Pathfinder Pawns: Heroes & Villains Pawn Collection

3.40/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Heroes & Villains Pawn Collection

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Bring legions of memorable characters to your tabletop with this collection of more than 100 character pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a character, perfect for use as a hero, an enemy, or your next character, whether it's an elf, a dwarf, or something far stranger. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. The Heroes & Villains Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect character for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-951-6

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3.40/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Great for players!


Give these to your players and there’s a good chance they’ll find something close to their character! Hope they make another set!

Unusable with large collection


I have almost every paizo pawn set, I sort them by what set they're from and either the number or the label (alphabetically for the bestiary boxes). Without numbers or labels these are impossible for me to sort in any meaningful way. Makes the set useless for my purposes.

Paizo finally gets rid of annoying labels! Perfect starter set for your game!


After years of having to hide the labels on the bottom of my pawns from the prying eyes of the meta-gaming scum that occupies my game table, Paizo finally does me a favor by getting rid of all labels for this pawn set. This is a pure godsend as I no longer have to worry about my players trying to get game knowledge by reading the labels.

This set continues to maintain the high quality of pawns that we've come to expect from Paizo. The art is crisper and clearer than on any pawn set prior. The cardstock is sturdy and the coloring is vivid.

For Game Masters on a budget, this is the perfect starter set from which your players can choose the perfect pawn to represent their PC. When I opened this set, I immediately pulled out close to twenty pawns that will serve as NPCs for my current campaign. When passed around to new players, they all found the perfect pawn for their character right from this set.

It's great. Pick it up today and continue to build your pawn collection until world domination is achieved!

Welcome Addition


I found the lack of labels useful (though it wouldn't have hurt to number them). With this set, characters and NPCs can be who you say they are, not what the label says.


This box is a treasure chest of PC and NPC pawns. As far as I can tell, a vast majority wasn't printed as pawns before. There is a lot of art from hardcovers (often from archetypes) and PFS modules, but also a few reprints from beginner box and adventure paths.

The pawns are sorted by gender and race, but come without any names or numbers, as criticized by some people. I am neutral about the topic, just think it should have been announced openly.

Pawn breakdown (as precisely as I can say):

87 human
25 elf
25 dwarf
15 half-orc (with an orc chieftain from Giantslayer as oddball)
14 half-elf
10 halfling
10 gnome
4 orc
4 aasimar
4 drow
4 tiefling
3 ifrit
2 oread
2 sylph
2 undine
2 hobgoblin
2 hobgoblin, Eastern version (?)
2 android
2 catfolk
2 kitsune
2 strix
2 vishkanya (?)
2 tengu
1 fetchling (female)
1 gillwoman
1 ghoran (male)
1 nagaji (female)
1 samsaran (female)
1 wayang (male)
1 of each Castrovel race
6 with mask and body covered, for flexible use

6 of them are mounted (hence Large), all on horses or horse-like creatures.

So we get a bit more than 200 pawns here - more than announced, actually. Overall it's a pretty good addition, just a tad too human-centric - and without announcement of the absence of names.

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Community & Digital Content Director

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Announced for July! Product image and description are not final.

I love my pawn sets. I do hope this set isn't just a bunch of reprints from the NPC Codex ala the PFS set.

Dark Archive

This better have townsfolk and farm animals! ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Where is this Knight dude from?

Paladinosaur wrote:
Where is this Knight dude from?

That is a Knight of the Ioun Star. His pawn is in the Inner Sea Pawns box number 89. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A minor thing: This one is not yet listed within the pawns section.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I for one hope that their is some new art work for this, using maybe some from the new Adventurer's Guide Book and from the older Rival's Guide plus any other newer art works out their. Maybe one day we can see some of them make it over to the Pathfinder Battles Line. THANKS!

Dark Archive

Is the artwork for this gpnna be all-new or will there be some older full-body artwork collected?

This would be a great opportunity to print humanoids from older Adventure Paths like Council of Thieves or Second Darkness... ;-)

what books are theseguys from?like the inner sea guide etc?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Still would like to see some pawns from the Rival Guide Book and some from Pathfinder Issue 100 where the added in NPC's from issue's before that you could add into your on going games. New art work from the Adventurer's Guide also.

kevin bienhoff wrote:
Still would like to see some pawns from the Rival Guide Book and some from Pathfinder Issue 100 where the added in NPC's from issue's before that you could add into your on going games. New art work from the Adventurer's Guide also.

