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WZK77001 WZK72802-8-19-PR WZK68505

Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures

(106 products)

Promotional Miniatures

(27 products)

Iconic Heroes & Special Releases

(49 products)
WZK97574 WZK97562 WZK97560

Wrath of the Wild

(1 product)

Armies of the Dead

(4 products)

Fearsome Forces

(18 products)
WZK97546 WZK97538 WZK97530

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

(5 products)

Impossible Lands

(6 products)

The Mwangi Expanse

(46 products)
WZK97519x4 WZK97510 WZK97501-8-1

Bestiary Unleashed

(48 products)

Darklands Rising

(54 products)

City of Lost Omens

(56 products)
WZK73935x4 WZK73734x4 WZK73136-B

Legendary Adventures

(47 products)

Ruins of Lastwall

(53 products)


(51 products)
WZK73275-02 WZK73037-02 WZK72802-8-08

Jungle of Despair

(58 products)

Maze of Death

(52 products)

Crown of Fangs

(55 products)
WZK72378-8-01 WZK71815-8-01 WZK72052-8-47-PR

Deadly Foes

(52 products)

Dungeons Deep

(52 products)

Rusty Dragon Inn

(58 products)
WZK71576-8-01 WZK71459-8 WZK71408_SlothDemon

Lost Coast

(46 products)

Reign of Winter

(47 products)

Wrath of the Righteous

(55 products)
WZK71244-8-02 WZK71244-LadyGhoul WZK7089

Legends of Golarion

(56 products)

Skull & Shackles

(56 products)

Shattered Star

(56 products)
WZK70740-1 WZK70482-01

Rise of the Runelords

(67 products)

Heroes & Monsters

(43 products)

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4.20/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Subscription Price: 30% Off Our Price

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Unleash the hordes onto your gaming table with Pathfinder Battles! This exciting prepainted miniatures line from Paizo and WizKids adds three-dimensional style to your Pathfinder adventures. Based on the imagery found in the world of Pathfinder, these beautiful figures are sure to enhance your collection and gaming experience.

Because each set has a slightly different miniature count and price, Paizo will contact you via email before a new set ships to give you a chance to adjust your orders to your collecting needs.

We'll send you each new installment and charge your payment method automatically as we ship each product. You only need to sign up once, and never need to worry about renewal notices or missed products. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Aside from receiving the latest sets of fantastic figures, you'll also receive a 30% discount off of the MSRP of all products in the Pathfinder Battles line, including:

  • Premium figures and sets
  • Iconic Sets and Singles
  • exclusive miniatures not included as part of the Pathfinder Battles subscription

By starting a Pathfinder Accessories subscription, each release will be automatically bundled with any other Paizo subscription items you're subscribed to that are releasing in the same month. When you start a new subscription, any existing preorders for products covered by that subscription are automatically canceled (or have their quantity reduced by one if you've preordered more than one of an item). If you have more questions about subscriptions, check the Paizo Subscriptions FAQ for more details.

Start your subscription today
WZK97560 Pathfinder Battles—Fearsome Forces Case


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Average product rating:

4.20/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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First case, Legendary Battles


Prepainted miniatures, a ton of them. I got one case and now have enough goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, bugbears and orcs to have a roving band for each.
The art is good for the most part. There's some flaws, especially around the faces, but the flaws are acceptable, and better than I'd do.
The price is good (though still high). Providing you're in the subscription (maybe save up coupons, too, I did get the holiday discount).
There's good guys, too. Elven rangers, dwarven rogues, halfling slingers, gnome sorcerers. They're really overwhelmed by the baddies but that's how most games are going to be (I imagine?).

It's a ton of miniatures (128, with 32 large or huge ones). You're going to need some space.
The booster aspect. There's some rares and maybe even uncommons you may simply not get. Salt is rubbed in the wound when you end up with like 4 yetis (or another monster you do not need).

All in all, I like it, recommend it, for those who need it. Check the lists in the Product Discussion, or on WizKids, to see what's going to be showing up. If you want them, and have the money, pull the trigger. It's a good get.

Women are Cool!


