DM Rah |

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Saw Darklands Pyramid, signed up for it entirely on the dual premise of "I finished the initial play-thorough of Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires for Toshi inspiration" and "It had pyramids in the name, so Ernest would be excited for it."

EndlessForms |

Anybody interested in Wardens of the Reborn Forge? I mean, I don't own the PDF and have enough PFS games going as it is to GM it myself. . . but if someone else is GMing it this is my way of saying I'd like a seat, please! ;)
(Not sanctioned for PFS yet but I believe it is supposed to be sanctioned with optional "campaign mode" a la Dragon's Demand and APs. So high-level PFS credit *should* be available upon completion, even if characters are made from scratch. Don't hold me to it though until the chronicles are actually released, but that seems to be the trend.)

EndlessForms |

Oh, I thought you wanted to play this one? I mean, I'm not going to complain if you want to run it. I'm fine waiting on the sanctioning to be sure "campaign mode" is allowed, although we'd surely not finish before then. (Then again, Paizo has been depressingly behind schedule for the past few months and Carrion Crown sanctioning was supposed to happen a long time ago.) I would imagine it would be since I'm pretty sure they said all new modules under the new format would have that option.
Of course, with such a unique setting I'm torn on what to play. I was tempted to be a masochist and play a caster, as there are guaranteed to be anti-magic fields galore. I'll think on it, we've probably got a while.

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If they allow "Campaign mode," for a higher level mod then they're going back on their decision of making modules matter again, and I'm not sure how I'll feel about that.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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It's official; EF is to "Gnomes with sexual tendencies" as I am to "insane old men".
-Posted with Wayfinder

