Gamon Neles |

Gamon would happily take any of the breastplate, cloak, or belt. Lots of things there he could use.
Gamon smiles as the creature collapses once again, Phew, when she got all big and ugly I thought we were done for.

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

Jolon doesn't even have time to strike at Andaisin before the fight is over. He sheathes his sword with a smile.
"I knew it would be for naught, Gamon. Between Pharasma and my ancestors keeping us alive, Nicolai's spells bolstering us and yours and Aloysia's peerless bladecraft, not even her foul goddess' blessings could save her. Before we claim her wargear as spoils, though, we should perhaps take it to the Grand Cathedral. It may need to be exorcised."
The spirits make a flurry of whispers at Jolon's joke, some clearly not finding it funny while others are merely confused.

Nicolai Fortescu |

"I agree with you, Jolon, you can never be too careful" Nicolai replies, unaware of Jolon's jest "But before we do there is more of this complex that needs to be searched. We made such a straight line to here that we never explored the side chambers. Who knows what foulness is lurking in the corners."

GM Fez |

Starting south, moving north.
You start working your way backwards, keeping on guard. The first room appears to be a storeroom of some form. The southeastern corner of this otherwise empty room seems to be unfinished, and a large mound of rubble fills the corner.
The next room also appears to be a storeroom. Little more than barrels of water, kindling, and long stirring poles are contained in this room.
Room north of the vat room.
An elegant operating table dominates the center of this grim laboratory. Crossed with iron restraints and encircled by a gore-encrusted gutter, the macabre device sports various cranks and levers, and is large enough to accommodate an ogre. Along the walls stand several tables strewn with all manner of alchemical accouterments. Their contents appear extremely old: rusted iron tools, beakers of purpled glass, and deep pools of wax from countless melted candles.
The operating table holds a Varisian man, unconscious and held fast by the table's three heavy iron crossbeams. The table he lies on is a combination operating table and torture device, the restraints looking capable of crushing a victim in their metal grip.
Standing on the other side of the table, vials in hand, appears to be a Nosferatu. "Ah," he says with a heavy Ustalav accent. "Would you perhaps be the ones causing trouble for this ghastly cult?"

Nicolai Fortescu |

Nicolai is somewhat taken aback at the sight of the vampire before him. The shock is somewhat mitigated given Urgathoa's love for the undead. He wracks his head for any scrap of knowledge or lore that he can recall about them.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
"That would be us." Nicolai replies, trying to remain calm as he prepares to cast a spell should it prove necessary, "at least he hasn't attacked us...yet" he thinks to himself before continuing the conversation, "Might I inquire as to what you are doing to that poor, unfortunate man there?" he indicates the Varisian strapped to the table.

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Jolon is too taken aback by who...or what...they've discovered, his sword out of its sheath in an instant and his ancestors' whispers rising again.
"You, a monster, would call THEM ghastly?! What kind of sick joke is that?! WHO ARE YOU?!" he demands.