In this day and age where it still feels like the gaming world is dominated by men, it's so refreshing to see a game publisher be more inclusive of women. I applaud the production of more female characters giving both men and women more options to choose from. I feel truly sorry for any individual who feels that a game suffers from the inclusion of more female characters.

Unbeatable Price, but not a Bargain


I'm a Subscriber and my second Case is on the way. If you intend to collect the Miniatures or play with them in your adventure Path the subscribtion is the best choice for you if following points seem to fit to you:
1. You have the Money to Spend 1000$ or a little more a year because you have to have in mind that there are 3 to 4 Cases coming out a year.
2. Getting Most of the Miniatures of a Set to below standard prices. Ordering a full case does not guarantee you to get all Miniatures to a set (though i have been lucky concearning that)
3. If you live in Germany....hell yeah ( A Case here costs roughly 700$ that is without the Premium)

After i got my first Case from the Toll collectors i can only advocate the Case Subscription if you are determined to get more than one Case just for fun.

1 to 50 of 363 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | next > last >>
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Please make sure to read the FAQ for this product.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Of good, you changed "+ free PDF" to "+75% off premiums". I was going to ask how the PDF of the miniatures worked. :)


Signing up for a two case subscription.

Dark Archive

Ouch £200+ to be able to buy the dragon, think I will take my chance on finding it at a store.

I read the FAQ and didn't see anything bout if I already preordered my case how do I move it to a subscription

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

When you start an ongoing subscription, any existing case preorders for products covered by your subscription are automatically cancelled (or, if you've preordered more cases than you choose to subscribe to, the preorder will be reduced by the number of cases you chose to subscribe to).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is about $200 more than my budget...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not seeing anywhere that specifies approximately how much is in a case, or what it might cost.

I understand that it might vary from order to order, but I don't want to pre-order anything without at least a vague idea of how much I'm paying and how many figures per unit...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Joey Virtue wrote:
I read the FAQ and didn't see anything bout if I already preordered my case how do I move it to a subscription

It was (and still is) in the subscription description, but I've added it to the FAQ as well.

We're also soon going to be sending an email to people who have preordered cases, and that also contains the info you're looking for.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ashes wrote:

I'm not seeing anywhere that specifies approximately how much is in a case, or what it might cost.

I understand that it might vary from order to order, but I don't want to pre-order anything without at least a vague idea of how much I'm paying and how many figures per unit...

The FAQ explains that all these things will vary from release to release.

Under the subscription description, you'll see a list of the currently announced upcoming releases, and you can click on those to see their individual details. (At this time, we only have firm details for December's Heroes & Monsters release, but when we get information on the Rise of the Runelords set, it will be added there.)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Damn I want these, but I just cannot squeeze anymore out of the budget. Ugh!


Wait, what decision? In for 1 case subscription. Assuming you aren't going to be releasing a new case every 2 months.

"Major releases are currently scheduled about every 4 months."

So not, not a new case every 2 months. ;)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

It's touched on in the FAQ, but one quick question. Let's say I've looked at my budget and am capable of swinging a subscription at 1 case per set. This entitles me to 1 Case Premium. The hiccup I've come to is let's say there are two different Premium Figures. I, not being a store, can only afford the single case. I want both of the Premiums. Is there a way for me to get both Premiums even though as your loving and adoring fan I can only afford a single case?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Robert Jordan wrote:
It's touched on in the FAQ, but one quick question. Let's say I've looked at my budget and am capable of swinging a subscription at 1 case per set. This entitles me to 1 Case Premium. The hiccup I've come to is let's say there are two different Premium Figures. I, not being a store, can only afford the single case. I want both of the Premiums. Is there a way for me to get both Premiums even though as your loving and adoring fan I can only afford a single case?

Generally, WizKids' case incentives are on a one-per-case deal, but whatever the deal is, we'll essentially pass it on to subscribers, with a 75% discount. (While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.)

Vic Wertz wrote:
While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.

I can appreciate that it isnt really within your power to know, but do you have any information regarding previous Wizkids sets and/or discussions with them as to the parameters of this?

