The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Yup as TOZ said they are not required. There are modules and adventure paths that can put you higher than 12. That being said if you have never completed the three seeker arcs you listed they are well worth it.

Great, thanks everyone. I definitely want to play one, so I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker

Please check out the blog link below as there is a bit of news for 1st Edition. The Additional Resources Page as well as the Campaign Clarifications page has been update!

02 July 2021 Blog

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The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.

It's raining updates! HALLELUJAH!!!

Additional Resources: Concordance of Rivals wrote:
You may only consume your own flesh or blood in obedience to Mother Vulture, not that of others.

As a Society DM, I abhor the implication that the Pathfinder Society is a haven for cannibalism - it is well-known that we now have the problem relatively under control!

Tyranius wrote:

Please check out the blog link below as there is a bit of news for 1st Edition. The Additional Resources Page as well as the Campaign Clarifications page has been update!

02 July 2021 Blog

Thanks for the update!

Does anyone know if there’s a thread where the change is analyzed?

Sovereign Court

GM Nowruz wrote:
Tyranius wrote:

Please check out the blog link below as there is a bit of news for 1st Edition. The Additional Resources Page as well as the Campaign Clarifications page has been update!

02 July 2021 Blog

Thanks for the update!

Does anyone know if there’s a thread where the change is analyzed?

The Blog says "We’re still working on sanctioning documents for the final Adventure Paths" so I'm really curious to see what this will mean in the end! I have run some uncredited APs along the years and who knows? perhaps this final sanctioning will yield a paper-based memento to remember the good times! :)

Dark Archive

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Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★


Please join us in welcoming Bigrin as the new PbP VA for the Roll for Combat Discord lodge!

We also want to thank Stephen (Stonesnake) for his outstanding service and hard work getting the Roll for Combat Play-By-Discord Lodge into the wonderful community it is today!

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker


Gameday X Announcement has just been posted. GM's please go ahead and begin submitting the games you would like to run.

Gameday X Announcement (Link)

Sovereign Court

Tyranius wrote:


Gameday X Announcement has just been posted. GM's please go ahead and begin submitting the games you would like to run.

Gameday X Announcement (Link)


B19 Grim Tidings ||
Tyranius wrote:


Gameday X Announcement has just been posted. GM's please go ahead and begin submitting the games you would like to run.

Gameday X Announcement (Link)

Is there any chance Race for the Runecarved Key could be offered as a special? I have a 19.2 that's been sitting around waiting for it for a while.

Sovereign Court

GM NovelEnigma wrote:

Is there any chance Race for the Runecarved Key could be offered as a special? I have a 19.2 that's been sitting around waiting for it for a while.

You should perhaps run it then, since the GM gets a chronicle sheet too, and since the opportunities to play certain key 1E scenarios are getting few and far between... with that said, GM Hmm ran it for me a few years back and she did an amazing job with it! perhaps with enough begging you could sway her... ;)

GM NovelEnigma wrote:
Is there any chance Race for the Runecarved Key could be offered as a special? I have a 19.2 that's been sitting around waiting for it for a while.

While we have no plans to alter the specials being offered for Gameday X at this time, this is certainly a suggestion we can keep in mind for the future!

Sovereign Court

Tyranius wrote:


Gameday X Announcement has just been posted. GM's please go ahead and begin submitting the games you would like to run.

Gameday X Announcement (Link)

About your announcement Sir: what's the 'House GM' creature template you are referring to there? I've heard of House Elf from other dubious non-Pathfinder British sources, but never heard about House GMs before... Which knowledge skill do I need to roll for this type of monster? :P ;)

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

House GMs oversee the special.

Sovereign Court


Was just joking! :D

Overseer GM still a thing as well?

Dark Archive

Scenario and AP Tracker

Overseer GM was changed to House GM.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
B19 Grim Tidings ||

Since another Gameday is coming up, I thought I'd share some of the tools and tricks I've learned over the years of doing PbP format for Pathfinder.

