GM Xavier Kahlvet's Strange Aeons 2e

Game Master KingTreyIII

Character Profiles

Hero Points
Boodiddly: 1 | Jevar: 1 | Kolgradd: 1 | Shohreh: 1

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| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

First off, *Inhales!* For some of the NPCs there is sometimes no image given so I have to improvise using Google and my own lackluster editing skills. If there is a discrepancy between the image and what I write as a description then that is why. All credit to the original artists, etc. etc. etc.

Okay, important stuff:

Once again, I expect posts as frequently as possible, but bare minimum of once per day (with some leeway for weekends).

I frequently use spoilers to keep things organized and not too crowded, so for future reference, any spoilers in any of my posts contain public information that can be viewed by everyone with three significant exceptions: Any spoiler labeled with a specific check along with the DC (i.e. "Perception 30"), any spoiler specifically directed toward a particular player, or any spoiler labeled "GM Screen." Additionally, I sometimes put spoilers inside of spoilers, but I have to get creative with the labels for spoilers inside of spoilers (you can't label it normally or else the coding breaks), so I put such labels in bold and ooc; if there isn't such a label directly above such a spoiler then don't open it unless prompted to do so. Example that uses 1e skills because much of this was pre-written:

Perception ##:
You find a thing!

Knowledge (history) ## to open the spoiler below

You know about the thing!

Spellcraft ## to open the spoiler below. If you exceed the DC by 10+ then also open the spoiler two below. If you fail by 5 or more, instead open the spoiler three below

It's the MacGuffin!

The MacGuffin is Cursed!

You get magical backlash of energy!

Three other miscellaneous things:

Finally, I believe that Pathfinder is a game of remembering, so if you forget an ability, a bonus, or anything of the like and don't correct yourself of said mistake soon thereafter and I as the GM don't call you out on it, then we continue onward; I'm not going to do a fleshed-out retcon to satisfy a single mistake and if you expect that of me, then I'll shrug and say "Sorry! Remember next time." Likewise, if I make a mistake and am not called out on it in time, then I will say "Welp, the players reap the rewards of my lack of remembering" and move on. There are exceptions to this, such as when a retcon would be simple ("Just heal X damage since you didn't take it because the attack missed.") or if PC death is on the line.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Now, a few things to get out of the way:

First and foremost, yes, I am converting an adventure written for 1e into 2e. It is largely work done on my side of the screen, so for a good number of things the conversion itself is largely irrelevant. I am doing this primarily because I feel that this would be a good way for folks to learn how the system will be for them—from both sides of the screen. If, for some reason, I feel that people are not having fun because of the edition, I will take a vote and if people want to switch to 1e, then I will not hesitate to do so.

Second, yes, this is indeed being run in Campaign Mode for PFS 1e credit.

Thirdly, there are two subsystems that I’m converting over: sanity and research.
The sanity subsystem was easier to port over. The system will be ultimately the same as it is written here with a few exceptions, mostly for differences between systems, some for making the system run smoother and more logically.

Sanity Subsystem Exceptions:
Replace any reference to ability damage with the stupefied condition.

Replace any reference to CR with level of the creature.
If your total sanity damage equals or exceeds your sanity score you gain the insane condition. This functions as the confused condition except that succeeding at the flat check only allows you to act normally for the round—it does not end the condition.

Ignore the second paragraph of “Reducing Sanity Damage” as well as any reference to a spell that does not exist in 2e. I have an addition to the 2e restoration spell.

Sanity checks happen more often and are less...stupid. The exact specifics are more for my side of the screen, so I won’t bore you with the in-depth details (unless you’re really curious). DCs got an overhaul to scale better with levels. Generally, creatures that force a check against sanity damage are aberrations, fiends, and undead, but it is not limited to those three. Basically, I as the GM will determine whether a situation or creature should invoke a Will save against sanity because not all things that tears a a person’s psyche are aberrations or fiends or undead (bogeymen, for example, are fey). My point is that it’ll basically be a case-by-case judgement if it would require a save. Said saves are also basic Will Saves.

Madnesses got an overhaul; ignore the “Curing Madnesses” section in favor of what’s written here.

Madness Overhaul:
Rather than have the madnesses have a set DC, I’m having them have DCs based on your level (as per that table in the Gamemastering section) when you encountered it—lesser madnesses have a DC of a level 1 lower than when you encountered it, and greater madnesses have a DC of a level equal to your level. If you succeed at the initial saving throw, you’re unaffected. If you fail it, then you take its effects.