What I mean is - have they ever released a set requiring more than two cases to be 'very likely' to receive a full set (collation errors ignored)? Have you discussed with them how many different sculpts will make up a a 'usual' set (if there is such a thing)?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Jordan wrote:
It's touched on in the FAQ, but one quick question. Let's say I've looked at my budget and am capable of swinging a subscription at 1 case per set. This entitles me to 1 Case Premium. The hiccup I've come to is let's say there are two different Premium Figures. I, not being a store, can only afford the single case. I want both of the Premiums. Is there a way for me to get both Premiums even though as your loving and adoring fan I can only afford a single case?
Generally, WizKids' case incentives are on a one-per-case deal, but whatever the deal is, we'll essentially pass it on to subscribers, with a 75% discount. (While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.)

I'll also note that there *is* the potential that not every premium will end up getting matched to subscribers/case preorders, so there is the possibility that we'll have individual premium figures for sale eventually—though probably in very limited quantities, if at all. If you want a *guaranteed* ability to get one, you'll need to meet the preorder requirements.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Steve Geddes wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.

I can appreciate that it isnt really within your power to know, but do you have any information regarding previous Wizkids sets and/or discussions with them as to the parameters of this?

What I mean is - have they ever released a set requiring more than two cases to be 'very likely' to receive a full set (collation errors ignored)? Have you discussed with them how many different sculpts will make up a a 'usual' set (if there is such a thing)?

The first couple of sets will help establish the market, so it's really hard to predict. I personally hope we end up standardizing on 60-figure sets sold in multi-figure boosters, like Rise of the Runelords, but we'll have to see how that goes.

And I don't have complete knowledge of WizKids' previous premium strategies, but I *can* easily imagine that some future set might be packed in smaller, cheaper cases that therefore require more cases to complete the set.

Grand Lodge

I may have missed this in the FAQ, but will it be easy to adjust your sub orders between sets? As example say the rise of the runelords set needs 2 cases to complete (for the most part), can I adjust my sub to reflect the extra case and switch it back to 1 case for the next set if it only needs 1 case to complete?

Vic Wertz wrote:

The first couple of sets will help establish the market, so it's really hard to predict. I personally hope we end up standardizing on 60-figure sets sold in multi-figure boosters, like Rise of the Runelords, but we'll have to see how that goes.

And I don't have complete knowledge of WizKids' previous premium strategies, but I *can* easily imagine that some future set might be packed in smaller, cheaper cases that therefore require more cases to complete the set.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to however it turns out, anyhow. :)

Vic Wertz wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Jordan wrote:
It's touched on in the FAQ, but one quick question. Let's say I've looked at my budget and am capable of swinging a subscription at 1 case per set. This entitles me to 1 Case Premium. The hiccup I've come to is let's say there are two different Premium Figures. I, not being a store, can only afford the single case. I want both of the Premiums. Is there a way for me to get both Premiums even though as your loving and adoring fan I can only afford a single case?
Generally, WizKids' case incentives are on a one-per-case deal, but whatever the deal is, we'll essentially pass it on to subscribers, with a 75% discount. (While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.)
I'll also note that there *is* the potential that not every premium will end up getting matched to subscribers/case preorders, so there is the possibility that we'll have individual premium figures for sale eventually—though probably in very limited quantities, if at all. If you want a *guaranteed* ability to get one, you'll need to meet the preorder requirements.

So to be clear, even though you have a subscription chosen with the premium case, you still may not get the premium figure?

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I'm curious on this. However, my unit at work is being taken over and everyone has to "re-apply" for their job. Early December, I should know how safe this and will choose whether to order this at that time. Very interested, though.

Hobbun wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Jordan wrote:
It's touched on in the FAQ, but one quick question. Let's say I've looked at my budget and am capable of swinging a subscription at 1 case per set. This entitles me to 1 Case Premium. The hiccup I've come to is let's say there are two different Premium Figures. I, not being a store, can only afford the single case. I want both of the Premiums. Is there a way for me to get both Premiums even though as your loving and adoring fan I can only afford a single case?
Generally, WizKids' case incentives are on a one-per-case deal, but whatever the deal is, we'll essentially pass it on to subscribers, with a 75% discount. (While we don't have specifics to announce regarding future sets, I'd also note that sets will have varying sizes and configurations, and that means that the price per case and the number of cases needed to collect most of a set will vary as well.)
I'll also note that there *is* the potential that not every premium will end up getting matched to subscribers/case preorders, so there is the possibility that we'll have individual premium figures for sale eventually—though probably in very limited quantities, if at all. If you want a *guaranteed* ability to get one, you'll need to meet the preorder requirements.
So to be clear, even though you have a subscription chosen with the premium case, you still may not get the premium figure?