1) You know how scenario PDFs are broken into like two half pages? Do you know how that makes copying and pasting the box text a pain in the butt? Don't worry about that problem anymore with this removes the line breaks tool.

2) See how that link is a bit light on the font? Type the bold command as part of it! Bold link!

3) I'm a big fan of secret rolls in 2e, and sure, you could roll them in spoilers, but what player isn't tempted to see what's behind that GM screen? Roll on the Dice Rolling Thread instead. Have really nosy players? Roll a bunch of fake rolls mixed in or something!

4) You know how using Google Slides for the map can be a bit of a hassle with the map background image? Take the image, take a screenshot of it (maybe with something like Gyazo), and then on the slide you want the map for click the Background button next to the comment, line, layout, shape tools, etc.. and then "Choose Image." From here, you can either upload the image if you have it saved or just take the image URL from something like its Gyazo page and put it in the "by URL" tab. You might have to change the size of your slides by going to File > Page Setup > Custom for the map to fit right. You can also stretch the map over the slide before you take a screenshot of it so it'll already be the right size (though stretching it can lead to it looking a bit weird).

If you do those quick steps, the map becomes the background and cannot be moved accidentally. Perfect for those mobile players and GMs!

5) Did you know you can have animated images on Google Slides? Simply download a .gif image and then upload it to the slide. It'll stay animated! This is really cool for fog effects, horror elements (like for Mosquito Witch), or other fun things you can think of.

6) You can double spoil things! To do it, the nested spoiler cannot have an "=words."

here is an example:

Not much of a spoiler, but if you pass a DC 0 trickery check, open the next spoiler!

A super spoiler! Congrats!

7) This isn't probably new to many, but I thought I'd mention it. You can make text Bigger with the "bigger" tag and smaller with the "smaller" tag!

8) Third-party time! There is a Chrome Extension called Paizo Campaign Tools that make PbP a little easier. There are many different tools it offers, and there are some nice screenshots on the page I linked, so I'll just leave it at that for you to explore.

Edit: I checked again and saw it doesn't do a great job advertising itself, so here I am again to tell you some of its features. You can set your profile image to anything you want in a campaign (but only for your visibility), you can set "default aliases" on a per-thread basis, you can change the order your campaigns are listed in on your campaign page, any "new posts" words are highlighted for you, you can click a bell on a campaign you want to respond in to remind you later, you get additional post code tools such as underlining and coloring words, and you can "blacklist" players (just greys them out, but you can still see and interact with them).

9) You know how forums have that like Wifi looking button? It's an RSS feed indicator. Want to know how to use those to get notifications for PbP stuff? Well, I use For $0, it will check your RSS feeds every 2 hours and notify you. I tell it to give me a little *ping* on my browser, but it can send emails, texts, etc.. For $5-6 a month, you can get it to check every 2 seconds! Instant response time for your PbP games! There is a limit to the number of threads it can watch, a higher limit if you subscribe. #Not Sponsered

10) Oh no! The forum monster ate this entire post! Who cares with Typio! Typio is a Chrome Extension that, when toggled on, saves everything your typing into a recent list. If your forum gets eaten or you see the Backtrack monster, simply go back to the post and click the little clock icon in the text box, it'll let you recover everything you typed instantly!

Wow, all of these are great!

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You see that date and time that a post was made? It provides a link you can use to reference a post. Copy the link and put it in the URL command, it makes a great way to reference back to something that previously happened.

Silver Crusade

GM Bret wrote:
You see that date and time that a post was made? It provides a link you can use to reference a post. Copy the link and put it in the URL command, it makes a great way to reference back to something that previously happened.

I use this advice quite frequently.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

Something occurred to me yesterday: Does ANYBODY around here have a "shield-bash warrior" type of character?