GM Fez |

Their ancient sensibilities still reflect the cruelty of epochs past, and their age-spanning plots are untethered by the modern aff liction of morality. Nosferatu resent common vampires (which they call “moroi,” an ancient term from a lost language) for their beauty, whereas those vampires scorn the nosferatu as bestial relics of an earlier age, best hidden away in remote ruins so as not to sully the charismatic reputation of “true” vampires.
Because nosferatu can’t create spawn, any nosferatu in existence are very old—created long ago in a time before they lost the ability to infect others with their undead curse. Most nosferatu live in isolated places with few visitors, and a nosferatu could be a thousand years old and yet have fewer than a dozen character levels because it lacks sufficient foes to challenge it or the initiative to train itself.
A nosferatu can’t tolerate the strong odor of garlic, and won’t enter an area laced with it. Similarly, it recoils from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols. These things don’t harm the nosferatu—they merely keep it at bay. They have an incredible healing potential and resistance to non wood-shafted weapons. Certain attacks can slay a nosferatu. Exposing any nosferatu to direct sunlight staggers it and destroys it utterly if it does not escape. Immersion in running water for some amount of time will destroy the noseratu. Driving a wooden stake through a helpless nosferatu’s heart instantly slays it. However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless its head is also severed and anointed with holy water.
The nosferatu grunts at Jolon's bluntness, but answers the questions all the same. Giving a small bow and placing his beakers aside he explains, "I am Ramoska Arkminos, a thrall to Count Tiriac of Ustalav. I was...lent to the Red Mantis, who in turn, lent me over to this dreadful cult. They have been using me to figure out why some Varisians are immune to bloodveil as, and I say this merely as fact, a scholar of diseases nearly without peer. As to what I am doing with this young man, he is simply my latest test subject. I have subjected him to several strains of bloodveil and he has proven immune to them all. In the name of scientific thoroughness I was planning on a regime of other equally virulent diseases to see how far the immunity lies.
"Your appearance and the sounds from before suggest that the cult is no longer functioning. Now I would love to return to Varno and continue my experiments to cure vampirism, taking my test subject with me. I expect you will disagree with my taking him, so let me offer a trade. This young man, fully alive, undiseased, and completely intact, in exchange for a coffer, last seen with Lady Andaisin. It was one of many used in spreading bloodveil, and I would like to take it back with me. If you wish I can explain how the disease was spread using the device as well."

Nicolai Fortescu |

"Andaisan is dead, really dead, and we didn't find anything like this coffer you describe. Sooo, how about a counter offer? We give you thirty minutes to collect your things and go, leaving your "test subject" here, before we report this place to the guard and your presence to the various temples topside. Deal?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Gamon Neles |

Gamon hefts his axe, staring down the vampire as Nicolai presents their "offer".
Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Just checking, that unholy symbol we found on Andaisan wasn't coffer-shaped, right?

GM Fez |

Nope, not coffer shaped. But there were a bunch of open coffers on the ground in the room. Ramoska rubs his chin, not reacting to Gamon's threatening aura just missed it by 1 while considering Nicolai. "Curious. I thought she went to refill their magic back in that skin-crawling temple of hers. Oh well."
Looking at Jolon, "It has been my unlife's dream to find a cure for that which ails me. I...do not remember much of my life before my undeath. I do know I was incredibly devout, but not to which god. I wish to die as a man, and as soon as I find a cure my existence will end."
Turning back to Nicolai, "I am sorry, but I cannot return home without something to show for my efforts. That is either a death's head coffer or my patient right here. I believe it is your move." His stance does not change but he observes your group warily.

Gamon Neles |

Gamon gestures behind him with a sweeping wave of his hand.
We didn't see anything that looked like the coffer you describe, but you're welcome to look for it. If you cannot find it, however, we are at an impasse. You will not bring this man with you to Varno.

Aloysia Sett |

Aloysia immediately perks up at the chance to bargain, but before she opens her mouth she clearly sees the rest of the group wouldn't let her even try. She'll have to find a separate payday some other way.
Now that I'm back home, here's a retroactive perception check
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

Jolon blinks in surprise.
"That...is surprisingly admirable. If what you say is possible, it could mean salvation for many more suffering like you. How do you think this coffer would help you do that? We obviously don't want to risk blood veil being carried out of the city to plague some other part of the world."
The spirits give a harsh flurry of whispers, but Jolon raises his hand.
"I will not begrudge this man the chance at redemption he seeks."

Nicolai Fortescu |

Nicolai pauses for a moment, thinking "If, as you say, she had it in her possession and we didn't find it on her person then perhaps it's still in her sanctum somewhere. Give us some time before anyone does anything rash and perhaps we can find a way clear of this impasse." He hooks his arm for Aloysia to take "If you would be so kind?"
Looking at both Gamon and Jolon he nods "If these gentlemen would stay here to make sure nothing...untoward happens we should be back, hopefully, shortly."
Nicolai makes his way back to the room where they had fought the priestess and begins searching.
Nicolai will 'take 20' on his Perception checks, for a total of 29, as he searches.

