Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility License Released

Devise a Strategem and the Fortune trait

Interrogation is now the strongest methodology in combat

4 years of PF 2: Wizards are weak

WIll there be a players core 3?

Did Player Core 2 fix snares?

Paizo Blog: Player Core 2 Preview: The Alchemist, Remastered

The Daikyu Bow from the APG is a broken weapon, and I'll prove it

The PC2 Dragonblood Heritage allows cloth casters and monks to hit the +5 AC cap at level 1

First impressions of alchemist news

The new Sorcerer

Player Core 2 Spells

What makes 3-Slot Balanced for Bard? Errata for 4-Slot?

Oracle Curses: What counts as "avoided or mitigated"?

Swarmkeeper: how to make it work?

Player Core 2 Spell Progression

Fetchlings and other shadow themed character options, will they be in the remaster?

Paizo Blog: Player Core 2 Preview: The Oracle, Remastered

Paizo Blog: Player Core 2 Preview: The Swashbuckler, Remastered

Catching up on the news involving WotC and OGL

Player Core 2 Swashbuckler - Panache

Wild Mimic archetype and Monk stances

Multiclass Swashbuckler

Player Core 2 Sneak Peaks

What Ancestries are you still craving?

Still waiting on Subscription for Player Core 2

Wish ritual and divinity.

Why do Tengu and Dragonblood in PC2 just need 2 feats to Fly while Flying Heritage Awakened Animals Need 3 of their 5 Feats for the Same?

What weapons would you like to see or which weapons you think need an errata?

Oracles mostly won big gains, but battle mystery got wrecked

Paizo Blog: Player Core 2 Preview: The Champion, Remastered

Help me reimagine Tar-Baphon a bit?

Incendiary Aura still lacks the Aura trait.

Paizo Blog: Battlecry! Playtest Debriefing

New Bestial Mutagen Question

All I ask for the Remastered Barbarian...

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: Blood and Storm

Request for Autistic representation among the Iconics

Wishes for the Remastered Champion

Rant: Wizard absolutely worse than arcane sorcerer in every single aspect.

...So Rogues are the most defensive class outside Monks

Share your Awakened Animal PC concepts!

Gymnast Swashbucklers and ghosts

PF3 ideas - how to manage the sustainability problem for casters

What's y'all's favorite AP?

The Whispering Way as a wizard school

Post-remaster deity alignments

Classes that use "Magic", why they feel different and should

Remastered Beginner Box Question

Did they add spells to some of the lists in the Remaster?

Remaster Fillable Character Sheets?

Hardcover Spine Design and Remaster Trade Dress

Penanggalans no longer undead?

Remaster question

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: The Direct Approach

Hypothetical Untamed Form Casting Proposal

Paizo Blog: Witness the God of War!

Questions about Bomber alchemist with toxicologist dedication

Forking the end of a staff sling would fork it up

Is it possible to fix leadership in game play?

What to detect sanctification... without to be sanctified

Are Lagofirs supposed to be "Large"? Are Castroides supposed to be "Medium"?

Paizo Blog: The Windsong Testaments: Light of the Radiant Prism

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder Encounter: Massacre on the Hill

Pathfinder 2e: Gritty realism fantasy

Transgender Iconic for PF2?

What classes are you still longing for?

Player core TWO might have non-paizo preview, TOO

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: A Curious Case

The most powerful feats

Classes that could fit a dhampir / vampire theme?

Bestariy Remastared 1

GM - Creating Encounters and Using Monsters

Can we get a dragonkin versatile heritage?

In-game explanation for the Remaster?

Quickdraw in the Age of Swap

Rage of Elements Errata

Multi-classing / Healing Advice needed for : RP a Human / Elf Dhampir Magus (Laughing Shadow) first timer

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: Cold Comfort

Fighter, and the (seemingly) inverse feeling of Mastery. In short: "is it me or is fighter notably worse after level 10?".

Monster Core Numbers Changes

Do we know why Eldritch Trickster wasn't reprinted in PC1?

Full Party Optimization Thread

Infiltration rules obstacles

How much healing is too much healing?

Thaumaturge Esoterica - What is it?

Are rangers weak?

SpellShot Gunslinger Fixed

Downtime Event Ideas

Kineticist Gate Junctions

I own the the physical copy of an adventure path. Is there no way I can get the Foundry VTT for it without also paying for the PDF?

How do the rulebooks look on a Kindle?

Thought: there should be rules in place for swapping out your ancestry's default languages.

Oracle remaster speculation.

More South East Asian monsters please.

Rogue players: Legendary Skills

Hirelings in combat?

World Map in Howl of the Wild for sale?

Paizo Blog: The Abomination Arsenal: Part 6

Sorcerer vs Psychics

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