the_infidel's page
Organized Play Member. 41 posts (688 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.
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This is the second month in a row my Paizo Advantage discount was not applied. Hope this recurring issue can get resolved.
Order currently missing the discount is #36421549.
I don't seem to have received my Paizo Advantage discount on order 36369029.
Appreciate your help with resolving this!
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Quote: this was overall very tone-deaf to begin with HARD disagree - city watch storylines are quintessential fantasy fare - but nonetheless, I'm happy this statement alleviates some folks' concerns and that the Player's Guide will explore alternative approaches.
>>Additionally, a particularly eyebrow raising line is to treat paizo products in a generally good light. So, an objectively bad product is released and requires a generally good review on YouTube according to community use rules?
Reviews would fall under Fair Use doctrine. That is an entirely separate standard, and doesn't involve the usage of Paizo material under community use terms.
No sign ups happening or anything yet - we’re still, what, two months out? But I’ll be sure to pop back in here in a month or so, and you’re at the top of the list! Should be timed so that all published ancestries and all the APG material will be fair game for the campaign too...
I’m planning to run Agents of Edgewatch as soon as it releases, with a slight wrinkle depending on how the Player’s Guide and Book 1 look.
More than likely l’ll run it as a play by Discord on the Roll for Combat server (discord games routinely sustain a faster pace of play - and thus, a better level of engagement -than PbP) but am happy to grab any excited players from the thread here....
Hi team,
I'm sure you're sorting through a ton of these right now, but I'm having an issue with the complementary Pathfinder Society subscriptions. Order 18158104 was generated as an order for 1-14 and 1-15, but they haven't appeared in my Digital Content. Any assistance is appreciated!
Having the same problem here - missing 1-14 and 1-15. Has there been a Paizo update about whether there is an underlying issue at play?
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I would like to cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription (only) at this time.
Thank you!
Too bad, but thanks for the update. Going to use the time to swap to a different PFS character (Animal Companion Druid) l played in a FtF Sandstone Secret game today.
Getting my character in order tonight - Human Ranger
Quote: should I start GMing now, or should I wait for the right, better time? With GMing, there is no better time! Best to just jump right in with both feet.
I've only GM'd PbP, but I can't conceive of any circumstances under which PbP would be harder than FtF. If you've been successful at that, PbP should be a breeze. The only concern I might have that the slow pace of play can really be a drag, especially if you're someone like me whose enthusiasm and available time ebbs and flows over the course of months....
Don't worry, we promise to hold it against you!;)
Have some fun with it. Everyone is excited about the new edition!
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Joana, thanks for stepping forward to take the first crack at running this. I've been staring at my Hellknight Hill book refusing to open it in the hopes of getting into an early campaign.;-)
Will be submitting:
A: Human (Half-elf)
B: Haunting Vision
C: Sorcerer
Full submission to come.
Planning to go Human Champion, but happy to change if someone else is set on it or we have a glut of melee...
Don't want to overcommit, so I'm going to withdraw from this one.
Thanks for GMing, probably going monk here.
I do need to say that when Customer Service was able to reach me in their queue, they resolved the shipping error expertly. Thanks!
Looking forward to playing. Thanks for running 2nd Edition right out of the gates!
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I've got to say, Paizo CS has been tremendously unsatisfactory this last week. Emails and forum posts are going un-answered.
I'm sure the pending 2e release crunch is stressing things, but the bug with subscriptions not registering a start with 2e products has cost me some cash out of pocket (1e stuff charged and shipped despite my best efforts). It won't kill me, but its the kind of recurring issue for subscriber after subscriber that I'd hoped would be dealt with on something more than an ad hoc, forum post-by-forum post basis...
Well, unfortunately the subscription appears to be charging and shipping a 1st edition product (Tyrant's Grasp #5). Is there any recourse to rectify this problem?)
Thanks for your attention.
Hello CS team!
Same problem you’ve been hit with often, I have had with order #7889972. I would like the subscription to start with the 2nd edition AP, rather than the 1st edition Tyrant’s Grasp books. Any help is much appreciated!
I’m experiencing the same issue with the Campaign Setting subscription. It forced a start with Druma rather than the Lost Omens guide as selected.
Quote: By doing this, it encourages strange behaviour (I will danglenif every protrusion on the ceiling to use acrobatics for initiative) Not sure what this hyperbole is about. You're the GM....you can call BS on something like that pretty easily. (e.g. you're concentrating on your gymnastics routine such that you have a negative modifier to the initative roll, you're going to be fatigued after three rooms of that, etc etc...)
DM Nex:
I'd like to get in as part of the first wave, as we all muddle through and learn together!
Fezzik, (Goblin Renegade) Goblin Rogue
Stats - forthcoming!
Favorite AP: Haven't played many too deeply, but probably a tie between Ironfang Invasion and (3pp) Way of the Wicked.
Thanks for the second table, GM Blake. Signed on...
Wow - much appreciated, GM Blake!
Man, way too slow to the party. What’s the likelihood of another Playtest table opening this late hour?
GM Garrett,
I hope you don't mind but I'd like to withdraw. I had a few unexpected acceptances in other PbPs, and I don't want to spread too thin. As we haven't kicked off and its a society scenario, I figure it'd be easy to swap someone else in. If that's a problem, let me know and I'll see through the commitment. Thanks!
Ah, crap. Thought we were starting 6 October. I'll get my character into final order this evening...
Mystic Stats & Skills:
STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12 INT 10 WIS 18 CHA 13
Bluff +5
Diplomacy +5
Disguise +5
Intimidate +5
Mysticism +8
Perception +8
Sense Motive +8
Survival +4
Seems suitable for captaining and....not much else on the ship?
I've got a Human Mystic created that I'd like to use.
Would this be a good event to jump into, both as a first time Starfinder player and first time Society player (of either stripe)? If so, count me in!
Building out a Human Cleric of Calistria. Think he'll be a neat fit for the campaign...
Interested in this. Will work up something this evening - always fun getting in on the ground floor for new material.
Dotting for a coming submission....
Developing a Halfling Bard, brand new to Pathfinder and PbP.....
Lucendar, what constraints are you placing on Tiefling Character creation?
I feel like you can't have a Westcrown story without horn-head, and none have been offered yet. I am leaning towards a Tiefling black sheep of a minor Westcrown noble family. Long in exile, a letter from her father grudgingly summons her back to the city - her brother, and heir to the family, has apparently disappeared into a "resistance movement"....
Trait would obviously be Infernal Bastard, Sorcerer class....
Really interested in this one. Character forthcoming, EST...
I'll be proposing a Dwarven Fighter (Brawler). He'd certainly have a lot of fun pubcrawling with the Cayden Cailean Inquisitor, for sure, sticking his finger in the eye (sometimes literally, he's a brawler after all) of the provincial non-human prejudice...