miteke |
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I GMed my first PbP a little while ago and was actually quite surprised at how easy it was. I expected more of a technical challenge but it is really quite simple.
1) Creating a thread is simple. See (I think) Painlords guide. When you start the thread there is a campaign page with two sections. The first section you put in content that will show at the top of all your threads (such as gameplay and discussion). This is a great place to put links to your map(s), though many put the links in their tag line I noticed. The second section only appears on the campaign thread. Its' a great place to store the event description and things like init die rolls. Again, others do things different and I've seen init and perception blocks in a google text doc accessible via a link so it doesn't have to go there. You also have a choice of when to launch your recruitment, discussion, and gameplay threads. So just creating the thread does not make everything appear at once.
2) Creating a map is simple. Go to google docs and drop an image, then set the privacy setting so everyone can see and edit it. There are some idiosyncrasies around the privacy/editable settings but not too hard to figure out. The biggest pain in the arse was removing things like secret doors from the images, at least for me. I plan to use a tool recommended to me for that next time.
3) Creating the event and logging the chronicles is simple. Just go to the main PFS page and select the create an event button. The name is misleading since you also update an event using the button - once you create an event it will appear in a list. But it has a place for describing the event and when it is time you just enter your character ID and then the player IDs. Some of the info is a bit confusing at first but you just have to start filling stuff out and as long as you get the IDs right you are good. Also, the place to enter your character's ID does not appear until after you start the process to enter the player's IDs. Note that you can use the same event code for multiple sessions, much like a con. So if you are running a series of games you can keep adding to the event you created by creating new sessions. Very easy.

GM Hmm |

It is all much easier than people think. The key is getting a reassuring guide out there.

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The most interesting ones for me are Thuron and Raza. Raza simply wants to drink and dance in every city on Golarion, and the Society is a great way to travel for free. Thuron has multiple personalities; one is a Taldan knight, the other is a worshiper of Rovagug.
Blanchbeak - inquisitor (tengu inquisitor)
Huritt Two-Hoof - adventurer (human sorcerer)
Magor Lavablood - stone mason (dwarf oracle)
Thuron Artorius - knight (half-orc barbarian)
Skug - fighter (half-orc fighter)
Yliss - huh? (nagaji bloodrager)
Raza Miyu - party girl (kitsune rogue)
Fek - thief (tengu rogue)
Thaeos - wizard (human wizard)
Gwynnis Tilia-Faced - monk (half-elf monk)
Kalas Undiel - druid (half-elf druid)
Shandra Dillon - warrior (human ranger)
Kardess Dasho - alchemist (wayang alchemist)
Miji Jaiqat - adventurer (ifrit swashbuckler)
Magga - warrior (human barbarian)
Jo DiCirino - priest (human cleric)
Sir Ninn de Hawtey - knight (gnome paladin)
Dwozer Zaden - retired soldier (human fighter)
Tagir Mohandis - entrepreneur (human brawler)
Reese Quinn - singer (suli skald)
Quillum Bugshooter - hunter (grippli gunslinger)

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Yeah, the learning curve, at least the technical part for pbp, is not that steep. Just don't be afraid to make mistakes. I messed a few forums at the beginning, somehow delinking the discussion page from the campaign or something. (Still not quite sure what I did!) I only started playing PFS in May last year, and started GMing at Gameday V. Just clocked my 8th GM game, all on pbp. It does help if you have experience GMing though. I started GMing with 5E a few years back, which has much less complicated rules set. :) In fact, I feel GMing PFS is easier on pbp - with the mass of rules, pbp gives me the time to research rules, which I imagine I wouldn't have the luxury of in RL games.
What helped a lot at the start is simply looking at the good practices of other GMs I've played with, and stealing ideas copiously from them. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :)
I'm dialing back a bit now though. Went a bit crazy last year. At the peak, I think I had 8-10 characters in game, while GMing 3-4! GMing just the special now, but once I feel I've got the grasp of it, will start another.

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Same sentiments as everyone else on GMing, PbP makes it a lot easier with ample time to check up rules, plus the community here is very good and will help you through the rules in game, as they have a lot with me!
And believe you me, I still make mistakes in every game! But everyone appreciates the effort you put in as a GM.

