Savage Rifts and the Tomorrow Legion

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud.


Using the new Savage Rifts Rules, we will follow the exploits of a recently established SET (Special Exploration Team) consisting of the following:

SET Team X-Ray 23, the " "
Senior Warrant Officer (WO2) Josiah Oates, Human Techno-Wizard Driver, Sidekick of Jingμ
Lance Sergeant (E4) Burgurk, Simvan Telekinetic, 630cr/wk
Senior Legionnaire (E3) Jingu, Melliferan Psi-Warrior 585cr/wk
Senior Legionnaire (E3) Jace Belleraphon, Human Juicer, 585cr/wk


Hover Rig: 

The favored means of transporting goods overland, the “Big Bertha” Heavy Cargo Hauler 2000 hearkens back to the “big rig” semi-trucks of the old American Empire. These advanced cargo haulers feature powerful hover systems, allowing them to travel long distances over wild terrain without the need of roads, and feature universal connectors for up to three trailers or box cars, with hover jets to balance and accommodate their load. Ubiquitous in North America, Tractor Hover Trucks are often used to travel to remote, dangerous locations (55 tons, Rarity −2, 40 million credits).

NG-HCH-2000 Tractor Hover Truck: Size 8 (Huge), Handling +1*, 175 MPH, Toughness 42 (20), Crew 2+2, Remaining Mods 6
Notes: ECC, Hover, MDC Armor, Nuclear Powered, STS. *Typically tows one to three cargo boxcars (see APT above) −1 Handling and −25 MPH each fully loaded APT.

Lost Ones-:

Shakti- Sacrificed self for the greater good.
Recruit Legionnaire (E1) Taylor- KIA in battle against Hollis
Recruit Legionnaire (E1) Gardner- KIA in battle against Hollis
Recruit Legionnaire (E1) Lerner- KIA in battle against Hollis
Recruit Legionnaire (E1) Harris- KIA in battle against Hollis
Recruit Legionnaire (E1) O’Neill- KIA in battle against Hollis
Senior Legionnaire (E3) Andrew Hudson- KIA in battle against Hollis
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Frost- Clueless Simvan- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Zacharia ‘Zax’ James Casey, Legionnaire, Driving d8- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Senior Legionnaire (E3) Jason Gorman- Cowardly Human- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Wierzbowski- Bright(1) Smarts d6 Human- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Burke- Heroic (1)- Fighting d8 Human- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Spunkmeyer- Heroic D-Bee Vernulian- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Dietrich- Sneaky Dwarf- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Junior Legionnaire (E2) Crowe- Agile (1)- Agility d8 Human- Lost at Battle of Garnet Town
Captain (O3) Arsenio Deloso, Human Burster
Captain (O3) Arsenio Deloso, Human Burster- Reassigned

Other Folk:
Castle Refuge:(Lead Hill, AR)

  • Major Gundar Grimjack, Dwarf Special Teams Handler
  • Lieutenant Kessa McDare, Human Comms Specialist
  • Sgt. Harrison Feines, Human Chief Hangar Technician
  • Captain Michael Tiller, Human Special Operation Pilot
  • Top Chief Elle of Owls, D-Bee Head of Special Operations

Garnet Town:(Emerald Beach, MO)

  • Lithari- Mayor of Garnet Town
  • Von- Mayor Lithari’s son
  • Lt. James Beehan- Coalition Officer assigned to monitor Garnet Town
  • Old Man Duncan- dwarven doctor and sage of Garnet Town

Pux: (Puxico, MO)
Whykin: (Poplar Bluff, MO)
Kingsdale: (West Plains, MO)
CS El Dorado: (Little Rock, AR)
Newtown: (Fort Smith, AR)
Paragould: (Paragould, AR)

  • Overseer Desmond Jones, Human
  • Hollis- Leader of a Mercenary Company that has been harassing Paragould
  • Captain Nerun- Elven Legionnaire sent to take over protection of Paragould


  • Alana Grayspear- Fallen CyberKnight, taken to another dimension by an alien intelligence...
  • Auriel Acherean- True Atlantean Undead Slayer, whereabouts unknown, last seen speaking with Coalition officer via comms in Pux. When the dragon appeared, he was gone.
  • Jasmine 'Jazz' Greyjune- Human Techno-Wizard, last seen in Garnet Town, before the battle with the Brodkil gang. Current whereabouts unknown.
  • Jonis Witta- Human Glitter Girl Pilot and Legionnaire, current whereabouts unknown. Last seen holding off a horde of zombies so the team could escape.
  • Sir Gavryn Wyat, CyberKnight- last seen at Castle Refuge when returning the Falerin. Reassigned to another team.
  • Atlas 21-12, Combat Cyborg- Last seen in Garnet Town, left after getting word of finding Jonis.
  • Sir Humphrey Worthington Smythe, Crazy- Last seen in Garnet Town speaking with Old Man Duncan. Decided to stay in Garnet Town to help settle in the troops.
  • Jaqueline "Jaq" Cho, Human Techno-Wizard, SET Team Member, reassigned after returning to Castle Refuge
    Specialist 1st Class Anya "Wraith" Whiteangel, Human (?) From another dimension and time. , CR ??, Last seen in Paragould. After taking off in her panzer armor, she was unable to be reached via comms...

GM Stuff:

M1-Fine Solution 1- Complete
M2- Arcane Anomaly- Rift Opens (Random, Dimensional, Partial, 90ft, 10 hours, Every 3 seconds, 11 Realms (Rifts Earth, Faelerin,...)- Complete
M3- Garnet Town Gambit- Complete
M4- Vampire Invasion- Complete
M5- Rescue Jaq- Complete, 16 XP so far.
M6- Fine Solution 2, Circle of Death- Complete, 3 XP, 19 XP Total
M7- Recon in Force Hollis’ Hellions- Complete, 5 XP, 24 Total, Seasoned.
M8- Recapture Garnet Town and Setup Comms Tower- Complete, 3 XP, 27 total, Seasoned to 7 Advances
M9- Fine Solution 3- Triangle Trade(Veteran)- Side Mission to Get to Veteran, then main part., 8 Advances. 9 at End,