GM Fez |

As Nicolai and presumably Aloysia head back towards the inner sanctum Ramoska describes the use of the coffer to Gamon and Jolon. "The coffer has unique magical properties that imbue whatever is put in it with disease, so long as something with the disease is placed in there as well. For example, should I put a rat with the shakes in the box, along with a handful of silver, I will, in one week, have a handful of silver ready to spread the disease. And the rat itself will be fine! It seems that whatever is inside is put into a stasis effect. It is quite fascinating. I would like to see if it holds true for Vampirism as well, but I need an intact coffer to do so."
Back in the inner sanctum...
The floor is scattered with coffers, open and completely devoid of magic. With a quick cantrip Nicolai is able to focus and find the one remaining death's head coffer that is still potent. It appears Andaisin tucked it into a corner, perhaps hoping to retrieve it after the battle, or failing that, that some curious soul would open it at a later date.

Aloysia Sett |

Aloysia performs an especially dramatic curtsy with a jovial grin, and takes Nicolai's arm.
Aloysia joins Nicolai for a detailed search of the non-magical sort...
Take 20 for a 32 Perception

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

Jolon frowns a bit at Ramoska's description.
"That...would mean you're planning on spreading your condition to others to see if it works, wouldn't it?"
The whispers of the spirits shift to an "I told you so" tone.

GM Fez |

Ramoska shrugs. "Such is the nature of scientific progress. I use animals for comprehensive testing until such a time as a cure seems evident. Or, in the case of this young man here, an interesting subject arrives with immunity to particularly virulent diseases. It brings me no pleasure, it is all to be rid of this dreadful curse..." While his face does not change, his eyes begin to look haunted when uttering this last sentence.
The inner sanctum
Outside of the coffer Aloysia and Nicolai don't find much else. Urgathoa’s seven scourges lie within the basins here—seven fluids believed by her faithful to eternally leak from the Pallid Princess’s necrotic body: bile, blood, milk, phlegm, pus, sweat, and tears. These revolting fluids spontaneously generate within Urgathoa’s shrines in specially prepared basins deep in her temples, serving as foci for her servants’ worship, components in a variety of obscene rites, and mediums for the creation and spread of diseases.

Nicolai Fortescu |

After several minutes of searching Nicolai and Aloysia return with the coffer. on the way back to the room he stops Aloysia "I don't trust this guy farther than I can throw Gamon. Should things head south I'm going to cast a spell on you that will turn you invisible for several seconds, long enough for you, and the others, to hopefully cut him into ribbons."

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

Ramoska shrugs. "Such is the nature of scientific progress. I use animals for comprehensive testing until such a time as a cure seems evident. Or, in the case of this young man here, an interesting subject arrives with immunity to particularly virulent diseases. It brings me no pleasure, it is all to be rid of this dreadful curse..." While his face does not change, his eyes begin to look haunted when uttering this last sentence.
Jolon frowns, but more sadly than in anger.
"Whether or not it brings you pleasure's got nothing to do with it. Even when you find the cure you seek, you'll still have to stand before Pharasma when your life ends. It would be a cold comfort to die as a man only to face an eternity in Hell or worse for the means you used to get there, wouldn't it?"

Nicolai Fortescu |

Guided by his magic, Nicolai finds the one remaining potent coffer amongst the others scattered around. Picking it up he turns to survey the room "You know, she really was quite the slob" he says to Aloysia.
Returning to join the others Nicolai holds the intact coffer up for Arkminos to see "I believe this is what you were looking for? Now, release the young man and I'll hand over the coffer and we can both be on our merry way."

