Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

Paizo General Discussion

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Bomber Rogue

Need help subscribing to Message Threads on Iphone

Corrupt THIS wish


Rise of the Runelords completed!

Best Book for Gnoll pcs?

The Order of Heralds

List of books?

Dedicated Pathfinder Room

Paizo Blog: Bright and Happy Holidays from Paizo!

Buying more pleyer companions: what to get?

Writing Novella want to say it's in a Pathfinder Universe...

Making a Pathfinder video game as a first person "shooter" with spellcasting / melee / archery / etc.

Immunities, Vulnerabilities, and Polymorphing

Blog: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Is this still legal?

Enora, the Iconic Arcanist: how the heck do you keep your cloak on?!

Can someone please explain metamagic to me?

Weird Character Ideas, Realistic or Otherwise

As a single part of an Adventure Path roughly the same length as a module?

Campaign Story Addition, good or bad idea?

Infernal contract


How to promote the game in a new area (mexico city)

Pathfinder Society Event

How close are the editors to the creative process at Paizo?

Spiritualist Phantom Saves

The Real Threat of Disease in a Fantasy World

No PDFs Available for Savage Tide Parts 2 - 12 (Dungeon 140 - 150)?


best video game bast pathfinder charactor

Question about Community Use Package and Image Cropping

Blog: It's the Final Countdown!

CHAINMAIL Co-Author Jeff Perrin Needs Your Help!

Hellknight Antipaladin

How do I role-play a character who's smarter than I am?

astral projection and permanent enhancement

Ideas for what to play in Reign of WInter

blogging about adventure paths

Questions about forum courtesy

Shutting down of Pathguy

PFS Escorts and pregnancy

Binding good outsiders:good and evil act.

The Plight of Dr. Friedlander (pathguy)

I need some fire resistant or proof cloth

Does Golarion have a campaign setting book?

Free Pathfinder Online Trial Account - 15 Days to Experience Early Enrollment (with an offer of support from Pathfinder University)

Rise of the All-God.

Who was the artist?

Copyright form to have PDF Page Professionally Printed

Ashes of a Pit Fiend

Gen Con 2014 Exclusives

Pathfinder Core Rulebook in other languages?

Advice please

Sticky Bomb question, please help!!

I need help.

Natural attacks and AoOs when using a ranged weapon

Pathfinder Society Character

Community Use Question regarding blog images and cropping

Demon follower class, or similar?

Half-Orc toothy plus draconic bloodline bite

How do I join the Pathfinder Society?

Did you back the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter without planning to play?

Character prompt images

Prestige Points

Is Valeros Mad Martigan Reborn?

No Older Female Iconic

ways to get sneak attack

No Older Female Iconic

Blog: From Magnimar to Xin-Shalast, In Order Chronological...

campaign-specific character sheets

Blog: I've Information Andoren, Varisian, and Mythical!

Rogue with one wizard level...not going for trickster, just the benefits of...

Arc Pistol capacity

Does my halfling barbarian have a dual personality?

No Older Female Iconic

Not sure my art submission is getting through...again

Wayang - Why can't I find any good information on them?

psionics and shadows

Looking for a Mentor..

Execution or Murder ?

Elven Infants

Paizo Blog: Flumph hat

Paizo phone game?

Starting an Online Campaign

Color Titles

Ideas to connect ingame and real life experience

What was the first Pathfinder product?

Editable character sheet

Finding Games for Pathfinder?

Looking for a kid friendly adventure

Does anyone do random item tables for PC treasure and have any fun stories to tell?

Great use for an artifact that pisses me off

Does Molten Orb affect swarms?

space adventure leavel one charactors any advice

Power word Undeath

"Dewey Decimal" sorting for organizing Paizo books?

Vindictive Harpoon

Selling Ability Points

Racial Point Calculation

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