Jonkar's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (160 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


I am interested, I'm an inexperienced player though if that's ok!

I would love to join too, but sadly have no level 4 characters

Voted :)

Looking for a game of Rise of the Runelords, with my half-elf druid!

This combat is turning out like somewhat of a comedy haha

Apologies guys, I had a really busy day with a sick kid :( I'm back on board now. Thanks for botting me.

My Dwarven fighter is called Strom Highbash :) Looking forward to it!

Hello there,

I'm fairly new to PbP (Done a few games of AL on Mythweavers) and new to Pathfinder itself. Really interested in experiencing it.

So if you'll have me, I'd like to join with my dwarven fighter, level 1.

I'm really new to pathfinder society though, so I'll probably have questions aplenty.

phaeton_nz wrote:
dotting in