GM Fez |

Ramoska offers a slight bow to Nicolai, hands clasped as if in prayer. "Of course. Now, I have to move to that end of the table and work these levers to let the young man go, please don't do anything untoward as I free him." He steps around the end of the table on silent feet and reaches for the levers. He forces each set of them all the way to the left, springing the thick iron bands holding the man down off. He then steps away from the young man and holds his hand out to accept the coffer.

Nicolai Fortescu |

Nicolai is reluctant to release the coffer until Jolon examines the man and let's him know that he's going to be okay. nce he gets that confirmation he hands over the coffer "I hope that your research proves fruitful and that our paths never cross again"

Nicolai Fortescu |

Shocked by the nosferatu's sudden departure Nicolai nods at Jolon's concern "Can't say I disagree with you, but given our current strength I think he could have just ground us down until there was nothing left."
Nicolai looks over the young Varisian to make sure that he is indeed still alive. Determining that, he looks to the others "Arkminos said that some Varisians are immune to Blood Veil and that they were conducting experiments to determine the cause. We should search the rest of this complex to find whatever other poor souls they have "researched" on."

GM Fez |

The young man is indeed alive, and actually is a familiar face. It appears he is Ruan Mirukova, the young man who's sister came to you for help.
The alchemical supplies here include six flasks of acid; tubes containing distillations of blood veil, filth fever, and red ache; and 500 gp worth of miscellaneous alchemical and medical equipment. Also kept here are several notebooks filled with Ramoska’s observations on blood veil.

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

"Indeed. We should try to save as many as we can."
Jolon begins looking around as the spirits' whispers seem to calm.
May I take 20 on Perception, as I'm combing the area to find anyone I can rescue?

GM Fez |

Yep, you've got time. In fact, let me give the descriptions for the areas since you took on the temple at full strength and prepared for your arrival and sent away the most powerful occupant.
With a bit of searching Aloysia and Gamon discover a secret door in the western wall of Arkminos's lab. Several open trunks spill piles of books across this dusty room. Stacks of tomes, some apparently quite old, stand in orderly stacks and haphazard heaps, surrounding nearly every foot of floor space except for that occupied by an elegant black-canopied bed.
All of the trunks in this room are open except for one. This trunk is locked, though that doesn't stop Aloysia's quick picking skills, casually popping it open. Inside are several padded niches and trays, each holding more than two dozen elegant crystal vials filled with crimson liquid. Each holds just enough blood to sate a vampire for 1 day. Of the 150 vials in the container, 32 are empty. A small gold locket lies among the vials at the bottom of the chest, but the tiny etching within has worn down into nothing more than an androgynous outline.
Checking the bed you discover that it is nothing more than a frame, hiding a coffin within. The complete collection of books has a total value of 1,500 gp, although many have rotted bindings and weak glue, causing them to deteriorate if handled with anything less than extreme delicacy. If emptied of blood, the vials in Arkminos’s locked chest can also fetch 1,000 gp in all, while the aged locket is worth only 100 gp.
Moving along you discover what appear to be the quarters for the cult. Black-sheeted cots fill this room; their satin coverings and overstuffed pillows seem more akin to funerary trappings than the resting places of the living. Numerous skulls are set evenly within the room’s stone walls. Candles inside them cause them to glow like morbid jack-o’-lanterns and cast dim light across the room.
Footlockers and shelves near each cot hold the sparse—and often disturbing—personal effects of the cult of Urgathoa’s members. Your group discovers 12 bottles of midnight wine worth 14 gp each, a robe of bones still bearing a human skeleton and a wolf skeleton, and a rune-etched onyx sculpture of a skull worth 35 gp, as well as 11 pp, 40 gp, 58 sp, and 160 cp.
Heading south you discover cells. Iron doors with slotted windows, much like one might find in a prison or asylum, line the walls of this chamber. Faint bloodstains fleck the straw-strewn flagstones. Inside are 5 Varisian men and women. In a nearby door is an operating room.
Eight unpleasant-looking beds stand here. Their sharp iron frames are threaded with worn manacles and stained leather straps. Several are occupied by obviously unwilling patients; all are bound and in various states of consciousness, and their combined moans murmur throughout the room. Between them stand several small tables strewn with goresoaked pans, flasks of mysterious fluids, and all manner of cruel-looking cutting instruments. A sizable brown-crimson stain covers much of the eastern wall, as if all the blood from a body once held there had exploded forth in a single violent eruption.
Six unwilling patients lie strapped to the metal operating beds scattered throughout the room. One of the patients is dead. Two of the other patients fade in and out of consciousness; wracked by blood veil, they cough violently and whimper through their restless fever dreams. The other three bodies moan and growl, appearing to have awakened as plague zombies.
The last room appears to be a place for the Queen's Physicians. Cabinets and low benches fill this chamber. From pegs on the opposite side of the room, the empty black eyes of two beaked plague masks glare with soulless, unblinking stares. There are enough Queen’s Physician robes and other accouterments to outfit 20 doctors in this room. The collected clothes, boots, canes, and other accessories are well made and only slightly used, so each set is worth 5 gp. There are also two plaguebringer’s masks here.
The most valuable items in the room are held behind the west cabinet’s locked glass door. Dr. Davaulus's key opens it. Within are four healer’s kits and 23 black onyx gems worth 50 gp each. At the back of the cabinet are four identical flasks, with three containing potions of cure moderate wounds while the fourth contains a cursed potion of poison. If this were a physical game I'd have made you guys check for the potions because of the cursed object, but that'll be too difficult to know who's carrying it here.

