Lord Christian D'Elagante |

I am saddened to see you go but I only wish the best for you.
I am wanting to continue this campaign and would like to know if others are interested as well. I will be willing to try and find a new DM.

Storyteller Shadow |

Dotting to get this on my feed.
I have read through about half of Cenna's posts, looks like she was I/C short term so that makes it a bit easier to pick up on her level of involvement. Very Draconic Fire themed character, should be fun to play.
I might make one change to the PC though as the 6th level Feat selected Versatile Spontaneity while very cool, is a bit limited in a wilderness campaign where it would be tougher to get her hands on a spellbook that would lend to this Feat really being amazing.
I'll have to think what I want to take in its place based on the build thus far.

karlprosek |

Reading back over the more recent posts I'm going to drop the potential Taldoran invasion plotline. Mostly because there's more than enough stuff going on in Brevoy and the River Kingdoms to keep an army of PCs busy but also because I think it's silly to think Taldor could take over Galt and not have to spend years if not decades pacifying it.
If you want a spectacular reason for it, let's say the party from Night of the Gray Death failed, negative energy weapons of mass destruction were deployed, and now Taldor's Army of Occupation is stuck in an undead quagmire they're trying to extract themselves from.
I will keep the Red Shields messing around with your kingdom as part of the story, though. Building secure trade routes to the south might be even more necessary if Galt is an undead post-apocalyptic landscape full of desperate Taldane soldiers. Huh, that's kind of like a mini-Worldwound except undead and a lot closer to the campaign region.
I'm leaning toward doing a time jump to account for the old PCs retiring and new PCs forming a party with the Baron. Also I'm going to say that all the side quests from mods 1 and 2 have been finished, even if the original party didn't do them. Christian, how do you feel about that?

karlprosek |

We'll also say Eutropia and Martella returned to Taldor, where they are recruiting heroes to run through War for the Crown. For funsies let's say they planned to travel through Galt and were there when the Night of the Gray Death happened and the old party doesn't know if she made it or not. She did, but communications from Taldor north of Galt are nearly impossible.

Elaina Newberry |

smol dot
Thanks for the invite, and thanks for rescuing the game, Karl! Most games don't make it this far! It's nice to see that at least on of the original players is continuing on =)

Lord Christian D'Elagante |

Thankl you.
Bydar was with also an original character, and I appreciate all that the player did for the game.
Very sorry to see that they moved on.
I am fine with your vision of the game.

Aelbourne Callandriil |

Hey all, I'm here but am on my way to my RL game, so I won't get a proper post up until tomorrow

Monkeygod |

Population is 2750 I think
Well dang, there goes that concept. Several of the class features of the Hinterlander require a town with a population of 2,000 or less.

Storyteller Shadow |

Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:Population is 2750 I think
Well dang, there goes that concept. Several of the class features of the Hinterlander require a town with a population of 2,000 or less.
Does that need to be THAT strict?

Elaina Newberry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:Population is 2750 I think
Well dang, there goes that concept. Several of the class features of the Hinterlander require a town with a population of 2,000 or less.
*loads shotgun*
Looks like there's about to be a few fatal accidents around town. Shame. I was just starting to like these people.
Monkeygod |

Monkeygod wrote:Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:Population is 2750 I think
Well dang, there goes that concept. Several of the class features of the Hinterlander require a town with a population of 2,000 or less.
*loads shotgun*
Looks like there's about a few fatal accidents around town. Shame. I was just starting to like these people.
This had me legit laugh out loud, thank you for that! LOL

Cenna Proviso |

karlprosek, when you do get control of the threads, would you please remove Cenna from the active list so it disappears off my feed?
Enjoy your game, guys.

