Adelina Ducat
Female half-elf unchained rogue 2. HP 16. AC 15, Touch12, FF13. F +1. R +6. W +1, Init +3. Per +9
Adigale Clemens
CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 24(-2 raging) , T 17, FF 17 (uncanny dodge) | F +10/R+10/W+5(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +12, CMD 22 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Condition: : rage 17/17 | mythic 5/5 | her image
Aily Yor
LE elf dhampir rogue/alter ego/shadowdancer 14 HP:146/146 | AC: 35 (nimble dodge) | F: +21 R: +28(improved evasion); W: +22 | Perception +25 greater darkvision, low-light vision| dagger +27 2d4+8 +3d6 sneak | hero points: 1 |
Aster Cobblestone
human/wererat (Tian-Dan) lunar oracle 7 AC:24/14/20 (26/14/22 hyrbid) HP:51/51 (58/58 hybrid) F:+5 R: +8 W: +10 (+6/+8/+10 hybrid | +1 vs mind affecting), Init: -1(+3 hybrid) Perception: +13 spells: level 3 4/5 level 2 6/7, level 1 7/7, gift of claw and horn 7/7, disguise DC 19
Bahili Nyuki
Male Zenju Druid 1 | HP 18 | AC 17 | Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +8 | Resist Crit 4 | Perc +6 focus 1/1| spells: 1st 2/2 | Portrait | conditions:
Beatrix Mortimire-EbonGray
CG | female gnome sorcerer 5 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 19 | F: +10; R: +9; W: +11 | Perception +9 (low-light vision) | spell dc: 21 | spells: 1st 4/4 | 2nd 4/4 | 3rd 3/3 |focus: 1/1
Brigita Ungurlan
Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent
Bunnit Twiddleton
HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +7 | attack +8/1d8, Per +6| | Active:
Cailyn Vanderale
Female half-elf (Spireborn) occultist 1 HP: 8/8 | AC: 14/14/10 (Mage Armor: 18/14/14)| no DR | F +2, R +4, W +3 (none)| Per: +7 (Low-light Vision), Init: +4 | lvl1 2/2 | focus: conjuration 1/1 transmutation 4/4 | bolts 10/10 | Hero Points: ? | Status:
Chrysa Surtova
Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 3 | HP82/83 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+9, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 5/8 minutes | flight 5/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements;, Heroism, hunter's blessing, barkskin, Resist Energy/Electricity (cold 30), greater invisibility, shield
Cleo Gingerberry
Female Halfling Cleric 8 | AC:22/14/19 HP:42/57 F:+9 R: +7 W: +12(+2 vs fear) Init: +3 Perception: +5, channel 1/5 | conditions: magic circle against evil | Aggah AC:20/15/16 HP:51/51 F:+6 R: +9 W: +4(+4 vs enchantment) Init: +4 Perception: +6 darkvision (conditions:shield other)
Creeg Greythorn
Human Wizard 1 | HP 4 | AC 11(14 mage armor) | Staff -2, 1d4 Dagger +1(N), 1d4 | Spellcasting +4 (DC 10 + spell tier). |Spells Detect Magic: near, focus, sense presence of magic, Magic Missile: ADV to cast, 1d4 to one far, Sleep: near sized cube, 0-2 inside fall asleep, Mage Armor (self, AC 14, 10 rounds)
The Crow, Seth Posfurore
male vigilante(social form) 13 | HP 144/144 | AC 35 T 21 F 28 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F: +10, R: +21, W: +13 (+2 vs disease/fear) | Init: +8 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 | Speed 60ft | Active Conditions: None
Devie Grey
Female Human | Oracle 9 | HP 33/61| AC 28 | T 14 | FF 26| CMD 26 | Fort +8| Ref +8 | Will +10 | Init +3(roll twice) | Perc +5 | lv1: 7/7, lv2: 7/7, lv3: 7/7, lv4: 4/4| sudden charge 2/2 | will reroll 1/1 | Appearance conditions:
Elenora Brisbee
Kineticist 6 / Rougue 1 | her image | HP: 47/47 | AC: 20 15 Tch 15 Flat | F: +8 R: +12 W: +11 | Perception +20 darkvision | Burn: | Active Conditions:
Ella Magrid
Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:
Gretta Ghort
human magus 2 | HP: 16/26 | AC: 19 | F: +7; R: +5; W: +6 | Perception +4 | spell dc: 17 | focus 0/2 | image
Male Halfling Wizard 2 | HP 9/12 | AC 14/T 14/FF 10 | F+2/R+4/W+4 | CMB - 12 | CMD 12 |init +4 | Perc +10(+12) | precience 6/6 | spells: | conditions: familiar
Hedwig Bogg II
Female Undine Alchemist 5 / Swashbuckler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 21(29)(+4 mutatgen), T:14, FF:17 | CMD: 17(18 vs grapple) | CMB: +3| Fort: +4 | Ref: +11: Will: +5 | Init: +4(+6 mutagen) | Perception: 14darkvision alchemical ordnance 8/8 (3d6+3) | mutagen 1/1 | panache 2/2 | conditions: endure elements, ant haul, brakskin, shield, jump, mutagin, protection from arrows
