Savage Rifts and the Tomorrow Legion

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud.


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Auriel says something in an odd language that sounds a bit like Greek then says "Clearly, you have some options before you mayor. Perhaps instead of posturing like horny teens, we can sit, each present our case to the Mayor, and let her decide? Or do you both wish to keep shaming the organizations you represent with your behavior?"


"Elders, save me from the posturing of men with minute power."

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
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"Incorrect assumption, Coalition Officer of the Garnet Town Envoy," Atlas booms as he approaches the impromptu conference, his metal feet making deep impacts in the dirt. The assault mech states, "If your available strength was sufficient to pacify the region with maximum certainty, you would not be negotiating. Nor would you allow the heretic Psyker to continue to exist," he says with certainty.

"Since you have begun negotiation, you do not have sufficient strength to enter into open conflict. Therefore, since such a path of action is not tenable, you may discontinue further implications.

His death's head turns and regard the ley-line user. "Heretic Psyker," he opens, honestly not knowing what else to call him, "your statement is, at its base, accurate. However the same line of logic applies to your position. Given the recent reversal your political affiliation was recently handed, your de facto standing is more in alignment to the Legion's. It seems that threats will avail you naught."

He winds down, having done his duty to put everyone on equal footing.

It only seemed right.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The Coalition commander smirks. "Clearly you misunderstand our motives. If we had wished to 'pacify' Garnet Town, we would be talking amongst a smoldering hole. That is not the case at all. We only wish to station a force detachment from Fort El Dorado to protect Garnet Town from anything that might come through a Rift that forms from the nearby nexus. That is all. We will talk later, Mayor." He bows to her and turns to walk away.

The mage seems untouched by Attie's rebuttal. "We can discuss this at length later, machine man, but you see, only the Federation has the power to protect Garnet Town from the nexus and the Coalition. The Tomorrow Legion hasn't the influence or power." He gives a wave to the mayor. "On the morrow then."

When they both leave, you notice the mayor looking at Jonis. "It is obvious to me what the Tomorrow Legion can offer and having the likes of the Glitter Pilots among them warms my heart. I must be clear however. Garnet Town is my home. Has been for the better part of a century. I have no intention of handing the care of it over to anyone."

She sighs, choosing her next words carefully. "There is another group that has taken an interest in my leadership. Those Brodkil you killed said they belonged to the Black Market. They have been taking people from Garnet Town for some time. I haven't figured out their angle yet, but if you.. if you could, as a personal favor, find out what happened to them, I would certainly appreciate it. I have no money to give, but you would forever have a grateful mayor and mother as a friend."

"Ma'am, do you know where these 'Black Market' people are located?"

As almost an afterthought, he will add "Why IS everyone so gung-ho for your town, anyway?"

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
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If Atlas could cock an eyebrow, he would. "They call their political faction the Black Market? Why pick a name so common? That's like calling your hit-squad the Kitchen Knives, or your merchant group the Town Square."

Atlas goes silent, apparently musing on the lack of uniqueness in their most recent foe.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

She shakes her head. "I wish. I'd point those other two in that direction and wash my hands of them. That nexus does worry me and as much as I hate to admit it, if a Rift opens, we don't have the firepower to hold whatever may come out back. Especially if it is hostile. "

Most of the townsfolk start going back to their own lives as the mayor continues. "From what I've heard, the Black Market is not so much a faction but a name under which several criminal gangs operate. What I do know is that they are taking our people for whatever nefarious end. I don't trust the Coalition not to cause collateral damage and I doubt Symon, that mage, is telling me everything. That's why I'm asking you to look into it."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis approaches and smiles gently.
"Of course we will. And let me put you at ease. The Tomorrow Legion is not trying to make an empire. We are not into a land grab mission. We only want to help, if we can. And friendship is a treasure to us, more than any number of credits."
So we have been asked to look for the Brodkill we have already killed?

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
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Atlas throws a look at Jonis. "We're not?"

I also don't understand what our next Quest is in our Quest journal. =)

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis lets out a small laugh and grabs Attie's arm.
"Of course not, silly. We are not the coalition. We are here to help. To protect. We believe freedom and happiness are very important for everyone. We want these people to be able to live their lives as freely and pacefully as possible."

We just received a couple of quests, one the major storyline quest of "convince this village to work with the Tomorrow legion instead of either arguably worse option" and a side but related quest of "go stop the black market and return the kidnapped people if possible.

"Jonis has the right of it. Our organization is not about rulership, but people banding together to make the world a bit safer and less driven by madness."

