The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Please report HERE for your mission kick off.

Amazing Red
I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Please report HERE for your mission to kick off.

I still have several seats at the beginners table open! If not filled in the coming 48 hrs, I will open it to the waitlists from the other tables.

◆◇↺ | 3-98 (Thread|Slides) | 3-03 (Thread|Slides)

I took over a PFS Scenario from another GM online. We're near the end (maybe a week from finishing.) If this were my scenario from the start I would fill in the details on my account and turn it in.

What's the procedure for reporting completed sessions when I didn't start them?

Liberty's Edge

You report them as if you did start them. If you finish a scenario that another GM couldn't you get the credit for it.

VC - Sydney, Australia

As above.

You report as normal as though you were the GM who started the game, and you issue the chronicle sheets etc.

If you have not got ownership of the thread, you can email customer service when you are done to have the thread closed off once you are complete.

Thank you for being a cool person and helping out a group in need.

Go Pats!!

Sorry, please return to your regularly scheduled programing.

◆◇↺ | 3-98 (Thread|Slides) | 3-03 (Thread|Slides)

Alright, thanks for the answers. I'll work on that, then.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps


Yep, everyone has it correct. If you took on an orphaned game, it is now yours. Thanks for helping out.


Circling tier is always a great idea.

Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2
GM Granta wrote:
The first draft of the sub-guide is available here. Feedback is always welcome :-)

I was going to provide the steps that Hmm requested, but there is no way I could do any better than Granta! Very well done, Granta!

Foxit is another great bit of software for customizing pdfs as needed.

The best bit of advice I have for GMs when it comes to reporting is to setup your game session either in advance or during the game. You don't have to report at the same time you start the session. Also, as others have already stated, gather your player's pedigree information before the game begins. The main things you want are as follows:

1) Player Name
2) Character Name
3) PFS #
4) Faction
5) Normal or Slow progression
6) Day Job roll (if any)

Once you have that information from your players, you can begin your game whenever and work on the Chronicle sheets during any downtime that you may have.

Dark Archive

Shades of Ice GM Evil's Signup Sheet

I do chronicle sheets during the game (when doing pbp), over time so it doesn't take so long. If I have some down time and I'm bored, I'll fill one out. It only gets massively time consuming when you do 5+ in one go.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess I must have some better resources. I keep form-fillable chronicle sheets once I make them for a game, and entering and saving the information only takes 5-10 minutes. Being able to Save As after just changing the character info cuts down a lot of time.

Sovereign Court

TOZ wrote:
I guess I must have some better resources. I keep form-fillable chronicle sheets once I make them for a game, and entering and saving the information only takes 5-10 minutes. Being able to Save As after just changing the character info cuts down a lot of time.

Same here. It takes maybe 10 minutes for me to report a game to Paizo and upload 5-6 chronicle sheets for the players.

Liberty's Edge

Is anyone interested in a GMing trade? I'm trying to complete a few older seasons and I'm having a hard time getting tables together for those scenarios I'm missing.

I'm exchange I'd be happy to run whatever you'd like. I might even be willing to do a module or AP dungeon if you ask real nice. =P

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

You missing any season 0? I'm slowly working my way through them.

Liberty's Edge

I'm afraid not. I'm looking for stuff in season 4+.

There actually are scenarios in season 0 I haven't played but they're all retired. =(

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Many of those Season Zeros are deservedly retired. I got to play a charity lottery scenario offering the retired Hands of the Muted God at SkalCon by Boomer. It was amazingly deadly, full of drow, and with a McGuffin the Society likely will never want to offer ever again. I've heard that he's TPKed numerous tables with that one.

Mind you, my very competent and overprepared team had a blast, but we were terrified the entire time. Boomer was an awesome GM, and we had no idea what on earth was coming at us next.


Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit
Feral wrote:

I'm afraid not. I'm looking for stuff in season 4+.

There actually are scenarios in season 0 I haven't played but they're all retired. =(

Feral, do you have a list what you are looking for?

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy
Feral wrote:
Is anyone interested in a GMing trade? I'm trying to complete a few older seasons and I'm having a hard time getting tables together for those scenarios I'm missing.

Looking at your list on the PFS Session Tracker, I could run Tower of the Ironwood Watch for you - wouldn't even need a trade, given how many, many scenarios you've run for me.

Liberty's Edge

I'm looking to play the following:

#4-17 Tower of the Ironwood Watch
#5-3 The Hellknight's Feast
#5-18 The Stranger Within
#5-23 Cairn of Shadows
#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Crag
#6-4 Beacon Below
#6-18 From Under Ice
#7-3 The Bronze House Reprisal

I appreciate the offer Khel. I'd still be happy to run something that you need in exchange.