I dont think so. I think he means that not everyone will necessarily take up the offer (ie those subscribing to more than one case may not get their full quota of black dragons). Plus Paizo will presumably preorder some cases of their own. Hence there is a chance that they will have some premiums available once all subscribers have theirs.

As I understand it, if you subscribe before October 1st, you are guaranteed a chance to purchase the premium figure at 75% off.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

That's correct.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

So to be clear, even though you have a subscription chosen with the premium case, you still may not get the premium figure?

I dont think so. I think he means that not everyone will necessarily take up the offer (ie those subscribing to more than one case may not get their full quota of black dragons). Plus Paizo will presumably preorder some cases of their own. Hence there is a chance that they will have some premiums available once all subscribers have theirs.

As I understand it, if you subscribe before October 1st, you are guaranteed a chance to purchase the premium figure at 75% off.

Ok, that makes sense.

Thanks for clarifying.

Edit: Although I would hope if you do have 2 premium case subscriptions and you chose it before the October 1st deadline, you would get two black dragons.

And I don't say that so much for concern for the black dragon, but for future premium figures.

I only decided to go with one premium case subscription for Heroes and Monsters, but in the future I may go up to two, I hope for future sets, I do get my full quota of two premium cases if that is what I choose in my subscription.

Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?

Critter wrote:
Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?

If you already preordered a case for Heroes and Monsters and you decide to subscribe, your preorder will automatically transfer over for your subscription, depending on how many cases you preordered originally.

As for future sets, your case (or cases, if you choose more than one case for your subscription) will automatically be shipped to you when the sets are released.

Critter wrote:
Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?

Okay I just ordered the subscription, it canceled the first order, but now I have a headache from the confusion. I know this is what I get for not reading first. Happens every time I get new furniture. I should learn to read instructions.

Hobbun wrote:
Critter wrote:
Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?

If you already preordered a case for Heroes and Monsters and you decide to subscribe, your preorder will automatically transfer over for your subscription, depending on how many cases you preordered originally.

As for future sets, your case (or cases, if you choose more than one case for your subscription) will automatically be shipped to you when the sets are released.

Thanks, I'll up the cases after I get to see the first. Y'all are still doing a great job.

Hobbun wrote:
Edit: Although I would hope if you do have 2 premium case subscriptions and you chose it before the October 1st deadline, you would get two black dragons.

The FAQ covers that. You're entitled to buy one premium figure per case.

Basically WizKids is making a bundle. Anyone who buys a case from them - be it Paizo or some other retailer - has the option to also purchase a premium mini. It is up to the retailer to decide what happens to that mini. Paizo has elected to let the end-customer (ie. you) decide if they want the premium figure or not.

It is possible some people will decline that option as it's not free. Paizo is highly likely to place their order with WizKids at a 1:1 ratio of cases to premium minis regardless of customer choice. Thus there could be "leftovers".

Paizo will also be buying a number of cases for the specific purpose of ripping them apart to sell individual minis. No doubt they will also order their premium figures with those cases, again potentially resulting in "leftovers".

Either way, if you're ordering X cases, you're guaranteed the option of buying X premium figures. If you're not buying at least one case, you may or may not be able to get your hands on a premium figure.

Anguish wrote:

Basically WizKids is making a bundle. Anyone who buys a case from them - be it Paizo or some other retailer - has the option to also purchase a premium mini. It is up to the retailer to decide what happens to that mini. Paizo has elected to let the end-customer (ie. you) decide if they want the premium figure or not.

It is possible some people will decline that option as it's not free. Paizo is highly likely to place their order with WizKids at a 1:1 ratio of cases to premium minis regardless of customer choice. Thus there could be "leftovers".