EndlessForms |

Hey! Totally different! Glaurung is basically Zarta Dralneen in gnome form; Fizzbeard is an upstanding paladin of Smiad. . . who just happens to fall for the damsel in distress at the end of the mission.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"I think you mean 'someone'! Ha!"
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Helpful Piggy Info for Atum Nakhti (the Risen? I think you have to to be a Living Monolith?)! Living Monolith Comparison! Ignore if you want, I just know that EF has one and was concerned about ch-ch-changes. Turn and face the strange.
3/4ths base attack, no longer is it full BAB, usually. See 1st level. Also, I didn't play 3.5, but the saves progression is different Fort is still the only Good save.
During his induction into this prestige class, a living monolith has an engraved scarab stone embedded in his forehead, often inlaid with gems or precious metals. This stone is inscribed on its inner side with the monolith’s true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.
The ka stone tightly binds the living monolith’s mind and spirit to his body, providing him with a +2 bonus to saves against negative levels, death effects, and mindaffecting effects.
A living monolith can invoke the power of his ka stone 3 times per day as a swift action, enabling him to grow in size as if using enlarge person (even if he is not a humanoid).
During his induction into this prestige class, a living monolith has a stone scarab embedded in his forehead, often set with gems or inlaid with precious metals. This stone is inscribed on its inner side with the monolith’s true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.
The soul stone grants the living monolith a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels.
A living monolith can invoke the power of his soul stone 3 times per day as a swift action, enabling him to grow in size as if using enlarge person (even if he is not a humanoid). When a living monolith first gains the soul stone ability, he must decide whether it takes the form of an ib stone or a ka stone. If the character was a spellcaster before becoming a living monolith, he can choose either an ib stone or a ka stone. If the character was not a spellcaster before becoming a living monolith, he must take a ka stone.
Ib Stone (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a living monolith with an ib stone gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a living monolith, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A living monolith with an ib stone does not gain the greater ka stone and master ka stone abilities.
Ka Stone (Su): A living monolith with a ka stone gains Toughness as bonus feat. In addition, when a living monolith uses his ka stone to increase his size, his base attack bonus from his living monolith class levels is equal to his living monolith level.
More options for casters! Better stuff! Full BAB, but only sometimes!
At 2nd level, the vital fluids and tissues of a living monolith are infused with the power of ancient stone and can selectively petrify in response to injury. A living monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage or ability damage from blood loss or blood drain attacks (including weapons with the wounding quality).
At 2nd level, the vital fluids and tissues of a living monolith can selectively petrify in response to injury. A living monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the wounding special ability) and ability damage from blood drain.
Less words! Same thing!
At 3rd level, the flesh of a living monolith takes on the hardness of stone, enabling him to shrug off blows. A living monolith gains DR 1/adamantine and 10% immunity to critical hits (as if he were wearing fortification armor). This DR increases by 1 and immunity to criticals increases by 10% at levels 5 and 8. When a living monolith uses his ka stone to increase his size, these defenses temporarily increase by 1 and 10%.
At 3rd level, the flesh of a living monolith takes on the hardness of stone. A living monolith gains DR 1/— and 10% immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (as if wearing fortification armor). At 5th level and again at 8th level, this DR increases by 1 and the immunity to critical hits increases by 10%. When a living monolith uses his soul stone to increase his size, these defenses temporarily increase by an additional 1 and 10%, respectively. At 5th level, a living monolith becomes immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot).
Disease Immunity gain!
Stability (Ex): At 4th level, a living monolith becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to avoid being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground. This stacks with a dwarf ’s stability trait and other similar abilities.
Tombsight (Su): A living monolith of 4th level can perceive the balance of life and death within those they see, as if using deathwatch and detect undead simultaneously. This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living monolith concentrates. Using this ability is not an evil action.
Stability (Ex): At 4th level, a living monolith becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to his CMD when he resists a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. This stacks with a dwarf ’s stability trait and similar abilities.
Tombsight (Su): At 4th level, a living monolith can perceive the balance of life and death within those he sees, as if using deathwatch and detect undead simultaneously. This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living monolith concentrates.
Deathwatch is evil in some homegames now, I guess?
At 5th level, a living monolith must undergo a ritual replacing his initial stone with one worth at least 5000 gp (he cannot gain any more levels in this prestige class until he does so). This takes 8 hours, destroys the previous stone, and transfers its power to the new one. He becomes immune to natural and supernatural diseases. When he invokes his ka stone’s power to increase his size, he gains the benefit of righteous might rather than enlarge person.
At 5th level, when a living monolith with a ka stone invokes his ka stone’s power to increase his size, the living monolith gains the benefit of righteous might rather than enlarge person. The DR gained from righteous might is based on the living monolith’s alignment. A neutral living monolith must choose which DR to gain from this ability. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.
DR/alignment! Clarifications!
At 6th level, a living monolith becomes attuned to stone and earth, enabling him to meld into stone at will.
At 6th level, a living monolith can use meld into stone at will.
Less fluff!
At 7th level, a living monolith gains the power to call upon the aid of the sphinxes, ancient allies of the first immortal tomb guardians of Osirion. Once per day he may call a sphinx to his presence and bargain for its services as if using planar ally to call upon an outsider. He gains a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes.
At 7th level, a living monolith can call upon the aid of the sphinxes, ancient allies of the first immortal tomb guardians of Osirion. Once per day, the living monolith can call a sphinx to his presence and bargain for its services as if using planar ally to call upon an outsider. At 9th level, this ability functions as greater planar ally. The living monolith gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes.
It scales now!
At 8th level, a living monolith achieves a unique communion with the living rock, gaining tremorsense in a 30-foot radius as long as he is in contact with the ground. Once per day he can communicate with rock and stone as if using stone tell. He understands Terran, the language of earth elementals.
At 8th level, a living monolith achieves a unique communion with the earth, gaining tremorsense to a range of 30 feet. Once per day, the living monolith can communicate with rock and stone as if using stone tell. He gains Terran as a bonus language.
More Pathfinder-y! Less words!
At 9th level, a living monolith may use statue as a spell-like ability on himself at will. He also becomes immune to petrification.
At 9th level, a living monolith may use statue as a spell-like ability with a range of personal at will. He also becomes immune to petrification.
Totally the same!
Master Ka Stone (Su): At 10th level, a living monolith must undergo a final ka stone ritual, replacing his current stone with one worth at least 10,000 gp. Upon completing this ritual, the living monolith becomes immortal. He ceases aging (though any aging effects already accrued remain in place) and becomes immune to energy drain and death effects, though he can still be killed by other means. When he invokes his ka stone’s power to increase his size, he gains the benefits of righteous might and regains lost hit points as if he had rested for a night (though this healing does not restore temporary ability damage or provide other benefits of resting, and changing back does not heal him further).
Judgment of the Monolith (Sp): A living monolith of 10th level has the divine authority to demand truthful answers in order to mete out justice in the name of the ruler of Osirion. Once per day, a living monolith can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as speak with dead. Upon a living creature, it functions as a mark of justice that activates if the target lies to the living monolith. Finally, a living monolith can use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using contact other plane (treat as contacting a lesser deity).
Ageless Stone (Ex): At 10th level, a living monolith becomes immortal. He ceases aging (though any aging effects already accrued remain in place) and becomes immune to energy drain and death effects, though he can still be killed by other means.
Judgment of the Monolith (Sp): At 10th level, a living monolith gains the divine authority to demand truthful answers. Once per day, a living monolith can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as speak with dead. Upon a living creature, it functions as a mark of justice that activates if the target lies to the living monolith. A living monolith can also use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using contact other plane (treat as contacting a lesser deity).
Master Ka Stone (Su): At 10th level, when a living monolith with a ka stone invokes his ka stone’s power to increase his size, he regains lost hit points as if he had rested for a night. This healing does not restore temporary ability damage or provide other benefits of resting, and changing back does not heal him further.
Split up a few abilities!
Looks like only one REALLY BIG change, and that's the BAB. I foresee a forced rebuild opportunity in your future, since they did that with Hellknight.

