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But...we got a nest...

GM Hmm |

Cross-posting from the recruitment thread: looking for a replacement player for Part III of Eyes of the Ten. Details here.

GM Hmm |
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Hey all.... Just heard from GM Baerlie. All her many fans will be happy to know she's doing okay. The flower shop is going well, the move is going smoothly, and she is starting to come out from under the heap of change that hit her all at once. She sends best wishes to all of you, and will try to stop by here herself when she can.

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Some time ago, I gathered a few great players to play through Eyes of the Ten. We were about to start in a couple of weeks, since the last PC needed her last XPs to be ready, but real life tells me otherwise and unfortunately I have to decline running this amazing series. Hence my players are looking for a GM who would agree to run EotT for them, if anyone is up for it.

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Some time ago, I gathered a few great players to play through Eyes of the Ten. We were about to start in a couple of weeks, since the last PC needed her last XPs to be ready, but real life tells me otherwise and unfortunately I have to decline running this amazing series. Hence my players are looking for a GM who would agree to run EotT for them, if anyone is up for it.
Position filled. Thanks to the Flaxseed Lodge for being such an outstanding community! :)

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@Shifty: I should mention that despite some previous statements to the effect, I probably won't be moving to Australia - but Canada's still not impossible.

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Afraid not.
Moving on: If a character's first adventure was September of 2015, what "Season" would that have been for purposes of Faction Objective cards?

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Moving on: If a character's first adventure was September of 2015, what "Season" would that have been for purposes of Faction Objective cards?
Season 7, but that would only matter if you mistakenly gave him a season 6 card. If he didn't start the season 7 by Gencon 2016, then he can't start it now.

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No, he started it before then (December 2015 at the latest).

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Shifty wrote:So I won't slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you?Is that actually said down under, or is it just a stereotypical phrase Americans think you all say?
My uncle lives outside of Sydney and he does say similar things. I don't know, however, if that is him playing up the stereotype or just natural for him to say after being there for so many years.
On the flip side of that though, introducing his native Australian wife to peanut butter was an incredibly amusing affair.. even if the resulting demands for care packages did get rather pricey!
FYI: shipping peanut butter by the case halfway around the world is neither as easy nor as cheap as it may sound at first..

Shifty |

Is that actually said down under, or is it just a stereotypical phrase Americans think you all say?
To be fair - sort of. The actual phrase would be to 'chuck a prawn on the barbie', but Hoges (Paul Hogan) modified it to prevent the Americans being confused about what he meant. Besides which, we are often chucking lamb on the barbie, especially on Australia Day.
...they have done a new one of these ads every year for the last decade. Yes a lot of us sound just like that too.
By way of further example, I just ran a Pathfinder session/event out in one of the local parks and it was gaming over beers and a barbie on a hot summer day. We take BBQ seriously.

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So, any GMs planning to run some 1-2 scenarios soon, especially but not only First Steps or Confirmation? :)
Also, a question. How open are PFS players but especially GMs to the idea that characters don't know class distinctions like we do (while it does say it in a few places in the book, I find many players, especially newer players, think that everyone in world knows exactly their class and alignment and speaks it every day?) Some examples are a priest of Nethys can be a cleric or a wizard or even a magus and when asked what his profession is, that priest says exactly that... he's a priest. Second example, in the description of the Spell Dancer elf archetype for the magus it says that spell dancers don't see themselves as separate from wizards, many see themselves as wizards that study how movement relates to the arcane arts. I ask because in a way, that's how Bethany sees herself. She's not a 'magus' she's a wizard like her father, she just also happens to be quite proficient with a whip and using her arcane magic to augment that.
Moving my answer to Bethany's question here, since it's probably a better fit for the Discussion thread.
I've always thought that only a few classes would "know" their own class names-- paladins, wizards, clerics (who might also call themselves "priests"). Most others would have other names for themselves-- rangers might call themselves hunters, cavaliers might call themselves knights, druids might call themselves shamans. Rogues might call themselves just about anything except "rogues" to avoid mistrust. And so on.
-Posted with Wayfinder

DystopianGM |
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So, any GMs planning to run some 1-2 scenarios soon, especially but not only First Steps or Confirmation? :)
I've been doing prep work for First Steps, and planning to run it soon. It'll be my first time GM'ing for PFS on PBP, so I want to make sure I get all the maps right and technical things down before I throw up the recruitment thread. I should be finished this week, so the recruitment thread will likely go up Thursday or Friday.