You can spend a week of downtime resting and perhaps seeking guidance and therapy to attempt a save against the madness’s DC with the following results:

Critical Success: reduce the madness’s DC by your Charisma modifier plus the intelligence or wisdom (whichever is higher) modifier of the person who gave you guidance and therapy
Success: as a critical success except the DC decrease is halved
Critical Failure: increase the madness’s DC by 2

Once a madness’s DC is reduced to 0, the madness is cured

Dormant madnesses simply do not affect you (there are no lesser effects when a madness is dormant)

Madness Effects:

Delirium: stupefied 1
Delusion: no change
Hallucination: -2 status penalty against and to disbelieve illusions; no other change
Mania: change “exceed the DC by 5 or more” with “on a critical success.” Otherwise, no change
Melancholia: -2 status penalty on Initiative rolls
Night Terrors: affected by nonmagical nightmare each night; DC same as the madness
Paranoia: halve bonuses/penalties and make them status bonuses/penalties; no other changes
Phobia: instead of shaken, scared, and frightened, replace with frightened 1, frightened 2, and frightened 3 and fleeing. Frightened condition doesn’t decrease each round.

Amnesia: stupefied 2
Catatonia: immobilized
Cognitive Block: anytime you take an action with the concentrate trait you must make a DC 5 flat check. On a Failure the action is lost. Afflicted creature cannot speak.
Dissociative Identity: Stupefied 1; otherwise the same
Moral Insanity: no change
Psychosomatic Loss: no change
Schizophrenia: Stupefied 2 and chance of becoming confused

In addition to the regular choices for the spell Restoration:
Heal 1d4 sanity damage or reduce the DC of a madness by 2; once a madness’s DC becomes 0, the madness is cured. A creature is then temporarily immune to either of these uses of Restoration for 1 day.

Heighten (+2):
Increase the sanity damage healed by 1d4 and the reduction to a madness’s DC by 2.

Most of the Research subsystem is the same except for libraries don’t add their circumstance bonus on Recall Knowledge checks to checks to reduce a library’s KP, how you deal damage and the DCs for the libraries are different (the latter I won’t get into because it’s on my side of the screen):

Dealing KP damage:
Characters deal KP damage based on their proficiency in the skill used to research the library—1d4 if untrained, 1d6 if trained, 1d8 if master, 1d10 if legendary. Characters state how many downtime days are dedicated to a specific research session prior to rolling the check, to a maximum of 5 days dedicated at a time before a new check must be rolled.

Critical Success: as success, but deal an additional proficiency die of damage
Success: deal an amount of KP damage equal to your proficiency die, plus an additional die for every two days spent beyond the first (2 dice for 3 days, 3 dice for five days)
Failure: the downtime is wasted and no progress is made.
Critical Failure: You go down a wrong avenue in your research and find it difficult to get back on track. The library heals KP equal to half the damage that the primary researcher would have been dealt on a success during that research session and the primary researcher takes a -2 circumstance penalty to checks against specific library (whether to be the primary researcher or to Aid) until they spend at least one week not attempting checks related to that library.

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| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Character Creation Stuff:

All common character options are available to everyone. Characters start with 15 gp to spend on items. Otherwise, everything about Character creation is the same with one exception: backgrounds.

Due to the amnesiac storyline in Strange Aeons, backgrounds are going to be very different: I’ve personally created ten special backgrounds based on the campaign traits from the Strange Aeons Players’ Guide. Your background must be chosen from one of these backgrounds.

Driven by Guilt:
You awake after your ordeal with a lingering feeling that you have taken part in something outside the normal bounds of your morals. Whether you were corrupted at one point or compelled to perform some forgotten actions, this guilt drives you to fight against those forces in the world that prey upon the good. You see your present condition as a chance to redeem yourself and banish this unsettling emotion.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in your choice of the Intimidation or Stealth skill, as well as the Underworld Lore skill. You gain a skill feat: Group Coercion if you chose Intimidation or Experienced Smuggler if you chose Stealth.

Enduring Stoicism:
Even though your pulse is pounding in your ears when you awake in the asylum, you feel strangely nonplussed. You can recognize that the situation you find yourself in is horrific, but you refuse to let that fear control you. It doesn’t feel like it’s worth worrying over too much. You know that when you face unspeakable forces, keeping your cool will keep you alive.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the Thrushmoor Lore skill. You gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat.

Foe of the Strange:
You awake feeling emboldened after a terrifying nightmare. Instead of being frightened by the bizarre creatures from your nightmares, these experiences have steeled you against these startling alien beings. You know that you fell victim to strange circumstances and loathsome forces, but you refuse to give in to a creeping sense of helplessness. Instead, you vow to fight back against whoever or whatever is responsible for your current situation. The creatures of your nightmares won’t hold fear over your head. You’ll take the fight to them.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Occultism skill and the Eldritch Horror Lore skill. You gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat.