It just struck me as strange how there are actually a lot of nifty feats for shield-users, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone around here who'd really put effort into shield-fighting.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Slayer5 HP33/39 AC21(25) TC13(17) FF18 CMD20(24) F+5 R+7 W+2 Init +3 Perc +9

I do, and so does my brother, but he had the advantage of starting his shield champion at 8th with module/AP credit.

Grand Lodge

Male Human M Human Ranger(Guide, Skirmisher)7/Fighter 1/Rogue 1 [HP 82/82, AC 21/27 /ff 16/22 /t 15, Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +2, Init +5, Per +12, Spd 30'
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Something occurred to me yesterday: Does ANYBODY around here have a "shield-bash warrior" type of character?

It just struck me as strange how there are actually a lot of nifty feats for shield-users, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone around here who'd really put effort into shield-fighting.


Though I'm split with throwing.

It's all about the shield.

Sovereign Court

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Something occurred to me yesterday: Does ANYBODY around here have a "shield-bash warrior" type of character?

It just struck me as strange how there are actually a lot of nifty feats for shield-users, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone around here who'd really put effort into shield-fighting.

I have a 17th level one but I only bash for tactical reason when I need someone moved to another square or to make him/her prone. Basically once out of three or four encounters on average.


The game wants you to do damage so you can kill things and take their stuff...

Grand Lodge

NG Male Dwarf Vigilante (2) | HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 (T 11, FF 17) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +5 (+2 vs. Spells, SLA and poisons) | Init: +1 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Shield bearer 1/1 | Active conditions: None |

I have the beginnings of one here. The best shield to use for it would be the Dwarven War Shield. It gives you benefits for using a second one.

Silver Crusade

LG Ulfen Warpriest 2 | HP: 13/13 | AC: 18 T: 12 FF: 16 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +3 R: +2 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perception: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Clear Ear +2 Perc +2 Know -2 Diplo
| Blessing: 0/4 | Fervor: 0/3 | Warpriest Spells: (1st): 1/3 | Shield Bearer: 1/1 | Demonbane: 1/1 | Wand of CLW: 50/50 |

It is one of his two weapons using warpriest abilities to keep it climbing up to meet his bastard sword.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Something occurred to me yesterday: Does ANYBODY around here have a "shield-bash warrior" type of character?

It just struck me as strange how there are actually a lot of nifty feats for shield-users, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone around here who'd really put effort into shield-fighting.

Yes. It's a defensive type of warrior at first glance until the shield comes fly to your face.

Grand Lodge

Male Human M Human Ranger(Guide, Skirmisher)7/Fighter 1/Rogue 1 [HP 82/82, AC 21/27 /ff 16/22 /t 15, Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +2, Init +5, Per +12, Spd 30'

The Shield Master feat makes it worthwhile for me. It lets you add your shield bonus to your attack and damage with the shield so for cheaper than it costs to upgrade a weapon's bonuses you can get a bonus to your AC, attack rolls and damage rolls and if you take the Weapon and Shield Combat Style for the Ranger, you can pick it up at 6th level instead of 11th.

I kept my shield light for the quickdraw feat to work out but if you made it a heavy bashing shield with spikes you could use it as your primary and it would have a damage output better than most one handed weapons since a spiked heavy shield does a d6 and Bashing causes it to do damage like a weapon 2 size categories larger (so 2d6.)

Sovereign Court

Here's what the numbers look like for a sword and board fighter (rondelero duelist) at level 15:

Melee [Two-handed, Power Attack] +5 adamantine Impervious Keen Falcata +31/+26/+21 (1d8+38/17-20/x3)
Melee [Light] Shield Bash +33/+28/+23 (1d6+18/x2)
Melee [Two-weapon Fighting] +5 adamantine Impervious Keen Falcata +34/+29/+24 (1d8+23/17-20/x3) and Shield Bash +33 (1d6+14/x2)