Paizo will also be buying a number of cases for the specific purpose of ripping them apart to sell individual minis. No doubt they will also order their premium figures with those cases, again potentially resulting in "leftovers".

Either way, if you're ordering X cases, you're guaranteed the option of buying X premium figures. If you're not buying at least one case, you may or may not be able to get your hands on a premium figure.

Ok. I think what threw me off was this in Steve's explanation:

Steve Geddes wrote:
(ie those subscribing to more than one case may not get their full quota of black dragons).

But I can see now he meant that there will be times that customers will not take the premium case option if they have more than one case in their subscription, therefore not getting a black dragon for each of their cases.

Hobbun wrote:
Anguish wrote:

Basically WizKids is making a bundle. Anyone who buys a case from them - be it Paizo or some other retailer - has the option to also purchase a premium mini. It is up to the retailer to decide what happens to that mini. Paizo has elected to let the end-customer (ie. you) decide if they want the premium figure or not.

It is possible some people will decline that option as it's not free. Paizo is highly likely to place their order with WizKids at a 1:1 ratio of cases to premium minis regardless of customer choice. Thus there could be "leftovers".

Paizo will also be buying a number of cases for the specific purpose of ripping them apart to sell individual minis. No doubt they will also order their premium figures with those cases, again potentially resulting in "leftovers".

Either way, if you're ordering X cases, you're guaranteed the option of buying X premium figures. If you're not buying at least one case, you may or may not be able to get your hands on a premium figure.

Ok. I think what threw me off was this in Steve's explanation:

Steve Geddes wrote:
(ie those subscribing to more than one case may not get their full quota of black dragons).
But I can see now he meant that there will be times that customers will not take the premium case option if they have more than one case in their subscription, therefore not getting a black dragon for each of their cases.

Ah yeah - I see...sorry about that.

I'm a numbers guy. We're not in the habit of communicating well.

No need to be sorry. It was my fault, not reading closely enough. It's all good. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Do we have al least a very rough idea of how much the shipping will be?? Also is the listed price before the pathfiner advantage is taken off?

drowranger80 wrote:
Do we have al least a very rough idea of how much the shipping will be?? Also is the listed price before the pathfiner advantage is taken off?

I just placed my subscription order and it was $6.00 shipping ($16-$10 for orders over $100). This is to Poughkeepsie, New York, USA.

-- david

Aaaaaaaah. Now what?

I'd like to order a case; but I don't trust the shipping to South Africa for something so substantial.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Critter wrote:
Critter wrote:
Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?
Okay I just ordered the subscription, it canceled the first order, but now I have a headache from the confusion. I know this is what I get for not reading first. Happens every time I get new furniture. I should learn to read instructions.

You need instructions for furniture?

It's a table. It's used to put things on it, and occasionally for sex if you're really horny and the bedroom seems to far away. ;-)

A couch is a couch, used to sprawl on uselessly to let the warm glow of the TV warm your otherwise dreary, hollow existence (or maybe that's just me).

A shelf, well, you put things on it, too, but usually not in the same way as the table. It's more for storage and display, rather than things you're using or eating right now. Also, in most cases, sex is contraindicated on shelves due to lack of sturdiness, which can lead to injuries or accidents.

If you need more info and advise about furniture, don't hesitate to ask me. I've been using that stuff for decades now! ;-P

Or are we talking about furniture you need to assemble before use? In that case, I think there is great general advise that will always apply, like gather all necessary tools, get assistance for things that are difficult to do alone, and engage in some meditation before starting so you won't be too angry when you learn about the inevitable missing screw ;-)

drowranger80 wrote:
Do we have al least a very rough idea of how much the shipping will be?? Also is the listed price before the pathfiner advantage is taken off?

Listed prices are always before PF advantage.

If you want to know about shipping, just pretend-order a case plus a premium figure and start the checkout process. You'll get an estimate that way (and then can just cancel the order).

Vic Wertz wrote:

And I don't have complete knowledge of WizKids' previous premium strategies, but I *can* easily imagine that some future set might be packed in smaller, cheaper cases that therefore require more cases to complete the set.