EndlessForms |

Anyone up for the new 05-12 Destiny of the Sands Part I? I'll probably GM it in real life but I've got an Osirion necromancer I'd love to play in it.

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I am. I'm also really considering running Weapon of the Rift (5th - 9th) if enough are interested.

EndlessForms |

Yeah, I'd be interested in that one too and I've got a character available.

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Ok, holy crap this scenario looks cool. Finally sort of taking the war to the Worldwound and actually doing something. And a pretty good Chronicle Sheet. Still glancing through, but I'm really liking what I see.

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Anyone up for the new 05-12 Destiny of the Sands Part I? I'll probably GM it in real life but I've got an Osirion necromancer I'd love to play in it.
In case anyone is interested, here are the new (on the way) Faction Letters for this one.
Abadius, 4714
Initiate of Osirion’s Mysteries,
As you no doubt recall, our dismissal from the Ruby Prince’s inner circle made it possible for us to research the organization known as the Jeweled Sages, a society that dates back to Osirion’s golden age millennia ago. These men and women sensed the decline of their kingdom and began to gather the relics and wisdom that might otherwise be lost to the ages. Each sage carried a jewel in which he or she stored memories and secrets of the past, passing them to chosen successors when a member inevitably passed away. Our desert homeland’s tumultuous past scattered the Jeweled Sages to the winds, but I am certain that if they were still united as in ages past, they would praise your accomplishments over these past months—while they valued the wisdom of the whole, they also honored the initiative and excellence of the individual.
Yet are they truly gone, and I the last? We recently learned that someone calling herself the Diamond Sage has lived in central Osirion for years, and if her agents are any metric, she is as interested in meeting us as I am to finally meet another of my order. What’s more, I have divined that several other sages’ jewels are also buried nearby, though I do not know their exact locations. Because my reputation in Osirion is still stained by last year’s developments, I am sending you, my loyal agents, to find these jewels, locate the Diamond Sage, and arrange for us all to meet formally and determine the future of our fractured order. I am not certain quite what to expect when we finally meet the Diamond Sage, and I trust I will have your insights to aid my own judgment of the matter.
The Pathfinder Society has been most generous in providing me a home and offering its support in our endeavors. Even now I am working with Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir to orchestrate a formal Pathfinder expedition to the trade city of Eto, where I hope you can pick up the trail of my elusive colleague. I owe the Society much for its aid. When our business near Eto is done, let us remember your fellow Pathfinders and the equally monumental task they face to the north.
For the Jeweled Sages,
Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage
Abadius, 4714
Most Valued Associate,
Have you noticed our offices’ recent renovations: the intricate rugs, delicate vases, and shining candelabras? I felt it appropriate to spend a fraction of our recent profits on enhancing our image to reflect the lucrative business deals that you have helped secure. Through some delicate handling, the dwarves and the Kalistocrats are both willing to do business with us, though I imagine it’s only a matter of time before their rivalries flare up and force us to choose who our real friends are. Even then we shall enjoy the fruits of cooperation with the Rahadoumi, whose location offers us greater access to the west coasts of both Garund and Avistan.
Before we break open the Chelish wine, however, we must maintain our momentum; I can manage the consolidation of what we have already acquired if you can find and seal more contracts. Making our mark on the Katapeshi markets will have to wait until our network is particularly robust, so look elsewhere. I have made arrangements with the Pathfinder Society to send you to Eto, a thriving crossroads city in Osirion, to see what you can learn there. Should you meet a particularly capable powerbroker or merchant lord, see if you can bargain for a few trade secrets or news of any up-and-coming trading centers worth our attention. Of course, I expect you to follow through on that advice, so be prepared for extended travel.
Stay well while you are abroad. My colleague Guaril Karela has been looking particularly ill recently, and each month that passes seems to age him another year. I also hear that my mentor in Qadira is bedridden, and I shall travel to see him soon.
To a bright future,
Trade-Prince Aaqir al’Hakam
Abadius, 4714
My Loyal Associate,
You’ve heard, haven’t you? At least half of the family seems to be running around half-mad. Well, let me assure you that hearing the word on the street is hardly the same as seeing the writing on the wall; anyone who thinks she can send assassins to stick a knife between old Guaril’s ribs is in for a nasty surprise—at least half a dozen nasty surprises with 20-inch biceps and iron-studded cudgels, in fact.
Fortunately, the Pathfinder Society knows just how valuable our services are and has volunteered some extra muscle to ensure that my head and neck do not end their longstanding partnership (I find the two have grown rather attached to each other and would terribly upset if separated). The key now is finding out which rats think they can take on the Sczarni and where their little warren is. I have to say, your work so far has turned up some strong leads; keep this up and you’ll go far in the family.
What I’m not so happy about is hearing that my former business associate is one of the ones selling me out! What’s worse, he’s done a truly professional job of covering his tracks—so much so that none of my cousins have been able to track down our real enemies. I’ve run out of good options, so I’m sending you in to negotiate. The information-broker I’m talking about is holed up in Eto, and the Pathfinder Society has organized a special trip for us to knock on his door and ask some pointed questions (I’m telling you, this deal with the Society is great). Stay sharp, figure out where our enemies are holed up, and don’t promise anything we can’t deliver on.
Once you know where our enemies are, contact me. I’ll pull some strings and make sure the Society lends us a hand in busting some skulls and ending this debacle. Of course, when the time comes, I’ll need you to lead the raid. In the meantime, go help the Pathfinders do Pathfinder things—you know the routine.
Go make me proud,
Guaril Karela