Sovereign Court

I can run the following for you:

#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Crag
#6-18 From Under Ice

Liberty's Edge

Sweet. What were you looking to play? I'll start recruiting later today.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy
Feral wrote:
I appreciate the offer Khel. I'd still be happy to run something that you need in exchange.

Well, in that case, I can play these from your list, plus lots of other stuff, older and newer:

#5-18 The Stranger Within
#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Crag

My profile on the tracker is up to date, that's probably the easiest way to find stuff I can play, as it's a pretty long list.

Looking at the session tracker it appears #0-4 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (1-5) is on your list.

Skelg the Ripper, envoy from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, lies wasting in his villa on the outskirts of Absalom. A frigid curse followed Skelg from his northern homeland and grips his bearish heart in its frosty embrace. As the bizarre freezing ailment pushes Skelg to the brink of death, the Society dispatches you and your fellow Pathfinders to uncover the secrets of the freezing curse before Absalom falls to its icy grip.

We need 3-4 other low level characters that are along for the ride. Please note that I expect folks can post at least once per day - preferably more.

Sovereign Court

Feral wrote:
Sweet. What were you looking to play? I'll start recruiting later today.

I can't tell what's directed at Khel and what's for me, but here's my tracker, including a list of available characters. My preference would be a low subtier 7-11, something Exchange-related if possible.

I can start #6-18 right away, then run #5-25 when that finishes. I don't know how much you can handle GMing at once, but I don't mind waiting until after you finish #4, if that scenario fills up your bandwidth. Do you have a subtier preference for From Under Ice?

I can probably do one more PFS scenario comfortably.

Looking over your tracker I can run 00-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend. I'll start recruitment later tonight.

Sovereign Court

DM Feral wrote:
Looking over your tracker I can run 00-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend.

I've played that one. The numbers are the character I applied the chronicle to, so you're looking for a blank space in the second column. You probably looked at the first column, which is for GMing.

Derp. I knew that.

How about 01-34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones?

Sovereign Court

DM Feral wrote:
How about 01-34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones?

Sounds good. I've started the thread for From Under Ice.

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Would Uthraed
Purple Dragon Knight
Please report here for the beginners arc!

I'm going to be running 00-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend (7-11).

When a retired Pathfinder's nephew goes missing after allegedly discovered the fabled city of Rachikan of the ancient Jistka Imperium, he turns to the Society for help. Now you've been sent to the coast of devil-tainted Cheliax to uncover the missing nephew's whereabouts and to, quite possibly, uncover one of the most sought-after legendary cities on Golarion. But you have to move quick! The Aspis Consortium is rumored to be racing to the site ahead of you and their involvement could spell disaster for the Pathfinder Society.

I need 3-4 other appropriate level characters that would like to come along for the ride. Please note that I expect folks can post at least once per day - preferably more.

VC - Sydney, Australia

So many cool games going!

If my dance card wasn't so thoroughly punched...!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

^^^^ THIS!!! lol

The Exchange

male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
DM Feral wrote:

I'm going to be running 00-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend (7-11).

Farg is ready, willing and able...

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

I'm happy to see things hopping again!


Strange Aeons - Map | Darkmoon Vale - Droskar's Crucible Level 1 | Droskar's Crucible Level 2

Agreed! Once I finish GMing my Evergreen run, I can take some requests from folks on scenarios they'd like to run. I have access to all Season 5 and 6 scenarios and a limited few others right now. I'll look at creating a spreadsheet for folks when that time comes closer so you can put some requests out there.

Shadow Lodge

Shifty wrote:
If my dance card wasn't so thoroughly punched...!

It just means we get out of the way of the youngin's. :)

DM Feral wrote:

I'm going to be running 00-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend (7-11).

When a retired Pathfinder's nephew goes missing after allegedly discovered the fabled city of Rachikan of the ancient Jistka Imperium, he turns to the Society for help. Now you've been sent to the coast of devil-tainted Cheliax to uncover the missing nephew's whereabouts and to, quite possibly, uncover one of the most sought-after legendary cities on Golarion. But you have to move quick! The Aspis Consortium is rumored to be racing to the site ahead of you and their involvement could spell disaster for the Pathfinder Society.

Sorry guys. I'm a dork and posted the wrong info.

The scenario I'm actually running is 01-34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones (still 7-11).

Rumored to be the most desecrated site in the Mwangi Expanse, the natives have long feared its malevolent presence. Rumors of suicide, infanticide, murder, and chaos have always been mentioned in the same breath with these mysterious rock formations. The Society sends you there after the location is discovered by a demonologist working for the Aspis Consortium. The Society fears the Aspis have discovered the source of the Drowning Stones' power and its up to you to insure that they don't get their hands on it.

