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All that talk about new GMs has made me consider taking the plunge myself, I even made a brand new alias for the occasion :)
It probably wouldn't be for a while yet (I want a few more games as a player under my belt first), but if I did start GMing, I would only be able to make one meaningful post a day. Would that be an issue for players? I think I saw some guides say that as a GM, I should make a couple of posts a day.
Consistency and quality count for more than quantity in my book..
Magabeus |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Quality will improve with experience and seeing how other GM's do things. Copy what you like, improve on what you don't like.

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I don't suppose there are any games out there both CORE and Classic looking for players?
Or maybe throw my holey hat into the ring?

Bot Buddy 2000 |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Click. Whirr.
GM Hmm has been too busy with her duties as Online Venture Lieutenant to complete that PFS PBP botting guide she kept planning to write, so I wrote one for her.
Bot Buddy's Guide to PbP Character Botting
Remember, don't bot irresponsibly. That's MY job!

Wei Ji the Learner |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Click. Whirr.GM Hmm has been too busy with her duties as Online Venture Lieutenant to complete that PFS PBP botting guide she kept planning to write, so I wrote one for her.
Bot Buddy's Guide to PbP Character Botting
Remember, don't bot irresponsibly. That's MY job!
Except you don't do your job very well, DO you?
ie, your botting has been *very* responsible and conscientious, even...

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Khelreddin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

OK, is there any way to remove the default alias for submissions. I keep using my main character alias on the game threads and having to turn around and edit them. If I didn't have a default it would use the most recent alias that posted, which is really what I would prefer.
There's an even better answer for this, Oladon's Campaign Tools Extension for Chrome or the one for Firefox. Lets you set a default alias in each campaign, select custom avatars, sort your aliases in nifty ways, highlight threads where there are new posts, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Oladon updates it regularly and periodically seeks input on new features users would like to see. Here's a discussion thread if you'd like to learn more.
I'm told it will soon allow you to change all your aliases into cute puppies that gambol exuberantly (like there's another way to gambol?) through your PbP games, but that might just be the Oladon Marketing Department talking.

GM Hmm |

ie, your botting has been *very* responsible and conscientious, even...
^ Shhh. Wei Ji, let him keep his delusions. They make him happy.
Everyone else, there are some things in the botting guide that you might find useful even if you don't bot.
For instance, information on the limits of when you can add a replacement player for full-credit, and your options when players drop out altogether.
I am in the slow process of trying to create a bunch of sub-guides that will be part of a consolidated guide for PFS PbP. There's a lot of great information out there, but it's scattered! We're trying to pull it together and make it accessible. A lot of the sub topics are being written out first. If there is a topic that you would really like to see covered, let us know!

miteke |

miteke wrote:OK, is there any way to remove the default alias for submissions. I keep using my main character alias on the game threads and having to turn around and edit them. If I didn't have a default it would use the most recent alias that posted, which is really what I would prefer.Yep.
Unfortunately, that only sets the default back to your main alias.

miteke |

miteke wrote:OK, is there any way to remove the default alias for submissions. I keep using my main character alias on the game threads and having to turn around and edit them. If I didn't have a default it would use the most recent alias that posted, which is really what I would prefer.There's an even better answer for this, Oladon's Campaign Tools Extension for Chrome or the one for Firefox. Lets you set a default alias in each campaign, select custom avatars, sort your aliases in nifty ways, highlight threads where there are new posts, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Oladon updates it regularly and periodically seeks input on new features users would like to see. Here's a discussion thread if you'd like to learn more.
I'm told it will soon allow you to change all your aliases into cute puppies that gambol exuberantly (like there's another way to gambol?) through your PbP games, but that might just be the Oladon Marketing Department talking.
I installed and it helps. Unfortunately in 50% of my games the default is still my main account since it is listed as a character, but they should gradually fade away.

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I installed and it helps. Unfortunately in 50% of my games the default is still my main account since it is listed as a character, but they should gradually fade away.
You can request that your GMs remove or disable your unused alias from the game, and that will wind you down to your default. This process is probably not worth your while for most PFS scenarios, as you'll finish them soon enough. But if you're in any longer term games, especially APs, it's probably worth doing.

Magabeus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Or worse, it can create time warps where entire combats need to be retconned due to a delayed player’s actions invalidating something that has gone before.
I would remove this part.
A delayed player can not invalidate anything, since delaying is the "act" of moving down the initiative line to a place where you want to jump in again.
In PbP this means (to me) that you get to act at the moment that you post (i.e. in posting order), not before. You might want to add something that reminds people what delaying is.
Another disadvantage of delaying is that it does not improve the buy-in of the missing player. He/she can think "Oh, they manage fine without me, it is not an issue if I do not post". Therefore you might want to recommend not delaying more than 1 full round before trying to contact the player.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A delayed player can not invalidate anything, since delaying is the "act" of moving down the initiative line to a place where you want to jump in again.
In PbP this means (to me) that you get to act at the moment that you post (i.e. in posting order), not before. You might want to add something that reminds people what delaying is.
Most GMs resolve actions in post order anyways so delaying wouldn't do anything if that's how it's resolved.
Usually someone is delaying because they want to take a specific action. (Bob the Barbarian wants to charge but right now his charge lane is blocked, so he delays, because he can't ready a charge.)
Fred the Fighter steps out of the charge lane, but before Bob sees it and can post again, Randall the Rogue decides he wants flank and puts himself into Bob's charge lane. Now had Randall let Bob take his delayed action, he could have stepped into flank with Bob, but he forgot Bob was waiting to charge. (Maybe it was over a page break.)
So the way delay tends to work in pbp is that you give it a trigger so that it works like a full-turn ready that can't interrupt anything.
"Bob delays until there is a clear charge lane to the enemy."

