Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

Paizo General Discussion

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Healing arrows?

Blog: Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Paizo News fron Gencon?

Pathfinder Map Pack: Cavernous Lairs PDF

Paizo Blog: To Indy, And Beyond!

How much can a drunken master monk drink without worrying about addiction

What's a franchise manager do?

sculpt corpse as a substitute for alter self for undead?

Recruiting GMs for Gaming community

How does Paizo product subscription help to support local gaming stores?

What would happen if a modern day earth nation is thrown on Golarion?

PFS scenarios

So Is Open Call still a thing?

pawn product suggestion: mounts and riders

Feedback for the yaddithian

Paizo Gencon 50 Boon Auctions ?

Baalzebul vs. Mephistopheles

Paizo Blog: Stay Alert, Holy Plasma Cannons Ahead!

Pathfinder Superscriber

I need a little Help with kukri of life drinking.

Curious about a few of the Race Building rules

How does Mask of a Thousand Tomes

Blog: Cinderella Story, Outta Nowhere!

Evil Witch in Way of The Wicked

Most Broken Gestalt Build


Ironfang invasion question. No spoilers please.

A mounted group?

Big Purple Golem - For the second time ever, I'm seriously disappointed in you.

Making a new character

how would you get ragathiel to fall?

Hero lab and pathfinder

Ok, just hear me out

Half-Orc eye colors?

Combat ready maps

Is a Dire bat a rodent?

More content for combat maneuver PCs?

Whats in the vault?

Doctor Who as Pathfinder god.

Mouser build dilemmas

Question about crane style

Rule Question? Grappling into a blade barrier.

Can the Draconic Druid take the Evolved Companion

Rule question? For the Scrollmaster archetype

Areelu Vorlesh's CON Score

Consolidated Paizocon news thread

The use of free world materia in campaigns.

Paizocon 2017 Banquet Presentation in High Rez

Paizo Blog: Wes's Last Words

Origins 2017--Last Call for Pathfinder Society GMs

Paizo Blog: The Golem Send-off

My first homemade dungeon tiles and it's based on Iggy Koopa!

Gen Con 2017 seminars?

RotRL Nualia help!

Pathfinder Campaign using the Forgotten Realms

Request to add sub-forum

Need a bit of advice

Desktop Support Technician Needed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Announced!

Gencon 2017

Which minis case to get?

PPC: Psychic Anthology Question -- Blade Rush

Are spears the same length as javelins?

New to the site, trying to cast guidance

Software Developer Wanted!

Online Play advice

Artifact Destruction

Has someone stolen Paizo art?

Paizo Blog: Help Paizo Defend the Gauntlet!

Paizo Blog: Help us Win the Gauntlet Infinity!

Getting rid of tiered iterative attacks and Full Attack restrictions.

A way to reward my players

Reprint of pocket edition core rules?

(Pathfinder) Need help with a story.

Rules for Mounts

Deer Race? Bear Race?

Pet Peeve with Adventure Path Area Descriptions

Skull& Shackles: Which Ship Statistics?

Pictures of fantasy miniatures as illustrations in a commercial rpg: legal problems?

Paizo Catalog - Updated?

Pathfinder battles subscription

I've got a classroom full of Goblins!

Dragons Adventure Path

Shenanigans, the movie, the game, but actually a thread.

Question regarding a cleric aura size (from glory domain)

Can Psions learn powers from the Psion / Wilder Power list even though those powers belong to other disciplines?

Pin = Win?

Where can I find employee information?

Herolab not allowing skill focus on ...

Paizo Blog: Paizo Sponsors UK Games Expo This June!

Ship Movement in Skulls and Shackles Campaign

Advice for playing with a party of scavengers.

Artifact against Darkvision

Keep on the Borderlands for Pathfinder?

Looking for stats for all the Iconics

Blog: 'Tis but a Scratch!

Pathfinder MMO soundtrack?

GenCon turns 50 - Nascrag turns 38

Two Hex users one target

Question about how Fire wall works

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