GM Otha's The Paths We Choose Campaign

Game Master Otha

The Paths We Choose

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Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

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Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Each of you receive a missive from Venture-Captain Drendle Dreng summoning you to a special announcement on the grounds of the Grand Lodge; while a flyer is attached to it that hints at it being open to all Pathfinders, VC Dreng specifically mentions a party of six that each of you will be assigned to...

While this spoiler is for Piotr & Grazyra, it plays into the boon I mentioned for the level 3 characters, so all can read it if you wish...

Piotr & Grazyra:
Each of you receive another missive, from a Venture-Captain Flyndyngyln, summoning you to his ship, the Voracious, docked in Absalom, prior to to your required attendance at the Grand Lodge for the special announcement...

Upon arriving at the shop in the Absalom Docks district, you hear a loud "HOOOOO!"; looking up at the sound, you see an owl perched on the crow's nest. A tall figure in a hooded cloak comes up on deck from below, "Good job, Archimedes!" he says loudly as the owl takes flight, shortly thereafter landing to perch on the figure's shoulder. "Our guests have arrived, and right on time!"

The figure approaches you, pulls back the hood of his cloak to reveal wavy blonde hair and a face sharp with Elven features. "Greeting, Piotr and Grazyra," he says as he bows. "Flyndyngylyn, at your service...but as that may be a mouthful, you may call me Flyn. Come, have a seat with me, this won't take long," he says as he leads you to his chambers a deck below, pointing for you to have a seat at a small table where bread, cheese, and ale await you...

He awaits for you to take a drink and a quick bite before proceeding. "You must wonder why I called you here. You may or may not have seen me at the Grand Lodge before; I have been a part-time instructor at the Grand Lodge for several years now. I have trained many Pathfinders in archery and some other skills that prove handy in an adventure; on several missions, I have taken more junior agents under my wing, watching over them and giving them guidance that they might lack at this stage of their careers...

"As I have been called away for a mission of seemingly great import, Master Dreng deemed it necessary that I talk with the more senior agents on this mission, and let you do the same for a couple of junior agents that will be accompanying you…

“Their names are Molvi Masendri and Lanel Brandain; Captain Dreng wishes them to become a bit more seasoned and in a venue such of this, where they'll meet many VIPs, both within the Society and without, he's hoping you can watch over them, guide them, protect them as needed, though hopefully this particular setting will not present much danger…

“But you and I both know that you must stay alert as who knows what you might end up involved with on any Pathfinder mission…and having reading reports on your past missions, I'm sure both of you are up to it..."

He takes another bite of cheese, then finishes off his mug. "I'll take no more of your time, good sirs, as we both need to be away. Good luck with whatever comes your way..."

He clasps arms with you both, then leads you back up to the top deck where the owl flies back up to the crow's nest, and you make your way to the Grand Lodge grounds...

As the morning of the announcement arrives, you see a hustle and bustle of activity throughout the parts of Absalom nearest the Grand Lodge, in additions to the grounds. You meet up with your assigned party, joining dozens of other Pathfinders on a lawn in the shadow of Skyreach. You notice many of the assembled agents hold fliers, the same flyer that was attached to your summons...

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

A gnome with pink and blue hair flounces onto the grounds and says to whomevermight be listening, "Hello, everyone, I am Gnagnatsu♥!" (You're not sure how, but you can hear the ♥.) She then hops arund shaking every hand within reach enthusiastically. "Can't wait to see what the powers that be have for us this time!"

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +7 (+2 & DR 5 neg energy) | Perc. +14 | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -2 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8, CMD 18 | Fervor 6/day (2d6) | Active Conditions: -- |

A tall, broad-shouldered human man strides onto the ship, though his steps are unsteady. His pale olive skin contrasts sharply with his bloodshot eyes, rimmed with red from exhaustion. His disheveled appearance speaks of long travel or hard times. Strapped across his back is an exotic sword with a slender, gleaming blade, while a morningstar dangles from his belt. The weapon’s silvery head is shaped into intertwined roses adorned with sharp thorns, marking it as a sacred relic. On the left breast of his dusty, eastern orient crafted armor, over his heart, is a painted symbol of a red rose dripping blood. Though visibly trembling, he presses on, making his way toward the table below deck.