Gamon Neles |

Gamon silently follows the others as they explore the laboratory, but upon seeing the operating room with its bound inhabitants he leaps into action. He carefully unties those who seem capable of movement, and does his best to assess the injuries of those who are not.
Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Aloysia Sett |

While Gamon is helping those who can be helped, Aloysia casually moves to each of the three plague zombies dispatching them coup de grace style.
She stands in the experimentation room looking at the "patients" and the aftereffects of the experiments. Musing allowed to no one in particular, "You know, I think I can understand how someone can go down this rabbit hole of mutilation. I don't accept it, it's even too evil for me, but I believe I comprehend it. It's not too dissimilar to my learning of anatomy in the cadaver dissection classes. There's an academic tinge to this, like they started trying to understand something, and took a dark turn into cultism instead of pursuit of knowledge." She shrugs and gets back to combing through the rest of the facility.

Nicolai Fortescu |

Upon finding the cult's latest victims Nicolai pales "Yes" he says to Aloysia "but at least you didn't do the dissection while they were still alive." Looking to Jolon he says "Perhaps we should get these poor souls healed up and get them topside and sic the guard on this place." "But first" he says as he casts a quick detect magic, causing his eyes to glow slightly "let's see what other items of interest me might have missed." he will then set about identifying any unknown magic items.

Aloysia Sett |

"This is true, torture isn't my default. It's too messy and inefficient. Good plan, those of you who can walk follow me." Aloysia begins guiding the survivors who can walk out while the others set to healing the remaining.
To those following her, "Do you know where the local healers are in this town?"
And just in case they don't, here's a roll to give them proper directions...
Know Local: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Gamon Neles |

Gamon increases his speed to catch up to Aloysia, I know the nearest apothecary, let's bring them there. He begins walking down the street, looking over his shoulder to make sure the others are following.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Jolon Vulture-Heart |

"Yes; getting them to the Grand Cathedral would probably take too much time," Jolon agrees.
At Aloysia's thoughts, he nods.
"They may have started looking for knowledge, but knowledge rarely gives meaning, and if that's what people are actually looking for, there will always be others willing to take advantage of that, to manipulate them for their own ends. And so many are unwilling to believe that that manipulation can happen that when they start doing truly unforgivable things, they start trying to find meaning in those things to justify their decisions...After Lamm slew my mother, I could have gone down such a path, had Pharasma's fate for me not led to the Grand Cathedral...I could have been the picture of the orc-blooded beast...a disgrace to my Shoanti heritage and my father's legacy."
The spirits' whispers shift to a more comforting tone.
"Thank you..."

