![]() Hey guys, just a wandering mercenary here who might be stumbling into you soon. I'm playing in another of dust's games and he let me know you had a slot to fill. A barbarian might be coming along with me. Dust suggested that a ranged support might be helpful. Have you guys noticed an area that needs to be addressed. Any suggestions of what you would like to see? ![]()
![]() Lini looks down at the ground and kicks some rocks. "I'm glad you were here. I couldn't have beat that thing by myself, for sure!" She then wishes you luck, and says she must be on her way. Following Chalmer's suggestion, the rest of you gather what you can, and head back to the museum. A delegation from the Pathfinder Society is meeting with Nigel Aldain when you return. You draw a few stares, with your clothes shredded, stained red, and smelling of salt water. Nigel is ecstatic to see you, however. He thanks you profusely for avenging Anumet's gruesome murder and collecting the key to Ralzeros's mysterious chamber, which the Society collects to lock away for the time being, much to the disappointment of Nigel. "More investigation needs to be done before this key will be ready to be fitted back in that thing." The Society rep explains. "In the meantime, I think it's time for you lot to head back to the lodge. I'm sure Venture-Captain Dreng will be wanting to hear your story over a few rounds." He concludes as he slaps you on the back and heads for the exit. Cue rolling credits Feel free to role-play your way our, but this concludes this very difficult mission! ![]()
![]() As Kebrin begins to blink, he notices that his wounds are beginning to heal. He sees Shirin move to Chalmers, as she applies some healing magic to him as well, although he is not yet blinking. Meanwhile, the summoned creatures, and large cat, continue to brutalize The Devourer. As the earth elemental lands yet another solid blow onto the chest of the creature, it finally caves in. Dust wheezes out of it's lungs as he says, "The portal..." with his last breath. He crumples to the floor just as Kebrin and Chalmers begin to regain control of their bodies. "Droogami and I watched that dead thing enter this tower." Lini says. "This place has served as a natural home to the reefclaws and other creatures for a long time. I was afraid that dead thing was going to ruin it all. Then I saw you guys go in after him and decided we had to help. That was a close one!" The room you are in seems to have been some sort of library. Now that you are not fighting for your lives, you see that ancient non-magical scrolls line the walls. The undead creature, itself, has magical scrolls and wands on it's person. The most interesting item is a scroll case with the same designs you saw earlier on the door to Ralzero's magical chamber, the Ineffable Pattern. The copper colored metal of the scroll case seems to be of equal hardness to steel, if not mithril. You know that the folks back at the Blakros Museum would be bery interested in it. ![]()
![]() Shirin's elemental rises from the stony ground and pummels two granite fists into the undead creature, with a dry crack, as dust rises from it's cloak. The gnome finishes whatever druidic spell she was weaving and an eagle appears accros from her cat friend with a screech as it seeks to flay the creature, landing a viscous bite, plucking out one of the creature's eyes. talon: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 2 = 141d4 ⇒ 3
Taking advantage of the momentary lapse of attention, the snow leopard continues to claw and scratch at the creature, scoring a couple of hits of it's own. Grabbing his leg in his teeth again, the cat shakes, but is unable to drop him again. Still, congealed blood flies everywhere! bite: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 2 = 191d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Enraged at the new attackers destroying it's body, The Devourer quickly lashes out at the bird and cat, knowing that it can't paralyze rock. bite cat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 91d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Missing every single time. Lini, the gnome, then reaches out a hand toward the webbing. Fire engulfs her hand and then quickly spreads out along the strands, as the disappear in a puff. Shirin feels the heat wash over her and the ends of her hair gets singed, but it is gone before it becomes a worry. Webbing is no longer an issue. heroes, aka "Shirin", are up! Kebrin 4/11 2 rounds
![]() From behind Shirin, a cat the size of a common dog jumps over her and the webbing to place itself in front of the undead creature. Droogami CMB: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 221d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Bites it's leg and gives it a jerk, tripping the creature! Behind Shirin comes more aid! A female gnome, with green hair calls into the room, waving her arms in a mystical way. "Your unnatural state will not be allowed here!" and she continues casting a spell. One round has ticked by for Kebrin and two for Chalmers by the time we get back to Shirin. The undead creature stubbornly plants his hands on the ground and moves to get back up, providing an opening for the cat to get in another bite.