I'm hoping for the same! I'd like to have a good pawn for Amaya Kaijutsu and others.

This looks interesting!

+1 on wanting to know which source books will be used for the art.

Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with final description and product image. Set list incoming soon.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

From looking at the cover I could be wrong but some of the art work is from Adventure Path and other art work that never received a pawn when released, but like I said I could be wrong?

Unless I'm mistaken, the two flanking characters on the cover already have pawns, so as I stated above, I do not want to see further reprints when there are so many designs that have yet to be represented in pawn form.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updated with final description and product image. Set list incoming soon.

It's been a couple of weeks. Is the set list going to be posted soon? I would really like to know what is in this set.


I'm assuming we'll see the set list before the second full week of July.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It would be nice before this month's subs go out.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:


I'm assuming we'll see the set list before the second full week of July.

And normally I'm fine with that, but since this pawn set isn't based on a specific book or adventure path I want to know what is in this set before the July orders spawn.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Like the Pawns as much as I do the minis. Still on the fence about this one though, any way that we could get a list this week. PLEASE! THANKS for your time on this!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gorta wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updated with final description and product image. Set list incoming soon.
It's been a couple of weeks. Is the set list going to be posted soon? I would really like to know what is in this set.

It has now been three weeks since it was said the set list was going to be incoming soon and it still has not be made available. I'll be canceling my subscription for this month since I have no idea what is in this set and orders are spawning tomorrow.

Community & Digital Content Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for your patience folks! The set list for this one is a bit different because the pawns included do not have the usual names printed on each individual pawn, which is the source of the delay. We hope to have this available in the product description this week.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Only an handful of duplicates from other sets! I also noticed a few character portraits that were printed in some of the AP’s I’ve played that never got pawns and some that did. I saw one I recognized from Carrion Crown/Rule of Fear (which was released before they started making pawns) and at least 4 or 5 from the shackles AP and campaign setting. I’m not sure how many others are potentially from other adventure paths I haven’t played or run yet, but overall I’m happy with what I saw from the pdf! :)

Here are some quick numbers, just to give anyone an idea of what to expect! They seem to be organized by race and gender. I’m not promising they are accurate! ;)

Human: 84 , 3 mounted (large)

Elf: 25

Half-elf(?): 15

Dwarf: 25

Gnome/halfling: 20

Orc (/half-orc?): 12,1 mounted (large)

Other or hard to tell: 72, 2 mounted (large)

No farm animals, Marco.


Any chance we could get a little more detail like say, class or maybe region perhaps?

Dark Archive

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Foster Hamesby wrote:

Only an handful of duplicates from other sets! I also noticed a few character portraits that were printed in some of the AP’s I’ve played that never got pawns and some that did. I saw one I recognized from Carrion Crown/Rule of Fear (which was released before they started making pawns) and at least 4 or 5 from the shackles AP and campaign setting. I’m not sure how many others are potentially from other adventure paths I haven’t played or run yet, but overall I’m happy with what I saw from the pdf! :)

Here are some quick numbers, just to give anyone an idea of what to expect! They seem to be organized by race and gender. I’m not promising they are accurate! ;)

** spoiler omitted **

No farm animals, Marco.

Thank you, Foster! :-)

Could you (or another subscriber who has the pdf) copy/paste the back cover set list?

I'm very interested in getting pawns for older APs like Carrion Crown, so thank you for mentioning that.

I wish we would get more pawn sets for the NPCs of those APs which havn't gotten their own (Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, Council of Thieves, Kingmaker, Serpents Skull, Carrion Crown & Jade Regent).

Although personally i expect that "Legacy of Fire" will eventually get it's own Pawn Collection in a few years (parts 4-6 are sold out and it may get a hardcover treatment one fine day).

Kingmaker is the most popular AP of them all (completely sold out) & with the computer game coming out in 2018 (i think), i expect a lot of interest for a reprint, so maybe we'll get a full pawns set for that yet?

Did anybody notice from which adventures which pawns in this set are?

I'm still waiting for a set list myself, Marco...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Unfortunately there is no set list mentioned on the back, and like Chris said there aren't names on any of these pawns. I can try to guess some of the classes and regions, but I'm certain the set list which should be out in a few days would be far more accurate than what I'd be able to do.

Really?! No set list on the back?! Weird...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very interesting, IMO. I don't always abide by the names on the NPC Codex anyway, so it probably won't be an issue. I still want to see what the generic expectations are before signing up for it, however.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Names aren't needed. Glad to know Paizo is pulling art from many sources for this set.