Female Strix Barbarian 12 | 171/212(0 temp) | AC 30(29 with polearm, 28 when raging) | fort +23 (success as crit success) ref +19 will +17 | Perception +16 : Initiative as Performance +21
Jeni Zantus Pebblefoot
Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 6 | her image | HP: 80/80 AC: 23; F: +14, R: +13, W: +10 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +8 | Speed 25ft | Blast +13, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: scouting
Lady Charlotte Plumth
HP: 62/68 AC: 19; F: +10, R: +10, W: +14 | Perc: +12 low light | Speed 25ft | Weapon +8, d6. | spell +12 22dc | battle medicine Bel 1/2 Wes 2/2 Fall 1/2 | spells 1st 3/3 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/3 | fp: 3/3 | Active conditions: Minor Curse
Lam Ai Lua
Female human (Tian-Dan) bard (arcane duelist) 5/evangelist 6| HP 93/93 | AC 32 (33 haste) | T 17 | FF 27| CMD 24 | F+9, R+13, W+9 (+2 saves good hope) | Per +17, SM +15, Init +5 spells: 1st 6/7 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4rth 1/2 | perform: 23/29 conditions: fastidiousness, raiment of command, longstrider, haste(9 rounds), good hope
Lillebeth Lishoni-Bogg
Female Human(ish) Cleric 3| HP: 18/21 | AC: 11, T:10, FF:11 | CMD: 11 | CMB: +1| Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +9 | Init: +0 | Perception: +10 bit of luck 6/7 : channel 4/5 : genie-caller 0/1 : liberty's blessing 7/7 | conditions:
Lora Drowne
human bard 9 | HP: 98/98 | AC: 27 | F: +15; R: +18; W: +19 | Perception +17 (deception for init +21) | spell dc/attack: 29/+19 | spells: 1st 3/3 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4rth 3/3 5th 3/3|focus: 1/1 | hero points: 0/0 | image
Lora Lawson
female human geokineticist 3 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 34/36 | F +6 R +7 W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +5
Magda "Magpie" Vasiliu
Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 66/66| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours)
Melody Pepplefoot
halfling rogue (eldritch scoundrel) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 T 15 FF 11 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 Active Conditions:
Molly May Woodson
Nero Vashnarstill
Male LE humen oracle 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 1, CMD: 9 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: -2 | Perc: +5, SM +5 | Speed 20ft | Spells 4/4: | Active conditions:
Nita Cobbles
Female gnome oracle 1 and wolf image | | nita hp 8/8 | AC 20 (-2 not urban) T 16 FF 15 | CMB -1 CMD 17 | Init -2; Perc +7 (clouded vision,darkvision) | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusions) | spells: 1st 5/5 | morning star +1/1d6 | waldorph hp 13/13 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB 2 CMD 14 (18 vs trip) | Init +2; Perc +5 (lowlight,scent) | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1 | bite: +3/1d6+1
Pagma, the Inquisitive Boom
female Tian-Sing alchemist bomber 9 | her image | HP: 89/89 AC: 28; F: +15, R: +18, W: +15 | Perc: +14 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +18, d4+1 | 6/6 versatile | 2/2 acid | 2/2 lightning | sunlight 2/2 | ghost 2/2 | coffee 2/2 | hero 0 | Active
Penelope Dorn
Dhampir bloodrager (blood conduit) 3 HP: 27/27, AC: 21, FF 18, Fort: +4 | Reflex +4 | Will +1 | Init: +3 | Perception: +8 | Speed: 20 ; Bloodrage 9/9; Hellfire Strike 3/3
Penelope Pinch
longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—
Penith SomethingAnother
telekineticist 15 HP 126/198(15nl taken off total)( +0/15 force ward, 15 nl) Init+8,F17R15W9,Per+20,AC19T13FF16 Sanity D:0 S: 36 T: 2 E: 18; burn: 1 (15 points non-lethal/point), internal buffer: 4, telekinetic blast +22, 8d6+16+1d8(-3/+6 deadly aim)
Penny Etal
human Mystic(free trader) 4 | SP: 24/24 HP: 28/28 RP: 7/7 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +9 | Init: +2 | Perception: 14 | Speed: 30' | spells: 1st 5/5. 2nd 3/3 | Appearance
Pentella "Pen" Cole
Active Conditions: endure elements Female Elf Wizard 16 | HP 150/150 | AC 36 | Fort +24 Ref +26 Will +25 | Perc +26(+2 initiative); darkvision, low-light vision| spell DC 37, attack +27 | focus 2/2 | hero 2 | Familiar: Puck the Ceru | HP 80/75 | Perc +80; darkvision, scent |