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Most of my characters have day jobs and generally go with a variation of their profession.
My currently most ambiguous is the Innkeeper. He keeps his place fairly clean, offers most pathfinders a free place to stay, and goes on the occasional "Holiday" to keep from getting bored. I try not to say he's a kineticist with a dip of unchained rogue.

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Never really thought about how my characters would refer to themselves as far as a role or profession. Thinking about it, here is what I came up with. Description with actualy race and class after.
-1: Captain of the Granite Helm and Privateer (dwarf monk)
-2: Freebooter and captain of the Nereid's Kiss, if she were being honest with you, otherwise according to her current disguise (undine ranger/swashbuckler)
-3: Radiant Blade of Shizuru and hunter of demons. Would not correct you if you referred to him as a paladin (human cleric/holy vindicator)
-4: wilderness guide, hunter, gardener (human barbarian/druid)
-5: scion of the sixth king (half-orc monk/sorcerer/dragon disciple)
-6: a prophet (wayang oracle/rogue)
-7: soldier of Taldor (human fighter/inquisitor)
-8: messenger, scout, militia veteran (sylph rogue/fighter)
-9: student of the Aldori fighting style (human magus)
-10: lawman of Alkenstar (ifrit gunslinger/inquisitor)
-11: mighty general, scribe (tengu slayer)
-12: daughter of Cernunnos (aasimar summoner)
-13: historian (vishkanya bard)
-14: servant of the Diamond Sage (half-orc bloodrager)
-15: Absalom sewer engineer (oread fighter)
-16: Little Frog (grippli brawler/ninja)

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Okay, I'll have a shot at this.
Who - What they think of themselves as - What they are.
Orophin - "Singer" - Aasimar Oracle of life
Valandil - "Wizard" - Elven...wizard
Iso - "Iso" (There is no other way to describe him) - Human Barbarian
Chaul - "Servant of Sarenrae" - Aasimar Cleric.
Rhuul -"Comedian" - Dwarven Bard
Fargrim - Not too sure here, maybe "observer of people" - Aasimar Inquisitor
Vrald - "knight" - Human Fighter
Bulgo - "Investigator" - Halfling Rogue
Oleaner - "Guide" - Elven Ranger
Yoshi - "Pit Fighter" - Human Brawler
Auriferous - "Merchant" - half elven paladin/sorcerer/dragon disciple
Bellinda - "Helper" - Halfling Swashbuckler
Prisim -"Oh my gosh. I'm a Pathfinder! Oh, and a Crusader. And I am thinking about doing some interior design work" - Gnome Sorcerer
Oggil - "Student" - Dwarven monk
Khellek - "Historian" or "Scholar" or "Lecturer" - Human Bard
The ones in bold have perform or profession or craft skill appropriate to what they regard themselves as

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Honestly, I imagine there is likely some in-world ability to identify the way different people fight. While you might not be able to discern between (say) a slayer, a rogue, or a snakebite striker brawler, the fact that they all have a tendency to circle opponents and strike soft spots for extra damage would likely develop a descriptive adjective and noun to refer to them as a group- -of which 'rogue' seems efficient enough.
Why not use "swashbuckler" to refer to "a swordsman that uses his weapon as a shield to block incoming attacks"? Or "magus" as a descriptive term for "mage who channels arcane power through his weaponry"?
I get that it's not perfect. But I don't think the entire world is unaware that some people are capable of accessing an inner reserve of strength (statistically, STR and CON) when they need it most, at the cost of losing a bit of ability to defend yourself and think clearly. As a group, why not call them 'barbarians?'

