Khamul Froghoth |

@Jominda, we can't really talk IC right now; I'm on top of the carriage with the driver, and you're presumably in the back with Melly (and a stack of unconscious people).
But, as a proposed plan:
1) Give coach and prisoners to Zarque and Grenz. They can go looking for Grobaras's troubleshooter guy to dump them on.
2) Buy some lesser restoration spells to skip sleeping.
3) A quick shop with the loot.
4) Go to the clocktower.
What do you think?

Jominda __ |

I told my plan now three times. I really don't care if you like to do it different. You are on the coach steering it and if you drive to the tavern instead of setting them on their road to Cheliax that's fine. In any case I'll take Melly along, to not leave her with with Grenz or Ironbriar's guys.

Jominda __ |

Spider climb could be good way of doing it. But remember the discussions we've had about what 3d6 does to boss fights. We're also going to need as much pre-buff as you can manage. Don't know what you've got, but I figure before we go to the tower, we do some shopping - we've got some loot, and even before selling stuff, I had some 4000+ sitting from the last split, so I can front things.
I figure we need 2 spider climbs, and I'd like to get both of us some sort of feather fall item (Talisman of Beneficial Winds?), so if we have to we can retreat by jumping off the tower... Do you have some alchemicals to use your alchemical weapon ability with? I'll get some weapon balms, and maybe some scrolls? Not sure what though...
Jominda can make a spiderclimb extract for herself. And she has boots of the cat. Alchemical weapons are not great compared to bombs, so no. though falling 250 feet might be a bit much even with boots of the cat.

Khamul Froghoth |

Ok, so you can spiderclimb yourself, so we'd only have to buy 1 potion, that's good. But you don't have Infusion discovery so you can't buff me. Well, I'd suggest readying infusions for a major fight; don't know what you have by way of self buff, but I'd have it ready to go.
WRT to alchemical weapons, individually, they're not that good, but as riders on top of what you do, they're a decent add-on. Your archetype has the alchemical weapon ability :"At 2nd level, a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder, such as alchemist’s fire or sneezing powder, as a move action. This action consumes the alchemical item, but transfers its effect to the weapon in question. The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon, but does not splash, spread, or otherwise affect additional targets. Any extra damage added is treated like bonus dice of damage, and is not doubled on a critical hit. The alchemical treatment causes no harm to the weapon treated, and wears off 1 minute after application if no blow is struck. At 6th level, a grenadier can use her alchemical weapon ability as a swift action." and "Bombs are considered weapons".
So you can put a rider on top your bomb damage - things like tanglefoot bags (entangle guaranteed) and ghast retch flasks (sickened guranteed) are good riders, and acid is additional damage, that's worth the price for this kind of fight. Also, as it lasts a minute, you can spend a couple of round pre-prepping ammo for someone else (ie. sling bullets for me), before we kick in someone's door...

Khamul Froghoth |

So, a shopping list
Potion of Spider Climb (Khamul)
2X talisman of beneficial winds
?Scroll? of Protection from Evil (Jominda), Khamul can cast it
?Scroll of Protection from Chaos? (Khamul can't use Pro Evil, and Xanesha might be chaotic?)
2X tanglefoot bag
2X Ghast Retch flask
6X acid flask
?2X scroll of Aid? (temp HP and +1 to hit)
Anything you want to add?