Awenydd83 |
So just curious who's thinking of running/gonna be running some Iron Fang invasion pbp games?
I just got the first issue in the mail this week, and should be receiving the second volume this week. I was all excited about it and really looking forward to it, but it looks like it would be hell on wheels to run as a PbP. Maybe I just don't have enough experience with some of the rule sets that they use, but it really toned down my enthusiasm.
I think that it would be absolutely amazing to play, and looks incredible, but the GM's really are going to have their work cut out for them. As a player, I am drooling. As a GM, I am really kinda bummed at the workload.
Davia D |
I'm looking to play, well, pretty much whatever ^^ I've got two character concepts I've been itching to use, Klassalka Hulh, Merfolk Barbarian, and Yinae Craft, catfolk vigilante.
That said, I'm quite willing to make up new characters.
Ones that interest me most include Hell's Rebels, Skull & Shackles, Iron Gods, Wrath of the Righteous (which I actually have an android cleric written up for specifically).
Awenydd83 |
Not sure how much interest there is or if a GM would set one up, but I'd love to get into a DragonLance game, any era. Real soft spot in my heart for that setting and loved running the Age of Mortals 3.5 campaign for my f2f table a few years ago.
I know that about 2 years ago there was a really big move to get several of those going, and every now and then I see one pop up on the recruitment forum. I looked into it (and even purchased the Dragonlance Chronicles Saga) but when I looked over everything, it was going to take quite a bit of work to rewrite things into a pathfinder friendly format. Good luck with this!! The Dragonlance Chronicles were my first introduction to roleplaying, way back in the day!
Davia D |
I know I've asked similar question before....but...
What AP is best for a pair? I'm going to open one, but I'm still looking over my options.
Any advice?
As in a DM/Player pair, one on one gaming? I think there's been some topics on that, though IMO no AP is really set up too well for it.
insilhouette |
I'd love to join pretty much any AP! I have a few characters already worked up:
Aneara - Elf Druid - Shy, curious explorer
Clawyn Flink - Gnome Wizard - Bitter, cranky inventor
Giando Acerbi - Human Rogue - Honorable, repentant criminal
Layena Shuri - Human Cleric - Practical, motherly healer
Niss - Sylph Winter Witch - Nosy, down-to-earth runaway
Quin - Gnome Cleric - Brash trainee with something to prove
I'm open to various paths, but I'm really interested in Carrion Crown and Reign of Winter (which Niss was built for).
Kleit0s |
I'm a new Pathfinder player currently looking for an Online group. I don't have any idea about campaigns or adventures I might want to participate in, but I'm pretty good at creating new characters, so I'll adapt to whatever the group needs and fill the empty spaces in a party composition.
I value spontaneity and thinking outside the box, so I'm always looking to play off the wall characters or using archetypes in new and interesting ways. (Ask me about my barbarian) I prefer simplicity, and like to keep things focused. When creating a character, I start with the WHO and WHY before figuring out the WHAT and HOW. (That is, I start with a concept and build the stats and skills around it.)
While I have played tabletop games before, my groups never lasted long and I'm essentially a new player, especially to the Pathfinder format.
I have an old sheet for a D&D character lying around, and would not mind adapting her to the Pathfinder format. She was a Half-Orc Barbarian, and her antics were legendary. (So much so that the group I used to play her with made her an unofficial demigod in their campaign's lore when I left.) Her name is Ulla the Indomitable. She likes hugs.
Other than that, I have in mind concepts for two more characters:
Charles Farthingworth - A human butler who served a powerful arch wizard before his master defaulted on a massive loan, causing all the wizard's assets to be seized. When they came to collect, the wizard vanished into thin air, and all the debt fell on poor Charles, who was forced to flee with nothing but an empty spellbook and the Farthingworth Family Crest, a signet ring with magical properties. The wizard kept a wide variety of mystical tomes, and Charles used to read them in his off hours, so it is the only occupation left to him if he does not wish to devolve into petty thievery. His aim is twofold: To pay back his enormous debt, and to find the wizard who abandoned him to his fate. (He would be a wizard/rouge hybrid with a focus on serving his team from behind the scenes, either with protective spells or well-placed back stabs. He is Lawful Neutral.)