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis looks at Auriel and smiles to him, her eyes gleaming, while she nods slowly with her head.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

She nods appreciatively. "Your altruistic goals aside, we would appreciate your looking into this. Please, just find them. Do so and I will certainly listen to your offer." She looks around, making sure you are alone. "And I highly recommend not letting those other two know what you're up to. They don't seem the friendly type."

Yep, two goals... convince the mayor that the Tomorrow Legion is true to their word and find those missing people...

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

"Who do the brodkill take? When? Do you have any clue where they might be?"

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The elfen like woman bows her head. "I'm sorry, I do not know. Many of the people who were taken were folks from the outlying farms. Our doctor, our only doctor, was the first one taken though."

She sighs, looking to her son who has been listening the whole time. "Maybe if you ask around, you might find someone who has seen more. If that Coalition uptight and his Fed counterpart were trustworthy, I'd say to ask them, but it is clear they have their own agendas."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human
Fighting d4, Investigation d6. Knowledge: Arcana d6, Knowledge: Engineering d6, Knowledge: Science d6, Healing d4, Lockpicking d6, Notice d8+2, Persuasion d4, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Techno-Wizardry d10-1
Bennies: 5/4 Wounds 0 Toughness: 8 (4) Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Strain: 1 Power Points: 15/15 Active Gadgets: Speak Language: D-Bee 5/7 PP

Jazz spends a long time uncharacteristically, sullenly silent after Attie's story. She does pick up one of the rifles of the dead Brodkil, tinkering with it, spending some time listening to it hum and crackle, but she stows it, even the sound of new, strange tech failing to appeal to her right now. During the whole confrontation between the Coalition Officer and the Federation Mage, she stares angrily at them from behind Attie's legs, seemingly unable to choose which one she hates more.

She finally speaks up to the mayor. "Wherever the Coalition and Federation go, people get dead. You think it's only weird people like me, or like Burgurk, but before long, it winds up being you," She leans to the side, looking over to her son. "Or the people you care about." Sniffing, then wiping her nose, she brightens up a bit. "Doctor, you said? Did they have a family?"

Sorry about my long absence. Military and con crunch are double-teaming my ass right now. :')

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

Atlas grows suddenly silent and stares at where Jonis' arm grabs his own, his deeply buried biological impulses fighting for control of the curcuitry and programming that are most of his person now.

Some part of him thinks that he should say something, but he can't think of what, so he says nothing until the moment passes.

Instead he nods at Jazz and at the mayor. "Do not worry, we will find them and destroy them." he states with his usual certitude. "I will make inquiries."

Atlas stomps away from the gathering until he sees more people that they've not talked to, and blares out, "Does anyone have more data on the recent raids on the outlying farms? We are going to destroy them. If you have any information, you shall come forth now."

There. That should do it.

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis walks behind Attie, and smiles when he queries the people.

Auriel will take a different tact: He is going to look for tracks away from the roads of large humanoids.

Tracking | Wild Die: 1d4 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 2

Spending a benny to reroll

Tracking | Wild Die: 1d4 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 6
EXPLOSIONS!: 1d6 ⇒ 3 9

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The mayor, Linith you've figured out, sighs heavily. "Old Man Duncan is our best medical practitioner. Honestly, our only one. He has no family here that is related to him, but he treats everyone as if they are his children."

As Attie bellows out, some of the townsfolk look up, visibly scared. One of them, a younger man whose hands look far older from a lifetime of hard work, approaches and clears his throat. "We aren't military folk, as you can plainly see. We just want to work hard and be left alone. I can tell you this though. We never had this much trouble until that armored fellow and that robed fellow showed up and started bothering Linith. Since then, she's been worried about that Rift and people have gone missing. I ain't no expert, but I don't believe in coincidences neither."

You slink off away from the town and skirt the perimeter. At first, you think you have something, but it turns out to be a hunting trail. As you make your way back, you spot a large indentation near the river bank. It is perfectly squared and you are 100 percent sure nothing natural made it. You follow the track points and sure enough, you find more evidence of this thing. Judging by the size of its tracks, it's probably a robot. Soon, you come upon more humanoid tracks with claws instead of toes. Those creatures you fought before would probably have made them. You feel if you go any further, you will come upon a camp, as you can smell a wood fire burning...

-Posted with Wayfinder


Stealth | Wild Die: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 4 12 total

Having likely found a camp, Auriel will sneak forward to see if it is just a group of travelers or the demons that his group is looking for.

Notice | Wild Die: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 61d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Holy Snikies! that's a 28

Auriel calls everyone on their comms to meet him outside of town.

Once they arrive, he will share what he learned during his scouting trip:

"I found their camp, and here is what I learned:

They have a robot: I believe it is called a forager, but I'm not exceptionally well-versed on such vehicles. I did notice, however, that it is armed with Ion cannons and several missile launchers.