GM Hmm |
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Interesting exercise:
-1, Zahra Senay, Tiger Trainer of Zenay's Performing Tigers. (Human Sorceress Sylvan Bloodline)
"Ve are not murder hoboes! Ve buy farm! Ve are murder residents! Big difference!"
-2, Lyric the Singing Paladin (Half-elf life oracle 4, paladin 2) -- Exactly as described.
"I bought interest in a Caravan, so that I could travel more! Everyone that I meet is so nice and friendly!"
-3, Jasmine Wu, Tea Marketer & Bard (Kitsune duettist bard, almost always in human form)
"My family make Wu Chai Tea, the tea with the monkey on the box!"
-4. Baroness Bobbi Blakros. (Human Psychic Searcher Lunar Oracle)
"I can't use my last name because my family issued a restraining order on me, but it starts with "B" and rhymes with "hose" and they run the creepiest museum in town."
This character also has a business interest in a Caravan, but never talks about it, because it only serves as an investment. Her main business is doing work for the Sovereign Court faction and staying available as a Pathfinder so she can show up whenever the Blakros family is in trouble. She has a love / hate relationship with them, and wants to rescue them just to show them what a mistake they made when they disowned her.
-5, Nixie, 'Memory of her People' / Oral Historian. (Undine Watersinger Bard).
"I'm training to be the memory of my people, so I need to learn about the world above the waves. It's been great so far, except for the pigs. I'm still trying to learn how to best combat terrifying land monsters like pigs."
-6. Joliet Jake Blues. Rhythm & Blues Musician. (Half-Orc Bloodrager 1/ Averaka Arbiter Bard X)
"No Ma'am, we're musicians."
"We're getting the band back together!"
"We're on a mission from God. Er, Gods."
Then follows a whole bunch of GM Babies who still need to come out of the nursery, and...
-10. Cup, aka Calpurnia Underhall Poshkettle. Librarian. (Gnome Studious Librarian Bard)
"My family runs the 'Posh Kettle' in the Ivy District of Absalom, but between missions I work as a Librarian in the Grand Lodge and also with helping Zarta catalog materials in her Archives. It's dangerous and obsessive work, and the perfect way to avoid the bleaching!"
Yes, of my active characters, over half are bards, and the others all have bard-like qualities, like performing. (Bobbi doesn't perform, but she's a versatile little skill monkey, so she still has bard qualities.)
I like bards. They give me an excuse to filk in game. What's not to love about that?

Mjolbeard89 |
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Oh my gosh, HMM, I love that you have a Blues Brother. Suits you perfectly! Haha!
"I will restore my family's honor, no matter what those fool Revolutionaries think of us!"
2. Fastred "Red" Stoor, Author and Hero of Epic Sagas, Halfling Skald (Spell Warrior)
"Have I ever told you about the time I single-handedly drove a herd of savage goblins half way across Irrisen?"
3. Friar Robun, Priest of Sarenrae, Human Life Oracle
"Holy Redeemer! Is that a skeleton?! Somebody kill it!"
4. M'boka, Lost Mwangi Prince Pathfinder and enemy of slavers, Human Warpriest
"I will pay my debt to the Pathfinders for freeing me, and I will pass on that gift to all who suffer the lash of slavery."
He won't tell you where he's from since he's concerned that it would bring shame to his tribe that he was captured and enslaved until a team of Pathfinders freed him.
5. Thordir, Wandering Historian, Half-Elf Barbarian
"I cannot return home. But there is much to learn in the wide world. Perhaps I will even find a new home among the courts of the Sages."
6. Vindlér Far-seer, Soldier of Lastwall and Defender of Civilized Lands, Dwarf Inquisitor of Abadar
"I shall stand t' my last breath against the savage hordes of Belkzen and any others who aim to send the world into the void of chaos."
7. Azhagoth Fellcleaver, Witch hunter, Half-Orc Spellkiller Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum
"Damn witches. Peh! I spit on their corpses!"
8. "Gorgeous" Gallix Granbonne, World-Renowned Pit-fighter and part time Pathfinder, Human Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler)
...a couple of characters who are waiting to get their first taste of action, then...
11. Begrilda Hammerhild, Priestess of Bolka and Fiancee* of Gallix Granbonne, Dwarf Cleric
"Isn't it so precious how my Gally-poo winks?"
*Not necessarily according to Gallix's consent or acknowledgement...

