About Jeni Zantus Pebblefootnotes:
vegetarian Jeni is well known as An angry ruffian bad seed tainting the reputation of the wise and respected Abstalar Zantus (said by the townspeople, not by Father Zantus) Loving activity, hating standing still, and if she was a rushing river that is constantly trying to be damned (by herself) but only requires a tiny push (from a very pushy friend) to destroy the countryside fastidious in her dress, grooming, and (sometimes) manners (due to her upbringing) until she loses her temper Having a temper Being short Two and a half people (half since Nadja is a child (said by the much older by 2 years Jeni)) might know her as fiercely loyal, willing to stand up to anyone for the sake of a friend or the outnumbered and bullied Webbed fingers and toes, the air around her is always humid, making her clothes damp and her skin perfect, and on her neck the slits for nonfunctional gills that flare when she’s mad. She wraps her hands and feet in linen bandages, unable to wear boots or gloves comfortably. Her tunics are high-necked, not tight, but still, she is most comfortable leaving her neck bare. backstory:
The small crisp woman watches and waits for something negative to be thrown her way. A pulling of a child to the other side of the street. A whispered conversation about being yet another disappointment. Maybe an insult about her height and lack of footwear. (shoes have never felt right on her feet). Sooner or later there would be a statement or action that crosses a line. A line she creates in her mind, about too much, and she will get angry. Sometimes she keeps that anger in, sometimes she loses control of it and says something, does something, breaks something. And then HE will get a message about it. She can imagine him opening the door to a concerned congregant, his tired eyes growing even more weary, and then that sigh. She hurt just thinking about it. For the life of an orphan, Jeni’s life was good, well, before she started noticing the looks of other people. Before she started to understand their mistrust, and how that bled over into how they viewed him. Then she would get angry, do things, get into trouble. Then she started seeing his pain and that was worse. So she distanced herself and got into more trouble. A cycle started. Jeni left home, started finding her own way, which kept slipping into trouble more and more. Her powers haven’t helped in this. She is good at fighting, despite her short size, and enjoys it a little too much. Loves pulling water out of nothing, slinging it around. Bon Mot:
You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action.
titan wrestler:
You can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Reposition, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than you, or up to three sizes larger than you if you’re legendary in Athletics. Acrobatic Performer:
You're an incredible acrobat, evoking wonder and enrapturing audiences with your prowess. It's almost a performance! You can roll an Acrobatics check instead of a Performance check when using the Perform action. Deflecting Wave:
IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL WATER Trigger You would take acid, bludgeoning, fire, or slashing damage from an enemy’s attack, spell, or other hostile effect. Requirements You’re aware of the hostile effect, and you aren’t off-guard against it. A cascade of water blunts or disperses the incoming attack. You gain resistance to damage from the triggering effect equal to your level if it’s bludgeoning or slashing, or double your level if it’s acid or fire damage. If the effect deals more than one applicable type of damage, apply the highest resistance, but apply it only once.
Ocean's Balm:
HEALING IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE PRIMAL VITALITY WATER A blessing of the living sea salves wounds and douses flames. Touch a willing living creature. It regains 1d8 Hit Points and gains resistance 2 to fire for 1 minute. If it has persistent fire damage, it can attempt a flat check to remove it with especially appropriate help. The target is temporarily immune to healing from Ocean’s Balm for 10 minutes. Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8, and the resistance increases by 1.
Tidal Hands:
IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER With an emphatic gesture, you create waves that rush out from you in the shape of your hands. You either form two 15‑foot cones that don’t overlap or you combine the hands into one 30-foot cone. Each creature in a wave takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. If a creature critically fails, you also push that creature 5 feet. Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d8.
Weapon Infusion:
INFUSION KINETICIST With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling wind or a bow that shoots flames. If your next action is an Elemental Blast, choose a weapon shape for it to take. You can choose to change the blast’s damage type to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing—whichever suits the weapon shape—and you can choose other alterations depending on whether you make a melee or ranged blast. Melee Add one of the following traits of your choice: agile, backswing, forceful, reach, sweep. Ranged Choose one of three options: range increment 100 feet and the volley 30 feet trait, range increment 50 feet and the propulsive trait, or range increment 20 feet and the thrown trait. lifting belt:
This wide leather belt grants you a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks and increases the amount you can easily carry. You can carry Bulk equal to 6 + your Strength modifier before becoming encumbered, and you can hold and carry a total Bulk up to 11 + your Strength modifier. Activate—Assisted Lift (manipulate) Effect You lift an object of up to 8 Bulk as though it were weightless. This requires two hands, and if the object is locked or otherwise held in place, you can attempt to Force it Open using Athletics as part of this activation. The object still has its full weight and Bulk for all other purposes—you just ignore that weight. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Return To The Sea:
You adapt a creature to living and moving in water. Target a willing creature within 30 feet. For 10 minutes, it gains the effects of a feet to fins spell, can breathe water, and gets a +1 status bonus to AC and saves against any creature with the amphibious, aquatic, or water trait. In addition, its attacks ignore the effects water normally has on bludgeoning and slashing attacks. If you use Return to the Sea again, any existing one ends. Jeni Pebblefoot
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