Formerly Mind-Swapped:
You awake with a strange sensation beyond the frightening experience of extensive memory loss. Full recollections of the experience—like so many others—have been wiped from your mind, but at some point in your past your mind was swapped with that of a yithian, an alien being from beyond time and space. You don’t remember details of your experiences wandering the yithians’ peculiar city in a foreign body— and even worry whether this might be some strange hallucination—but every so often, a flash of insight strikes you as a result of this experience. You know that you can rely on these alien flashbacks during your investigation into your current situation, as it gives you greater perspective into an otherwise confusing world.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Occultism skill and the Yith Lore skill. You gain the Oddity Identification skill feat.

Methodical Mind:
When you awake with nothing but hazy memories, you begin carefully cataloging your thoughts to determine the reasons for your condition and where you might be. This comforts you, and you know deep down that you have always relied on your ordered mind and pragmatic approach to face challenges. You use this focus and sensibility to your advantage as you investigate your current dire situation.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Society skill and the Thrushmoor Lore skill. You gain the Assurance skill feat in a skill with the Recall Knowledge action.

You awake in the asylum with sore muscles and bloody knuckles, as if you were recently in a fight. You even have a vague feeling that you won. You can’t explain it, but you know that you’ve always been easy to set off, and your first instinct when pressed into a corner is to lash out. Stuck in the asylum sets you on edge, and you not only want to figure out what happened to you, you want to free yourself and find whoever did this to you—and make them pay.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Constitution, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the Thrushmoor Lore skill. You gain the Quick Coercion skill feat.

You awake with a sense of purpose and a tingle of magical power. Though it’s unsettling that you can’t recall your past, you have a hunch that if you and your companions do everything just right—follow the correct steps and order—the answers will reveal themselves and you will be free of your condition. You get the feeling that you’ve always fallen back on careful planning and time-tested evidence in the past, but a nagging sensation also tells you that you used these skills in less-than-kind ways all too recently.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, as well as the Ritual Lore skill. You gain the Quick Identification skill feat

Sensitive Mind:
You awake in the asylum horribly aware of dangers lurking nearby. While your memories are hazy and indistinct, everything around you looks vibrant and clear. You have an inkling that you have always been perceptive and can tell a lot about a person even in a quick meeting. This sensitivity can overwhelm you at times, especially in your current situation.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in your choice of the Deception or Diplomacy skill, as well as the Thrushmoor Lore skill. You gain a skill feat: Charming Liar if you chose Deception or Group Impression if you chose Diplomacy.

True Devotion:
You wake from your recent ordeal with a sense of shame, as if you had sinned deeply against your morals and beliefs. However, you feel a bit of relief as well, as if your god had granted you a second chance. You not only have a drive to figure out what happened to you, but an urge to fight back against the unspeakable forces of evil. If, during the course of your investigation, you discover that you took part in unsavory activities that would normally be opposed to your faith or alignment, this event no longer has any impact with your standing in the eyes of your god due to your renewed righteous convictions.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Religion skill and a Lore skill associated with your deity (such as Sarenrae Lore, Iomedae Lore, etc.). You gain the Student of the Canon skill feat.

Your first thought upon awaking in the asylum isn’t confusion over why you can’t remember anything clearly—it’s a sudden urge to find safety. You feel like everything around you, aside from your companions, might threaten you and you’re always ready to react. You have a hard time staying still, and you’re constantly surveying your surroundings. Maybe you are paranoid, or maybe it’s just an overactive imagination, but whatever it is, you know that keeping these feelings honed will help you stay alive.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Survival skill and the Thrushmoor Lore skill. You gain the Forager skill feat.

Not particularly related to character creation, but everybody gets a Hero Point. I will be handing out Hero Points based on, honestly, doing really awesome stuff that I deem worthy of it. Hero Points reset back to 1 at the beginning of each book.

Also, due to the fact that I can't use the cool symbols Paizo uses to indicate actions, I'm going to be using a carry-over from when they were teasing the playtest and use [[A]] for an action, [[R]] for reaction, and [[F]] for free action.

I think that’s everything, but I could very easily be wrong. Anyways, happy gaming, all!

NG Methodical Mind ???Half-Elf??? Cleric of Pharasma (Multiclass Sorcerer) 9 | HP 107/107 | AC 25 (26 with shield) | F 15 R 13 W 19 [resolve] | Perc 17 | Stealth 2 | speed 25 | Active Conditions:

Pharasman battle-cleric Shakur Hektat, at your service. Focused primarily on beating things bloody enough to meet the Lady of Graves, and on healing my allies such that they have no need to meet her.

M Gnome Bard 12 | HP 140 | AC 29 | F +20 R +20 W +22 (Success -> Crit Success) | Perc +21 (+2 vs Initiative), Imprecise Scent | Speed 25 ft | Focus 2/2 | Spells: 1st 3/3 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 3/3 5th 3/3 6th 3/3 | Staff Charges: 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

They call me Boodiddly, master of occult lore and bard extraordinaire!

I'll be honest, class and race is about as far as I've gotten. Gnome bard, likely very focused on skills and buffing spells/effects.