Kebrin 4/11 3 rounds
Shirin, you still have an action from last round and it is your turn again! ![]()
![]() The Devourer runs all of his options through his head. Seeing two opponents standing side by side, he contemplates one of his tried and true spells, but then decides since they are both right here in front of him, and one is paralyzed, why not make the other one paralyzed?! Then there will be just one more. Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 191d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
A bite and a swipe both score hits on Kebrin. Worse than that, His blood begins to slow... Kebrin, you take 7 points of damage and I need two Fort DC 15 checks. Kebrin 4/11
Shirin, You are up. I will need another escape artist, or CMB, check for you to get out of the webbing. ![]()
![]() Chalmers and Kebrin take very different approaches in clearing the heavy webs, but both find success. Chalmers makes it into the clear as Kebrin halts to check on Shirin. The web also crawls up the wall above the entrance. The web was centered at the entrance and went up the wall and across the floor. As Chalmers turns to check on his companions, He feels a presence behind him just as a horrid undead creature appears and he is attacked. Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 111d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
A flurry of strikes fly out at the warpriest, but only one claw manages to do damage. Chalmers, I need a fort save DC15 Or you will be paralyzed for Paralyzation: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 rounds! Initiative:
Chalmers: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Shirin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Kebrin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Devourer of Reason: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Kebrin 11/11
Kebrin is up. I'll say You can continue moving out if you want, Kebrin. Check free.
![]() Climbing up the rock slide caused within the staircase feels slightly intimidating, with it's close confines and choking dust still permeating the area. The rocks are secure, however, and each of you make it up with no trouble. The room you enter looks like a vault, containing crates and shelves stocked with countless papers, scrolls, times, and other wizardly items. No other door leads out. I have uncovered the room that the stairs lead to. 3g. Please place your tokens in the order in which you would like to enter, coming from 3f. And of course, the Earth elemental has went back to his home by this time. perceptions: Shirin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Chalmers: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Kebrin: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 ![]()
![]() Placing the sigil in the relief of the mosaic causes the wall to magically divide creating a doorway to what was once stairwell. Unfortunately, debris now fills the stairway and as the door opens rubble spills into the room creating an unearthly racket. As the rubble spills forth, you see that there is now enough room to climb up the choked stairway. No checks needed, though it's is treated as difficult terrain ![]()
![]() As the heroes regroup, the statue flails wildly at Chalmers. It completely over looks the earth elemental, thinking that it had previously destroyed it. Oversight ultimately led to its demise with a will-timed crit! Crumbling to the ground the tower level becomes fairly silent after the crashing booms of battle. Looking closer at the ruined statue, You notice that one of its eyes is a small Ruby while the other one is a silvery piece of jewelry. This piece of jewelry seems to fit into a sigil found by the group earlier. The other statues in the room also seem to have Ruby eyes that you could probably loose. ![]()
![]() More chunks fly off of the statue! It toddles for a moment, seeming as if it is about to crash to the ground in a heap, but manages to hold itself together. Righting itself, it takes two sweeps toward Chalmers.
Missing twice! Is this a Rocky movie or what?! They would have taken him to 0 if they had hit. Whew. What will happen next? Heroes up! Chalmers (12hp)
![]() Nice! The statue continues to flail at the elemental. slam: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Smashing it to bits and bits. Heroes up! I believe that Kebrin would be at 0 this round, as he was below 0 last turn. He should be at 1 next turn. Also, I think it makes more sense if I list what hit points the heroes are currently at and list how many hit points your opponents have lost. Don't want to give away info. Chalmers (11hp)
![]() Chalmers and the elemental continue to chip away at the statue. It looks as though it could still take quite a few more hits. Speaking of hits, He continues to flail. Elemental
Missing both times! Chalmers (-5hp)
Oh, Kebrin. DC 14 now.
![]() The elemental that the statue just smashed just reappeared! Not that he has feelings or anything, but this pisses him off! Nice job Shirin. I'm trying to give you guys a break since you're down one. You need more time until Chalmers can roll higher damage. Elemental
So wild is it, that neither slam finds it's target! Chalmers (-5hp)
Kebrin, I need a DC 13 con save to stabilize ![]()
![]() The statue comes out no worse for wear from the latest exchange. Swinging two more times, he looks to finish off his foes. elemental
The elemental dissipates into a cloud of dust as the stony fist pummels it. The swing at the enlarged Chalmers is a swing and a miss. Chalmers (-5hp)
Kebrin, I need a DC 12 con save to stabilize ![]()
![]() Botting Kebrin Kebrin continues to stabbity stab stab from flank position. Flank stab: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 dmg: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 61d6 ⇒ 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Earth Elemental
Both Kebrin and the the elemental What level of creature is this summons? At least one o the two drop. [b]Chalmers (-5hp)
![]() Retcon, Chalmers rolled a one and didn't hit to chip away two more points. The statue escapes unscathed from the heroes latest flurries and continues his windmills. Aurax
His first swing connects solidly with the dragon, knocking it unconscious. The second skips off Chalmers armor. It's sure to leave a bruise tomorrow, but no lasting damage. Chalmers (-5hp)
Ooh. One down. Not looking good heroes. ![]()
![]() All attacks, save an errant crossbow bolt, find purchase on the stone man. Unfortunately, none seem to do any lasting damage. Unconcerned with Kebrin and Chalmer's strategic flanking, he continues to flail. Aurax
Chalmers (-5hp)
Heroes are up! You may have surmised that the statue is not taking the first 8pts of damage from your attacks (hardness). With only three heroes active, this is a tough encounter. ![]()
![]() I was going to bot Aurax, but I don't see his attack info. The statue, now near surrounded, swings wildly left and right. First swing at Aurax
Second at Kebrin
Chalmers (-5hp)
Heroes are up! ![]()
![]() The statue, silent as...stone, pumps two stoney fists at Chalmers. slam 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
slam 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
One fist glances off of his armor, but the second hits with a deep thud. Chalmers (-5hp)
![]() Chalmer's hammer lands flush with the statue's chest. The solidness of the hit echoes up the haft of the weapon and into Chalmer's arm, numbing it momentarily. He sees that some of the statue did chip off, but not nearly as much as he'd hoped. It was like hitting stone! Chalmers
![]() Kebrin finds no signs of danger or traps. All of the statuary in this large hall seem ordinary, if not worn. As Chalmers enters the westernmost room, the statue directly west of him jolts to life. It's head swivels toward the warpriest as it silently steps down from its stand. Statue: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Roll off!:
Statue: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14 Chalmers: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 Bold are up!