Wei Ji the Learner |
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Okay, let's see how this works, then...
-2 Agraic Shieldarm 'Ain't the brightest Archaeo-thingie, but I c'n take good notes on thingies!' (Half-elf U.Barbarian, Scarab Sages)
-3 Zykon Gibbs 'Gibbs' (Tengu Bolt Ace/Freebooter, Liberty's Edge)
-4 Brigid Half-Human, 'Torag Missionary' (pending on L2 rebuildHalf-orc Skald Spell-warrior, Silver Crusade)
-5 Karasuma Tazou 'Attorney for Hire' (Tengu U. Rogue/Shadowdancer, The Exchange)
-6 Andrietta Ebonfeather, 'Tengu Grandmother' (Paladin, Silver Crusade)
-7 Etune Snowfoot, 'Scholar' (Halfling Draconic Sorcerer, Silver Crusade, CORE)
-8 Modesta Reynard, 'Humble Traveling Priest' (Kitsune Vigilante Currently in rebuild mode, Silver Crusade)
-10 'Snowmask Brother Rae Alain Paight, Icebreaker of the Jadwiga, Hero of Magnimar, Hoofbrother of the Cangarit, Liberator of Crystalcrag' (Human Bard, Liberty's Edge)
-11 Juan Nifor, 'Pirate' (Human Dark Tapestry Oracle, Exchange)
-16 Feza Savard, 'Tengu Scandalmonger' (Inquisitor, Sovereign Court)
-19 Estara 'Star' Potts, 'Tech' (Half-orc Telekineticist, Dark Archive)

Shifty |

Specials sure do chew a lot of GM bandwidth - I've been dropping into the various tables for a look at how things are going and in the main things seem to be trucking along pretty well. There are 17 tables in play at the moment, and all of the tables went off and I think the number of GM's/Tables etc was pretty much spot on.
Great work so far!
On a side note, is it just me or are there fewer games/GM's out there?
Some of the sign-up sheets stickied up top don't seem to be active anymore, and there seem to be less people mustering tables on the recruitment thread. Are there less of us, or are we drifting towards mostly GMing when the events are on and not so much outside those times?
I know I have pulled back a touch from always running 4 tables at a time, but then I find Overseering chews a stack of my time and effort (that said, I'm currently running a mod, a scenario, and OSing the multi).
On the other hand, it could just be me and just my 'feelz'.

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Personally, I had a lot going on and my laptop went kaput, so I pulled back from GM'ing online so much. I finally got my laptop back up and running, and my Venture Agency is starting to take off. Once that's settled into a solid routine, I'll be back on here with a vengeance. I already have my scenarios for it picked and sort of prepped.
Also, in other news, I nabbed my third shiny. Go me.

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I had been running a bit more before but I've found that my ideal spot is 2 tables, and the special is one of those tables for me now.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Magabeus |

