
GM ThinkingFlesh's page

123 posts. Alias of Caro Cogitatus.

About GM ThinkingFlesh

Basic Play-By-Post Gaming
Advanced Play-By-Post Gaming

My Expectations

  • Have Fun That's why we're all here. If you don't like something, suggest a change.

  • Commit to completing what you start. Yes, sometimes Real Life throws a Demogorgon at your 1st level wizard, but if possible don't drop out without warning.

  • Commit to the play It's called Role Playing, not Roll Playing. If you have nothing to say or do, have your character say so or ask a question of another character. Everyone's responsible to keep it interesting.

  • Don't hold up the play Some GMs have a 1 post per day requirement, but I prefer to leave it to you. Check the threads frequently and post as often as you can. Expect your action to be delayed if we've been waiting 12 hours or more, or botted if it's been 24 hours. I do not take these actions lightly, and frequent and lively posters get more leniency than infrequent and monotone ones.

GAH. I need to reformat this. But you get the idea.