There are seven of the Brodkil demons in total, including one of them that I believe would be the chieftain of the tribe. He wore cybernetic armor, which was adorned with the skulls of sentients. I never saw the robot's pilot, but it is conceivable that he is the leader of this group."

As he is talking, Auriel draws a map in the dirt using a stick of the camp.

finishing the map, Auriel will add "Do with the others as you see fit, but the one in the cybernetic armor is mine. The only people who wear the skulls of their fallen adversaries are those who have abandoned common decency. I wish to Chastise him greatly."

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C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
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Atlas simply nods, already feeding the tactical data into his A-TAC program and anticipating the combat to come. "Let us move out."

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

Burgurk will keep it to himself that many of his people's warriors wear the skulls of their conquests on their belts.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Going to presume everyone is headed to the camp..., but are we approaching straight on or nice and quiet like?

Auriel will be fine with either Ninja-ing or straight up walk in and challenge the leader to a fight. Or something in between.

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

"Why don't those of us who *don't* stand out," glancing at Atlas and Jonis, "attempt to sneak as close as possible to their camp. Then the heavy-hitters can approach and engage them in conversation, and when fighting breaks out, we'll have the drop on them."

"I am a practiced hand at using stealth. The enemy I was trained to fight often uses numbers to it's advantage and so typically requires surgical strikes."

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

Atlas shrugs.
*teehee* See what I did there? =3
"I am indeed adapt at approaching without notice. I will lay in an enfilading position to those that approach loudly. If the engagement becomes hostile, I will lay down a withering fire, ensuring the safety of those of us that are exposed.

This should make me the primary target, allowing the others to attack with relative safety," he states, impassionately.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Auriel will reach up and pat Atlas on the shoulder as he says "For someone that doesn't seem to like people, you spend a lot of time trying to protect them from harm."

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Okay guys, on the second page of Roll20 I put up a full map of the camp. With Auriel's amazing scouting, you guys can enter on any side you like, then I will edit the main map as needed for the fight, if there is one... All but the robot are gathered throughout the tents. The robot is somewhere in the river...

Probably in a van.

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

Lol *snort*

True to his word, as the group approaches the enemy's location, the big mech hunches down, his gliding step attempting to distribute his heavy weight over the greatest area, and his inner A-TAC looking for the paths of least resistance and greatest concealment.

Stealth!: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Stealth: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
Oh I guess this went well: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Again with this crazy nutsness!?!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP!?!?!?!?!?!: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Beyond all reason or expectation, the laws of physics are heard softly crying in the background as the battleroid finds a path of moss-covered rock that drown all sound as he makes his way into the emerald copse like an undead spirit. Like a scientifically augmented operative. Like a Wraith.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Amazing.. didn't know you had sound dampeners, cloaking field and phase generators... Seriously though, is it just you two? Did we lose the others? You're going to need them for this fight..

Much like the Dude, I abide.

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

Burgurk attempts to follow in Atlas' footsteps (literally) :

Oh, cr*p, I just checked and he doesn't have Stealth!

Stealth & Wild: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 11d6 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

Spending a Benny...

Stealth & Wild: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 21d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
Stealth ACE!: 1d4 ⇒ 2 = 4, a Success!

2 Bennies left

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis will remain back, not wanting to ruin the surprise for the others, and amazed at Attie ability of advance disappearing into the environs.
When the others are in position...
She will approach with her Glitter Girl in plain view, calling the brodkill with her loudspeaker.
"This is GlitterGirl pilot Jonis Witta of the Tomorrow Legion. Please lay down your weapons, as I have information linking you with some disappearances in the town near here! Please comply!"

Auriel will also slip into the shadows, moving from cover to cover and sticking to his weird-looking crouch-run.

Stealth | Wild Die: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 81d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ace!: 1d6 ⇒ 3 17.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

As the rest of you slip into the trees, shrubbery and shadows created by them, the camp itself becomes quickly abuzz with activity due to Jonis' entrance. You spot several of those red-skinned creatures from before, some with obvious bionics, some not. All are armed with laser rifles of some kind and look to be ready for a fight, but they don't open fire yet. Instead, your comms crackle to life.

"Foolish girl, the Tomorrow Legion has no authority over this place and certainly not over me. Leave now and I will call off the demons, don't and they will tear you limb from limb. The choice is yours GlitterGirl pilot Jonis Witta. Make it quick, these guys don't like to wait around very long.."

The voice is strangely human. The brodkil aim their weapons in the direction of Jonis' GG and you see one with several trophies strapped to his body in the form of skulls and arms carrying a larger rifle, possibly a plasma cannon...