Aldrea Fangor |

Hey folks. I'll be editing this profile tonight when I get home. If our electricity situation is sorted

karlprosek |

Monkeygod wrote:Does that need to be THAT strict?Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:Population is 2750 I think
Well dang, there goes that concept. Several of the class features of the Hinterlander require a town with a population of 2,000 or less.
In general I would say no, that the PrC can apply any time the PC is within 10 miles of a settlement described as a town rather than a city.
Specifically with respect to Charis, per the kingdom tracker 2750 is the total population of the kingdom and the kingdom has 2 settlements, so neither settlement is larger than 2000. Also I've always read the KM kingdom population as the total population of all claimed hexes- the kingdom has outlying farms, little villages, trapper lodges, logging camps, etc. So for most Kingmaker games I would consider the entire claimed territory as Hinterland for the requirements of this PrC.
That said, Monkeygod you might want to note that every hex is 12 miles across and most encounters happen way outside the claimed hexes. I don't mind houseruling it as letting the PrC apply outside that 10 mile radius- say, make it a more nebulous 'in sparsely settled lands'- but note that it will be a houserule and not a rule interpretation.

Aldrea Fangor |

Do we have a rogue like character? I could potentially change to being spy master/master spy

Aelbourne Callandriil |

That would be me, although more martial than rogue

Storyteller Shadow |

Reason I ask, I could switch over to Kitsune Trickster and go for the Master Spy PrC.
But that's only if people think it's needed. As it seems there are a lot of martial characters now
I say run what you like. :-)

Bydar |

Thankl you.
Bydar was with also an original character, and I appreciate all that the player did for the game.
That's darn kind of you to say.
I almost feel bad for retiring him but at the time it felt like he had hit some dead ends and I didn't want to fall into the trap of half assing it.
@karlprosek, obviously up to you what happens to Bydar but my own suggestions might be he's helping found a new town to expand the kingdom ,or he's working on a true shrine to Shelyn in Charis he hoped to turn into a temple (That was his big dream), or if you want him out of the way entirely (Understandable) his brother might have had had a family emergency in Brevoy. He's a good fellow so whatever path you decide he'd do it out of good reasons I think.
His role as 'high priest' had been mostly coordinating between the various sets of worshipers of different religions. In that regard, he'd probably be happy to pass on the title to Elaina Newberry of the Prism who seems even better suited to multifaith communication :)
But that's between you and Elaina's player!
Great to see the new players enthusiasm, darn nice of Karlprosek to give Christian a shot to continue with new folks beside him!

Seth86 |

Seth86 wrote:I say run what you like. :-)Reason I ask, I could switch over to Kitsune Trickster and go for the Master Spy PrC.
But that's only if people think it's needed. As it seems there are a lot of martial characters now
I'm not planning to run a whole village :P
But both characters, and a plethora more, are ones I like. So the offer is there for the others to decide. A gunslinger sniper or a much more social and spy oriented character

karlprosek |

In case it helps your decision making process, Seth86, you may want to note that the Baron is regularly rolling in the high 20s-low 30s on Diplomacy checks without buffs. The old party has a guy with a +15 Diplo mod who usually just rolled Aid Another on Diplomacy checks because Christian is a Diplomonster.
I just don't want you to make a face character and get blindsided by Lord Christian.

Seth86 |

In case it helps your decision making process, Seth86, you may want to note that the Baron is regularly rolling in the high 20s-low 30s on Diplomacy checks without buffs. The old party has a guy with a +15 Diplo mod who usually just rolled Aid Another on Diplomacy checks because Christian is a Diplomonster.
I just don't want you to make a face character and get blindsided by Lord Christian.
I understand completely. Though this char I'm thinking of is more a spy/infiltrator. So bluff will be up the wazoo. I think she has bluff 18 at level 2 :P
But it's up to the rest to decide if they want such a character. Or should I just go with the ranged DPS
Sorry that I'm throwing a curve ball
Edit: level 7 (Bluff +24)