Bonnie Clyde - The self-proclaimed Queen of the Pirates, Bonnie began as a humble cabin boy. Her parents were taken by the plague, and her only living relative was her uncle Julius Blackbottom, the captain of The Bleeding Barnacle, a pirate ship of minor infamy. He dressed Bonnie up as a boy and cut her hair in order to "avoid complicatin' matters," and set her to task peeling vegetables and swabbing decks. They drove her like a slave for 5 long years, until one day a massive hurricane blew in, stripping the ship bare of crew and rigging; all except for Bonnie, who survived by tying herself to the mast. Now the last surviving person on board, she donned the captain's coat and fancied herself a true pirate while her emaciated ship drifted aimlessly along the currents. After weeks baking in the sun surviving on gruel and grog, she spotted a ship sailing closer on the horizon. Delirious from ale and isolation, she ran up the colors and stood upon the bow, waving a cutlass and wailing like a banshee. The approaching ship, a 12-gun galleon bearing a regiment of royal soldiers, gazed at the decrepit wreck and its single occupant with shock. They thought it must be a ghost ship, and fear quickly turned to panic when they realized it was bearing down on them without any sails or rigging. (In truth it was carried by the current, but no one realized it at the time.) Mass hysteria soon followed as the crew scrambled to abandon ship. Still quite mad, Bonnie drove her ailing ship straight into the galleon, sinking both vessels in the process. The next day, she awoke on the nearby shore, penniless, shipless, and nothing but wild tales to her name. Effectively land-locked, she now wanders from pub to pub, bragging about her exploits and looking to hire a crew of adventurers to share in her misadventures. (She would be a human Warrior, with possible levels in Rogue or Berserker, and her focus would be killing knaves, collecting treasure, and drinking ale, not necessarily in that order. She is chaotic neutral.)
Like I said, these are just concepts, so I don't have character sheets for them yet and would need to discuss character creation with my GM. If neither of these sounds like something you want in your setting, then I can either tweak them or create entirely new characters as needed. (I like to stay flexible) Just send me a message, and we can compare schedules!
Peet |
Just added Hryvnas Raszamy to the Hell's Rebels list and Shakaro Jun to the Skull & Shackles list.
Meliora Castafiore |
Went ahead and added Meliroa Castafiore to the Hell's Rebels list.
She's a total mess of a person who also happens to be good at spellcasting.
vlaovich88 |
Hey everyone, I have a quick question, is there an AP that is best to learn how to play a play by post on? I have played table top for years now with the same group but I am moving in a month away from the group and wanted to still get my pathfinder fix but have never played on a play by post before. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! Thank you!
Lady Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If you've never done play-by-post at all, then I recommend you take a gander at these two guides:
Doomed Hero's Guide to Play By Post Gaming
Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play By Post Play
There's a lot of good advice in those two guides on what to expect in the world of PbP gaming as well as how to be a better player and a player that others want to play with!
Now to actually answer your question, I'm not sure. Truth be told, I'd recommend starting with something smaller first like a module or a PFS scenario. Those are a much shorter time commitment than an AP would be but still long enough to give you a good idea of whether PbP is something you'd enjoy or not :)
vlaovich88 |
Thanks! That's good advice, I have heard that PbP APs can take a year/s so it probably would be smart to start shorter. So I should keep my eyes out on the recruitment page rather than posting on the spreadsheet till I get some experience? And thanks! Those guides look great. I looked for something like that didn't find anything too promising. Once again, thanks for everything.
Jesse Heinig |
Hey everyone, I have a quick question, is there an AP that is best to learn how to play a play by post on? I have played table top for years now with the same group but I am moving in a month away from the group and wanted to still get my pathfinder fix but have never played on a play by post before. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! Thank you!
No single AP is necessarily better, though you might avoid ones with complex additional systems like Kingmaker until you have a solid handle on how your schedule works with a group's (some groups post more frequently than others).
Some very simple stuff to keep in mind:
* If you apply for a game and you don't get picked by the GM, don't despair. There are lots of people clamoring to play and it doesn't mean you necessarily did something wrong; just find another game to apply to. New games tend to crop up every week or so, and especially when a new AP comes out.