Female LG Elf paladin 1/bard 4 | HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | F: +4, R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM +10 | Speed 30ft | Bardic Performance 12/12, Smite Evil 1/1 | Spells: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Active conditions:
The Pigeon, Lyra Posfurore
female human vigilante 13 | HP 144/144 | AC 35 T 21 F 28 | CMB +21, CMD 35 | F: +10, R: +21, W: 13 (+2 vs disease/fear,+4 vs sleep/paralysis) | Init: +11 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 | Speed 60ft | 6/7 mythic | 6/6 1st | 5/5 2nd | 5/5 3rd | 4/4 4th | 1/1 5th | Active Conditions:greater false life(23), defending bone, status(gavin,witness), ward of the season(summer), ride the waves [all 11 hours], lucky number(18),fly, herosim, featherstep, ward of the season(spring +10 speed)
Piotr Tataru
Piotr: Fighter 2/Spirtualist 6| HP 63/63 | AC 22 T 12 FF 20 | Ft +11 Rf +8 Wi +11*(+2 Ann In Brain,+3 vs fear) | Init +2 | Perc +5 l CMD 20 | spells: level 1 5/5 level 2 4/4 | conditions: bulls strength(piotr), bless, blessing of fervor, mage armor (ann) Ann: HP 40/40| AC 22(without mage armor) T 14 FF 18 | Ft +3 Rf +9 Wi +7(+4 vs enchantments) | Init +4 | Perc +4 | DR 5/slashing
Polli Andalaysa Bog IV
Female Sylph Wizard 13 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 13(17/19) -1, T:13, FF:10 | CMD: 26 | CMB: +13| Fort: +8 | Ref: +10: Will: +13 | Init: +3 | Perception: 0(-2) lighting 13/13, cyclone 13/13 toppling 3/3 focus 1/1| Portrait | conditions: mage armor, protection of arrows, endure elements
Rain Flowing Sharply
Ripple of Kaldheim
Outsider | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane 0 | XP 0/5 | Influence: At Sorin By: X
Samantha Murphy: Statian
Potential: 2 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: +1 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -2 | Conditions: Insecure
Sapher Mornshire
female Dwarf inquisitor 5/paladin 1 | HP 46/48 | AC 19 (21-s) | T 11 | FF 20 | CMD 18 | Fort +8 | Ref +2 | Will +11 (+2 vs poisons/spells/abilities) | Init +4 | Perc +12 SM +12 | 1st: 3/5 | 2nd: 3/3 spells | 2/2 judegments | 6/6 adorations
Sara Nole
Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Wit) 4 / Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Unchained Rogue (Chameleon) 2 | HP 39/39 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 17 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +15 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +5 | 1st 5/5 spells 2nd 2/2| 13/13 performances
Sister Isabet Cloodes
F Dhampir (disguised) CG | brewkeeper 4/cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Cayden Cailean 5 | HP 48/48 | Defenses: AC 14(20 ma/mv), T 14, FF 11, CMD 19 | F:+9, R:+9, W:+14| Per: +20 SM +16 Init:+3 channel: 2d6 5/5 DC14 | bond 1/1 | brew 5/7 | blessed correction 5/5 | door sight 6/8 | pessimist 1/1 | omen 1/1 | active: shared training,fastidiousness,mage armor
Surabi Brisby
Sylyn Lycoris
female Ifrit slayer 2/pyrokineticist 5 HP: 51/58 (0 nl) | AC: 18, T:14, FF:14 | CMD: 22 | CMB: +7| Fort: +10 | Ref: +13: Will: +2 | Init: +13 | Perception: +12, darkvision burn 5/5 | efreeti magic 1/1, based on conditions;
Tandri Rumblespark
Female Dwarf Tiefling Cleric 9 | HP 109/109 | AC 22 | Fort +16 Ref +12 Will +19 | Perc +17; darkvision, low-light vision | spell DC 27, attack +17 | hero point 1 she's the pink one: Active Conditions:
Willow Nevardmipth
F CE Elf Witch 8| HP 22/41 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 14 | F+2 R+4 W+8 [+2 vs transformation; -2 vs emotion] | Perception +13 (low light) | flight 8/8 minutes | levitate 1/1 | share will 1/1 | Ben's recall 1/1 | +14 spell penetration | +16 concentration check what she looks like conditions: heroism, waterproof, defending bone, see invisible
Winst Ulbrage
male Human Fighter(tactician) 1
Female elf (Ekujae) arcanist 10/Archmage 3 | her image HP: 77/77 | AC: 30(31) touch 18 ff 24 | F: +9(13); R: +13(17); W: +11(15) (-1 vs compulsions) | Perception +16(20) greater low-light vision| 1st (6/6) 2nd (6/6) 3rd (5/6) 4th (4/6) 5th (3/3) | arcane (12/13), versatile (7/7), extend(2/3), reach(3/3), sickening(3/3), fearsome(2/3) pearl(1st 3/3)| mythic 6/9
Zedna Lark
CG Angel Born Aasimar Brawler 1 / Ranger (Urban) 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 16 (T 12/FF 14) | CMB 6/CMD 18 |F +5, R +6, W +0; (+2 vs blinded/dazzled) | Init +2 | Per +4 / SM +4(betrayed) | marital 4/4