"I am more t-t-then happy to a-a-assist junior a-a-agents, Sir Flyndyngylyn." he stutters shakily.


Piotr manages a smile as he notices Lanel milling about on the lawn of the Grand Lodge.
"It is g-g-good to see you again after s-s-such a long t-t-time, Lanel." Piotr gives his old adventuring companion a firm handshake in greeting.

"I have f-f-fond memories of carving p-p-pumpkins with you and our a-a-adventures in G-g-galt. Sorry f-f-for my appearance and s-s-stutter. It is still d-d-difficult controlling my sh-sh-shape changing ab-b-bility."

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

Standing off to the side, surveying the scene like a cynical schoolmarm assessing rowdy schoolchildren and finding them lacking, is a tall, severe, imposing elderly elven woman. The corners of her mouth quirk downward with a disapproving frown as she takes in the scene through half-lidded, disdainful eyes. Well! <sigh> At least most of this rabble knows how to get to work once they have their assignments, but their current comportment leaves much to be desired. Hmm...

Suddenly, a pink and blue haired gnome grabs her hand and pumps it up and down with *far* too much exuberance. After giving her an icy stare, the elf withdraws her hand and responds frostily: "Noted, Gnagnatsu♥. You may address me as 'Professor Masaendri.'" Despite her frigid demeanor, she makes a point to properly pronounce Gnagnatsu♥'s name; it's a matter of professionalism. By 'the powers that be', does she mean the gods or the upper management of the Society? The Professor idly muses, before dismissing the thought as irrelevant.

Sovereign Court

Female Aasimar HP 57/57|AC 26 T 12 FF 25| F +13 R +8 W +11|Init +3

While making her path to the docks, and seeing another boarding, she waits for him to board, before proceeding, her heavy armor, with her shield and sword on her back for the time being as her voice seeming a bit soft and angelic for her demeanor.

"Captain Flyndyngylyn, it has always been the responsibility of those more seasoned to look after the lesser seasoned ones, even if some don't look into that role and look only for themselves. Present company excluded of course"

"while harm may happen, they won't return on a shield but return holding one, which is what you are asking, and I think between the two of us we can look after them."


looking around at the group seeming to see a bit of a range of experience, as she Notices Piotr from earlier, she sees the others around she will introduce herself at least, and wait for the Venture Captain to arrive

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng emerges from the crowd followed by an assistant carrying a large stool that she sets on the grass. Dreng spryly clambers up to stand on the stool and addresses the small crowd.

“Thank you for joining me here, Pathfinders,” the milky-eyed venturecaptain shouts. “Absalom has a long and illustrious history, and today we add a little more to that ongoing record. The esteemed councilor Hadrel Grayrain of Diobel recently passed away, leaving a vacancy on Absalom’s Grand Council. We’re still many months away from the annual inauguration of councilors, and with numerous acts pertaining to Diobel on the schedule, the vassal city is eager to get a new representative. In fact, with Absalom’s assistance, Diobel’s Kortos Consortium has co-bankrolled a festival spread across much of the Foreign Quarter. Ostensibly, this is an occasion to honor the deceased and welcome his replacement. Virtually everyone also sees this as a chance to advertise and earn some new business.”

Drandle Dreng clears his throat and shrugs. “Well, the Society is no exception. We’ve already chipped in some gold to help this be a success, and in doing so we’ve received numerous invitations to the more exclusive events. With our recent work in Mendev, we’ve earned considerable goodwill. This is a good opportunity to consolidate those gains by seeing and being seen by the upper crust—as well as hobnobbing with the common people.” He chuckles and gives the crowd a smile. “All at the Society’s expense! Have a good time, keep an ear out for interesting leads, and represent the Society well!”

