Death Initiate

Lora Lawson's page

55 posts. Alias of John Gs.

Full Name

Lora Lawson, The Miner's Daughter




geokineticist 3 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 34/36 | F +6 R +7 W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +5




a five foot nothing ginger, fluffed out in a short bob with a quirky smile and bright green eyes... usually peppered with bruises.




worships Bacchus (for the drown your sorrows... in wine)

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 17
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Lora Lawson

history and why she's a bit broken:

In a hierarchical class based society, there are limited ways for a miner's daughter to get ahead, despite being one of most brilliant person in the colony. Lora's mother managed it by being quiet lovely, marrying the mine boss. Not nobility, but not common scum either.

Too bad the mine boss was a ugly troll of a man. Still she was smart enough to get attention from others and not get caught... until Lora was born. The third child looked nothing like the beat with the ugly stick that her older sisters were. Fine enough, her mom was pretty, but the hair and eyes...

The indiscretion was never spoken of, but the mine boss knew. He was a great father... to the other children. Lora was ignored completely. Her mother blamed her, treated her like crap, mentally and verbally abusing her whenever possible.

Lora caught her mother continuing her indiscretion when she was in high school. Caught pictures too and gleefully outed her mom to her “dad” The mine boss calmly took the pictures and had the miner “raping” her mother brought up and charges then killed.

Her mom spitefully told the teenager, “That was your real father”

The mine shook that day, an unexplained tremor that fortunately claimed no (more) lives.

The young woman left that day. Hating her family only a sliver more than herself. She drowned in sorrow and depression, ending up in a back league xcrawl out of desperation more than anything. Her powers had been coming out more and more until they had been noticed by a recruiter. In the first bout, the beast of a man laughing at her broke something inside, unleashing a rage her never knew she had. Suddenly rocks answered her unhinged scream smashing the thug into the dirt. The roar of the crowd woke her up, burst the bubble of self loathing, and a xcrawler was born.

Taking the name “The Miner's Daughter” she flaunts her origins, both in penance to the father she killed and to make her mother squirm.


Inside she is a cart tittering on the edge of a vast abyss of self hatred and despair. Outside she is a party girl full of life, desperately trying to forget what she did. Drink, drugs, meaningless sex were all her go to vices for oblivion. But Xcrawl eclipses all that. Here the act of being alive isn't an act. She loves them, NEEDS them, and will crush any creature for the roar of applause that comes with it.


Lora Lawson, The Miner's Daughter
CG female human geokineticist 3, worships Bacchus (for the drown your sorrows... in wine)
brief description: a five foot nothing blonde, pulled back in a short tail with a quirky smile and bright blue eyes... usually peppered with bruises.
strength: 8
dexterity: 18 – human +2
constitution: 17 – human +2
intelligence: 8
wisdom: 12
charisma: 14
fort: +6(+3 ability)
reflex: +7(+4 ability)
will: +2(+2 ability)
bab +2, melee +1, ranged +6
hit points: 36 (d8)
initiative: +6
ac: 17 (4 dex + 3 armor)
class traits: earth blast 2d6+5 (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing), extended range, pushing infusion(cmb+5), kinetic cover
alternate race traits: dual talent (+2 in two attributes)
languages: English
feats(2): point blank shot, precise shot
traits: reactionary, unpredictable
fan feat: regular guy
skills (9): acrobatics +9(2 + class + dex), bluff +7(1 + class + chr + trait), grandstand +10(3 + class + chr +1 armor), stealth +9(2 + class + dex), perception +5(1 + class + wis)
bonus human skills: profession brewer +7(3 + class + wis), craft brewer +5(3 + class – int), knowledge local +2(+3 - int)
gear: sexy chain shirt (-2 armor check, +2 grandstanding and +1 to charisma checks vs sexually attracted)
1 combat knives (on right hip) 1d4, 19-20/x2, s/p, 10gp
1 throwing knife (on left hip) 1d4, 19-20/x2, 5gp
flashlight combat, sports watch – 30gp
waterproof backpack 25
binoculars 30
protective goggles 20
a towel (cause of Arthur)
230gp left