Game Master Rules

Magic Items
Monsters and Hazards
Running the Game

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Wing Rebuff

GM Reference Sheets / Crib Notes

Shield Block Reaction damage

Shields are too easily destroyed.

Adventuring Day Expectations

Clarification on Wounded

Awesome knick-knacks and hidden gems

Half Races

Why would a monster not use it's best attack every time?

Need Advice for Changing the Proficiency System.

Poltergeist: Are Telekinetic Object and Telekinetic Storm Considered Spells?

Demonskunk's PF2 Feedback So Far

Please consider adding One Hour Healing Rituals

Dying & Recovery Saves


Attack Bonuses are too high for level 0 creatures

A thought on Resonance.

More Greater Shadow questions (Spoilers)

Experienc with resonance points

Confusion about vision - Roll20 solutions

Swallow Whole

Suprise Round???

Ideas for improving shields!

Loving Monster Special Abilities

An Otherworldly Threat: Playing Around With Custom Monsters

When does a poison affect you?

Secret Rolls

Quick monsters

Converting PF1 adventure to PF2, Treasure gold amounts.

Resonance: Designing it to be rewarding (The carrot, not the stick)

Poltergeist resistances correct?

Downtime healing - perhaps a different approach?

Confused about poltergeist

Potion Miscibility: A Solution to Resonance?

Healing Issues


Magic Staff charges

Awkward gap in the Dying rules (Updates 1.2)

Condition cards

Treasure Level vs. Item Level

What creatures are weak to silver?

Resonance Specifically At Low Levels

Equipment Using Creatures

Monsters and Gear

Traveler's Any tool

Bracers of armor and Ring of Wizardry

Encounter Metaviews: Three Battles & Five Foes

Poisoned Dart Gallery DC

Do you wish monsters had statistics more like PCs, as they used to? Yes!, Please

Resonance: Making it more flexible could provide balance

Saves and Persistent Damage

Late Level Scaling

Encounter Building mechanics are frail

change sword critical effect

How do players roll for knowledge on monsters?

Heavy Magic Armor should not be "Higher Level"

Weapon Maths, including magic +5

General thought and questions from the running the game chapter

An alternative to Resonance: Spell Sickness and Rituals

An Extra Stage For Quicksand?

Massive damage discussion

Knowledge Skills Into Feats Instead

Alternative death and dying rules

What Counts as a Targeted Effect vs Swarms?

Handwraps of Mighty Fists Without Runes

Why can you not etch runes into shields?

Pathfinder 2 Initiative - to see or not to see, that is the question

Dying rules are going to lead to a lot of coup-de-grâce actions.

Monster abilities and stacking debuffs

Poison dart gallery question

General thoughts and questions on treasure and specific items

I can't duplicate the monsters in beastiary - DM in playtest

Example of how bad crafting magic items currently is

General thought and questions from the game mastering chapter

Poison - how exactly does it work?

XP for avoiding encounters?


Potency Crystal (PRB 402)

What is a bonded animal anyway?

Hidden Monsters creation rules ?

Greater Shadow

Too Old School? XP, Encounter Building, and Party Level

Bracers of Armor Verbiage

Hero points by session

Noticing Hazards? Surprise?

Death Save and Persistent Damage

Need Clarification on Complex Hazard Rules

Should weapon proficiency and magic weapons swap effects?

Monster Vulnerabilities

Climbing during exploration mode (possible DD spoilers)

Kaihaku's Thoughts after two sessions and lots of reading

Rune bombs?

Dispersing based on a readied action

Some Alternate rules: No Attributes and Vain alignment

Monster melee actions

Permanent 1st level items

The extra costs for heavy armor add extra complication

Magic weapon / armor pricing

Deadmanwalking's Magic Item Problems Thread

Is the 1.1 update broken on the dying rule?

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