to almost all spell types commonly known to mortals and gain access to Mega Power Modifiers by taking the Master of Magic Edge.
Gestures: Magic users must have their hands free to cast spells. Entangled or Bound characters cannot activate new powers until they are free.
Speech: Magic users must be able to clearly speak to cast spells. Silenced or otherwise muted magic users cannot activate new powers.

Requirements: Novice, Dragon Hatchling
Dragons can develop strong night vision, which enables them to ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Fighting d8+
Fighters with this Edge deal instant punishment for an enemy’s mistakes. Once per round (if not Shaken or Stunned), the character receives a Free Attack (page 101) against one failed Fighting attack against him. The counterattack takes place immediately (before other hits against the hero on the same Action Card, if any).

New Powers
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background (Any)
An arcane character may learn two new powers by choosing this Edge (which may be taken multiple times). He may choose from any powers of his Rank or lower normally available to his particular Arcane Background. A character can add a new Trapping on a power she already has instead of gaining a new one. She might add an ice Trapping to her existing fire bolt, for example, so she could switch between ice and fire Trappings freely.

Requirements: Veteran, Dragon Hatchling
The dragon may change his shape and size, appearing as any living creature from the size of a house cat to anything his natural size and weight. He can maintain any such form indefinitely, even while sleeping. The dragon gains no special properties of what he mimics, only the size and appearance.

Requirements: Veteran, Dragon Hatchling, Vigor d10+
A dragon’s regenerative abilities can improve over time, allowing him to make a natural healing roll every round. He also gains +2 to recover from being Shaken and Stunned.

Gear: Saddle for Ounce. Some armor when not in Dragon form?