Storyteller Shadow |

karlprosek wrote:In case it helps your decision making process, Seth86, you may want to note that the Baron is regularly rolling in the high 20s-low 30s on Diplomacy checks without buffs. The old party has a guy with a +15 Diplo mod who usually just rolled Aid Another on Diplomacy checks because Christian is a Diplomonster.
I just don't want you to make a face character and get blindsided by Lord Christian.
I understand completely. Though this char I'm thinking of is more a spy/infiltrator. So bluff will be up the wazoo. I think she has bluff 18 at level 2 :P
But it's up to the rest to decide if they want such a character. Or should I just go with the ranged DPS
Sorry that I'm throwing a curve ball
Edit: level 7 (Bluff +24)
Whichever you prefer.
You can always go heavy Ranged DPS and dip into the spy/infiltrator by maxing out Bluff and Disguise skills :-)

karlprosek |

Looked to see what the existing PCs did:
Arden Kain Brandt wrote:Kain here, ready, able, willing. I would dare to ask, would you consider trying out elephant in the room feat tax ?
To be honest, it won't really help me much, (saving really one, maybe two feats if you add mounted combat to the "freebie" feats.) but thought if you had been thinking of trying it, a new game may be a good place to start. And it doesn't really change too much.
After reviewing these alternate rules, I think it would be a good idea to implement them for this game. Go for it!
Murph. wrote:Just to confirm, looks like starting at Level 4? What to do about hit points after 1st level?Excellent question! Here's how HP will be handled for this game:
You start with max HP per Hit Die for your initial 4 levels. For all future levels, you gain the average for the Hit Die.
As for traits, take 2 and don't feel required to take a campaign trait. If you don't, though, please make sure you answer how/why your PC is in Charis.

karlprosek |

I pruned the active Player and Character lists; I kept everybody I recognized from these discussions (Jovich, AJM, Shadow, Monkeygod, Seth, Crisis) but if I accidentally removed the campaign from your feed, sorry about that please post again to update your status.
Actually, let me make that a request to everyone to post in this thread. Please give me 3 goals for your character in the region, at least 1 of them actionable in the short term (like: 'Hunt down Tuskgutter the legendary boar,' not 'restore my PC to the throne of Brevoy'). This is for all PCs.
Also for new PCs (everybody but Jovich and Shadow), please tell me how/why your PC was selected by Lord Christian to be on his new troubleshooting team. Why aren't you just some random murderhobo but instead are working directly with the Baron of Charis? This is for AJM, Monkeygod, Seth, and Crisis.

Seth86 |

One last question for our GM
Would it be possible to get/develop rifles? If yes I'd like to get leadership so I have an R&D companion (crafting purposes only. Not to adventure with)
Goal : Find and catch/kill her contract target
Goal : become a respected well known hunter/sniper
Goal : get/make the greatest weapon that even Alkenstar gets jealous about losing her to another kingdom
Her skills with an exotic weapon and her ability to remain hidden even after using such a very loud thing surely garnered some want to have her in his forces. And not to mention her (potential crafting help)

karlprosek |

One last question for our GM
Would it be possible to get/develop rifles? If yes I'd like to get leadership so I have an R&D companion (crafting purposes only. Not to adventure with)
You mean, go from Early Firearms to Advanced Firearms? Idk about that. Maybe as a one-off that you find in some Numeria-adjacent dungeon or something, but producing? Probably not. Just looking quickly at the development of the rifle, it looks like it took a couple hundred years to go from smoothbore muskets to the Minie ball and even if we divide that by 10 to account for PCs being exceptional that would still be a couple of decades of development and outside the scope of this AP.
Or do you just mean set up a factory to produce muskets for sale outside Alkenstar? That would be doable and would give me a hook to have Numeria and Alkenstar both send spies into Charis to blow things up/kidnap people/steal stuff. I'd recommend you use Downtime to do that rather than spending a feat on Leadership, though. You can always get more cash/labor while feats are a limited PC-only resource.
Goal : Find and catch/kill her contract target
Please expand on this. Who's your target? Who contracted you? If you want to keep it secret, DM me.

Aelbourne Callandriil |

Charis? Is someone a fan of the Safehold series?