It al depends on how many figures are in a booster, how many boosters are in a case, and how many figures are in a set.

The first set is completionist-friendly because a case will contain a whole set (barring some mess-up by the packing slaves).

Later, that will probably no longer be true. That means that getting a complete set without singles will become a matter of luck, and generally quite unlikely.

In the Golden Age of Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures, the distribution was like this:
60 figures to a set - 12 common, 24 uncommon, 24 rare (size didn't matter unless it was a huge set, so your booster might have contained no large critters or even more than one, depending on whether the set had large uncommon figures. Also, a small miniature counted as one miniature, unlike in Heroes and Monsters and probably later PFB sets)
8 figures to a booster: 4 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare.
12 boosters to a case.

The cases were properly seeded just like PFB is supposed to be. That means the 96 figures in a case (48 common, 36 uncommon, 12 rare) were 4 of each common, 1.5 of each uncommon (well, you got 12 once and 12 twice), and 12 out of 24 different rares.

And the last part was the tricky one: You only get half the rares from a case. And while each case was properly seeded, there was no such thing as a "double case". So if you got 2 cases, you got 8 of each common, 2-4 of each uncommon, and 24 rares - but no necessarily 24 different rares. It usually worked out to about 18 different rares, so you'd miss 6 rares. It was often less, but if you had really bad luck, it was more.

Three cases usually still left you short 3 or so rares.

Your best bet was to get two or maybe three cases (depending on how many commons and uncommons you wanted) and get the missing rares from the secondary market.

The questions are: How many miniatures will there be in future sets? How will the boosters be set up (how many figures in it, will there be a fixed distribution between common/uncommon/rare - if those are the rarity types used in PFB), and how big will a case be?

I guess we'll have to wait until these things are figured out and decided.

Do you π guys have any info about these things that you can share?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Quick question for shipping:

I currently have my Pathfinder subscription sent to my office each month. Makes for a good work day when one arrives...

This; given the size, would be more of a challenge to get through the mail room. Any chance of setting a different delivery address (Home, in this case) for the Minis, but still keep the books coming home?


Will there be a buy-back program, similar to how you can sell your D&D Minis line for single-mini distribution?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

psionichamster wrote:
Will there be a buy-back program, similar to how you can sell your D&D Minis line for single-mini distribution?

Buyback? Why would I want to do that? Then again, I'm still a little numb from someone's suggestion in another thread that the promo figure be a Gargantuan Yog-Sothoth.

Now THAT would be a promo, especially if they used the old Erol Otus artwork as the base ...

drowranger80 wrote:
Do we have al least a very rough idea of how much the shipping will be?? Also is the listed price before the pathfiner advantage is taken off?

You can go start to order. Before final confirmation it will tell you how much shipping will be.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

KaeYoss wrote:

The questions are: How many miniatures will there be in future sets? How will the boosters be set up (how many figures in it, will there be a fixed distribution between common/uncommon/rare - if those are the rarity types used in PFB), and how big will a case be?

I guess we'll have to wait until these things are figured out and decided.

Do you π guys have any info about these things that you can share?

Only that the Rise of the Runelords set will contain 60 figures plus one or more premiums.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

psionichamster wrote:
Will there be a buy-back program, similar to how you can sell your D&D Minis line for single-mini distribution?

Possibly, but certainly not unless/until we run out of the ones we're setting aside for singles.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Buffalo Dave wrote:

Quick question for shipping:

I currently have my Pathfinder subscription sent to my office each month. Makes for a good work day when one arrives...

This; given the size, would be more of a challenge to get through the mail room. Any chance of setting a different delivery address (Home, in this case) for the Minis, but still keep the books coming home?

Currently, we only support one subscription shipment address per customer. I will note that these cases may not be as big as you think, though... WizKids tells us the Heroes & Monsters case will be 13.5 x 12.5 x 8.5 in, and will weigh about 4.5 pounds.

KaeYoss wrote:
Critter wrote:
Critter wrote:
Maybe I didn't get far enough yet, but I already ordered the case, but now I want the subscription. Can I order it for the next cases?
Okay I just ordered the subscription, it canceled the first order, but now I have a headache from the confusion. I know this is what I get for not reading first. Happens every time I get new furniture. I should learn to read instructions.