The venture-captain then hops off the stool and mills about the crowd, greeting various agents by name, slapping associates on the back, and summarizing the planned events to anyone who inquires, including your party…

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

(Just prior...)
Lanel is a young human man, not even in his twenties and perhaps a bit overconfident. His golden hair almost shines with each movement as he bows with a big smile in greeting to everyone. He is wearing a fashionable courtier's outfit with gem encrusted cuffs and belt, along with a dashing reversible cloak and an adventurer's sash across his chest that holds a number of vials and flasks. A cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone floats around his head.

"Piotr! What a nice surprise! Look at you! You have been pretty busy, I see! I still got that little memento from that day," he shows a small leshy token amulet on his neck.

He seems in high spirits after hearing about the mission. "That's great! I love socializing, so this should be fun!"

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

One eyebrow reaches for Professor Masaendri's hairline as she learns of the "mission". "Hm! This is not the most thrilling assignment, but networking has its place. Very well." She lifts her chin, inhales deeply, and sets her mind to the task. Her instinct is to look for people who look both important and intellectual to whom she could introduce herself. However, she first appraises the team to which she has been assigned. Hmm... A motley crew, indeed, but they *are* members of the Society. They are doubtless more capable than they seem. Hmm... I suppose I shall have to test them.

With a brisk nod, the Professor puts on her "Everyone pay attention to me right now" posture and expression, making eye contact with each Pathfinder gathered near her. "Very good. Now, who would like to suggest a course of action?" How well do they think on their feet when given minimal direction? She watches closely to see how they react.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

"You got it, Prof," Gnagnatsu♥ beams as she bounces away from Masaendri.

The gnome then greets Grazyra. "ooh, shiny," she coos as she admires both armor and aasimar.

She glides over to Piotr next. Although she clearly overheard his statement, she does not latch on the expected aspect. "Ooh, pumpkins! Let's work together on them sometime!" She briefly pulls out of a satchel a paintbrush whose handle seems to change from pink to orange as he watches.

Lanel gets a good look up and down from the ninja, possibly a second or two more than propriety dictates, and then a wink. Whatever may have followed that up is interrupted by Drandle Dreng's announcement.

Gnagnatsu♥'s eyes grow wider as the venture-captain explains the mission, and her smile gets so wide that you think she may be able to flip her head open to brush her teeth.

She makes another circuit among the nearby agents, including one elf who seems to be keeping to herself for now, squeeing and subvocalizing "party party Party Party PARTY!" Noe are spared her enthusiasm, though when Dreng makes it over to their group, he gets the brunt of it, receiving a deathgrip of a handshake and a dissertation in a single breath resembling "...thankyouwe'lldowhateverwecanforthe societywon'tletyoudownPARTY..."

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +7 (+2 & DR 5 neg energy) | Perc. +14 | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -2 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8, CMD 18 | Fervor 6/day (2d6) | Active Conditions: -- |

Still trembling from being unable to shift into his wolf form for several days, Piotr looks over his new adventuring companions with a mix of exhaustion and apprehension.

"P-p-pleased to meet you all. I am P-p-piotr, B-b-baron of Taldor. You all l-l-look like a fine group of ad-ad-adventurers," he stammers, sweat dripping from his brow.

A look of dismay crosses his face as his thoughts drift inward.
“By the gods, when can I transform?! If I pass out, I’ll end up shifting while unconscious. I need to find somewhere private—maybe a closet... or a tool shed.”

He quickly scans the grounds of the Lodge, his eyes darting nervously, before forcing his attention back to the group.

"I s-s-suggest we start in the F-f-foreign Quarter," he adds, his voice wavering but resolute.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

"The Foreign Quarter? Now? No, that won't do; try the Grand Lodge Social this afternoon, that is the first event," exclaims Drendle Dreng as he stops when overhears your conversation. "The Pathfinder Society will be hosting an informal social gathering with drinks and appetizers to welcome visiting dignitaries and other people of note. The event also attracts a handful of representatives on the Grand Council. We will display several dozen relics for visitors to admire, and on one end of the reception space, Pathfinder agents, including you, may take turns demonstrating their many skills to the guests’ amusement..."

