Monsters and Hazards

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What are Perception DC, Reflex DC, & Will DC for monsters?

Custom Creature level?

When the Stars go Dark for 6 or 7 people

What is a Yamenhulk?

Clay Golem autokill with ray of frost?

Grab ability and MAP

Trying to start a group as a new gm any advice?

Rysky Reviews the Playtestiary, Monster Parade!

TAC and spell choice

Attacks with Grab / Knockdown / etc

Minion attack mechanic

Full monster creation rules sometime?

But I need Monster Y with Level A to be Level A +4! (Tool)

Difficulty Class - What makes narrative sense?


Rune Giants crit too hard!

Copying Stat blocks

Any Indication of Whether Hazards Are Getting Conceptually Tightened Up?

How does Greater Constrict actually work?

Improved Grab and Constrict (Doomsday Dawn Spoilers)

Demilich question

Greater Shadow, Shadow steal

NPC spellcaster, spell rolls, and dispelling.

CR readvisement?

Can we rename Daemons for PF2?

"Legendary Actions" on monsters

Death by fluffy bunnies: What happens when the drained condition reduces a creature's maximum hit points to 0?

Incorporeal type granting Immunity to Precision but not Critical damage

Good Save? Bad Save?

Monsters and Resonance

Monsters Versus PCs - A tour of Crit City

Khala Breath Weapon Questions

Hazard Rules Are A Mess

Special Senses and monster stealth

Two Small Flaws in the Weakness System

Creature Stats by Level Spreadsheet

Land speed of a laden camel?

Quicksand: how to escape it?

Removing a curse (Lesser mummy rot)

The stone / iron / adamantine golem's Inexorable March: a TPK machine

Monsters and Damage and Imaginary Equipment

Experience for Varied Party Sizes

Monster Skills

Tales of the Manticore? Share yours.

Stealth rules don't make sense for poltergeists

Sea Serpent Spine Rake

Monsters healing rate between encounters

"Hitting a creature with a strike on its previous actions" requirement

"Hard encounters" anything but?

Undead and the negative healing quality

Monsters are player grinders

Grabbing with Reach

Fire Giant Confusion

Dinosaur Form mistake?


Treant Foot Strike

Should Smilodon's Claw Strike be Agile?

Monster Skills: A Serious Problem

Wing Rebuff

Why would a monster not use it's best attack every time?

Poltergeist: Are Telekinetic Object and Telekinetic Storm Considered Spells?


Attack Bonuses are too high for level 0 creatures

More Greater Shadow questions (Spoilers)

Swallow Whole

Loving Monster Special Abilities

An Otherworldly Threat: Playing Around With Custom Monsters

When does a poison affect you?

Quick monsters

Poltergeist resistances correct?

Confused about poltergeist

Equipment Using Creatures

Monsters and Gear

Encounter Metaviews: Three Battles & Five Foes

Poisoned Dart Gallery DC

Do you wish monsters had statistics more like PCs, as they used to? Yes!, Please

Encounter Building mechanics are frail

An Extra Stage For Quicksand?

Massive damage discussion

What Counts as a Targeted Effect vs Swarms?

Monster abilities and stacking debuffs

Poison dart gallery question

I can't duplicate the monsters in beastiary - DM in playtest

Hidden Monsters creation rules ?

Greater Shadow

Noticing Hazards? Surprise?

Need Clarification on Complex Hazard Rules

Monster Vulnerabilities

Dispersing based on a readied action

Monster melee actions

Does Elite Adjustment adjust Touch AC?

Treachery demons TPK

The Sewer Ooze was a bust...

attack of opportunity for everyone

Monster Templates

Any Plans to Release Monster Building Rules During Playtest?

Homebrew Creature of the Day

Encounter Building Resources for Playtest

Monster tactics and 'Attack of Opportunity'

Elite CR0 enemies vs. Party Level 1

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