![]() You see five statues within the long hallway cutting through the length of the tower. All are in different states of disrepair. There is an opening to the left behind a missing statue, and another chamber further to the west holding yet more statuary. Sorry, I seemed to have misplaced my laptop that has my google slide on it, so I finally had to relearn how to make another one. Please let me know if I need to do something else to allow you access. I can't remember if do or not. Nothing seems to be moving, making noise, or threatening. Let me know you wish to proceed. ![]()
![]() @Aurax - There are no items to nib, only a hole in the in the ceiling with a rope leading up to the next level. With Aurax having a climb speed, I'll speed things up and say that he is able to get to the next level and assist in pulling the rest of you up. It takes some time, and creates some bruises, but eventually you all make it to the next level. Broken statuary and debris covers the floor of this level. Some
You are safe for the moment. Nothing jumping out to get you, but you do indeed see a number of statues not far from here. I'll get the map up shortly. ![]()
![]() The amulet with the two small holes do not radiat any magic, but the wayfinder and torch both do, of course. The statues on the second floor can be reached by the worn rope in the first room. The ceiling here is twenty feet tall. Moving at 1/4 of your speed, I'll say it will take 2 checks to get to the top at a DC of 15. Once at the top, it would be possible to pull the next person up. ![]()
![]() Chalmers retrieves the wayfinder and golden amulet. The amulet seems to have two small holes bore into it, indicating that two additional pieces
Also scattered about the floor is an ivory map case, an everburning torch (easy to spot!) and a cold iron longsword sheathed in a jewel encrusted scabbard. This appears to be the remains of an adventuring party, and indeed the papers within the map case confirm this. Within, is an accounting of what happened to 'Daling's Delvers' as told by Daling himself. The group was accosted by reefclaws at the entrance, but was able to drive them off. They were then beaten up by animated statues on the floor above them. They had to leave one party member for dead and retreated back down here. While resting, the party bickered about what to do next, and soon the tide came back in and trapped them!. With the tide, came another reefclaw, and they were unable to drive it off. They retreated into this room to die. Daling still bickering with Ekiekito about what the golden sigil was intended for and where the other pieces might lie. ![]()
![]() After Shirin rights herself, following the hectic grapple scratch, the party moves toward the dryer of the two exits. To the north. Less likely that something will jump out of the water to get you when there's no water! Scattered bones and equipment lie strewn about this chamber’s
DC 10 Knowledge (religion):
The mosaic’s central figure as Nethys, the god of magic. DC 25 Knowledge (arcana):
lesser figures clustered around him depict noted wizards of ancient days Also, round rooms are pain to place a fog of war. lol, as you can see by my multiple shapes. ![]()
![]() Taking a quick peek through the southern door, leading to the creatures watery burrow that it emerged from, shows an empty space. Nothing of note can be found there, leaving you with the choices of the northern and western doorway. The doors having rotted off long ago. The doorway to the west seems to lead into a rather large room, partially under water. The door to the north is smaller, dry, and a hole in the back wall seems to lead to another space. ![]()
![]() Although she had not yet been harmed, it seemed certain death to stay and fight these creatures. In favor of self preservation, the young merrow releases Shirin and flees the tower the same way you just entered. After it's mad dash, sloshing through the sea water, it is now eerily quiet. There is still the doorway to the south, partially under water, to the west, a bit of water there, and a dry doorway to the north. There is also the rope leading up and through the hole in the ceiling. Although the rope starting to turn green you think as long as you go just one at a time it could be climbed. dungeoneering 15: the hole was where a spiral staircase once ascended and descended. The rubble at the base of this floor tells that there was yet another floor below this one. The floor below looks to be buried and not only rebel, but also water.