After pausing a moment, he continues, "As for the Foreign Quarter, you can check that out tonight. At moonrise, a nondenominational commemorative service will take place in the Docks district. We expect it to be comparatively small, as most who needed to say goodbye to Grayrain did so earlier in the month at his funeral. But after the service, many of those in attendance will surely retire to taverns along the waterfront or perhaps the Foreign Quarter..."

"Then tomorrow, there's the Preinaugural Feast; this event takes place at a great hall in the Wise Quarter from late afternoon through the evening. It is semi-casual and heavily attended. Many members of Absalom’s Low Council attend, though the High Council is not present. In addition to casual conversation, there will likely be much conjecture and speculation concerning who shall become Grayrain’s successor..."

He drinks from his cup then presses on. "No major events on day 3 though as that it Deliberation Day. The High Council will spend much of the day in deliberation to determine which candidate should succeed Grayrain. They'll call upon several dozen citizens to offer input and testimony to aid in the decision..."

"And then on noon on day 4, the Inauguration! Slightly before noon, a crowd gathers in a large open-air amphitheater in the Wise Quarter. Within an hour, the First Lady of Laws, Scion Lady Neferpatra of House Ahnkamen, will takes the stage and announce the appointment! After the new appointee's speech, most of the crowd will remain, with music and feasting contnuing long into the night!"

Before he heads off to talk to other Pathfinders, he says, "Take this opportunity to meet some VIPs. cultivate some contacts, get some leads on issues affecting Absalom, and our interests; act on them if you deem it necessary or beneficial. Good luck and fare the well!"

The Venture-Captain then wallks to the next throng of folk, whistling away...

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Gnagnatsu starts looking for VIPs to schmooze with until the social begins.

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

Noting Gnagnatsu♥'s already-avid interest in locating their first target, The Professor nods briskly. "No point in dawdling, team. Gnagnatsu♥ has the right idea. Look around. Which of the VIPs shall we approach first?" She even follows her own advice this time, rather than exclusively watching/judging her team.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Which VIPs are around right now and not engrossed in conversation with someone else?

Dark Archive

N (she/her) elf witch 5 || HP 22 || AC 17/13/14 || Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs. mind-affecting || Perc +11 (low-light vision) || Stealth +3 || Speed 30 || Init +3 || Spells: 3rd 2/2, 2nd 4/4, 1st 5/5 || Active Conditions: mage armor, fly

A tall pale elf with black hair appears out of the crowd, picking some bit of fur off her deep green skirt as she moves. She bows politely to all, especially acknowledging the professor. "Hellebore Vasilieva, at your service. I'm pleased to meet you all." She scritches something in a bag on her hip, dropping a couple of berries within.

Following the gnome's lead, she takes a moment to size up the gathering.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +7 (+2 & DR 5 neg energy) | Perc. +14 | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -2 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8, CMD 18 | Fervor 6/day (2d6) | Active Conditions: -- |

"N-n-nice to meet you, Gnagnatsu♥the♥Gnignja, a-a-and Professor Molvil..."

Piotr’s sunken eyes suddenly widen in astonishment as the stunning elf steps forward and introduces herself. Barely able to contain his nervousness, he bows... awkwardly.

"A p-p-pleasure to make y-your acquain-t-t-tance, Miss Vasilieva. I am... Piotr..."
His words falter as he begins to gag uncontrollably, clutching his stomach and looking as though he’s about to vomit.

"Oh, dear. Excuse m-m-me!..." he blurts out before abruptly turning and dashing away.

Piotr pushes through the crowd of assembled Pathfinders, his eyes scanning frantically for a secluded spot to transform.

His gaze lands on the groundskeeper’s garden shed, and without hesitation, he slips inside.

