Savage Rifts and the Tomorrow Legion

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud.


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So build the Novice and then add 9 advancements, wow.
Seems like we could make use of a Flying Titan in this group.
Like a GIFTED Flying Titan who can fly without his armor too!

Just a thought.

What do you guys think you need the most?
From looking, it is NOT Telekinesis ...

Sovereign Court

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Brook Longshot wrote:

So build the Novice and then add 9 advancements, wow.

Seems like we could make use of a Flying Titan in this group.
Like a GIFTED Flying Titan who can fly without his armor too!

Just a thought.

What do you guys think you need the most?
From looking, it is NOT Telekinesis ...

Looks like nobody has any significant social skills. Jingμ has Persuasion d4 and Burgurk is running on default. Barbara (if she is picked to join) is only running d6 (+1 to a subset of the population), with a small bonus when interacting with human settlers who respect the legend of the Glitter Boys.

Dark Archive

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Still looking for players? I'm in two games with GM ZenFox and she mentioned this game needed bodies.

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Ummm...don't know if that was auto-fill, but just for the record, I'm a traditional "he" offense taken. ;)

I've got attributes, skills, hindrances, and edges for a MARS character. I won't post the details yet, but the character was created using the Rogue Scholar package and is heavy on Smarts skills, languages, and related edges such as investigator, Linguist, and some helpful results on the Hero's Journey rolls. Likely male, middle-aged, traveled extensively, studied at what advanced universities and libraries still existent in different countries, fought in some wars in other dimensions, where he picked up the Internal Life Support upgrade while dealing with a world that was hard to breath in. Also has Thief edge and modest thievery skill.

Has d8 fighting and shooting skills plus some combat edges to help him hold his own once he gets some decent weapons and armor.

I'm still working on other ideas.

Someone mentioned persuasion. I have a Mystic in development who would make a good face, so I'll work that up next.

While I'm at it, I'm going to reroll the Hero's Journey result for my mystic since it resulted in Danger Sense edge which mystics already get as part of the iconic package.

1d20 ⇒ 5 off Experience & Wisdom table.
With a nose for opportunities, horse-trading, and five-fingered discounts, your hero is the go-to person for getting what’s needed in a crunch. He has the Scrounger Edge.

Re: Advancements and MARS characters. Yes, that means that they start with 13 advancements, as they already start at seasoned rank.

Re: Starting Wealth. I will have to look into this for RIFTS, as I don’t have my books in front of me. Standard rules say that it is double each rank, so veteran would be 2000. That is supposed to take into account your expenditures over your adventuring career. Plus, you also get the Legion beginning package and whatever your framework and any fortune rolls provide. Again, I will look more closely at this when I get to my books.

Something to note for those of you with machines or thinking about getting machines. Elsie, the group vehicle, is also heavily armed and armored, so you will have that as support as well.

@Joseph: I think there might be room for another. Post up a character idea and we’ll go from there.

I've roughed out a mystic character (female human, age about 30). Best attributes Spirit d10 and Vigor d10. Best skills: Notice d8, persuasion d8, Faith d10, Healing d8, Performance d8, psionics d8. Fighting and Shooting d6 mostly for self-defense, as she will not be a formidable fighter.

Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, and Vow (part of Complications).

Edges (Hero's Journey rolls and Iconics Package) Scrounger, Arcane Background (Miracles), Arcane Background (Psionics), Master of Magic, Power Points, Major Psionics, Danger Sense.

Edge (From Hindrances and advances): Attractive, Charismatic, Beast Master, Beast Master 2 (Size 1), Beast Master 3 (Size 2), New Powers 1, New Powers 2

Beast Master companion is a snow leopard (Big Cat, size 2).

If I go with this character, I'll probably include a power or two for combat but make the bulk of her powers more support oriented. She would make a good face, with good persuasion and networking options.

I think I will work out a Dragon Hatchling next and then choose from the three, so let me know which might make the best addition.

The entry on Dragon Hatchling in the Rifts Sourcebook is for a Fire based dragon, but it suggests there are other types with potentially different attributes. Let me know if anyone has any sourcebooks that spell any of the others out. I can go with a fire dragon, but might see something I like better.

DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:

Re: Advancements and MARS characters. Yes, that means that they start with 13 advancements, as they already start at seasoned rank.

Re: Starting Wealth. I will have to look into this for RIFTS, as I don’t have my books in front of me. Standard rules say that it is double each rank, so veteran would be 2000. That is supposed to take into account your expenditures over your adventuring career. Plus, you also get the Legion beginning package and whatever your framework and any fortune rolls provide. Again, I will look more closely at this when I get to my books.

Something to note for those of you with machines or thinking about getting machines. Elsie, the group vehicle, is also heavily armed and armored, so you will have that as support as well.

@Joseph: I think there might be room for another. Post up a character idea and we’ll go from there.

I realize that no one has solicited endorsements, but all of these people are awesome players (I know them as Isabella, Arabella, and Daisy respectively).

"A cleric, a taoist, and a hooker walk into a bar ..."
Well, mostly kidding.
I actually want my character to be the North American Gigolo in this one, for background anyway.

Filthy Rich Half-DBee Bastard Power Armor Ace
Left out one of the descriptors until I hear back from Jessie ...

Dragon Hatchling Hero's Journey Roll
Psionics: 1d20 ⇒ 2
With deep concentration, meditation, or prayer, your hero regains her ISP at a faster rate than most. She gains the Rapid Recharge Edge, or improved Rapid Recharge if she already has that Edge.

My third character option is a dragon hatchling. It has some psionic powers and some Magic powers, plus breath weapon, large size, high armor and toughness, high strength, powerful melee attacks, and it can fly. Magic powers: Healing, Stun, Summon Ally, invisibility, teleport. Psionic powers Speak Language, Empathy, Mind Link.

Hindrances: Clueless and Tongue-Tied
Edges: Rapid Recharge, Counterattack, Improved Counterattack, and First Strike.

Weak on skills but tough in a fight.

I think that is where I'm going to stop. I've considered a Ley Line Walker and a Techno-Wizard, but I'm happy with the mystic as a spell user and the Techno-Wizard seems too complex to try to work out and advance.

I'll make a decision about which I'd like to use and submit a detailed profile for review. I'm open to suggestions as to which to play. Each one has a different sort of appeal to me, so I could go with any one.

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