I would like to encourage everyone to use the following posting conventions
Use ”Bold” with quotation marks for things your character says, and bold italics for things your character thinks
Use italics for questions or comments made by you as a player
Use out of character to describe actions your character is going to take, when you want to be clear about those actions (otherwise, it is acceptable to type your description of what your character is doing in regular type
When rolling dice, please identify the nature of the roll
So a post could look like
”Wait, everyone, I think I heard something!” I say as I back up against the wall. This is supposed to be the building where Martine told us we would find those books, after all, isn’t it I think to myself as my heart begins to pound in my chest.
I take a standard action to move as close to the building as I can, from the street, and stand with my back to the wall, then listen carefully
[dice=Perception Check, listening:]1d20+3[/dice]
Am I still suffering from a ringing in the ears from the explosion in the last encounter? If so, subtract 2 from that roll