GM Fuzzfoot |

Another suggestion I would add - consider GMing a Core game. Much fewer rules to reference, and a lot of players in Core are GMs who wanted to "go again" in some of the scenarios, which means a lot of experienced players at your table who are all happy to help a fledgling GM.

DebugAMP |

A bit out in the future since I'm currently operating at capacity, but perhaps when I finish one of my current games I'll run a low-tier (probably evergreen) scenario for people who are interested in learning to GM PbP. That way I can keep the discussion thread open for questions and examples as I go along.

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Wow lots of posts. I'm a bit over committed at the moment, running five PFS games, with a sixth due to start this week. Half of them are Core games, which does make the GMing much easier. Oh yes, and running an AP as well. Now I suddenly know why I don't have any free time.
One is running very slow, one is a Confirmation, one is part three of the Destiny of the Sands series which started with the same group back in August. One is the multi table special, and the last one (soon to be too) is a season 0 affair, as part of my quest to get through all of season 0.
Speaking of which, I only have two season 0 scenario's left to play..
00-26: Lost at Bitter End and
00-28: Lyrics of Extinction
If anyone felt like running one of them (warning, they are both high tier) that would be much appreciated!

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Aerondor, I could maybe be persuaded to run one of those for you. Which one do you want more?

RyckyRych |

Speaking of which, I only have two season 0 scenario's left to play..
00-26: Lost at Bitter End and
00-28: Lyrics of ExtinctionIf anyone felt like running one of them (warning, they are both high tier) that would be much appreciated!
Wow, I need the same two scenarios! I'm willing to gift one or both to whoever wants to run them.

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Ok, so that's two of you. Pick which one you guys want and I'll run it. I won't need a gift of it since I have all of the scenarios.
I know I just posted about being too busy to run games, but I was in my local game store earlier and one of the employees decided to really step up and help out with getting Society play going in the area. Now that I have somewhat of an assistant, I can focus more on helping out with GM'ing online for all you wonderful people.
So, let me know which one you guys want, we'll get some more players, and I will start prepping...
(Though, if you reeeeeeallly want me to run both, I wouldn't be opposed to being gifted another softcover product instead... j/k. Maybe. Is it illegal to not be j/k'ing? Wait, I feel like that's a lawful evil act. But my alias is GM Evil, right? No but really, j/k. If no one steps up to run the second, I'll just run both.)

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What level ranges are they? I'd possibly be interested too.

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Bethany, I am sure that someone will be GMing evergreens again soon. However, I am betting that most GMs who are running the special are being cautious right now, not wanting to add any campaigns until they see how the workload of Blood Under Absalom pans out.
Is Bethany your first PFS character? And can we take this conversation to the discussion thread?
Ah no Bethany is my 2nd character, but my first only has two games (I also have a premade that I played at a comic store on Free RPG Day last year, but I'm saving it until Bethany can use it.) Part of the reason I had to wait on Bethany was that I didn't own Heroes of the Wild, but really wanted her to have the Fey Magic. Now that I do, I can finally play her. :)
As for Blood over Absalom, sorry I didn't realize that was something special and not just a popular scenario.

GM Hmm |

It's a timed multi-special, which means that we're all trying to keep up with the pace. I think that this one will be more manageable than the last multi table special, but its pace is keeping a lot of the local GMs on here busy.
Still, let's see if I can get those guides up, and then see if anyone new wants to run an evergreen.

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Speaking of which, I only have two season 0 scenario's left to play..
00-26: Lost at Bitter End and
00-28: Lyrics of ExtinctionIf anyone felt like running one of them (warning, they are both high tier) that would be much appreciated!
I've played both scenarios and have the PDFs, so I can run whichever game GM Evil doesn't.