GM Fez |

Aloysia: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
You manage to gather the few victims that are still alive down within the cult's headquarters and take the elevator back out. Gamon's knowledge and experience with various apothecaries within the city comes in handy as everyone is able to get to the nearest one and inspected for injuries or illnesses. Ruan is still unconscious, but the rest are able to move along on their own. On your recommendation a contingent of the guard head down into the cult's lair, wearing the finest plague fighting gear they have available.

Nicolai Fortescu |

Once Nicolai finishes identifying the remaining magic items he begins to peruse the notes found on Dr. D, Rolth Lamm, and the Nosferatu Arkminos comparing them to each other to see what their research has revealed so far.
Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 or Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Nicolai Fortescu |

After he finishes with the notes, Nicolai will walk back to the lift and cast Detect Secret Doors and will begin to check each room in the temple for anything they might have missed.
He will spend a couple of rounds in each room sweeping it with his gaze. If he detects anything he will then spend the time to zoom in on it's location.

GM Whiterose |

The Inner Sanctum
While Nicolai searches for the missing coffer using his magic, Aloysia takes the more mundane approach. While searching the keen eyed half elf notices that several of the bricks at the base of the statue of Urgathoa do not line up with the other bricks surrounding them. Intrigued she wades through the water to examine more closely. A she does she discovers a secret compartment built into the statue's base. Removing the bricks she finds a pair of macabre candelabras made from human hands encased in silver, several bricks of exotic incense, two wands, and a pair of scrolls.
Nicolai, meanwhile, searches among the discarded coffers finally finding one whose magic remains intact. Picking it up he joins Aloysia as she removes the items from the hidden cache. His eyes still glowing blue he scans the items and discovers that, apart from the wands and scrolls, three of the bricks of incense also glow magical. Studying the items he determines that one the of the wands is a wand of Cure Moderate Wounds the other is a wand of Remove Disease, while the bricks of incense prove to be Incense of Meditation. Casting another spell he quickly peruses the scrolls to determine one is Raise Dead and the remaining one is Restoration.
You determine that, to the right collector, these grisly objects of art could fetch up to 150 gp's for the pair.
The remaining sticks of exotic smelling incense are worth 450 gp's

GM Whiterose |

Back to the...Present
Aloysia begins rounding up those poor unfortunates who are able to walk and leads them to the elevator and the main floor. Many of the plague victims on this level are too ill to move, while the others have simply expired.
Once on the streets Gamon leads the troupe to a nearby apothecary, an acquaintance from days gone by, and quickly explains the day's events as the other man visibly pales. He sends his apprentice to alert the city guard and soon thereafter a squad of the guard, accompanied by a phalanx of priests from the various local temples, arrive at the hospice and begins the task of caring for the sick and cleansing the lower level of the taint of the evil of Urgathoa.
Arriving at the apothecary Jolon begins to examine Ruan and discovers that he is merely unconscious, stable but not dying.
Jolon, treating deadly wounds via the Healing skill takes one hour of work. Therefore taking a twenty would require 20 hours of nursing him back to health. Using first aid, a standard action (therefore two minutes), you determine he's currently at 0 hit points and stable.
Nicolai commandeers the hapless apothecary's lab and begins perusing the three set of notes. Using his knowledge of alchemy he determines that it's a relatively easy task to develop a cure for blood veil (Craft (alchemy) DC:20 and one day of work), but he can't help but wonder why these three didn't share their notes and observations, for if they did they could have created a strain of blood veil so virulent it would have been nigh unstoppable.

