Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

Paizo General Discussion

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Blog: Make Your CMB Check to Grab This Sale!

Question of Books, Adventure Paths, Modules and Campaigns

Email notifications

Looking to Pathfinder-ize Daredevil

Hypersexualization of women in Pathfinder materials

Ridiculous custom made monsters.

was this images in a Pathfinder product?...

Paizo Staff Encounter Matrix

My daughters first gaming group.

Inventory Tracking sheets and the other cheat sheat

Remember that History of D&D Movie Kickstarter?

Out of print - Seventh printing coming?

is there an upcoming adventure give away, at stores?

Dragon Height & Length

Paizo Blog: Teaching Changemakers Using Kingmaker

Art Submissions to Paizo

Where can I get more info about Samsarans?

Using Dungeon Flip Mats

I want something new from Paizo

PDF Question

Maps for Playing RotRL Online

YAPIAT... Yet Another Paizo Is Awesome Thread

Copyright question and

In the flesh module

Online gaming software?

scifi game suggestion

Hard copy modules falling apart

How come no minis for Carrion Crown?

Searchable data base of pathfinder spells?

stone fist and animal aspect (gorilla) stackable?

Recommendations for Free RPG Day 2015

Potions Question - Mount

A Blob of Paint?


Looking for Bloodcove

How To Pronounce Iconic Hero's Names

Cold Iron Alchemical Bullets

Iconic Wizard Ezren Stat Question

New to Pathfinder, Having Trouble with Build (Druid to Eldritch)

First Bestiary Pawn completion?

Making Adventure Paths into "Dragon Magazine" like books...

Paizo Blog: Free RPG Day is Here!

A tragic loss...

Advanced Class Guide Test Version Availability

Roc Animal Companion

Launching Crossbow - Alchemist

Module PC adjustments???

Can someone tell me where on the world of Golarion I (we, our adventuring party) am?

On Line PBP games

Dear Paizo Staff

New Pathfinder Package for Virtual Tabletop

human physical height

Blog: Amazing Gifts for Amazing Gamers!

Paizo Blog: PaizoCon 2014 Announcement Round-Up

Jonathan Tweet on Pathfinder and D&D

What purpose do the Iconics serve?

Arcane Bond Proficiency

Symbol of Weakness

Mnemonic Enhancer

good vs good

Cosplaying Pathfinder at Cons: Suggestions for a zaftig woman

Best non Pathfinder adventure that I could convert to Pathfinder

Constructs and undead, how fast can they run?

Dear Paizo, Thank you.

Swarm Questions

Alternative to multiple attacks per round and streamlining combat

Fame Boons from your faction

Blog: Lighten Your Game Bag with Paizo PDFs!

Kyton Demegogues

Remove Disease and Non-Infectious Disease

Sandpoint Devil quest

The Pathfinder Movie

Product checklist?

What I'd really love to see in a Pathfinder digital game

With the new race change..

Lighten Object...What about Making An Object Heavier

Paizo Blog: Gen Con Nostalgia: Accidental Hardcore

What I Can and Cannot Reference as a 3PP

Slow Shipping

What will Paizo announce for future Pathfinder products at GenCon?

Paizo Publishing 2014 co-Volunteers of the Year

Are the Pathfinder Tales novels suitable for all ages?

Which Scenarios runs in Ustalav?

ENnie Awards: Vote for Paizo Today!

I AM POOG; goblin god of spiders

Paizo Blog: Please Support Paizo by Voting for the ENnies Today!

Want To Buy - supplements for VTT games

Any advice for writing adventure paths?

Unusual Campaign Idea

leadership score question

Magus´ Black Blade vs Rust Monster.

OGL Questions

Lisa Stevens Talks Gen Con

Making it official? How to make fan-material official content?

Possible Double Standard For Sales?

Classes we want to see in the next book

All Hail Fencing Grace!

Where is the Lore Warden printed?

What does a development manager do in a usual day?

Pathfinder 2e

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