STR 24 DEX 16 CON 18 INT 15 WIS 10 CHA 7
BAB 15 CMB +23 (+42 disarm buckler catch, +37 falcata sunder and trip) CMD 36 (51 vs. grapple, 46 vs. disarm, 55 vs. sunder, 40 vs. trip, 38 vs. bull rush)

Feats Combat Expertise, Exotic Weap (falcata), Weap Foc (falcata), Greater Weap Foc (falcata), Weapon Specialization (falcata), Greater Weapon Specialization (falcata), Improved Disarm, Iron Will, Greater Disarm, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Two-Weapon Fighting, Taldan Duelist, Power Attack, Shield Master, Combat Reflexes, Pin Down; Endurance (bonus - ioun stone)

Skills Acrobatics 23 (jump 32), Climb 26, Disguise 28, Intimidate 20, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 7, Knowledge (engineering) 7, Knowledge (nobility) 13, Ride 6, Stealth 2, Survival 4, Swim 12

Traits Reckless, Bruising Intellect

Class Features Armor Training 2, Weapon Training (+2 heavy blades, +1 close), Buckler Bash, Buckler Catch, Strong Swing (+3 atk/dmg with falcata and buckler; can alternate between falcata and buckler during a full-attack action without using Two-Weapon Fighting), Chopping Blow (standard action; free sunder attempt after attacking with falcata- does not provoke an AoO)

The Exchange

Male NG Human (Ulfen) Barbarian/Rogue 4/1 | HP 44 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21; never flat-footed; +1 vs. traps | CMB +9, CMD 23 | F: +7, R: +7; +1 vs. traps, W: +3; +2 vs. charm and compulsion | Init: +3 | Perc: +7; +1 vs. traps, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 17 rounds | Sneak Attack: 1d6 | Rage powers: Knockback, No Escape

This character is my go at sword and board. In CORE :-(

He'll take Shield Master but his Pathfinder career will be nearly over when he gets to it. So I don't actually use his shield bash pretty much ever (since a heavy shield is not an offhand weapon). I do typically theme his rage knockbacks as if he is using his shield for them.

Shield bash (and shield use in general) is soooo much easier and viable in PF2e.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

I built a Shield Champion Brawler that was pretty fun. I used Outslug Style since it applies to both the ranged and melee attacks of the shield attacks.

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Early GM sign-ups for PbP Gameday X are now open!

If you have signed up to GM for Gameday X, you may now sign up for one table of your choice and one Special of your choice!

Gameday X Event Listing

Reminder that this is for GMs only; general player seating will open on August 16th!

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

Signed up.

It's 16th August.

Silver Crusade

Lucifer Belthrue wrote:
Emerald Spire takes a long time. I was able to get the first 7 levels with this character but it took over a year just to do that. There is also the big risk for one reason or another you will lose players and the GM.

This has become a Discussion thread topic, so I'm moving my reply here to not clutter up the Recruitment thread.

The point above is super accurate. I was a player in the Emerald Spire for levels 1-5, and have now switched to GM because our GM had to drop and we couldn't find a GM to take over. I imagine there are a lot of PCs out there that started out in the Emerald Spire and are now kind of orphaned because their game fizzled out.

It's not called a SuperDungeon for no reason!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It also doesn't have a ton of story. It's basically just a dungeon crawl. IMO there are much more interesting modules available.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
It also doesn't have a ton of story. It's basically just a dungeon crawl. IMO there are much more interesting modules available.

The material is there for stories if the GM pulls them out and the group tries to talk to everyone. I had a run that made through about the first 6 floors, and there was a definite story there.

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Another option which I have seen...and like...and am doing is not running an official AP but stringing together a series of themed scenarios with the same GM and player base.

You could probably even do a "faction run" where you just play scenarios with a particular faction tag so the characters have even more reason than just being Pathfinders to team up.

You do, of course run into the possibility of people (including the GM) dropping out between scenarios and the added possibility that someone has already played the scenario.

But, you always have the possibility of people dropping out of an AP, too and this way you have much more discreet chunks to recruit between.

