Mystic Theurge

Arsenio Doloso's page

135 posts. Alias of Storm Dragon.


Parry: 4| Toughness: 3 (6)|Bennies: 0/3|Pace: 6: Charisma: 0|Wounds: 1/4|Fatigue: 0/4|ISP: 20/30| Quick Edge|Flame: On

About Arsenio Doloso

Arsenio is somewhat of a self-made man. He became a private investigator to a town that had little need for regular police, much less the privately employed kind. Still, over time he gained the trust of the locals as someone who could get things done; find their lost kid, catch the man who killed their loved one so they could dispense "frontier justice", and perhaps most importantly: solve arsons.

In the ravaged and chaotic aftermath of the apocalypse, fire was often a sure way to wipe away any proof of someone's crimes. Arsenio's Burster talents, however, made that tactic moot. Arsenio made a tidy living for a while with cases like this.

Eventually he decided he could help more people by joining the Tomorrow Legion and putting his talents to use hunting down the truly monstrous and bringing them to justice.

Character Sheet:

Atrributes:5p + 2 hindrance

Strength: d4
Agility: d4
Vigor: d6 (1p)
Smarts: d12 (4p)
Spirit: d10 (2p+Advance)


Notice d12 (3p+Hindrance)
Investigation d10 (3p+Hindrance)
Persuasion d8 (3p)
Survival d8 (3p)
Psionics d12 (3p)


Curious (Major)
Habit (Minor) - Conjures small flames in his hand(s) as an idle gesture similar to how a normal person would stroke their chin or fiddle their thumbs.
Delusional (Minor) - Believes flames are sentient and speak to him. Not helped by his flame reading abilities.

Edges: Major Psionic (free), Quick (journey), Read the Flame (human), Rapid Flame bolt (2p), Hard to Kill (free combat edge)

Powers (30 ISP):

Detect/Conceal Arcana (2 ISP/hour)
Fly (3/6 ISP/target)
Stun (2 ISP)

Rapid fire attack string:

[dice=Psionics 1]1d12-2[/dice]

[dice=Psionics 2]1d12-2[/dice]

[dice=Psionics 3]1d12-2[/dice]


Flame bolt damage: 4d6.


1.) Boost Spirit to d10
2.) Edge: Improved Flame Bolt (up to 6d6 damage)
3.) Skills: Investigation and Notice to d10
4.) Edge: Streetwise