Logan Falco's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Asperax.

Grand Lodge


I'm not sure I can see the point of using it. When would a sandman use it? What are the benefits? All I can see is losing abilities with no real advantage. What am I missing?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hi there! I was looking at a new character for PFS and I was looking at a backstory for a "former" Red Mantis Assassin. I am not looking for a build here but for ideas on why would a Red Mantis Assassin join the Society and be loyal to the Decemvirate. Ideas so far: blood debt to a member of the decemvirate, political/enemies within the Red Mantis, reformed assassin looking for vengeance against his former colleagues, but nothing concrete. Would anybody mind helping me out?

Grand Lodge

Hi all! I'm pretty sure I have read it somewhere but after 15 minutes of searching the messageboards, I have given up!

Are you allowed to use a current archetype on a playtest class? What I am looking for is the "drunken bloodrager", i.e. a bloodrager with the drunken brute archetype (replacing fast movement for drunken rage). I vaguely remember SKR saying not to but I am wondering if it's official or just a suggestion...


Grand Lodge


Aspirant's Bond (Ex): A naga aspirant gains a spiritual connection to the serpentine deities worshiped by the nagas. At 1st level, and each time she gains a druid level, she may add one of the following spells to her druid spell list.

0—acid splash, bleed, daze, mage hand, open/close, ray of frost; 1st—charm person, divine favor, expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shield of faith, silent image, true strike; 2nd—acid arrow, detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image, scorching ray, see invisibility; 3rd—dispel magic, displacement, fireball, lightning bolt, suggestion; 4th—divine power, greater invisibility.

Let's say you select magic missile and add it to your druid spell list. I am pretty sure the spell becomes divine but I just want to make sure...

Grand Lodge

So, it appears my flight has been delayed and I'm going to arrive at the hotel around 7-8 pm on Thursday night. I am Canadian and I have never been to Seattle. Is anything happening not too far from the hotel? How easy is traveling from the hotel? I feel like I have only one thing I can see/go to. Any suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Tried to look for an answer in the forums and rulebook but couldn't find anything...

Let's say you use a weapon like the Dan Bong from UC. It's an exotic weapon that does 1D3, has range, blocking, etc. The text is the following:


These short, blunt sticks are held in the hands to enhance unarmed martial techniques.

Benefit: They provide the wielder with the ability to lock an opponent and target pressure points that grant her a +2 bonus on her combat maneuver to grapple.

Also, looking at Exotic Weapon Proficiency (EWP), it says:


Choose one type of exotic weapon, such as the spiked chain or whip. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat, and can utilize any special tricks or qualities that exotic weapon might allow.

Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon with which he is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.

My question is... Can you use it without being proficient (without EWP) and still get the +2 to grapple? The flavour text from EWP says you need the feat to "utilize any special tricks or qualities", so I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to use the "blocking or monk" properties but what about a benefit listed in the description of the weapon? I am confused with terms like special tricks, qualities and special weapon features (if they're all the same or not).