Game Master Rules

Magic Items
Monsters and Hazards
Running the Game

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Smoke / Fog and Concealment and Sensed and Unseen

CR readvisement?

New to GM, using spells in general and Making shops?

Can we rename Daemons for PF2?

Sneak Attack, Hunted Shot (or Flurry of Blows, maybe), Critical Hits

"Legendary Actions" on monsters

Flanking and Threatening

Poison, zero onset, one round interval

Elven / Mithral Chain item level inconsistency.

Creating a Help Hound

What's the Point of Spell Caps?

Adapting "Heroes of Undarin" for fewer than 4 players.

Spellstrike ammo timing?

Death by fluffy bunnies: What happens when the drained condition reduces a creature's maximum hit points to 0?

Form Fill-able Character Sheet

Assorted House Rules

Effect of Quality and Potency on Item Level

Incorporeal type granting Immunity to Precision but not Critical damage

Bleed and Undead

Good Save? Bad Save?

Wands Still Get Exhausted: Boo

Monsters and Resonance

Monsters Versus PCs - A tour of Crit City

Khala Breath Weapon Questions

Hazard Rules Are A Mess

Special Senses and monster stealth

Suggestion: Middle ground between "AoO for all" and "AoO for select few"

Two Small Flaws in the Weakness System

Heroes of Undarin - Photoshop Digital Map

Brew Bird's Home-brew Campaign Report (Finally!)

Why is Celestial Armor the same level as a Breastplate of Command?

Suggestion for New Resonance: No 1 / Day Charge Stuff Please

Paizo stream: Resonance, Focus, Items and (!) Class Powers.

Creature Stats by Level Spreadsheet

Thoughts and suggestions on the new focus system

Land speed of a laden camel?

A matter of light

Quicksand: how to escape it?

Exploration time and Forced March

How can I help my player abandon his first class?

Spell Target 'Willing Ally'

Removing a curse (Lesser mummy rot)

The stone / iron / adamantine golem's Inexorable March: a TPK machine

Magic Weapons Damage Dominance

Monsters and Damage and Imaginary Equipment

Experience for Varied Party Sizes

Dying - Healing Cycle

Magic staves with potency runes

Monster Skills

Tales of the Manticore? Share yours.

Sleep Arrow Crafting Design Questions

Stealth rules don't make sense for poltergeists

Sea Serpent Spine Rake

Monsters healing rate between encounters

Homemade DM Screen

Bulk rules different

Homemade DM Screen

"Hitting a creature with a strike on its previous actions" requirement

Converting APs: Adjusting +1 weapons / armor?

Staves and Exchanging Charges

"Hard encounters" anything but?

Magic Ammunition Quantities

Hazards unclear

Holy Water and Ring of the Ram

Slaughtering Sacred Cows: Hex Map

Has any one noticed Secret Checks? Taking player agency away

Undead and the negative healing quality

Proposal: make a generic skill bonus magic item

Misread Rules That Worked Better

Question about Spellstrike Ammunition

Monsters are player grinders

Extra damage dice leave d4 weapons in the dust

An Ethical Solution To The Healing Problem

Does the Philosopher's Stone Auto-Grant the Elixir of Rejuvenation?

Handling Treasure for creature encounters

Grabbing with Reach

Animal Companions

Tanglefoot bags are broken

Why I Don't Trust This Game: A Rant

Causing Death & TPKs? Grouped Initiative

How do you use the Climbing Bolt?

Hypercognition, Dubious Knowledge and other Recall Knowledge interactions

Potion of Disguise Typo

Fire Giant Confusion

New Skill DC Difficulty Chart Boggles

No Potency For the Lion's Shield

GM Advice - CR, Healing and Assumption of a Clock

Initiative: Stealth vs. Perception

What Does Ghost Ammo Come Back As?

Difficult terrain - is there a better way?

Dinosaur Form mistake?

Improving a Gloom Blade


DC to identify Magic Items?

Treant Foot Strike

Should Smilodon's Claw Strike be Agile?

Let's Talk about table 10-2 and scaling DC's.

Multiple Spells

Paralyzed has no affect on Reflex saves?

Monster Skills: A Serious Problem

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