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So I spent time leveling my cleric to 9th today.
I'm still waffling between quick channel, alignment channel (evil), turn undead, and command undead.
The idea of no SR area effect 7d6 damage to evil outsiders is nice - but 14d6 healing a turn (although at the cost of an extra channel) would also be nice :P

GM Derek W |

Ok guys, I am thinking of running a game or two for the next PBP event. I would like to run things I don't already own, because free stuff is always good. I own a decent enough selection of 1-5 stuff and a handful of 3-7's, so I'd be happy to go with a 5-9 or 7-11 if enough folks will have characters available by then.
Is there anything out there you've been itching to play?
-GM Derek aka Osric/Oswin

GM Derek W |

Yeah, I thought about. But I have trouble running longer games. I got a group through Fangwood Keep last year, but as you know I had to cancel a couple of Dragon's Demand games. (one of which EF graciously took over).
I like the pacing of scenarios better, especially since I do a lot of posting during work hours, and my schedule does vary a lot seasonally and for other reasons.

Signboy77 |

@GM Derek W: If you're willing to run a 5-9 or 7-11, I'll have a free character available. Desmond's in Tektites Red Harvest, but I think we'll finish up before Gameday starts.
Elven Entanglement sounds fun.

EndlessForms |

Elven Entanglement is a lot of fun but can also be pretty brutal. We had a decent party and still limped through half of it.

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I would be up for Elven Entanglement with my paladin-6 or lion-shaman-5 (both half-elves). If Desmond, definitely go with my paladin, Omrax!
[edit]Just noticed EE was 7-11, I was thinking it was 5-9. I will have to add some GM chonicles to get Omrax to 7th.[/]

GM Tektite |

Elven Entanglement is a lot of fun but can also be pretty brutal. We had a decent party and still limped through half of it.
That because I had to put on the kid gloves. Even with myself being a Huggy Bear GM, that could have easily been a TPK. That one scares me. I'd bring Shin, but he's already died once.