Farg, Ellismus, and Karma if you're still interested check in here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
VC - Sydney, Australia
TOZ wrote:
Shifty wrote:
If my dance card wasn't so thoroughly punched...!
It just means we get out of the way of the youngin's. :)

Yep, bit there is a pile of old school PFS that if it comes up I'll be fighting through with my walking stick and the youngins be damned!

Anyhow, back to my Overseer duties :p

Male Human

I'd be interested in Drowning Stones if a spot is still available.

RyckyRych wrote:
I'd be interested in Drowning Stones if a spot is still available.

Ellismus and Karma currently have dibs. If they don't check in by tonight I'll open up their spots.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I created some Google docs to simplify the bookkeeping process for GMs. Here is a slideshow explaining how to make your own copies of the documents and use them.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Sales Person (7) / Product Manufacturer (7) / Transport Specialist (2) / Security (1)

Hello Flaxseed Lodge, I have a request for any GMS willing to run my game of Tome of the Righteous Repose.

Because of my current health and living conditions, I will not be able to continue most if not all the games I am involved with on the forums as of this moment. If anyone is able to pick up the table for me, I'll be glad to hand it over with a synopsis of what has gone on so far.

Honorbound Emissaries

Hey Flaxseed! First time GM with a quick question here. Where do I find the event code to put in the Chronicles when I'm getting ready to report the game? I'm getting close to finishing up a game of Wounded Wisp and I'm trying to get ahead of the curve a bit here so the Chronicles are ready to go quickly after we finish.

BTW, big thanks to Granta for the excellent sub-guide on how to put together the chronicle sheets digitally! I'm having a much easier time of it than I would have without the help!

Dark Archive

When you're logged into Paizo, click "my account" on the header of the page, next to your name. Scroll down until the "Pathfinder society" part of your account and click on it. Then, click on the "GM/Event coordinator" part of the page and you'll find the event you created earlier and its number. :)

Honorbound Emissaries

Awesome! Realized I had created the thread, but hadn't created the event. Got that taken care of now.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks to those who offered to help take over for my game. The position has been filled.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps
GM Granta wrote:
I created some Google docs to simplify the bookkeeping process for GMs. Here is a slideshow explaining how to make your own copies of the documents and use them.

That's an interesting Slideshow. Thanks for teaching me something today, Granta.


Everyone, if you wanted to tell folks about PbP and our awesome community, what would you say? I'd love to hear how you would sell PbP to your friends, loved ones and interested strangers.


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

Well, the way I sell it is the same way that it was sold to me. I don't have a consistent table group, and there is not a store that around here that does Pathfinder nights anymore (and I am way to busy to try and start one, even though it was offered) so I just use that as the selling point. Its great to get online for a bit and lose yourself in a game. You get to play with people from all over the world with all sorts of knowledge and skill sets that each bring a unique take to the game. You don't have to devote an entire Saturday afternoon every week/ other week to sit down somewhere, you just fit it in where you can manage. I would rather spend an hour (or three) here on Paizo then spend it watching the vitriol and fighting taking place on my facebook feed, and if I am going to spend the time online anyway, why not enjoy it? There are also benefits that you don't get around a home game like boons and GM progression, as well as a network of support for learning and help.

Honestly though, the biggest selling point was just that I got to play! I love the random few home games that I manage to sit in on, but they are way too infrequent to sate my desire to play.

PBP is perfect for those with hectic work schedules. I work 12 hour shifts. My rotation is two on, two off, three on, two off, two on three off. Throw in family, a wife and 18 month old in my case, and there is very little time to game, maybe twice a month, if I am lucky and do not get called in. And the majority of the time, I am the one running the game.

For PBP I only need to post once or twice a day. And since it is online, I can even do it at work, as long as the wifi is good and we are not slammed. Currently I am in 4 or 5 games and running 3. And not time taken away from the family or work to get my game fix.

The variety of characters and personalities does it for me. Not knocking on my local crew, but we are still a small group and majority are new players. So most of the character concepts are vanilla. Which means the role playing aspect is not there as well. Which on the boards, is abundant, and you can go deep into character here.


I play Pathfinder with my friends once a month, and that offers me one solid experience. The thing is, there are many experiences Pathfinder can provide in terms of classes and playstyles. It's hard for me to justify leaving my family for several hours, but with play by post I can squeeze in 5 minutes on a computer.

I get to try different builds, try different characters, try different styles. I get to GM more, I get to geek out. It's lots of fun and I meet lots of people at my pace.

PbP is awesome. Why would I ever pass this up?

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I'm another person that works long, oddball shifts so PbP is convenient in that I can post as I'm able or as it suits me each day. Another big selling point for me is that I tend to be shy/reserved IRL so it's much easier for me to actually roleplay online where I have plenty of time to think of just what I want each character to say or do :)

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