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---

After a horrifying and painful transformation, Piotr emerges in his hulking werewolf form, now standing a towering seven feet tall. As he rejoins his adventuring companions, he draws little more than passing glances—among the diverse races of Golarion gathered at the Grand Lodge, his appearance barely raises an eyebrow.

"Heh. Sorry about that," he says in a deep, gutteral voice with a sheepish grin, his snout sticking out from the hood of his cloak pulled over his head. "I feel much better now... So, uh, where were we?"

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Gnagnatsu stares for a moment at the wolf in Piotr's clothing. It doesn't take long for her to piece together what happened, despite the lack of direct explanation.

She stares for a few seconds, grin widening on her face as her eyes sparkle, before shouting "FLUFFY!" and leaping onto him.

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

This time *both* of her eyebrows make for the heavens as Professor Masaendri assesses Piotr's new form. In a brisk, business-like tone, she notes: "Among Pathfinders, Piotr, you can be honest about your needs without fear of judgement or prejudice. Now, regarding our mission, we should bear in mind that *outside* the Society, tolerance of differences can vary widely. I suggest we approach only those 'conversational companions' whose body language suggests they would respect *every* member of our party."

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

"Indeed, I'm sure you have far greater experience to identify who might be trouble for us, so please let me know to stay clear of them."

Dark Archive

N (she/her) elf witch 5 || HP 22 || AC 17/13/14 || Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs. mind-affecting || Perc +11 (low-light vision) || Stealth +3 || Speed 30 || Init +3 || Spells: 3rd 2/2, 2nd 4/4, 1st 5/5 || Active Conditions: mage armor, fly

Oh, I have *got* to find out more about this after we're done with the current mission! Hellebore mentally rubs her hands gleefully together.

"Agreed, Professor. I would be delighted to ignore the intolerant. And it's Hellebore, please. Or Helle if you are short on time."

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

Looking down her nose at Hellebore (she will *not* use a lazy nickname), the elderly elf replies: "And you may call me Professor Masaendri, Hellebore." As she turns to survey the crowd, a yardstick sways from a leather thong at her belt. It has a bit of leather wrapped around the upper end, like a hand grip. There are a few nicks on the lower end.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

As you don’t see any VIPs mingling around just yet, only fellow Pathfinders, you hang out for an hour or so until the Grand Lodge Social starts…

…and the VIPs appear…you see several small groups of folk gathering around, enjoying the refreshments, talking politics and current events. You notice other Pathfinders start mingling and giving demonstrations of their abilities. You also identify a couple of groups nearby as potential targets, one to the east, the other to the south…

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

Lanel will get a few things and get ready to have a great time, surely his life won't be at stake at any point!

A blue book 50gp +2 K. local, diplomacy, bluff vs Absalom citizens
A nice cologne 5gp +1 charisma checks

"Alright, I'm ready to go. Time to shine!" He puts on his best charming smile and throws on his fashionable cape. "Who shall we go after?"

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

During the lull in activity, the Professor takes a brief jaunt to a local bookstore to buy a blue book detailing Absalom's movers, shakers, etc., and avidly devours its pages.

Buy blue book for 50 gp. Note: The Professor is encumbered unless she drops her pack. Unless otherwise noted, she drops her pack at the start of combat and picks it up afterwards.

Eventually, she claps the book shut, places it in her pack, and notices that the VIPs have begun to arrive. Noting a group to the south and one to the east, she assesses each from her vantage point to determine which seems to be the superior option.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
knowledge (local, untrained): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Aside from east vs. south, what can she tell about the two groups from a glance? Does she recognize anyone specific? Any heraldry to indicate organizations or guilds? Is anyone giving Piotr the side-eye?

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---
Gnagnatsu♥the♥Gnignja wrote:

She stares for a few seconds, grin widening on her face as her eyes sparkle, before shouting "FLUFFY!" and leaping onto him.

Piotr grips the small gnome tightly so he doesn't drop her. He then chuckles loudly.

