JRoy's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is this all pbp?

Now just need to find a dm to run one on FGU

Would this be PBP?

Looking for AP online.

In PST, would prefer Ironfang Invasion, GiantSlayer or Carrion Crown.

Pm me if you need a player, lots of experience and plays well with others.

Lots of experience with pf1, brand new to online gaming but looking to make the jump thanks to the virus.

Let me know if interested.

Still working, so will need someone else to dm.

Looking for players/dm to play one of those APs.

Have 2 players total, need to fill out the rest.

Pm me if interested.


Am in Sherwood, might be able to get to Portland for a regular game. Sounds like you are more interested in being a player rather than dm.
Same applies to me.
Interested in starting an AP or home brew if a dm/other players can be found.

Would have to be a weeknight for me.

DM Swan wrote:
Any luck finding a game in your area??? I'm in Newberg and ended up starting a game in Salem since I couldn't find players in the Newberg/Sherwood/McMinnville area. Good luck to you.

I’m in Sherwood in a weekly game, looking to start/join another. Pm me if you’re tired of driving to Salem.

I play in a weekly pf game in Sherwood might want to start a 2nd one if we can find a dm

Pm me if interested

Have a group of 8-9 pathfinder players in Sherwood Oregon.

Playing every Wed night 7-10 , would like to split into
2 smaller groups but need a dm tobrun AP

Could this be you?

Our wednesday group in Sherwood Oregon is so big we may have to split into two groups ....need a second dm

Thanks but really looking for a weekly pf game on a week night

DM Swan wrote:
We have a Friday night game going in Salem if you are interested.

What are you playing?

Long time PF vet looking start/join PF AP in Portland, Oregon area.

Hoping for Friday or Sunday nights.

Will need dm may be able to get a few other players as well as myself.

Please advise if interested.

Very interested.

Let me know if you still have a slot a available.

Howdy, all.

Looking to start or join an existing Pathfinder group in Pasco County, Florida.

Have 3-4 other interested gamers in the area as well. Need a dm (at least) and maybe some other players to make this happen, would like to play one of the adventure paths start to finish.

Please contact me if interested.
