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no audible.com this time? i dont even see pre order =(
It looks like there will be no audiobooks of the Pathfinder Tales being offered in the immediate future.
From what i heard, the line is not selling that well anymore.
April´s "Gears of Faith" could be the last one for all i know.

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strangepork wrote:no audible.com this time? i dont even see pre order =(
It looks like there will be no audiobooks of the Pathfinder Tales being offered in the immediate future.
From what i heard, the line is not selling that well anymore.
April´s "Gears of Faith" could be the last one for all i know.
Seriously? :/
I don't get time to read dead tree very much at all anymore, so despite getting my subs, I have also been getting the audiobooks and reading them that way (haven't even opened a PFTales hard copy for over a year now). No more Audiobooks basically means no more reading PFTales for me (or at least maybe one or two a year at most).
It would almost mean there's no point continuing to get my PFTales sub, given that I wouldn't get to read them, and it would also practically mean cancelling my Audible sub as well, as the PFTales books were the main reason I signed up, and represent 70% of my credit purchases there...
To say that I am disappointed by any decision to cancel the Audiobooks would be an unbelievable understatement. :(

Steve Geddes |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There hasnt been any official news on this line for a while.
It seems there might be some broader issues across all of paizo's lines in the next few months (my guess would be starfinder did more damage to staff availability than anticipated).
Although no news isnt good - there hasnt been any bad news either (yet).

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There hasnt been any official news on this line for a while.
It seems there might be some broader issues across all of paizo's lines in the next few months (my guess would be starfinder did more damage to staff availability than anticipated).
Although no news isnt good - there hasnt been any bad news either (yet).
While nothing official has been announced, neither amazon, audible or macmillan/tor books have listed any pre-orders beyond april.
And they are likely not affected by Starfinder at all.I also know that at least one Pathfinder Tale by a new writer (from his twitter account) has been finished for a while, so the possibility of sales not being good enough is strong.

Steve Geddes |

And they are likely not affected by Starfinder at all.
James Sutter is the head honcho of both.
I agree it doesn't look like the line is doing well, but I think it's important to distinguish speculation from announced policy.
It's possible Tor are disappointed with the sales and want to reduce the rate of output, it's even possible there's not going to be any more novels...However, it's also possible Sutter said "Yeah, I can manage Starfinder on top of my other duties"and then discovered that was too much and the line hit a hurdle six months later after the books he was editor for pre-starfinder were released.

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I asked James Jacobs the following:
"1. Is the Pathfinder Tales line cancelled, on hiatus or just not updated anymore?
I'm asking because there is nothing pre-order-able beyond april on Amazon, Audible, Paizo or Tor books.
Also the actual february book and the one coming out in april have no audible version available (which may be normal, i don't know about that).
Thank you Mr. Jacobs."
His answer:
"It's not cancelled as far as I know... but I'm not the one to ask about details on that line. That's more of an Erik question."
Here is the link: Ask JJ
So, it seems that James Sutter is (momentarily?) not responsible for the books line (because he develops Starfinder) and Erik Mona has taken over.
Erik is already very busy at the moment with the "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" line (the hardcovers) the Comics line (which he writes atm) and the "Pathfinder Battles" miniatures line (which he took a little step back from and now let´s Michael Kenway write the blog).
So the most logical explaination may be, that it takes some time to make the transition and we´ll hear something soon.
None the less, i have become a little wary of the influence that Starfinder is taking on Pathfinder.
After a three months hiatus of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line (which is a serious loss to me), this is the second serious impact i notice.
And while there is no gap yet, the non-existent information is not somewhat bothering.
I´ll try to ask Erik somehow. ;-)

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Any ideas yet on when this will become available as an Audiobook???
Neither this, nor Gears of Faith is available yet, and this one was released in dead tree 2 months ago, with still no hint of an Audiobook on Audible.
Starting to get a little annoyed at a lack of news about the line queries that were expressed a few months ago now.

John Kretzer |

Any ideas yet on when this will become available as an Audiobook???
Neither this, nor Gears of Faith is available yet, and this one was released in dead tree 2 months ago, with still no hint of an Audiobook on Audible.
Starting to get a little annoyed at a lack of news about the line queries that were expressed a few months ago now.
They have said that there is issues that need to be worked out...and that yes they will continue the Tales line...

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Yes, neither Paizo nor Tor Books can comment on the Pathfinder Tales line atm (due to legal reasons), but they are working something out.
The line is NOT cancelled.
Personally i hope we hear something in may, as the next book would come out in june (if the old schedule is being kept).
grrr... Stupidest idea ever to swap to TOR. We lost eBooks and the books all no longer line up evenly on the shelf. Now on top of that, we've lost Audiobooks, which is currently the only way I am able to "read" them, and has been since they first became available.
EDIT: And going on two months worth of "no comment" is a bad sign anyway. If something couldn't be worked out in over 2 months, then there's definitely something drastically wrong with the line...

Steve Geddes |

Marco Massoudi wrote:Yes, neither Paizo nor Tor Books can comment on the Pathfinder Tales line atm (due to legal reasons), but they are working something out.
The line is NOT cancelled.
Personally i hope we hear something in may, as the next book would come out in june (if the old schedule is being kept).grrr... Stupidest idea ever to swap to TOR. We lost eBooks and the books all no longer line up evenly on the shelf. Now on top of that, we've lost Audiobooks, which is currently the only way I am able to "read" them, and has been since they first became available.
EDIT: And going on two months worth of "no comment" is a bad sign anyway. If something couldn't be worked out in over 2 months, then there's definitely something drastically wrong with the line...
It could have been all manner of things - it doesn't have to have mean the line is in "drastic" trouble (at least from a commercial perspective - opinions on ebook availability, the change in hardcover format and so forth is obviously an aesthetic matter for each of us).
I note that the fiction has recently disappeared from the APs (something which always seemed a 'non-negotiable' to me in prior discussions with staff and especially Erik Mona). If I were to have a stab, I'd guess that TOR have an 'exclusive' right to distribute hardcopy fiction set in the world of Golarion and there was a contractual sticking point given such has been appearing as the backmatter of the AP.
Perhaps Tor wanted to wait until it had ceased before progressing with the discussions.
That's pure speculation on my part, of course - I'm not in a position to do more than guess - plus hope that part of the holdup is negotiating a monthly release schedule. :)

Steve Geddes |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's not really on the gears of faith product page that's just a link.
This is the thread where James Sutter provides the latest information.

kojoidrissa |
I just saw the news that the author passed away.
This was the only Pathfinder book of his I hadn't read, since I couldn't find an audiobook. I just ordered a used copy, since I couldn't find an ebook available anywhere.
RIP Howard Andrew Jones. Long live Mirian Rass, Jekka, Elyana Sadrastis, and Drelm.