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

I'm approaching PFS2e by deciding that each season's "metaplot" scenarios will be played by a single PC. I'm hoping to revisit 1e seasons the same way at some point.

You could get a group together to play through all the metaplot scenarios for a given season, with some related scenarios sprinkled in so you get enough XP.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

House on Hooked Street is like a mini AP and is my opinion the best Paizo module out there. Had a blast running this for a group two years ago. We ran it in campaign mode because a lot of stuff in it is not PFS-legal, and at the conclusion of the mod, most players would have kept going with those temporary characters based on all the funky experiences they had just gone through together.

I repeat. This module is an absolute blast.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really like EbonFist's approach (I'm one of the players) and I've tried to do similar things (albeit on a smaller scale).

When I noted Valais Durant was a faction leader in PF2, I went back and ran the PFS1 Valais Durant scenarios (#5-09, #7-17, #9-06) as a mini-series. I've also had a long-standing interest in Nidal and the Shadow Plane, so I did (#2-11, #5-23, #10-18) as a mini-series.

There's also some potentially hilarious series like, "What if the Blakros Museum scenarios happened one right after the other on consecutive days?"

"What the abyss, Nigel, we were literally just here yesterday saving you from killer robots."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

Ambrus Valsin would have apoplexy if that happened :)

How does a GM indicate a replay when reporting for a character in one of their games. I know you are supposed to note replay on the sheet, but how about when you report via the system?

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

Hi miteke!

Paizo's website reporting system isn't set up to cope with reporting GM replays.

I reported a GM PC (who had replayed) a few months ago normally and it worked -- though there was no designation it was a replay.

As the Chronicle Sheet is King, as long as you have made a note on that you are good.

If you are concerned about GM stars, tables accrue whether or not the GM has chosen to apply the GM credit to a GM PC.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I should really go through and mark my replay chronicles. I'd get a stamp like for Core but how often will I use it?

Dark Archive

Scenario and AP Tracker

All you can do atm is report as normal and mark the replay on the Chronicle. As Luisila said the Paizo system isn't set up to track all of that.

Grand Lodge

m Human Commoner 10
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I should really go through and mark my replay chronicles. I'd get a stamp like for Core but how often will I use it?

Next time you go to a NAPA Auto Parts store, ask 'em for a bunch of their CORE stickers. They're 1" x 2.5" neon orange stickers with CORE on it. They put them on returned batteries and other parts destined for remanufacturing. Every NAPA store has several rolls. Each roll has at least 500 stickers.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Well, I already purchased and used the CORE stamp. Didn't pick up a K.I.A. stamp as that gets even less use than the REPLAY would.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite. a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
roll4initiative wrote:
Next time you go to a NAPA Auto Parts store...

Even though I understand a little better now than I used to (thanks to my dentists, no less - turns out they rely on those places for some supplies, too!), every time I see/hear about that I can't help but think, 'why the hell is California wine-country such a big name in auto-parts???'

8-07 Map DungeonMaster
DoubleGold wrote:
I would like to play Extinction Curse or Abomination Vault on Roll20, for Starfinder Against the Aeon Throne or some other trilogy, offering boons (Pathfinder 1e) for it. Pm me for details. (You only need to Dm the first book, though if you Dm beyond that, I will certainly play. If you want to finish but don't like VTT roll20, you can Dm the first book via Roll20 and then finish via play by post, I'll still play.)

Still offering that boon. I have more than one. Want do you want for it, a trade of boons, maybe you have a gameday boon or something you'll never use? DM me something good, play by post or Vtt or than a normal scenario? Or whatever else you want in exchange for it, pm me.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

Not so much a pazio site problem but another.

I'm having problems with getting into RPGGeek where I'm having a game there but since I can't log in. I can't get any word to the players there.

The site either freezes or takes too long to load.

Anybody else having problems with that site?

Will appreciate any help from fellow users there.

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