You need instructions for furniture?

It's a table. It's used to put things on it, and occasionally for sex if you're really horny and the bedroom seems to far away. ;-)

A couch is a couch, used to sprawl on uselessly to let the warm glow of the TV warm your otherwise dreary, hollow existence (or maybe that's just me).

A shelf, well, you put things on it, too, but usually not in the same way as the table. It's more for storage and display, rather than things you're using or eating right now. Also, in most cases, sex is contraindicated on shelves due to lack of sturdiness, which can lead to injuries or accidents.

If you need more info and advise about furniture, don't hesitate to ask me. I've been using that stuff for decades now! ;-P

Or are we talking about furniture you need to assemble before use? In that case, I think there is great general advise that will always apply, like gather all necessary tools, get assistance for things that are difficult to do alone, and engage in some meditation before starting so you won't be too angry when you learn about the inevitable missing screw ;-)

Yes, I drink....a lot. I'm drunk at work right now. Doesn't seem to brother most. And yes, I buy furniture that you have to put together.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Anguish wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Edit: Although I would hope if you do have 2 premium case subscriptions and you chose it before the October 1st deadline, you would get two black dragons.

The FAQ covers that. You're entitled to buy one premium figure per case.

Basically WizKids is making a bundle. Anyone who buys a case from them - be it Paizo or some other retailer - has the option to also purchase a premium mini. It is up to the retailer to decide what happens to that mini. Paizo has elected to let the end-customer (ie. you) decide if they want the premium figure or not.

It is possible some people will decline that option as it's not free. Paizo is highly likely to place their order with WizKids at a 1:1 ratio of cases to premium minis regardless of customer choice. Thus there could be "leftovers".

Paizo will also be buying a number of cases for the specific purpose of ripping them apart to sell individual minis. No doubt they will also order their premium figures with those cases, again potentially resulting in "leftovers".

Either way, if you're ordering X cases, you're guaranteed the option of buying X premium figures. If you're not buying at least one case, you may or may not be able to get your hands on a premium figure.

I can go into some more detail on that, but please recognize that if you choose to read this next bit, you need to really read carefully, as it's kind of complicated; if you just skim it, it'll probably confuse you more than anything.

Click this Spoiler button only if you promise to read carefully!:

Like everyone else, we have to get our Heroes & Monsters order in to WizKids on October 1. That means we have to order the number of cases we want, and we have to order the number of black dragons we want.

If you place a preorder for a case, or begin a case subscription, before October 1, that means we'll order a case and a corresponding black dragon for you. We will *also* order some number of cases "on spec" (that is, without having a guaranteed presale lined up), and we'll order some number of cases to bust open to sell as singles. And, of course, we'll order a black dragon for each of those cases as well.

The net result is that, on October 1, we'll know how many black dragons we'll be getting, and we'll know how many of them are "on hold" for case preorders/subscribers. We'll also know how many of them are *not* being held, and we'll use that additional stock to continue offering subscriptions to the line until either A) we run out of unsold black dragons to offer to new subscribers, -or- B) we run out of unsold Heroes & Monsters cases to offer to new subscribers, -or- C) the Rise of the Runelords set is released. In any of those three cases, we'll continue offering subscriptions, but new subscribers will have to start their subscription with a later release, and they will no longer be offered the black dragon premium.

If "B" or "C" happen before "A"—which I think is unlikely—that means that we'll take any extra dragons and offer them to the general public at that point.

Also, note that people who have preordered cases or started subscriptions have the ability to order their corresponding black dragon premium only up until Heroes & Monsters is released. At that point, any unordered black dragons will be counted in with any other remaining black dragon stock. If we're still taking subs starting with Heroes & Monsters at that time, that means we'll be able to continue doing so for a while longer. And if we've already switched over to starting subs with Rise of the Runelords, that means we'll have some black dragons to offer to the general public.

What I really like about this product is its pricing. I do really like the fact that it is the same price as TCG packs. So, for those non Magic months, I could buy a brick or save my dough to buy a case once every 4 months. Now I just have to decide if I want minis or Magic more!

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