"Hahahaha! Good to see you are not afraid of my appearance."

Still holding onto Gnagnatsu, he turns to Professor Masaendri.
"Don't worry, Ma'am. I will be on my best behavior." he says as he glances at the yardstick dangling from her belt.


Piotr also notices the arrival of VIPs.
He looks for any person wearing fashion of Taldor or any accessories of the Taldor elite.

@Professor: If you have the "Pathfinder Society Field Guide" you should look into getting a Porter follower to lighten your encumbrance.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Molvil and Piotr both notice the Sovereign Court faction leader, the Lady Gloriana Morilla, in the group to the south, talking with what appear to be a couple of nobles. Piotr is drawn to her Taldoran dress, and knows the Lady to have loyally served the nation of Taldor for many years…

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---

Piotr approaches Venture Captain Morilla. He waits for a break in the conversation before introducing himself.
"Good day Lady Morilla. It is a pleasure to see you again," he says in his deep, gutteral voice and offers a slight bow.
"I am Baron Piotr Lupescu. What news do you bring from Taldor? It has been some time since I have been home to see to my land."

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

Ah, excellent. A student taking the initiative. The Professor muses, following Piotr southward to join the conversation with Lady Gloriana Morilla. She waits for Piotr to introduce her, aware of the etiquette faux pas of presuming to introduce herself to nobility. Normally she wouldn't bother with such old-fashioned impediments to practical matters, but as the mission is to schmooze with the upper-ups, it seems wise to adhere to these customs.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

Lanel's right eye twitches. His last mission in Taldor was... something he would rather forget. Some beheadings involved. But nonetheless, he keeps his smile and he lets Piotr take the lead as a noble of that country.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

”Ah, Piotr! Nice to see you again. Just trying to raid an army for the 5th Mendelian crusade. You?” Lady Morilla asks before turning to the VIPs she’s speaking with. ”Piotr is one of my finest agents, not to mention a loyal subject of Taldor. Piotr, this is Bellonna Trask and Grint Basatrel from Diobel; would you please do us the honor of introducing us to your Pathfinder friends?”

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Damn auto correct ! Should be ‘raised’ and ‘Mendevian’

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---

"Of course, Milady... Here we have...
Lanel Brandain,
Hellebore Vasilieva,
Professor Molvil Masaendri,
and last, but not least,
Grazyra, also of the Taldor faction."

After introducing his companions, Piotr turns his attention to the VIPs,
"I am honored to make your acquaintance."

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

The Lady Morilla curtsies to you. ”Tis a pleasure to meet all of you; pray tell, can you tell my friends here of some of your experiences as Pathfinders? I have told them of our rich history but they would like to hear from those that currently serve in the field, so to speak?”

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

"Well, of course! "I would say I have a varied experience with the missions we have gotten. Anything from investigating the supernatural and facing the Aspis Consortium, to exploring a forgotten dungeon with strange technology... and even facing a dragon! (although to be fair, it was a small dragon, but nonetheless!)"

Lanel will tell the experiences from Reaping what we sow, Grotto of the Deluged God, Trial by Machine and the Consortium Compact. Does he need to roll anything?

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

"How do you do?" Professor Masaendri's curtsy is polite but stiff, whether due to old bones, lack of practice, distaste for the obeisance, or some combination of the three.

"Indeed, the Pathfinder Society has provided a wide range of intriguing opportunities. My missions have been as simple as investigating the cause of a curious flood in one of our libraries, to uncovering a fraud's indiscretions, to exonerating a group of circus performers who had been framed for murder. They've taken me to the Gloomspires, Ilsurian, and Taldor, as you well know, Lady Morilla."

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

"A pleasure to meet you, milady," Gnagnatsu says with a curtsey.

"If I may contribute a story from close to home, I was part of the group that located the Infernal Incantation under Absalom. We retrieved it from the gillmen by..." She gives a brief but colorful description of the mission.