I've dotted in! I will get to reading these posts in earnest when I get home from work tonight!

Dark Archive

Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah

Same. Thanks for having me along. Will start fleshing out a character this evening.

PaleDim, are you leaning towards playing anything? With a cleric and a bard, a rogue-type and a figher-type seem like logical choices (not that I'm suggesting we have to choose one of those options!).

I'm leaning more towards the melee combatant side of things, tbh. Unless you'd rather bring that sort of character to the table, PaleDim, I'll start building one up and see what happens!

GM, idk if I'm being dense, but what does "common character options" mean?

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻
Gummy Bear wrote:

PaleDim, are you leaning towards playing anything? With a cleric and a bard, a rogue-type and a figher-type seem like logical choices (not that I'm suggesting we have to choose one of those options!).

I'm leaning more towards the melee combatant side of things, tbh. Unless you'd rather bring that sort of character to the table, PaleDim, I'll start building one up and see what happens!

GM, idk if I'm being dense, but what does "common character options" mean?

PF2 introduced the rarity system for many things. Basically, the rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique [keeping these capitalized for this post for clarity]) of the thing tells you how readily available the item is in shops, how sparse a specific creature is, etc. Uncommon stuff are not unheard of, but it's usually more known within a specific region, among a specific group of people, or among a specific ancestry, and you sometimes have to make some kind of character choice to gain access to an Uncommon option.

For example, a katana is an Uncommon weapon because it is used by specific individuals (samurai, etc.) within a specific region (Tian Xia), so to see it outside of there would certainly be strange, but not unheard of. Focus Spells (used to replace cleric domain powers, Paladin Lay on Hands, etc.) are also generally Uncommon because it is specific to a certain discipline, in this case being a class.

For a more meta-example: antimagic field is a Rare spell, both because the idea of using magic to absolutely negate magic is rather unheard of in-game and because the spell is rather game-breaking and forces both the GM and players to recalculate everything, so the availability is limited so that cavaliers can't just casually use scrolls of it in the middle of a scenario and break absolutely everything about it!!!

Sorry, poor previous experience with that spell.

With respect to creatures, an Uncommon creature isn't unheard of, but is native to specific regions or are otherwise less known-about by the average joe. Major devils, for example, are Uncommon because they largely are not seen on the Material Plane, but in Cheliax, the argument could be made that those creatures would be Common. Liches, to use another example, are Rare because the ritual to become a lich is so esoteric and specific that liches are the stuff of legend, not something seen by the everyday farmer. DCs to identify Uncommon, Rare, or Unique creatures/spells increase by 2, 5, and 10, respectively, because information about them is not readily available.

It's also used to diminish game-breaking stuff, such as discern lies being used in a primarily investigative adventure. It also allows GMs to make more interesting treasure troves by putting some Uncommon or Rare in there.

That said, if anyone would like to work something out with me to try and get an Uncommon character option for something more than just maximizing character optimization (such as having a katana if you wanted to be a Tian samurai), I'll see if we can work something out.

A feat, spell, item, etc. will specifically say if it's Uncommon or Rare or Unique with its traits; in the absence of a rarity trait, it's considered Common.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Just noticed this:

In the Foe of the Strange background, replace "Eldritch Horror Lore" with "Aberration Lore."

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Also, I know that Shakur was talking about being a warpriest (one of the cleric disciplines), so she could very well double as a frontliner.

On another note, while rogues are still very good at being trap disablers, anyone with the Thievery skill can do fairly well at filling that role, rogues only get an ability that let them treat their proficiency rank as being higher for the purposes of what kinds of traps they can disable.

What I'm saying is that fulfilling the roles for the "classic party of four" does not mean that someone is forced to be a rogue to be the trapfinder, or a fighter to be the frontliner, which I personally REALLY like! A druid of the wild order, for example, can make a surprisingly good frontliner.

Not trying to shoot down what you want to play—if you want to be melee-oriented then go right ahead—I'm just saying that the areas for what classes can fulfill roles is a lot more open now than just saying "we need a rogue or investigator to be able to disable magical traps."

Dark Archive

Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah
Gummy Bear wrote:

PaleDim, are you leaning towards playing anything? With a cleric and a bard, a rogue-type and a figher-type seem like logical choices (not that I'm suggesting we have to choose one of those options!).

I'm leaning more towards the melee combatant side of things, tbh. Unless you'd rather bring that sort of character to the table, PaleDim, I'll start building one up and see what happens!

GM, idk if I'm being dense, but what does "common character options" mean?

Well, I'm going to try to do the good thing where I start with the background/backstory and fit the class to it, instead of the other way around (to not restrict my creative juices, lol),

BUT I generally tend to gravitate towards arcane spellcasters. I'm vaguely thinking of trying out their initial offerings of archetypes (which are really just all of the classes as multi-class addons) to do something like an "arcane trickster" or "arcane archer."