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

From his prone position, Atlas impassionately feeds the targeting data into his A-TAC. *ksssk*Negotiations unsuccessful. Request permission to neutralize hostile.*ksssk*

From his hidden position, Auriel will whisper into his comms "All, I'm going to go offer my challenge. This may go very badly, but I want to try to end this with as little bloodshed as possible. If violence breaks out, Jonis will be in charge of dealing with the Robot vehicle, although she will probably need your help Attie. Burgurk, please give me backup as you see fit. I will kill the large Brodkil, or die in the attempt."

With that, Auriel will move from his hidden position into camp, walking with as much confidence as he can muster.

"Hear me, oh demonic host. I have come to lay terms for a duel. I know that none among you are brave enough to take my challenge, so I will stand here and wait until one of you finds your courage and chooses to accept my challenge."

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

Burgurk does a face-palm when he sees what Auriel does...

DM SBM, how far away are we-who-are-hidden from the demons? I noticed no one (including me) moved their icons on your map...
And gee, now that I've actually *read* the rules for Stealth, I could have been crawling and using Cover to make my first roll a Success!

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]

I've moved my icon. I'm in the woods. The woods are me. Also, whoa, I'm intrigued by this "page 27" and the secrets therein.....

Atlas just nods. When he was human he, too, had a lover affair with death. Fortunately he was cured instead of killed when he acted in a manner that surely would have resulted in death.

**Die with honor** he just sends to the soft, squishy human.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

As I mentioned, all of your Stealth rolls were high enough you could start anywhere on the map, even in camp if you so liked. This means you may place yourselves anywhere, other than Auriel who is now the center of attention... This map is huge, but all of you are on it.

As Auriel steps up, his challenge issued, several of the demons come out eager to test their mettle against this interloper. The one with all the trophies steps forward however, laser rifle over his shoulder.

"State your terms mortal and we will see where to add your head to my collection."

The other demons hoot and holler in agreement, the chant begins, "Agor, Agor, Agor..."

As they await Auriel's answer, a Forager-class robot emerges from the river. It takes up an overwatch position behind Jonis and waits.

Female Human Glitter Girl | Bennies 3 Wounds 0 Cha +4 Parry 5 | Normal: Pace 6 Tough 5 Notice d6 | On Glitter Boy: Size 3 Pace 10 Run d10 Swim 6 Wounds 0 Tough 29 (18 MDC) Notice d6+2 | Status: Normal

Jonis makes a silent prayer for Auriel, her face flush with admiration for the brave warrior.
She digs her Glitter Girl down, facing the Forager, but keeping her boom gun in the "stored" position.

"My terms are simple. A fight until one person surrenders or is no longer capable of fighting. When I win, you will give us all of the people from the village you have taken. What the fallout of that is, is on you to deal with. Additionally, you will leave the village alone, your employers be damned."


"Should I fail, I will grant you a tattoo, similar to what the Splynn offer."

Switching back to American, Auriel will finish with "If my allies interfere, I forfeit. If your allies interfere, you forfeit. We will each have one minute to prepare, and battle in a cleared area, as I have no wish to destroy your lodgings."

"Are my terms agreeable?"

Dark Archive

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
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Atlas' comm unit is honed in on the conversation, rail gun trained in that direction.

Internally he nods, then his A-TAC sends a message throughout his programming.
'Orders Acknowledged. Chapter I, verse 18-20.'

His grenades launcher loads a spread of 3 fragmentation.

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

Ok, I've updated my position. Seems strange standing in the middle of an open field, but I'm assuming there's more cover than indicated by the map...

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Burgurk, can you see the entire map? It is big, I know, but there are plenty of trees around. Right now I have you in the center of the camp, right behind all the demons...

The one called Agor ponders Auriel's offer for a long time. Long enough for all of you to see that the other demons with him are getting itchy trigger fingers. He answers finally, with a laugh. "Your terms are acceptable, tiny one, brave and foolish, but acceptable. Prepare yourself. Your minute is running out."

With that, he waves off the other demons who reluctantly lower their weapons and back away to form a fighting circle in an open area. The chieftain puts down his energy weapons and instead activates a large chainblade that extends out from his arm. It is then that two more bionic arms appear from his back that he flexes as if they had muscles. He grins as he walks towards the center of the circle.

Whatever prep you have in mind, do it now, he's out for blood...

Male Simvan Mind Melter; Wounds 0, Bennies 3/3; Parry 7, RATN 6, Toughness 13(8); Heal d4, Intim d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Psionics d12; 70 ISP

I wanted to be close enough to target them with a Mind Blast without range penalties. I think I was zoomed in so close that I didn't see the tents, and didn't realize I was in their camp. Does the map accurately reflect where all the cover (the trees) is?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Yep. I spent a good hour sizing it right....

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