#3-06 Song of the Sea Witch

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

The Lady Morilla and the two VIPs enjoy your tales, the two VIPs asking many questions. The back and forth goes on and lasts until the Grand Lodge social ends. The VIPs express their gratitude and leave…

Morilla smiles. ”Very well done Pathfinders. You have much experience and are varied in your…talents. I might have some work for you…some time…”

While the social ends and you await for the evening’s commemorative service,you find out that some time is…now. You receive the following missive an hour after the social ends…


I have a proposition for you. Please meet me at the teahouse in the Petals District ASAP; ask for me as I’ve secured a private dining room there.

See you soon,
Lady Gloriana Morilla

Dark Archive

N (she/her) elf witch 5 || HP 22 || AC 17/13/14 || Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs. mind-affecting || Perc +11 (low-light vision) || Stealth +3 || Speed 30 || Init +3 || Spells: 3rd 2/2, 2nd 4/4, 1st 5/5 || Active Conditions: mage armor, fly

Hellebore tags along after the rest of the party, helping them along by keeping her mouth shut.

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

"Ooh, intriguing. Let's go see what Glori has for us! I bet it will be fun!"

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

"Hmm. Yes. Come, come! We must not keep her waiting." Professor Masaendri sets of at a brisk walk toward the Petals District. Excellent. That clearly went well.

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---

"Interesting." Piotr says quietly after reading the missive.

He looks up from the missive to address his companions.
"With Lady Morilla so high on the social ladder of Taldor's elite, other nobles are vying to take her place or knock her down a few rungs. I have a feeling we're going to have to knock someone off of that ladder. Not physically, mind you, but intellectually."

Piotr hustles with the others to the teahouse.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

You enter tea house and are led to a private dining room where Lady Morilla thanks you for coming. After a team of servers has brought in an array of snacks and drinks, she checks to ensure that nobody is eavesdropping and then addresses you…

”Nearly a year ago, I and several of my best agents began assembling a grand Army of Exploration to do battle in the Worldwound and inspire others to do the same. Admittedly, we also aimed to restore some of Taldor’s lost glory, if its leaders would show initiative by funding their own crusaders. Most of my peers continued to sit idly and mock our efforts, yet now that the army has proven victorious, these critics are racing to claim that they were key contributors.

“Several of Grand Prince Stavian’s loudest sycophants— including the boorish Lord Minovitas—are in Absalom for the dedication of ‘The Opparan Trace Commission,’ which is a new guildhall intended to host Taldan business and is scheduled to open tomorrow afternoon. One of my agents serves as an aide to Lord Minovitas, and he reports that the lord commissioned the celebrated Varisian painter Amya Illanaf to create a series of portraits to hang in the grand hall. I have since learned that these are entitled ‘The Heroes of the Worldwound.’ The one my agent chanced to see portrayed that portly hound Lord Minovitas in pristine battle regalia with his foot planted on a dead fiend, as though he had slain it himself— all while Iomedae sings his praises in the background.

“We cannot afford to let Absalom see these, for they would perpetuate the stereotype that Taldor is a land of foppish aristocrats dedicated to their own grandiose delusions. If we let this happen, we would reward the ineptitude and indolence so common in Taldor’s upper class. We would also surrender much of the credit we are due.

“I have made arrangements to sabotage the portraits, which Lord Minovitas is keeping covered until they are unveiled to the public. If you can get to the paintings first, you might secretly deface or alter them to embarrass Lord Minovitas and send a so message to other Taldan nobles who would do the same. At present, the art waits in a warehouse in the Wise Quarter. Find a way in, do what you must, and try to avoid hurting innocents or being caught in the act; we’re trying to help Taldor, not start a civil war.”

Dark Archive

Female LG Elf Arcanist 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 13+4, T 12, FF 11+4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +8, Sense Motive +5 | Spells 1: 4/5 | Arcane Pool 4/6 | low light vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Model Pathfinder Agent boon (+1 all saves; +3 HP), Mage Armor

"Ah! An excellent opportunity for a simple Arcane Mark spell. Centuries of teaching the immature have provided a veritable treasure trove of ideas," the Professor remarks dryly. "Never fear: I promise to keep it family-friendly."