So, in short, I'm unlikely to stomp on your melee space.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Oddly enough, I'm going to advise against starting with the backstory because, again, this has an amnesiac story element, so you as a player AND as a character don't actually know what your backstory is.

Dark Archive

Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah

Oh, I see. So it's not just *recent memory*, but in general.

In that case: Methodical Mind (probably) elf wizard. I'll have it put together by sometime tomorrow evening.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻'s technically "recent memory," now that I'm reading through it again. More specifically it's, at the very least, 2-5 years that has disappeared. But it's purposefully kept vague about the timeline to allow it to be up to the group as to how much memory the PCs have.

Oh ok, cool, thanks for the explanation GM!

That works perfectly PaleDim! Then as long as I'm not stepping on Shakur's toes, I'm considering a fighter with the barbarian archetype. I have no problem with adjusting if this is an issue though! Frankly, I don't get how archetypes work, so I haven't included it in my outline below. I think it costs me feats starting at level 2, I just don't know which feats it is costing me.

I think I did this right, but I'd love for someone to give it a once over!

Half-Orc (Str and Con)
Pugnacious (Con and Str)
Fighter (Str)

Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10

Ancestry Feat: Natural Ambition (Extra Fighter Feat)
Skill Feat: Quick Coercion
Fighter Feat: Sudden Charge, Power Attack

Trained Skills: Intimidation, Thrushmoor Lore, Athletics, Religion, Survival, Acrobatics

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻
Gummy Bear wrote:

Oh ok, cool, thanks for the explanation GM!

That works perfectly PaleDim! Then as long as I'm not stepping on Shakur's toes, I'm considering a fighter with the barbarian archetype. I have no problem with adjusting if this is an issue though! Frankly, I don't get how archetypes work, so I haven't included it in my outline below. I think it costs me feats starting at level 2, I just don't know which feats it is costing me.

I think I did this right, but I'd love for someone to give it a once over!

Half-Orc (Str and Con)
Pugnacious (Con and Str)
Fighter (Str)

Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10

Ancestry Feat: Natural Ambition (Extra Fighter Feat)
Skill Feat: Quick Coercion
Fighter Feat: Sudden Charge, Power Attack

Trained Skills: Intimidation, Thrushmoor Lore, Athletics, Religion, Survival, Acrobatics

Looking over things, the ability scores you’ve got are definitely possible, I just think you mentioned the wrong ones. The ability score building process is as follows (Slightly different and more streamlined than what the Core presents, but is functionally the same):

Step 1 Key Ability Score (depends on class—sometimes classes give an option between two scores [like fighter or monk], the choice must be made at character creation and once made cannot be changed)
Step 2 Ancestry Boosts* (depends on ancestry—generally two set boosts and one free boost; humans are the exception)
Step 3 Ancestry Flaws (depends on ancestry—generally in one ability score; humans are the exception)
Step 4 Background (depends on background—generally gives a boost in the player’s choice of one of two set ability scores as well as one free ability boost; I’ve yet to find an exception)
Step 5 Level: 1st (four free ability boosts [meaning they can be put in any ability score of your choice as long as it hasn’t been boosted already during that step])
* The Voluntary Flaws option would also occur during this step, but that’s an optional rule that I don’t want to force on you guys (but I did use it when creating some NPCs)

Well, technically…:
I present Ancestry Flaws as a separate step because I think that you can put a free ability boost from your ancestry into your ancestral ability flaw—but it’s not explicitly said in the Core. It was explicitly said that you could in the Playtest and it’s heavily implied on pg. 20 of the Core (“Dwarves, for example, receive an ability boost to their Constitution score and their Wisdom score, as well as one free ability boost, which can be applied to any score other than Constitution or Wisdom.” Emphasis: mine. Quote makes no mention of dwarves’ ability flaw in Cha., so it’s implied that they could put the free boost into Cha.). That’s how I’ll do it, but I just wanted to put all my cards on the table about it before anyone called me out on a technicality.

This is how I’m reading your process, Gummy Bear:
Step 1 Sounds like you’re trying to max out Str., so you picked that for your key ability score instead of Dex.:
Str. 12 Dex. 10 Con. 10 Int. 10 Wis. 10 Cha. 10
Step 2 Humans (of which half-orc is a heritage) get two free ability boosts, you picked both Con. and Str. for your Ancestry:
Str. 14 Dex. 10 Con. 12 Int. 10 Wis. 10 Cha. 10
Step 3 Half-Orcs, as a heritage of humans, don’t get an ancestral ability flaw:
Str. 14 Dex. 10 Con. 12 Int. 10 Wis. 10 Cha. 10
Step 4 You picked Pugnacious for your background, and it sounds like you picked Str. for your fixed boost and Con. for your free boost:
Str. 16 Dex. 10 Con. 14 Int. 10 Wis. 10 Cha. 10
Step 5 For your four free ones you definitely picked Str. and Dex. And Wis., but I think you got a bit confused about how ability boosts worked (they have to all be in scores that haven’t already been boosted during that step) so you applied two of the boosts into Wis., which you can’t do:
Str. 18 Dex. 12 Con. 14 Int. 10 Wis. 14 Cha. 10