I have decided to dial back a bit: two to three games is about what I want to handle right now.
One of these games is a lengthy affair: Plunder and Peril after Skull and Shackles sanctioned content from part 1.
The other is a Gamesday 5 orphan that I took over in the last few days of gameday that was in the first encounter: Labyrinth of the Hungry Ghosts. We are slowly going through that, which has to do with the nature of that scenario (in my opinion not that suited to PbP) and my sometimes slow posting rate.
And finally I am on standby for BoA if a GM goes AWOL or otherwise needs replacement.
-1 Deaglan: Priest of Thrudd (Cleric / Fighter)
-2 Garret: Adventuring Cook and Pathfinder (Monk)
-3 Eolowyn: Demonhunter (Ranger with the Tanglebriar Demonslayer archetype)
-4 Faeranduil: You will find out, or not. Stay out of the blast area (Blaster Wizard)
-5 Dimitra: Fortune teller (Varisian Bard / Harrower)
-6 Kintampo: Wanderer (Staff Magus)
-7 Ketill: Alchemist (Alchemist)
-8 Isabella: Annointed of Iomedae and student of Aldori (Swashbuckler / Paladin)
-9 Kerastes: Bodyguard (Inquisitor)
-10 Myrd: Diplomat (Wizard)
-11 Adinomo: Scout (Core Rogue)
-12 Yarricki: Nature Warden (Druid / Hunter)
-13 Karayan: Let's say I can talk my way out of most things. If you can fight we will make a great team (Mesmerist)
-14 Toctep: Dragonborn (Bloodrager, going into dragon disciple)

dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
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I'm currently at Dash 21 in PFS so I won't list all my characters, but a few of the more flavorful ones:
1) the Marquesa Miranda Renard - "Champion of Taldor, Defender of the Crown" (Lore Warden Fighter 11/Duelist 3)
"I am not left-handed either!"
2) Conan O'Brien - "Hero-at-large and stand-up comedian" - (Urban barbarian 3/Savage Skald 2/Dragon disciple 6)
"What does an infernal chicken lay??? DEVILED EGGS!!! and other awful jokes
3) Magna Dustdottir - "Miner and grandmother" - (Cave Druid 11)
"I'm just trying to keep this lot together in one piece until we get back to the lodge."
4) Iason Blaise - "Chelish patriot and devil-binder" - (Summoner 7)
"I'm sorry, that sounded like the sort of treasonous rot that the local Hellknights should be informed of.... clearly I must have misheard, no?"
5) Zephyr of Azlant Spire - "Ship's captain-to-be, explorer" - (Freebooter ranger 3)
6) Pinzell 'Pinball' Doy - "Student of perfection" - (Iroran Paladin 2/Sorcerer 4)
Regarding GMing: I'd like to get back into GMing PFS on the boards, but I'm running a ROTR as well as a homebrew in PBP, and those are both sort of sucking up my GMing juice.

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High five GM Evil! Now prepare to be patient, that fourth star can take a while to get.
As to the tables running, I think that specials do "eat" a lot of energy. A friend of mine commented on how draining they can be in this medium. Perhaps it can be interesting to explore how GMs feel after these big events.
I'm pondering adding a third table myself, but I refuse to burn out, so I'm really unsure of that level of commitment.

GM Hmm |
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Congratulations, GM Evil! I am slowly, slowly making my way to my fourth star. I'm not in a super hurry to get there. Quality over quantity. Mental breaks are important.
Becoming a Venture-Something is a major time sink. My to-do list is ever full. As for GMing, I prefer to do one table at a time, but can handle two. Right now, I am running with two, so I am at my full limit.
I think that we may need to start recruiting more GMs. Are there any folks amongst the PbP regular players who would like to try a shot at GMing? You have lots of people here who would love to advise and mentor you.

GM ThinkingFlesh |

Are there any folks amongst the PbP regular players who would like to try a shot at GMing?
I'm almost there. I was in 9 simultaneous games as a player recently and I'm trying to winnow that down to zero (or at least as close as possible), then ramp up with a try at GM at some point.
My sticking point is the mechanics of it -- creating the forum, registering it officially (not sure how to do that yet), uploading maps, etc. I'm sure that will come with experience, but its still a hurdle to jump over.
Also, the commitment level is higher. A game can live through a player (or even multiple) quitting or dropping out, but the GM is integral. I take that seriously enough to choose carefully when & how I jump in.
But soon. Its good to have a supportive environment.
Is there a step-by-step guide to the mechanics of it anywhere?