Once she has a free moment, she lugs her spellbook from her pack and uses Quick Study to memorize Arcane Mark instead of Disrupt Undead.

Sovereign Court

CG m Warpriest of Milani 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 18, t10, ff18 | F +7, R +2, W +10 (+2 neg energy) | Percept. +15 | darkvision 60' | Blessings 6/day | Stealth -4 | Init +2 | speed 20' | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Fervor 2d6 (6/day)| Active Conditions: ---

"Huh. Not what I was expecting." Piotr remarks with a mild look of surprise.
"Breaking and entering and defacing art? Okay." he shrugs.

"Could you tell us more about the warehouse and the Wise Quarter?"

The Exchange

Female N Gnome Ninja (Sanctified Rogue) 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair)| Init: +6 | Perc: +10 (low-light), SM: +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Ki Pool 5/5 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Gnagnatsu pulls out a paintbrush. The handle is now swirling a mischievous green and lavender combination. The ninja's face breaks into a massive grin, and she looks like she is about to jump out of her skin. "Milady, you found the right gnome. Any specific... embellishments... you'd like for our dear friend Minovitas?"

Craft (Painting) +14 and a fey-touched brush. It is my time.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Tattooed Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP:20/20 | AC:15/18 Mage Armor | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init+2 | Per+6 Diplo+9 Bluff+8 Perform+5

Lanel is strangely quiet during the meeting. He gulps and loosens his collar a bit. "Yes... of course. We gotta make sure we don't get caught. Lead the way."

Dark Archive

N (she/her) elf witch 5 || HP 22 || AC 17/13/14 || Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs. mind-affecting || Perc +11 (low-light vision) || Stealth +3 || Speed 30 || Init +3 || Spells: 3rd 2/2, 2nd 4/4, 1st 5/5 || Active Conditions: mage armor, fly

Hellebore looks slightly off put by this...sadly misplaced enthusiasm, but she agrees. "I don't think I'm likely to be much help. Though..." she pauses for a moment, before reaching into her pouch and pulling out a soft, fluffy skunk. "Maybe Belladonna can help?" Belladonna whuffles, nudging Hellebore's hand, and she finds a few berries to tide her pet over.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

The Lady answers Piotr’s query…

”The Wise Quarter is the home of several prominent schools and libraries. Most of Absalom's government buildings are located there, including the residence of the primarch and the hall of the Grand Council. And I’m sure most of you have had dealings with the Blakros Museum located there…

“As for the warehouse in question, it helps to stock shops in the Wise Quarter and Foreign Quarter, so it contains a wide variety of goods. Prospective clients visit often to rent out space or order shipments of goods, which often includes a tour of the facility.”

She then pauses a bit before continuing. ”I know that I’m asking a difficult favor, and I’m willing to contribute material resources to help you accomplish the job…”

She has three scrolls of erase that she cautions can destroy a painting rather than alter it, which is less desirable. She also has one scroll of fabricate and ample paints to repaint a portrait. Third, she had enough warning to commission two unframed paintings of her own that you might use to replace Lord Minovitas’s gaudy art. One is a fairly realistic depiction of Lady Morilla mustering soldiers, and the other shows one of the Sovereign Court faction agents battling a demon. Finally, she gives the young a tiny silver figure of a raven (silver raven figurine of wondrous power), requesting that once they have completed the sabotage, they contact her via the figurine for further instructions.

”Are we good?”

Dark Archive

N (she/her) elf witch 5 || HP 22 || AC 17/13/14 || Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs. mind-affecting || Perc +11 (low-light vision) || Stealth +3 || Speed 30 || Init +3 || Spells: 3rd 2/2, 2nd 4/4, 1st 5/5 || Active Conditions: mage armor, fly

Hellebore nods as she snags a couple of the scrolls.

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