* Look for games whose posting schedule will match yours. For instance, a GM who expects posts twice a day may not be a good fit if you can only check in every other day.
* The first few times you try to get into a game you can really help your chances if you play "inside the lines," so to speak. It's much easier to get picked for a recruitment playing something like a human cleric that's well-understood and pretty standard, as opposed to something like a naga kineticist. Also, if you watch what other people are submitting for a recruitment, you can often see where there might be gaps in the lineup. If nobody has submitted a character with trapfinding, for instance, try submitting an unchained rogue, investigator, or trapper ranger, and call out that you have skills that nobody else has covered - you will be more likely to get picked if the GM thinks your character can contribute something important to the team.
Good luck!
Phillip0614 |
We seem to be in a slow patch at the moment, but wait 'till the Azlant AP comes out. There are always new recruitments when a new AP arrives.
I'm definitely excited for the Azlant AP! I'm not an AP subscriber any more because my bookshelf is full and I really don't ever get to play anyway, but I've got a Catfolk Archaeologist that's eager for a backstory and adventure.
GM Deekan |
To all players seeking a table for Iron Gods I am in the early stages of prep work to run
Fires of Creation. It will be a few more weeks until I'm ready to start, but would like to get my 4 players picked before hand.
I am looking to get a well balanced party together(I don't want 4 sorcerers). I will open this for the first 4 players under the Iron Gods tab, or the any tab. I will then pick a balanced party from them. I suggest everyone read The Players Giude while deciding on your characters. Those players have 48 hours to PM me your characters. If you don't respond by then, I will open recruiting thread for everyone.
Content Available for Use in this Campaign: All Paizo published material is available for use.
Third Party Material: No third party material will be allowed for use in character creation.
Ability Scores: Ability scores will be generated via 20 point buy with no ability score starting below 7 prior to racial adjustments.
Races: All races from the core rulebook are available for play along with suggestions from the players guide. As long as it fits in with the AP I'm fine with it.
Classes: : All Paizo published classes are acceptable. Refer to rule above.
Feats: I'm not picky, just make it work.
Traits: All characters will start with two traits of which one must be Campaign trait. You may take a drawback to gain another trait but be prepared to roleplay the drawback.
Starting Wealth: All characters starts with the maximum wealth for their chosen class.
Player's Guide: All players are strongly encouraged to download a copy of the Players Guide for use in character creation and to get a feel for adventure.
All players are asked to try to post at least once per day Monday through Friday. However I am not a stickler and if you miss a day it is not a big deal to me. If you are going to be away for an extended period please let us know so that your character can be botted . No one is expected to post during Holidays.
If I left something out, just ask. Oh and evil aligned characters are ok as long as you can make it work.
GM Deekan |
Dαedαlus |
Anyone planning to run Iron Fang Invasion, Strange Aeons, Hells Vengeance or Ruins of Azlant (I know, that last one isn't out yet)? I'd be interested if anyone starts one.
I know Storyteller Shadow is going to be running a gestalt Ruins of Azlant game once it comes out. It's on Recruitment Thread IV.
fatmanspencer |
I would enjoy playing a rogue, witch, cleric, a magus, pretty much anything. I tend to play female characters, but can fill in whatever is needed. I'm open to all ap's, but would like to try ones that are not ROTRL. Please let me know. I am by a computer a good bit through the day so I should respond fairly easily/quickly most days.
Nathan Goodrich |
I'm new to PbP gaming, but eager to try something out!
The new Ruins of Azlant campaign looks fantastic and I've created a character, Galyth Kallios for submission (I listed him as a bard, but I'd be happy to change to any role).
If a different campaign is forthcoming that I could join, I'm interested in anything right now.
Thank you!
theasl |
I'm new to the Paizo forums and still pretty noob at Pathfinder, but I've done some PbP on another site. I've got concepts I'd like to try out for most of the APs, though making aliases and stuff is really confusing to me. If someone's running a new player friendly game (or at least not a high-powered game), feel free to shoot me a message or something. Thanks!
DM The nines |