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I would love to try my hand at GMing on the boards! My PbP schedule is a bit cramped at the moment, but I started considering this some time ago and have been giving it thought. I was advised to start with an evergreen, so I picked We Be Goblins because it has given me so many great PFS character concepts.

GM Hmm |
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We are trying to work on getting guides together right now.
The guides are mostly scattered all over the place. One of the things on my to-do list is consolidating a big how-to guide for PbP.
That said, I and other people would be happy to walk you both through the mechanics. My advice?
Start with a google drive folder. In it, put all sorts of things to help you as a GM.
1) Your Map Slide Show
2) A copy of the scenario that you are running, so that you can consult it wherever you go.
3) Any extra statblocks, player handouts and whatever else you find on the PFS Prep Site.
4) A google doc where you can preformat box text and gameplay posts.
Then put together your slide show with the images you need. If you have never extracted images, one of us can help you with that process. Silbeg held my hand through the whole process of making my first slide show, and helped me extract my first images. It was so helpful!
Once you have those set up, open up a thread in either Gameplay or Discussion, and add a campaign to it. This part is pretty easy, because the Forum wants you to add a campaign thread to everything and will guide you throught the process.
We can help advise with any and all of these parts.

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I think that we may need to start recruiting more GMs. Are there any folks amongst the PbP regular players who would like to try a shot at GMing? You have lots of people here who would love to advise and mentor you.
I've trained about a dozen GMs in our local group, and even setup a couple events around it. If there's interest, I'd be happy to organize a similar event for PbP.
Basically, it is organized like a special. Every GM runs the same scenario, and I move around like an overseer GM--including helping with the prep work.

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Hmm, if you put up a link to guides of that sort, especially for extracting images, etc, it would be wonderful.
I'm wanting to try running my first PbP after one of my current games finishes up, and I need to figure out how to do all that if I'm going to manage it.
I've a few games I've prepped recently from live play to pick from and wanted to start giving back for the games I've sat in on.

