Leaf Leshy

Lady Ladile's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 1,358 posts (40,611 including aliases). No reviews. 4 lists. No wishlists. 37 Organized Play characters. 68 aliases.

About Lady Ladile

Horror and investigation adventures are my jam! Here to have fun and hopefully make new friends in the process :)

PFS Tracker Profile
Lady Ladile (192133)

Useful Links
Ash's Guide to RPG Personality & Background
The 10 Minute Background
10 Questions to Make Your PFS Roleplaying Blossom
R'Lyehian Translator
Upside Down Text Generator
Zalgo Text Generator
Map of Golarion

Golarion Language Stand-Ins:

Aboleth = R'Lyehian
Abyssal = Urdu
Aklo = Telugu
Ancient Osiriani = Lao
Aquan = Tamil
Auran = Armenian
Azlanti = Greek
Catfolk = Basque
Celestial = Arabic
Draconic = Bengali
Drow = Tamil
Druidic = Irish
Dwarven = Hebrew
Elven = Welsh
Erutaki = Finnish
Giant = Latvian
Gnoll = Indonesian
Gnome = Hungarian
Goblin = Maltese
Halfling = Estonian
Hallit = Russian
Hongali = Albanian
Ignan = Georgian
Infernal = Persian
Kelish = Catalan
Minkaian = Japanese
Necril = Khmer
Orc = Czech
Osiriani = Gujarati
Polyglot = Swahili
Senzar = Macedonian
Shae = Belarusian
Shoanti = Croatian
Skald = Icelandic
Sylvan = Korean
Tengu = Filipino
Terran = Yiddish
Thassilonian = Kannada
Tien = Chinese (Traditional)
Undercommon = Thai
Varisian = Lithuanian
Varki = Malay
Vegepygmy = Zulu
Vudrani = Hindi