Brother Fen wrote:
Names aren't needed. Glad to know Paizo is pulling art from many sources for this set.

I agree, hope this trend continues!

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The fact that there are no names, numbers or other symbols on the pawns, nor a set list means there is no way to identify them.
As a collector this seriously puts me off.
There is no way to know who or what is in this set or where which image is taken from.
Finding the right pawn will be a nightmare, as i will have to look at each image individually.
I seriously hope this will be a one-time mistake because these pawns are worthless to me.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

This really bothers me as well. I don't care what the figures are named, but as far as making any of the pawns sortable and findable in our collection, this is a complete disaster. :(

Edit: Actually, that's not true. Names are how we sort through our spreadsheet of pawns to figure out what we need. Without names, we can't enter them in the spreadsheet, which means we will never actually find a use for them, because all pawn searches start at the spreadsheet. (If you think that sounds harsh, it maybe is, but we have every single pawn set so far--there's no reason to waste time manually flipping through pages in a poorly-organized pawn set. We'll just ignore it.)

The lack of a set identifier and the removal of the numbers for each pawn mean that we have no way of returning them to the binders we store them in in any sort of organized way, in any reasonable time. So that's another reason never to use these. And if the next pawn set also drops this info, there's no point in even bothering. All pawns will be equally indistinguishable. :(

I understand it makes the pawns... less pretty?... to have the information on there. But if you want to be able to find your pawns and keep them organized, in my opinion removing that information is a terrible idea. For us, anyway, it will just result in us canceling our pawn subscription and avoiding any further Pathfinder pawns.

Maybe that's okay, and it will lead to some increased sales from other folks? I don't know. I can only speak for us. It's just very very very bad for us.

I guess at some point if the names are actually released, I will have to go through and manually scribble numbers and names onto each of these stupid pawns so we can actually use them. But that's going to take quite a while and I am not looking forward to it one bit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
The set list for this one is a bit different because the pawns included do not have the usual names printed on each individual pawn, which is the source of the delay.

Is there any word as to whether this was an intentional change or an oversight?

I don't have my set yet, but I agree with the comments lamenting this (and it sounds like it didn't make the webstore team's life any easier). Is there an upside to this approach I'm missing?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm, the absence of names is surprising, but might have some merits: It will be more the PC's (NPC's) exclusive pawn, with no name pointing to another person. If you want, you can even add a custom name.

For the people who usually sort by name: Maybe keep these pawns separate, sort them by other criteria only. Technically you can add names and / or numbers to relevant pawns, but I get it's quite some effort.

SheepishEidolon wrote:

Hmm, the absence of names is surprising, but might have some merits: It will be more the PC's (NPC's) exclusive pawn, with no name pointing to another person. If you want, you can even add a custom name.

For the people who usually sort by name: Maybe keep these pawns separate, sort them by other criteria only. Technically you can add names and / or numbers to relevant pawns, but I get it's quite some effort.

I think you're right. My guess is that normally pawns are meant for the GM, building specific scenarios and needing art that represents what is laid out in the various bestiaries and codex books. But this collection may very well have been for the players more than the GM. I can imagine paizo removed any identifiers from them to make more flexible in their identity and more easily adopted by players.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
SheepishEidolon wrote:
For the people who usually sort by name: Maybe keep these pawns separate, sort them by other criteria only. Technically you can add names and / or numbers to relevant pawns, but I get it's quite some effort.

Unfortunately, for those of us with enough pawns for this to be a problem, there are no other criteria to sort on. They've removed them all! :)

And that's only half the problem, even.

I personally have no stake in this. Both ways work fine for my collection, I just wanted to point out how to possibly still make good use of these pawns.

Given the replies and reviews on the one hand, and Paizo's usual customer monitoring on the other, I guess this will be an one-time thing anyway.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

I don't get the argument that these are for players.

I mean, does it really bug people that the pawn they're using for their character has a different name on it? The base usually covers the name up anyway. Plastic and metal figs usually have names too (printed on the packaging, if not on the base of the mini).

Is there some guy going around saying "Hey! You said your character's name was Sharon, but this pawn says Merisiel! What's this crap?! Are you hiding something?!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am not hiding anything.