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I don't feel like ging through all of my characters at the moment, but my favorite ones are:
Character 1: Hanzo Hashashi, an Ifrit Unchained Monk/Unchained Rogue, an emissary from Tian Xia to aid in strengthening relations between Minkaya and the Pathfinder Society. He identifies as "The Emperor's Hidden Dagger", and takes on orders to handle tasks that the Empire would rather be done in secret. Trained since childhood for this honor, and is currently sulking at being assigned to the Pathfinder Society.
Character 2: Kel Na' Yaa, a Human Swashbuckler/Ninja. He was modeled mechanically after the Nightingale's from Skyrim, and in Pathfinder Society has a similar role. He owns The Laughing Lizard Inn, which operates as a front for the Absalom Thieves' Guild, and is operating within the Society to provide information to the Guild for high value targets and areas with things of interest that would benefit the Guild. He identifies as a "Stolen Shadow" within the guild and as a simple Pathfinder when doing missions for the Venture Captains. His rank as a Stolen Shadow is prestigious, as within the entire Guild there are only 13, and no one knows the identities of them except the Guild Grandmaster. Kel's long-term mission is to become a Venture Captain, and use his status to strengthen the Guild further, and possibly eventually create an alliance between the Pathfinder Society and the Guild.
Character 3: Takkit Shinrou, a Kitsune Unchained Knife Master Rogue. One of a litter of 7, produced by a single mother after immigrating from The Dragon Empire to Absalom. He originally operated as a street thief to help his mother support his family, until he attempted to rob, and was discovered by, a member of the Sovereign Court. The noble recognized that his skills would be beneficial to the Society, and instead of having him arrested, offered him a job. Now, he operates as a Pathfinder full time to help his mother and his family, and is teaching his sister his talents to do the same. She, however, has been blessed with the divine power of Shelyn, and is currently working on being accepted as an apprentice priestess in her Temnple.
Character 4: Soran Fletcher, a Human Slayer. Raised in a small village outside of Taldor, Soran learned the art of hunting when he was just a child. It was a matter of necessity that he learned the art of being a merchant as well, in order to sell his more exotic kills. After a violent tax dispute with the Nobleman that owned the Village's land, the village was razed to the ground, Soran's family made their way to Absalom, where they had extended family. Soran took up a job at a local hunting lodge, and was noticed by the same nobleman that offered Takkit a job. Soran eagerly took the same job offer, and now lends his arts to the Sovereign Court when asked.
Character 5: "Lucky" Hennet Starstrike, a Hafling Warpriest of Desna. One of three siblings, Hennet was blessed by Desna as a small child when he rescued a deer from a fallen tree outside of his hometown in Varisia. Ever since, luck has been on his side, almost to a disturbing, supernatural extent. Falling items always miss him, things he drops never break, things he's lost always appear right where he can find them easily, there is always something to catch himself on if he is about to slip, etc. Hennet took up adventuring for the Pathfinder Society when a representative of the Silver Crusade was in his temple one day, and Hennet overheard the paladin speaking of the mission the Crusade holds within the Society. Hennet joined right then, as he felt that he culd aid that mission with his talents and could finally do some good in the world besides filling an altar bowl with holy water for the head priest every day.
Character 6: Meralda Starstrike, a Halfling Sorceress. Meralda came to Absalom with her brother Hennet, when he took a job offer from a paladin to jointhe Pathfinders. Unlike Hennet, Meralda was blessed with arcane blood, like her great-grandfather Alastair Starstrike. nce her power began to manifest itself, her mother gave Meralda Alastair's walking stick, a Halfling sling staff that he wielded right up until his untimely death at the hands of a Red Dragon. While the entire Starstrike family venerates Desna, and has a family history of producing priests for the local temple, Meralda is much less pious than the rest of her family, and they did indeed breathe a sigh of relief when she left to keep an eye on her brother, as her flippant attitude toward religion, and her carefree attitude was just a bit to much, even for halflings. She currently works at The Laughing Lizard Inn, as the bartender and Kel's right hand. She occasionally takes on Society missions, when Kel is unavailable to do so, and he offers her extra vacation days and double pay for the days she misses. Never one to miss out on excitement, Meralda takes her pony "Princess Luna" with her everywhere.
Character 6: Serak Hamistagon, a Dragon Blooded Gnome Sorcerer. Serak is a volatile, mostly insane, gnome from an illustrious family known for their clockwork inventions. Many generations ago, the Hamistagon family was approached by a Red Dragon (the same that killed Alastair Starstrike many generations later) to construct a clockwork lair for it to store its hoard. In return, it would allow the Hamistagon family to inject it's DNA into their own with an Eldritch Ritual, producing a sorcerer of great power every few generations. Serak prides himself on his lineage, even going so far as to say he is more dragon than gnome, and carries the same violence, hubris, and recklessness as the dragon that "sired" him. His adventuring companions (he is in a locked group who is playing through all of season four with a round robin GM set up)have on more than one occasion had to restrain him from setting key NPC's on fire, including but not limited to Yargos Gill, Lady Michellia Blakros, and multiple captured enemies.

GM Hmm |
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GM Hmm wrote:I think that we may need to start recruiting more GMs. Are there any folks amongst the PbP regular players who would like to try a shot at GMing? You have lots of people here who would love to advise and mentor you.I've trained about a dozen GMs in our local group, and even setup a couple events around it. If there's interest, I'd be happy to organize a similar event for PbP.
Basically, it is organized like a special. Every GM runs the same scenario, and I move around like an overseer GM--including helping with the prep work.
Actually, I have been thinking of a GM 101 using quests like my all time favorite, Phantom Phenomena. Everyone does one quest. Everyone gets a full chronicle at the end. Everyone gets their feet wet.
Huh. Maybe everyone would have to do their own map extraction for their part, too. And I could have a google folder set up like I usually set them up that they all could look at...