Now, if you switched around your ability boost choices (such as by switching your Ancestry boost to Con. to be in Wis. and putting one of the two free ability boosts that you put [but shouldn’t have] in Wis. into Con. instead) you could certainly get the above set of ability scores. All I’m saying is that the specific ability boost choices you presented would not result in that set of ability scores.

The process of building ability scores can be quite confusing the first time around, but after you get the hang of it it’s actually pretty simple and elegant.

EDIT: Archetype feats can be taken in place of Class feats.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Quick aside: If you gain access to an uncommon thing from a normal character choice you’ve made (such as picking Elven Weapon Familiarity or Domain Initiate [since all domain Focus Spells are uncommon]), then it’s fine that you have it—the thing about “working something out” with me about gaining access to an uncommon thing was more about gaining access to uncommon options that you didn’t already gain access to. You need to “gain access” to an uncommon option in order to choose it—if you gain access to it from a character choice, then you’re golden!

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Quick aside #2: Something about Recall Knowledge that I want to make known that Jason Bulmahn explains better than me: Watch this from where it starts through to about 35:00.

As another thing with Lore: the Core presents a subcategory of Lore to be a “specific kind of creature, like Demon Lore, Owlbear Lore, or Vampire Lore,” but I’ve seen some backgrounds that give more broad things like Undead Lore or Dragon Lore, so how I’m gonna run it is that, based on how general the Recall Knowledge skill you’re using, the higher the DC would be (i.e. IDing a vampire would be an “eh” DC when using Religion, a lower DC when using Undead Lore, and an even lower DC when using Vampire Lore).

There are rules in place to allow me to do that rather easily.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

In case you haven't noticed, I retain information very well. I'm sorry to anyone who's getting information overload from my ramblings.

This is great, thank you! I followed the development only a little bit, so I’m pretty fresh and this sort of information dump/step by step walkthrough is very helpful!

You’re spot on in seeing how I developed my stats. I’d like to keep those stats, so I’ll use the method you’ve described above!

Class feats for archetypes, got it. Do I get to choose to spend the feat every time, or does it become compulsory if I decide to take the archetype?

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Every time you get a class feat you choose how to spend it. If you want to just take the Barbarian Dedication (dedication feats are always the first feat in an archetype feat tree that you take) and never touch the Barbarian archetype again. The only downside is that you wouldn’t be able to take any other dedication feats until you met the requisite...feat number? for the Barbarian archetype—Which I believe is two more Barbarian archetype feats (it’s written at the bottom of every dedication feat that you have to obtain a certain number of feats in that archetype before you can pick another dedication feat; no more picking and choosing that kind of stuff—you have to follow through with your archetype).

M Gnome Bard 12 | HP 140 | AC 29 | F +20 R +20 W +22 (Success -> Crit Success) | Perc +21 (+2 vs Initiative), Imprecise Scent | Speed 25 ft | Focus 2/2 | Spells: 1st 3/3 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 3/3 5th 3/3 6th 3/3 | Staff Charges: 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Alright, Boodiddly is (mostly) fleshed out and ready!

Gnome Bard with the Enigma muse, a lover and connoisseur of food, and a master of the occult - Boodiddly is cheerful and talkative, yet just mysterious enough to be irresistibly intriguing to those he meets.

Heritage: Sensate Gnome
Class: Bard
Background: Ritualistic
Ancestry Feat: Obsession
Skill Feat: Quick Identification

- Str 8
- Dex 12
- Con 14
- Int 14
- Wis 14
- Cha 18

Trained Skills:
- Acrobatics
- Deception
- Diplomacy
- Lore (cooking)
- Lore (rituals)
- Lore (bardic)
- Nature
- Occultism
- Performance
- Society
- Stealth
- Thievery


If someone can invest proficiency in Society and Thievery, that could help cover our bases nicely as far as skills go. Boodiddly will focus on Deception, Diplomacy, Occultism, and Performance, as well as buffing compositions (it will be revealed that his muse is multifarious) and supportive spells.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Here is PaleDim's wizard. (you can now mark "PaleDim" as inactive on the campaign tab, now that I have the actual character dot'd in).

A human (versatile heritage) Nidalese wizard who will later take the alchemist multi-class archetype. Background: Methodical Mind

N Female raven familiar 11 | HP 55| AC 29 | F+16 R+20 W +19 | Perc +17, low-light vision | Stealth +17 | 25ft, fly 25ft | Active Conditions: ---

Here is Jevar's raven familiar (sorry, this is the best pic I could find :/ ).