*end transmission*

Perhaps, I'm just assuming that since they come with no names or numbers that these weren't designed with building encounters in mind. I have pretty much every pawn set that's come out and they are all meticulously organized because I know adventure paths and scenarios will need them and I want to be able to find them fast. I think, perhaps the philosophy of this set is that none of these pawns are needed for anything, they might literally be blank slates for players or GMs to use. This is just an assumption though.

I'm planning on storing them in a bin or large bag and dumping them out onto the table when it's time for players to pick new characters or I need a home made npc or villain.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
SheepishEidolon wrote:

I personally have no stake in this. Both ways work fine for my collection, I just wanted to point out how to possibly still make good use of these pawns.

Given the replies and reviews on the one hand, and Paizo's usual customer monitoring on the other, I guess this will be an one-time thing anyway.

I know Paizo really appreciates reviews. There's no reason to say I can review the pawns and you cannot. If you have or will get a set of them, write a review!

If you are going to suggest ways to possibly make use of the pawns, specifics would be helpful, though. When some of us complain that Paizo has removed all information that we could use to easily sort the pawns, saying that we could use "other" criteria is not as helpful as pointing out some specific criteria we could be using to sort with. Since there's no text associated with any of the new pawns, I'm not sure what that would be--but if you have a good idea I may very well adopt it!

Scarab Sages

Still no list.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Terminalmancer wrote:

If you are going to suggest ways to possibly make use of the pawns, specifics would be helpful, though. When some of us complain that Paizo has removed all information that we could use to easily sort the pawns, saying that we could use "other" criteria is not as helpful as pointing out some specific criteria we could be using to sort with. Since there's no text associated with any of the new pawns, I'm not sure what that would be--but if you have a good idea I may very well adopt it!

I haven't seen the pawns yet, but sorting them by gender would be a start. Perhaps sort by race? Sort by class (roughly; heavily armed guys might be a category, for example).

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Redelia wrote:
Terminalmancer wrote:

If you are going to suggest ways to possibly make use of the pawns, specifics would be helpful, though. When some of us complain that Paizo has removed all information that we could use to easily sort the pawns, saying that we could use "other" criteria is not as helpful as pointing out some specific criteria we could be using to sort with. Since there's no text associated with any of the new pawns, I'm not sure what that would be--but if you have a good idea I may very well adopt it!
I haven't seen the pawns yet, but sorting them by gender would be a start. Perhaps sort by race? Sort by class (roughly; heavily armed guys might be a category, for example).

Gender and Race aren't always easy to tell from the art, especially for the more heavily armored characters.

I actually do sort my NPC-type pawns into class categories (heavy armor, light armor, spellcasters, etc.) because that makes it easier for me to flip through them and find something that fits my needs.

But its still nice to have a name or a number on the pawn, to help when I'm looking for something in particular, and to make sure that all the pawns make it back into the box at the end of the day.

I'm not of the opinion that stripping out the names and numbers made this set unusable, but I do think it made it less usable, and for little appreciable benefit.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Quemius wrote:
Still no list.

There is no list. not even in the set itself. It's a collection of unnamed and unnumbered paws with all kinds of character illustrations from various sources.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have all of the pawns too. You guys are being ridiculous if you're going to complain because the pawns have no names. I always have to cover the names so the meta gaming scum that passes for my players don't read them. Figure out another way to sort them or make your identifying names for your spreadsheet, but low rating a set of perfectly usable pawns because they're not named is silly.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah if I were buying Pawns or Minis I would be interested in how they look, not if they're labeled. While labels are useful for quick categorization and for using them with published material it's rather moot since these aren't associated with a module or AP to my knowledge.

Not connected to anything these would be great for PCs and homebrew campaigns, giving them names would probably be a setback in that regard. Wish the reviews talked about the art some more...

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Brother Fen wrote:
I have all of the pawns too. You guys are being ridiculous if you're going to complain because the pawns have no names. I always have to cover the names so the meta gaming scum that passes for my players don't read them. Figure out another way to sort them or make your identifying names for your spreadsheet, but low rating a set of perfectly usable pawns because they're not named is silly.

People using things differently than you do doesn't make them silly or ridiculous.

I have an enormous number of pawns and up until now it's been possible to file them by name, so that's my system. This set (by the sounds, mine isn't here yet) is going to need a different system - as such it's likely they won't be used.

I'm glad it's not an issue for you, but that doesn't make it any less of an issue for me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rating a quality product one star because you can't organize it is indeed silly.

That doesn't affect how they're used on the game table.

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