Aloysia Sett |

With the patients handled, Aloysia goes to inspecting the haul, trying to determine value...
Appraise Candelabras: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Appraise Incense: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
And more importantly taking some time to mentally go over her list of contacts to fence the "tainted" goods beyond the basic weaponry and supplies they have found...
Know Local: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
An old contact of hers comes to mind, a man named Venthe who is a boisterous salesman of fine clothes above ground, but is a smuggler on the side. He would most certainly love the haul the group has commandeered.

GM Whiterose |

With the cure for blood veil in hand and Doctor Davalaus', and the cult of Urgathoa's, machinations foiled the fight against the disease is quickly turned and within a month's time Blood Veil is all but eradicated. During this time the exploits of our band of heroes is slowly brought to light.
During the first week after your raid on the Hospice you are sought out by Grau Sodado who explains that his sister-in-law Tayce, who's daughter Brienna you saved, is throwing a small party in your honor at her house in Trail's End.
Arriving on the appointed day you find the streets of Trail's End festooned with all manner of colorful ribbons and banners and small Varisian children skip along as they follow you to the Soldado residence. This "small" party is nothing less than full blown block party as the friends and neighbors of Tayce welcome you and provide you with several different dishes of Varisian foods and drink and gift you various hand made items in the traditional garish colors and styles of Varisia.
(You may select any articles of clothing, or any item with a particular "Varisian" vibe (bladed scarf, starknife, harrow deck, etc... up to 250 gp's worth).
The following week you are invited to a ball hosted by the heads of the various trade guilds of Korvosa. A much more staid event than the raucous party the week before you are wined and dined as the guildmasters, even Guildmaster Boule of the Cerulean Society is in attendance, thank you for your assistance in stopping the plague and getting Korvosa back on it's feet again. In addition they offer you any of their wares you might wish to acquire.
(You may select any mundane item or minor magic item up to 1,000 gp value).
Once the tide of the disease has turned and the celebrations have run their course you are summoned to the Grand Citadel by Field Marshall Kroft herself. There, inside her private office, she personally congratulates you on your heroic efforts on behalf of the city and, reaching into a desk drawer, presents each of you with a ceramic pin of a shield bearing the Korvosan coat of arms as she deputizes you into the Korvosan Guard. After a quiet dinner she escorts you to the Citadel's armory where she offers you any of the items therein.
(You can select any magic or mundane armor or weapon worth up to 2,500 gp's)
Finally, as the disease has all but run it's course you are the honored guests at a celebration at Castle Korvosa where Dr. Davalaus quite publicly meets his end as his head falls to the executioner's axe. Soon thereafter Sabina Merrin, the head of the Queen's bodyguard (and rumored lover) greets you on behalf of the Queen before addressing the assembled crowd "Citizens of Korvosa" she shouts "Queen Ileosa regrets not being here today because she is in fact, too embarrassed to be seen in public just now. Having been duped the the charming Doctor Davalaus she allowed herself in her naivety, and lacking the guidance of our seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis, a coward who valued his own life over those of his citizens and fled the city, to be fooled into letting the Doctor and his minions wreak havoc on our fair city. Rest assured the Queen is aware of the actions of these saviors of our city and will be keeping an eye on their exploits in the future" As the crowd erupts into applause Sabina hands each of you a scroll upon which is a royal writ before returning to the castle proper.
You get a sense from Sabina's speech that the Queen is indeed embarrassed, Neolandus is indeed missing although he didn't flee, and you can take that last line as a veiled threat
(The writ will allow each of you to purchase up to 5,000 gp's worth of items or magic anywhere within Korvosa's limits)
Ding!, everyone level up to level 8