I need to flesh out his profile stats better, and both he and Jevar still need stat lines (something I can do in short order soon'ish).

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Since I figured it'd be good for everyone: Here's a template for 2e characters. It's written with PFS in mind, but that's fine.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

I used Herolab's "BB code statblock" output for these two. Clearly they left out a lot of detail on the Raven, but I think it's a reasonable format otherwise (it just didn't give the status line markup).

BTW, in case any of you didn't know, Herolab online lets you create first-level characters for free (Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Playtest, Starfinder):

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Given your conversion, how relevant do you think the Player's Guide for this AP is? Will it still give some useful ideas about how to play the characters, and/or preview the subsystems (research, etc.) that you're converting over?

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Sanity came out immediately after Strange Aeons. And I think research is only lightly touched upon in any way other than "check it out in Ultimate Intrigue" in the Players' Guide.

I'd still give it a once-over, even if only for the lore aspects of it.

EDIT: Also, reviewing Jevar, I don't see where it says your arcane school (I can imply that it's Universalist since you have hand of the apprentice), your arcane thesis, or what skill is keyed to Assurance.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Universal school, Assurance (arcana)

I'll touch up the profiles by sometime tomorrow.

CN (Male) Half-Orc (Human) Fighter 5 | HP 73/73 | AC 23 | F +12 R +11 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | 25ft | Active Conditions: None | Sanity 22/36 Threshold 3 Edge 18

This is the alias for my Fighter/Barbarian! GM, would you mark Gummy Bear as inactive as well, please? Getting his profile written now.

EDIT: Profile done, except for some fluff in the top spoiler. The sheet suggests I get another feat? I doubt that is correct, but could someone verify that?

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Urzok, you put your first level ancestry feat under "Heritage." Your heritage is Half-Orc. And by the way, 2e added a "Strength" to armor. If your Str. score is greater than or equal to that number, then you don't take any of the penalties from that armor (armor check penalty and speed reduction). A breastplate's Strength rating is 16, meaning that with your 18 Str. you can carry it easily—you don't take a speed reduction or an armor check penalty.

Also, I ask that everyone puts their sanity into their profiles.

Sanity Score is equal to the sum of your mental ability scores minus your stupefied value.
Sanity Threshold is equal to your highest mental modifier minus your stupefied value.
Sanity Edge is equal to half of your sanity score.

Also, upon review some of my modifications for the madnesses, I figured it unfair to have them deal the stupefied condition since that directly affects the sanity score/threshold/edge when the subsystem in 1e didn’t deal ability damage with madnesses. So in the name of fairness to the players I’m re-re-modifying some of the madnesses so that none of them give you the stupefied condition:

Re-Remodified Madnesses:
Delirium: -1 status penalty to Wisdom- and Intelligence-based checks and DCs.
Amnesia: -2 status penalty to Will saves and skill modifiers.
Dissociated Identity: -3 status penalty to Wisdom-based checks and DCs. I’m aware that this is a greater penalty than in my initial posts, but at the time I didn’t want to make it give you stupefied 3. Plus I’ve been halving the 1e penalties given, so this makes it more consistent.
Schizophrenia: -2 status penalty on Wisdom- and Charisma-based checks and DCs. Each time a character afflicted with this madness finds himself in a stressful situation (such as combat), he must make a Will save against this madness’s DC:
Critical Success: Character is unaffected
Success: Character is confused for 1 action
Failure: Character is confused for 1 round
Critical Failure: Character is confused for 1 minute

I’d also like to modify the basic will save against sanity damage to be different when you’re encountering a Great Old One, because flavor-wise a Great Old One melts away the sanity of anyone and everyone who looks upon it:

Will Save vs. Sanity Damage Against a Great Old One:
Critical Success: Sanity damage is equal to half of the Great Old One’s level.
Success: Sanity damage is equal to the Great Old One’s level.
Failure: Sanity damage is equal to double the Great Old One’s level.
Critical Failure: Sanity damage is equal to quadruple the Great Old One’s level.

Sorry if I’m seeming fickle, I just want to get these rules set before we actually start, which will actually be fairly soon. Talked to Shakur’s player and they should finish up their character by later today, and I need to check in with Boodiddly’s ability scores. From there, we should be good to begin!

CN (Male) Half-Orc (Human) Fighter 5 | HP 73/73 | AC 23 | F +12 R +11 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | 25ft | Active Conditions: None | Sanity 22/36 Threshold 3 Edge 18

No worries GM, getting rules straight before starting is best practice! Also, thanks for the catch! I knew I must have goofed somewhere.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Okie, Jevar and Oreb have been fairly well updated. Sorry the initial output of herolab was so scant. Status lines are there too, and sanity on Jevar (does the raven need sanity?)