Z...D... |

I want to try this character thing too..I am only going to do the ones that I have actually a good character concept for.
number-name-real class-describes him self as
-1: Refeo-Druid-Describes himself as a nature guide and an ambassador to fey.
-3: Wynnreyell Moonsilver-fighter/wizard/Arcane Archer- Plain and simple, he just calls himself an Elf.
-5: Fandral "The Dashing" Devinwood-Swashbuckler/Gunslinger- He is a pirate merchant and Captain of the Grinning Pixie
-9: Zavita-Life Oracle-Faith healer/medicine woman
-12: Syl'las Morbos-deadly courtesan rogue-dancer/actressm and part time adventurer
-13:Paxacku-Shining knight Paladin-he announces himself as a humble servant of Shizuru

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Still, let's see if I can get those guides up, and then see if anyone new wants to run an evergreen.
It's about time that I dip my toes into the GM waters as well. Count me in on any training you organize! (I've run 2 PCs through The Confirmation, and have also played First Steps and The Wounded Wisp once each. Any of those should be reasonable for my first run.) I have no problem waiting until the special is done, though.

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It's about time that I dip my toes into the GM waters as well. Count me in on any training you organize! (I've run 2 PCs through The Confirmation, and have also played First Steps and The Wounded Wisp once each. Any of those should be reasonable for my first run.) I have no problem waiting until the special is done, though.
Having GMed several games for you recently, I think you will do an excellent job. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

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It's cool to see so many people interested in joining the GM pool! As others said, evergreens are a good place to start, especially if you'd like more experienced GMs to participate.
My one comment would be that it's most important to get started running something you really like. You should be having fun as a GM too! If there's a scenario you really loved as a player, that might be a better starting point than an evergreen you're not very excited about.
Oh, and on the more unusual character descriptions, I have:

qwerty1971 |

00-26: Lost at Bitter End and
00-28: Lyrics of Extinction
If there is room I would like to throw my name into the hat to join.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

It is quiet possible that I might run a game or two based off the contents of this year's Humble Bundle (which includes the Confirmation, and a lot of the core elements of the Season 5's Year of the Demon), and I am quite sure--because it was free--that I have a copy of First Steps I.
It would be after the Blood Under Absalom event--just because cause life gets real sometimes. It will be slow-paced even with everyone posting at least once a day, and the occasional dust up, because the object isn't to see who can finish first. Just ask your significant other about that. The object is to play and have fun. It will be role-playing intensive because that's how I roll. In fact, it will start with happy hour in the Gameplay thread next door. I'll be at my usual booth in the back. No lotteries, no spreadsheets, possibly, no limits.
Let's call it First Steps to your Confirmation, and if you are all still alive, drinks on the VC at the Wounded Wisp. I like it. It sings to me like the Silver Crusade's choir.
Let's say a month (give or take) from now. Cheers.
I don't often preside over TPKs, but when I do, I make sure everyone gets milk and cookies afterward.

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Ok, so far I have Aerondor, Ryckyrych, IHiYC, and Qwerty1971. (And Saving Cap'n Crunch for Lost at Bitter End.)
Alright, You guys vote on a scenario and I will set up the thread. Do you guys want me to run both at once or back to back and use the same characters?
IHiYC, both scenarios are 7-11.
RyckyRych, I was totally kidding about the softcover. If I didn't have the scenario and you were gifting that, it would be one thing. However, as a Venture Agent, I have access to all of them already, therefore I don't need it. Consider me running the games as starting to pay back the community for picking up the slack for me when I was in the ICU.
Once I have the new thread up I'll post a link and we'll move this there to unclutter the Flaxseed.
EDIT: Alright, thread is up, link is >>HERE<<
Can I please have Aerondor, RyckyRych, I'm Hiding in Your Closet, Saving Cap'n Crunch, and Qwerty1971 report in so we can further discuss?

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Also, once Blood Under Absalom is done, I will start back running the "Evergreen Trilogy" for new-ish players. That usually entails me running First Steps, Wounded Wisp, and the Confirmation back to back, so new players can play all three with the same characters and learn the ropes of society. Veteran players are welcome, but seats go to new players first. I say usually because sometimes I have to substitute one of the scenarios with Master of the Fallen Fortress.
I will also run The Silverhex Chronicles in CORE, and once those are done I'll be looking at running a CORE set of the We Be Goblins.
I'll update my sign up sheet in a bit, but remember, these games will all be taking place in the future, once the special is over.

GM Hmm |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gang, this is rough draft. Feel free to give feedback as needed.
For those of you in my campaigns, sorry, this is why I delayed moving you forward today. I want to help those new GMs get up and running!
Starter PbP Mechanics for New GMs

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Thanks for putting that together Hmm! I've been thinking about trying my hand as a PBP GM. I GM all the time, just haven't done it via forum, and it really helps to see how simple the technical aspects are.

