Rise of the Runelords with a Twist

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition with some Variant Rules in Play

Maps, etc.

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Savage Rifts RotRwT

For discussiony things...

Human Slayer 2 HP:23/23 AC: +7 T:+3 FF:+1 F:+4 Ref: +5 Will -1 Init +6 Perception +4 (+5 vs giant)

Switched up my int and wisdom, figures he'd have a bit more common sense than smarts, even if only a little bit.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1

Anybody want to come see Aurica for a harrow reading? Out of character, I have Paizo's harrow deck and will actually draw cards for you and everything, try to come up with some interpretation for you.

Female Dwarf Guide Ranger 2 | HP 19, AC +6, FF +4, Touch +2, CMD +8 | Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +5 | Initiative +2, Speed 20, Perception +10, +12 noticing stonework (darkvision 60’)

Why not? Tell me my future, Learned One.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1
Maerra Solrinslag wrote:
Why not? Tell me my future, Learned One.

Go ahead and approach Aurica in character!

Decided to alter colors a little to fit with the most plant-like avvie I liked.

Lilyroot's equipment setup is hide armor (figured it'd be kinda fitting for an alchemist, doubling as a lab apron), mace, and bow. There's some later alchemical discoveries that benefit from having a bow and if I need more melee power I can go feral mutagen.

Anybody want to come see Aurica for a harrow reading?

Lilyroot will likely be interested- she came in after your last invite, but she's looking around so if you catch her eye and invite her, she'll come over.

Ack, I screwed up the map somehow... I was trying to zoom and accidentally selected a corner and I can't figure out how to revert it. Sorry!

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Savage Rifts RotRwT

Should be good now..

Female Tiefling Hedgewitch 2 | HP 15, AC +5, FF +2, Touch +3, CMD +3 | Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +2 | Initiative +3, Speed 30, Perception +4 (low-light vision, darkvision 120’) | d6 spell points

Don't mind me, I'm just rolling to see which cards are revealed for Maerra and for Lilyroot...

Card 1: The Desert (misaligned)
1d2 ⇒ 2Card 2: The Marriage (misaligned)
1d3 ⇒ 2Card 3: The Tyrant (misaligned)
1d4 ⇒ 3Card 4: The Courtesan

Card 1: The Dance
1d2 ⇒ 2Card 2: The Rabbit Prince (misaligned)
1d3 ⇒ 2Card 3: The Bear (misaligned)
1d4 ⇒ 1Card 4: The Keep

Plant girl from Nex, of course, has never encountered Harrow before.

I'll can't interact with the map well from mobile, so I'll be about five hours or so until I will do something.
Also, how much time has elapsed from when we were rp-ing to this end of day festivities? Basically I am wondering if Sorush is drunk, still in a tavern, or both.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Several hours... it was morning, then noon, and now sundown... drunk? *rolls* yes, you are and yes, there are girls there... (bonus points to those who get the reference...

High int, low wis- act first but not sure what to do!

Has reach now at least, figure that's more useful than bombs with crowds around.

Human Slayer 2 HP:23/23 AC: +7 T:+3 FF:+1 F:+4 Ref: +5 Will -1 Init +6 Perception +4 (+5 vs giant)

Visting with family... Managed to get icon on map but no post as yet, should be able to post this eve

Female Dwarf Guide Ranger 2 | HP 19, AC +6, FF +4, Touch +2, CMD +8 | Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +5 | Initiative +2, Speed 20, Perception +10, +12 noticing stonework (darkvision 60’)

No great success on the attack, but it may yet attract goblin attention away from the crowds.

I have Longarms activated, so it's charging through Reach, I think I get an attack of opportunity so I'll roll for that.

*Edit* Yep, that didn't help :)

Savage Rifts RotRwT

You are right, I had spaced the Longarms... unfortunately didn't help much...

Yep, which suits me well enough, melee's not my forte I just have a little line of defense there :)

Aurica's aura also makes me more comfortable about using bombs point blank and taking splash damage (since I can't do it safely til I get precision bombing).

... I did mention Lilyroot has a low wisdom right?

Keante, there's a tiefling rakshasa-spawn avatar which looks more like your map icon for Aurica than your current avatar. See this.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1
avr wrote:
Keante, there's a tiefling rakshasa-spawn avatar which looks more like your map icon for Aurica than your current avatar. See this.

What?! I looked a long time for that. Did you find it by checking the tiefling box?

Friends of alchemists can take a little splash damage, right?

Keante wrote:
avr wrote:
Keante, there's a tiefling rakshasa-spawn avatar which looks more like your map icon for Aurica than your current avatar. See this.
What?! I looked a long time for that. Did you find it by checking the tiefling box?

By typing rakshasa in the search box. I saw someone who had it set as their avatar so I knew it had to be there somewhere, and the image address includes the word rakshasa.

Thanks for the reminder on the scatter :) Ooh, looks like I'll miss my ally with splash!

Hm, maybe I should've aimed for that to begin with! Ah well, low wisdom.

With the ammo, I'm not too worried about running out ^^

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1

You also had a +1 on the attack roll from Aurica, not sure if that was included in your +3 or not. Still probably a miss, though.

+4 normal -2 range +1 bonus = +3, yea

If you're more than 1 range increment out then you scatter 2 squares and the gobbo's safe. Well, briefly.

Ah, yea, I'm two out. Miss!

My Longarms lasts for one minute. Is it expired or still going?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Still going... it's only been 5 rounds by the time the wagon explodes..

I'm guessing this batch of Goblins didn't do too well. What with even the ones I didn't hit directly eating 3 points of splash and the others hitting very hard.

Good with bombs, not so good with smacky stuff ^^

Maerra has a similar situation but reversed with melee vs. missile success.

Female Tiefling Hedgewitch 2 | HP 15, AC +5, FF +2, Touch +3, CMD +3 | Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +2 | Initiative +3, Speed 30, Perception +4 (low-light vision, darkvision 120’) | d6 spell points

Should we stick to initiative order for things like knowledge checks? I want to identify the goblin's mount. I want someone to, anyway--Aurica doesn't have Knowledge (nature).

This is why I went with all those initiative traits- go first, land a bomb, soften up all the targets with splash so everyone can finish them off easier ^^

Identifying monsters is something you can do any time. Communicating it needs to wait until your action I think.
"Action: Usually none. In most cases, a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action (but see “Untrained,” below)."

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Knowledge is free, communicating it is dependent on whether you simply say what it is or give a dissertation on the thing...

Ah, I'm still new on the ammo thing, I'll remember next time ^^

I'm not finding the link to the new map?

If I'd known so much would be done at the new location, like combat, I'd have come with ^^

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1

Yeah I'm not sure what you meant by slide 5.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

In the link in my profile header, it should take you to Google docs and a presentation. Slide 5 has the current combat map.

-Posted with Wayfinder

I can't find anything other than the one slide on it. Revision history says no changes since April 9th. Assuming we are talking about the same link, at the top of the page that says "northgate, sandpoint"

Look at the header on DM ShadowBloodmoon's post which reads 'Savage Rifts RotRwT SpyCraft' and click on the second link there.

Edit: the RotRwT one.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

All fixed. I hadn't changed the link in the Campaign Tab yet. Should be squared away now.

So, Lilyroot will now go and try and catch up the others, which'll presumably be after the fight scene I'm guessing?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Pretty much...

And this is where Maerra's limitations kick in - anyone with actual charisma skills want to front up and give Father Zantus a push?

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Iowan) Commoner 2/Expert 1

Is it too late for someone to Aid Another and give a +2 to Aurica's check?

I'm so unused to not playing someone with high charisma.

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