Wei Ji the Learner |

Most GMs resolve actions in post order anyways so delaying wouldn't do anything if that's how it's resolved.Usually someone is delaying because they want to take a specific action. (Bob the Barbarian wants to charge but right now his charge lane is blocked, so he delays, because he can't ready a charge.)
Fred the Fighter steps out of the charge lane, but before Bob sees it and can post again, Randall the Rogue decides he wants flank and puts himself into Bob's charge lane. Now had Randall let Bob take his delayed action, he could have stepped into flank with Bob, but he forgot Bob was waiting to charge. (Maybe it was over a page break.)
So the way delay tends to work in pbp is that you give it a trigger so that it works like a full-turn ready that can't interrupt anything.
"Bob delays until there is a clear charge lane to the enemy."
This is also important because not everyone's time zones line up on PbP.
If four people are in CST and one is in GMT, then the one is going to bed while the others are just getting home from work/etc under normal circumstances.
...and we won't even talk about the disaster that's retail employment.

GM Hmm |

Magabeus, Michael --
These are good points.
I copy pasted them into my guide feedback doc. Please remind me tomorrow (when I'm not sick) that I need to deal with them, okay?
I'm worried that in my current nauseated state, nothing will transfer from short-term memory into long today.
PS Where is that lazy bot? He should be handling his own revisions. It's HIS guide!

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Some clerics can channel the sickness away..... While the Paladin keeps on smiling whatever caused it!

GM DevilDoc |

I am going to slowly start getting up to three tables running for a beginners arc. I imagine that the slots will fill up quickly, but I will stagger the games so that they will start over the next several weeks as the tables fill.
Please pay attention to which tables are for whom. I currently have them set up as one table for Beginners, one table for Veterans and one mixed table for overflow. Please fill up the primary tables before moving to the mixed table!
In order, we will play The Confirmation, Masters of the Fallen Fortress, and then Wounded Wisp.

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So, I am in a PFS run of most of Season 0 on the boards, and we have just finished our first scenario. Our GM is having trouble with how long it takes to report events and fill out Chronicle sheets, and is thinking about ending the campaign because of it. Being new to GMing on the boards, I don't know any time-saving techniques, but I also don't feel like they have to take very long if you do them right. Can I call upon a wise, experienced GM to coach ours on how to do these things more quickly? I don't want it to end so soon, it's already been a lot of fun.

GM Faelyn |

My suggestion to you is to set everything up in advance! Nothing says you have to do everything at the very end. I use PDF chronicle sheets and have my players provide all their info at the start of the scenario. It takes time to get through the entire scenarios online and that gives you the time to slowly work on the sheets. You can also setup the report information in advance so all you need to do is plug in the particulars when reporting! Hopefully that helps!

Tarondor |

What's taking you three hours, Giuseppe? I can usually knock it out in under an hour.
So first, I use PDF Escape to do the work.
Second, I have most of it filled out long before the game is over. Fill out one without PC information and save it. Most of the information on the sheets will be the same across all players.
Then just fill in what's different when the game is over (hint: You don't have to actually wait for the game to be over). Then upload it all to Google Docs and voila!
It's pretty easy. It does take time, but not three hours!

GM Hmm |

Faelyn, Tarondor, Granta --
Any of you willing to do a step by step writeup of how you do this? I'm putting together a consolidated guide to PbP, and would love to have other bodies involved in the project sub pages...
Let me know.

GM Hmm |

I've been trying to push out the sub-pages as fast as I can get to them, but I don't have any particular deadline, no. My goal is to get all the information on how to do PBP GMing and playing in ONE location. But I am first aiming for the stuff for which there are no guides.
Also, if anyone out there has a stream-lined process for doing sheets in the manner of the Roleplaying Guild Guide, I am very interested in seeing your writeup.

Magabeus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm and others, this is my process:
1) Get all info that you need before the game starts. (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
2) Put info gotten in 1 in the big excel PFS spreadsheet (with all my games played and GM'ed)
3) Print one chronicle when the game is almost done
4) Place all signatures and fill bottom part (excl date).
5) Copy x times, one for each player
6) Fill remainder by hand when the game is done
7) Scan them (I scan all 6 chronicles into 1 PDF)
8) Upload to google drive
9) Post link to pdf in discussion thread
10) Fill in Paizo reporting
I have tried to do it all electronically but that takes a lot of time and frustration, so I prefer the old-fashioned way. I would love to have a process that is as quick and easy as this is, because I hate to waste all those trees.

GM Faelyn |

Hmm, I can definitely do that! Might not be able to get to it until tomorrow evening. I'll see about tonight, but going to be a little busy this evening.

GM Giuseppe |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone, a huge thank you for your help! Eventually I managed to get the chronicles done in less than 20 minutes using Acrobat Reader. Let's just say that filling them using paint was not a good idea at all! When you have the right program and you know how to fill the fields, everything runs smoother and the process turns out to be much quicker than I imagined.
A special thank goes to GM Granta who helped my in private.
Again, thank you everyone!

GM Faelyn |

You are quiet welcome! I'm a very glad to hear our suggestions helped you all out and (hopefully) get more enjoyment out of PFS GMing.

GM Hmm |

What do you mean by "doing sheets"?
Er... Chronicle sheets! Not laundry or Excel.
Granta, I love your slideshow! Although I am doing most of these as google docs, I think linking to your slide show would be a great help.

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Although I am doing most of these as google docs, I think linking to your slide show would be a great help.
The slideshow was actually easier for me to do. It was more labor, but less thinking. I just took screenshots while going through the process myself, then went back and added in the text.