GM Hmm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good. That was my intention here. If there is interest in a GM101 run through a quest series, we can do that too. If we can get four candidates, we can grab either Silverhex or Phantom Phenomena and get started. I'll be mean and make you all do your own thread for each segment, along with your own slideshow.
Now I need to move my groups forward before they revolt on me.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The hardest part of GM'ing online is realizing how easy it really is. The online team does a phenomenal job with setting things up for people, so they really deserve a ton of credit. Hmm, those guides are indispensable for newer GM's, and even veterans can learn a thing or two from them.
Huzzah for the online VO's!
That being said, I have updated my sign up sheet to reflect the games that I will be starting up after the Blood Under Absalom Special is over. Any who wish to go ahead and sign up are more than welcome. Please allow new players to sign up for the Evergreen Trilogy game first, and if there are enough Veterans who wish to play, then I will run two tables.
GM Evil is back in the saddle everyone. Let's play some pathfinder.

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Wow, thanks for the offers! That is awesome. I only have one free in level character at the moment though.

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Cool! I signed up for your Evergreen trilogy. This is only my second PFS character and my first is still only level 1 (kinda made her to play until I was able to get the books I was missing for Bethany to be my 'main' character.)

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GM Evil, I know you were kidding but I wasn't. I'm just a player so I'm happy to gift something to a GM that is willing to accommodate a request like this. Since I don't GM any it would be the least I could do.
It's really not that big of a deal. I understand the sentiment, and from experience, I know how much players appreciate it when someone comes in and runs a game specifically for you. That being said, that appreciation is really all I need. I'm just here doing what I enjoy, and it feels wrong to be compensated for it like that. If it were a real life game, where I had to travel, or draw maps, or pore over a billion sourcebooks to put the game together, then maybe it would be a different story.
But this, this is easy. The maps are copy paste, I can update the game from my phone, and everything needed is in one place in a handy PDF that I got for free from Paizo anyway. I'm not worried about getting anything in return except a bunch of happy players saying "That was fun! Thanks for running it!".
Unless it wasn't fun and everyone yelled at me for being a bad GM and peeing on the carpet, then I would have a sad.

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hey...anyone have some time to take on an orphaned game? no posts by GM since new years...unsure how much we have done percentage wise...link for discussion thread http://paizo.com/campaigns/PFSPbPGamedayVGMAlias712TheTwistedCircle/discuss ion#38

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Your link leads back to the Flaxseed Lodge though I found it in your profile. If you guys don't find someone by this weekend I can help you out.

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hey...anyone have some time to take on an orphaned game? no posts by GM since new years...unsure how much we have done percentage wise...link for discussion thread http://paizo.com/campaigns/PFSPbPGamedayVGMAlias712TheTwistedCircle/discuss ion#38
I'll say you're just at the beginning.
If No one else is available to take it up by end of this week. I suppose I can do it.I have bandwidth for max 2 games.

GM ShieldBug |

All that talk about new GMs has made me consider taking the plunge myself, I even made a brand new alias for the occasion :)
It probably wouldn't be for a while yet (I want a few more games as a player under my belt first), but if I did start GMing, I would only be able to make one meaningful post a day. Would that be an issue for players? I think I saw some guides say that as a GM, I should make a couple of posts a day.

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I would only be able to make one meaningful post a day. Would that be an issue for players? I think I saw some guides say that as a GM, I should make a couple of posts a day.
I try to commit to posting six days a week with one substantive post per day. A substantive post is one that moves the story along.
If it works for you, then I'm sure you will find players as long as you are consistent.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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if I did start GMing, I would only be able to make one meaningful post a day. Would that be an issue for players? I think I saw some guides say that as a GM, I should make a couple of posts a day.
Most of the GMs I've played with so far average slightly less than 1 post a day. Of course, my favorite GMs are much more prolific.

GM chadius |

thanks guys! you're all awesome. i didn't know about the link being busted...it happened the other day as well when i posted about another thread....never noticed the space....very odd...
Hi grimdog. I'll take over and help get your PCs out of limbo. I hope GM Alias is doing alright.