About Aloysia SettRogue/Assassin Prestige Class
Rogue/Assassin Abilities:
-Hidden Blade: Add 1/2 knife master level to sleight of hand checks to conceal a light blade -Sneak stab: Sneak attack with a light blade is 5d8, any other weapon is 5d4 -Evasion: Reflex save causes no damage instead of half -Bleeding Attack: any successful sneak attack adds 4 Bleed damage per round per sneak attack die (DC15 Heal to remove bleed) -Blade Sense +1: Gain +1 Dodge bonus to AC when attacked by a Light Blade -Coax Information: Can use Bluff or Diplomacy in place of Intimidate to make an opponent act friendly toward her. -Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be caught flat-footed. -Death Attack: Study a victim for 3 rounds and perform a Sneak Attack (fails if spotted/recognized as an assassin), target either dies or is paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds (DC13 Fortitude save to negate the effect, but Sneak Attack still goes through) -Debilitating Injury: Bewildered -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes AC pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd. -Debilitating Injury: Disoriented -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes attack pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd. -Debilitating Injury: Hampered (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage has speed halved (and can't 5 ft step) for 1 rd. -Poison Use: Do not risk poisoning self when applying poison to a blade. Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus - Stealth, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Cheap Shot Traits: Unhappy Childhood (Tortured), Charming Skills: 10 points per level (8 Rogue/4 Assassin, +2 Int)
Equipment: 22.5 lb/100 lb, 15pp, 7650gp, 2cp
Special Abilities:
Original Background:
Aloysia began her life in privilege of a sort. She and her twin sister were born to a high escort for the royalty in her home city. Her mother was very successful at her job, but any outsider could see that her mother valued coin above all else. Aloysia and her sister, Layla, both had a knack for observation at a young age, and whether her mother knew it or not she was teaching her children how to manipulate men, and sometimes women, with something as simple as a look. Aloysia ran with this knack for observation turned into a great ability to learn just by watching others, listening intently, and applying a little intuition. She learned that moving her body in just the right way could pull in even the most resistant companion. Her sister, Layla, on the other hand decided to take a different path, but that’s a story for another day. The other thing Aloysia noticed as a child was how well her mother was paid for so little work. It’s unfortunate that she was born into the setting she was in. Her talent for learning was a gift that could have done so much in the world, but all she knew from birth was the importance of coin. It’s no surprise that before she was even a teenager she tested out this concept of making money for little work using a little feminine wile. The problem is, her target was not her mother’s usual clientele. It was a lesser noble who was rarely noticed by the rest of the high court. Aloysia had not yet learned what actually had to be done for coin, and ended up in a situation she could not get out of. After a full week of innocence lost she was able to escape the lesser noble’s home. None of the higher nobles cared for the actions of this lesser. So, she went running to the only source of comfort she ever knew, her mother, and found a cold shoulder to the whole experience. This running concept of her mother only caring about money cut Aloysia deep. Abandonment, horror, and fear were her only companions with this realization, and the only option she felt she had was to run. She packed up a couple of changes of clothes, all the money that was stashed around the house she knew about, and ran away. She found shelter by climbing the walls of a local, dilapidated theater and sneaking inside. The troupe was not doing well bringing in business, and thus could not keep the theater maintained. As such, security wasn’t very tight and she was able to make a comfortable little home for herself in the rafters above the stage. She got by stealing bits of food from local shops, and manipulating strangers into giving her a little pocket change by putting on a mask of innocence, pain, and sorrow. She knew her marks well. Over the span of two years the theater troupe could no longer afford to keep the theater. It was bought by a local medical school for its proximity to the campus. The theater became the perfect location for anatomy labs. Students of the healing arts had perfect views of the stage where a professor could dissect a cadaver, and the acoustics were perfect for the professor to lecture as he went. Aloysia, up in the rafters, had a perfect view of the dissections and became fascinated with a new topic: human anatomy and physiology. Between cadaver lectures she continued her begging and saved up enough money to buy a beautifully crafted dagger and a dress of the finest quality. She buried her emotions long ago, save one: revenge. She may have only been a teenager at this point, but her lack of emotion and the learning she picked up as a child meant she had no problem duplicating high nobility. She tracked the noble who took her innocence to a gala. Again, she used the feminine wiles to pull him in a second time. This time, when he tried to force himself upon her, her face changed from that of weakness and fear to a wicked smile. She gingerly put the dagger into his abdomen so as not to hit any major arteries, and watched him die slowly. His face twisted in pain and fear just as hers was so many years ago, her revenge was complete. Over the next several years she passed the time throwing daggers, scurrying around the rafters, and honing her technique for pulling in her mark. It’s no wonder that she wound up employed as an assassin all these years later. Now that revenge was gone, all that remained was that original drive to fill her purse she had learned from infancy. A more perfect combination for an assassin could not be found: basically emotionless, a talent for manipulating those around her, and intimate study of the weaknesses of the human body. Time enough has passed that she no longer had the violent tendencies of a teenager with her history, and she has become quite content with life. All that is left is her work that has become a game to her now. She is a cold, calculating assassin of the greatest delicacy, she never loses a contract, and she would have it no other way. 5 Essentials edit for GM Fez:
1. See Above for the already established background. I'm happy to alter the story to make it so Aloysia never got revenge on her attacker, and that attacker could be from Gaedren Lamm's cohort. In terms of the campaign trait, I felt like the Unhappy Childhood was the most accurate to stay true to the spirit of the character.
2. First, I think it would be interesting for Alyosia to find out who her father is. She isn't particularly setting out to find him, but it might offer an "off the Adventure Path" track if it's worth exploring further. Secondly, I think relevant to part one, getting revenge on her rapist would probably be the biggest thing for Alyosia to accomplish. 3. Aloysia's secret is that she has a twin sister running around, who's methods often screw up Alyosia's plans. The secret being that Aloysia wants no one to know that the two are related (see the twin's backstory here). The secret that Aloysia wouldn't know is that the Drow who taught her the "Alter Self Spell-Like Ability" earlier in life (listed on the character profile) is out to kill Aloysia. One of her jobs indirectly resulted in the loss of a significant amount of income to the (currently unnamed) Drow, but Alyosia is not aware of that indirect result from her previous job. 4. The first person tied to Aloysia is her twin sister, Layla. They aren't necessarily enemies, but they certainly aren't friendly either. They both internally agree that there is no better goal than amassing more wealth, but they vehemently disagree on how it should be acquired. Layla finds Aloysia's method wasteful, unnecessary, and too risky while Aloysia finds Layla's philosophy too simplistic and boring. The second would be her mother (also unnamed at this point), who she hasn't had contact with in a great many years, but who still exists in the city with the same job. Again, not a pure enemy. At one point she would have been an enemy, but Aloysia has long since buried that emotion toward her mother and regards her more as an afterthought now. The third would be the Drow mentioned above who is a true enemy, but unbeknownst to Aloysia that the Drow is no longer a "friend" in as much as she can have friends. The fourth could be the anatomy professor, who she has a fondness for, but she's never spoken to the man. It just seems like it might offer a character plot hook if it becomes necessary. 5. The first memory would be when it first dawned on her how easily some can be manipulated. It was more formative later in life, but it is the first trigger that set her down the path she is on now. The second major developmental memory was the rape and subsequent lack of comfort/help from her mother that kick started the lack of bonding with anyone. The second is the unexpected passion for learning the humanoid body independent of her main drive of acquisition of wealth.