Gamon Neles |

Well, that's one way to solve our WBL problem! I'll level Gamon and deal with equipment later, but wanted to keep the RP going.
Gamon, his humble demeanor overwhelmed by the praise and merriment, does his best to defer any public speaking opportunities and other time in the limelight to Aloysia and others who might enjoy it more. He gladly accepts the gifts plied upon him, and peruses the armory with interest.
As Sabina makes her speech to the rapt audience, he narrows his eyes, taking her message as it was intended. He looks her in the eye as he takes his writ from her hand, before bowing to the crowd and stepping back into their midst.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Nicolai Fortescu |

I don't think we'll have a problem with that after we divide up the magic items and gold from our last encounter. Speaking of which please look at my thoughts on that matter in the discussion thread.
Nicolai basks in the warmth and camaraderie of his people, a feeling he hasn't felt since his Natalia passed away. He spends the evening eating and drinking, dancing and singing, laughing and playing with the children until, all too regretfully, it is time to retire. He makes his way, lightheadedly, back to his apartment where he falls fast asleep and dreams of good times gone by.
At the soiree with the guildmasters Nicolai will solemnly listen to the byplay between them, trying to get a feel of how the city is doing and their plans for the aftermath of the plague. Once their offer is made Nicolai will seek out the headmaster of the Acadamae and will commission the creation of a 1st level pearl of power to be picked up within the week.
During the dinner Nicolai will keep making eye contact with Kroft, trying to ascertain her mood. When she presents the group with their badges he politely pushes his back across the table, explaining that he's not much of a joiner and that some of the things he and the others do might be considered extralegal and that he's sure that there's "Some rule about fraternization among the ranks" to which she has the good sense to blush somewhat. Once in the armory, Nicolai mills about until he finds something he likes, a magical crossbow. Once the dinner is over Cressida escorts the party to the Citadel's gates, where Nicolai pulls her into a warm embrace, "Let the world be damned" he whispers in her ear as she stiffens and blushes while the guards suddenly seem interested in their shoes or any other item of interest they can find. Grau Soldado gives a comic thumbs up, behind the Field Marshall's back, as he passes by.
The next morning Nicolai makes his way to the shrine of Desna at the Pantheon of the Many. There he gifts the attendant with a dozen healing potions before lighting a stick of incense and closing his eyes to pray "Natalia, forgive me. I've met another and am feeling things I haven't felt since you were taken from me. I hope you can understand and that she might fill this hole in my heart since you passed." Suddenly Nicolai hears a voice singing, so reminiscent of when he first met Natalia here at the Pantheon. Startled he opens his eyes to see a tiny elven female sitting cross legged on the base of the statue, her gossamer wings flared out behind her. "The goddess sees and understands" she says in a lyrical voice "I am Illyria and she sends me to guide and advise you, but not to interfere." The Lyrakien cocks her head to the side as if listening to an unheard voice "Natalia hears and sends her blessing. She wants you to be happy and she'll be waiting for you on the other side." Suddenly a premonition of dread overtakes Nicolai, causing him to reach into his ever present satchel and withdraw Tavi, his mongoose familiar, from within. "Tavi, old buddy, I think this is where we part ways. You've been a great friend and companion but, if my feeling is right, things are about to get too dangerous and I'm afraid you wouldn't survive, so I'm releasing you. I'm sure there are plenty of mice and snakes in this city and perhaps a female mongoose or two as well for you to have many mongoose, ...mongeese?, babies with. Go and enjoy your life and freeedom." Tavi pushes his head against Nicolai's outstretched palm before nodding in understanding and scampering off, elicting a shriek for one of the attendants at a nearby shrine, into the street. "Well, what now?" he asks Illyria as she flits over and lands on his shoulder.
Finally at the ceremony Nicolai listens to the words from Sabina but can't help understand the sinister undertones of her speech. Smiling, he accepts the writ and the congratulations as he glances at the others to see if they caught the nuances as well.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
With the writ in hand he makes short work of the Queen's largess as he proceeds to the Acadamae once more. There he orders a Handy Haversack to be made and with the remaining monies purchases magical reagents and paraphernalia to add a Charisma modifier to the magical headband he is creating.