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

The raven doesn't even have ability scores; don't worry about their sanity.

Wow. I know context is a wonderful thing, but that just sounded weird.

EDIT: Also, I think I forgot to mention this: milestone leveling. I don’t want to keep track of XP and I doubt you guys want to either.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Yeah, the details on familiars actually are kind of slim :/ There aren't stat blocks for each choice of familiar, it's actually just some generic stats and the choice. I do think I did some of the bonuses wrong (saving throws, skills, perception, AC), but yeah they don't really have ability scores or attacks from what I can tell in the Familiars section of the book (unlike animal companions, who do have full stat blocks, attacks, etc.)

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

It was pretty much on purpose; familiars are basically an extension of the master, after all.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Anyway, familiar is corrected. But yeah, understood it's just an extension. Just a bit confusing that they don't even get stats as the basic animal. Here is the text that makes "no stats" clear.

Familiars, Modifiers and AC wrote:
It doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Well, there was something one of the devs (I think Mark Seifter) said that was along the lines of "Now you don't have to wait for Ultimate Wilderness to get a mole familiar."

Also, double-check your numbers. Your spell attack roll should be +7 (trained level 1 +3, +4 Int.) and your DC should likewise be 17. Next to "Arcane Wizard Spells" it says "DC 14; attack +0," which is flat-out wrong.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

Looks again... okay I think that's the last thing that herolab could have messed up. Also going to swap out one feat before we start.

NG Methodical Mind ???Half-Elf??? Cleric of Pharasma (Multiclass Sorcerer) 9 | HP 107/107 | AC 25 (26 with shield) | F 15 R 13 W 19 [resolve] | Perc 17 | Stealth 2 | speed 25 | Active Conditions:

Finally working on getting my automatic sheet to export things. Expect stats tonight.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Okay, I’ve been talking with Boodiddly’s and Shakur’s players and from the sounds of things they’re close (read within the next 24-48 hours) to completing and putting up their characters’ profiles (a server problem just happened with Shakur and Boodiddly has had a lot of stuff going on at once).

For the sake of not keeping everyone waiting (and because I’m absurdly impatient) I’m going to get the ball rolling in the Gameplay thread.

CN (Male) Half-Orc (Human) Fighter 5 | HP 73/73 | AC 23 | F +12 R +11 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | 25ft | Active Conditions: None | Sanity 22/36 Threshold 3 Edge 18

Just for my own reference in the future, are characters conscious of classes? Like if Urzok mentioned a Paladin, would that mean anything? Some people say yes, some no, which is why I ask.

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Depends on the class, honestly. A “cleric of Iomedae” is fairly obvious. A “fighter” is just a generic term for “one who fights” and could apply to a Barbarian, champion, or even a cleric or rogue, depending on the build.

As another example, a “psychic” (a 1e class) could describe a sorcerer with an occult bloodline.

Basically, I lean towards that characters are not conscious of classes, but that certain out-of-game words connect to things in-game (like the rogue’s Racket or a cleric’s Doctrine, which give an in-game way to describe your character), if that makes any sense.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

13 is a critical fail. Wow!

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

For future reference, frightened and fleeing are two entirely separate conditions. Not saying you played incorrectly, Jevar, just saying that that was a mental connection that I had to make myself.

male human (versatile) wizard (unified magic theory, alchemist, rogue) 12 | HP 80 | AC 31; Resist persistent 3 | F(E) +17 R(E) +21 W(E) +20 | Perc(E) +19 (continual flame; innate Detect Magic) | Stealth(E) +20 | Speed 25 ft | Scroll Adept: ☑lightning bolt, ☐ice storm | drain familiar [1][2][3][4][5][6] | focus☐ | Versatile Vials☐☐☐☐☐ | ↻counterspell ↻gentle landing ↻quick recognition ↻recognize spell | dreamstone ☐ | staff of the dreamlands☐☐☐☐☐☐ | Active Conditions: none

I didn't know there was a fleeing condition. It just seemed like the right response to fright (and creepy tendrils).

| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻
Jevar Shadowmantle wrote:
I didn't know there was a fleeing condition.

Hence my reason for mentioning it.

CN (Male) Half-Orc (Human) Fighter 5 | HP 73/73 | AC 23 | F +12 R +11 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | 25ft | Active Conditions: None | Sanity 22/36 Threshold 3 Edge 18

In PF2, can we still delay? Urzok's actions will depend on what everyone else does in this situation. I'll assume he can delay, but no worries if not!

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| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻
Urzok wrote:
In PF2, can we still delay? Urzok's actions will depend on what everyone else does in this situation. I'll assume he can delay, but no worries if not!

Delaying is indeed a thing that you can do. And if there’s anything you guys should read all of word-for-word, it’s the Basic Actions and Activities section (especially how readied actions work now).

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