Note: The Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Playtest forums were locked on Tuesday, February 16, 2010. You will not be able to create new posts, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest

General Discussion
Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle
Round 2: Summoner and Witch
Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor
Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

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Summoner: Controlling / Commanding Eidolon

Hex ranges and stuff

Eidolon / times per day

Summoner: A few too many summons?

Summoner actions: lots of standards?

The Witch has got what the Oracle lacks - Vision

Curses, Rage, and Revelations

Some Cavalier Notes

Alternative class features for Oracle (a la Unearthed Arcana)

As much as I like the Cavalier...

Possible Oracle Options

New races?

Clarifications on spell levels for focus spells

Is "Orders" the right term to use and a few other thoughts

Multiclassing new classes

Oracle missing important curse

Progressive curse penalties.

Oracle of Fire

Possible Oracle Trait or Feat

Cavalier Mount - Alternatives?

Waves Oracle - Freezing Spells

Playtest arises questions

Change to Cavalier's Challenge.

Oracle hit points / BaB mismatch?

Changing the oracles flavor

APG fairly Golarion specific?

Cavalier / Paladin Challenge / Smite

Suggestions for Cavalier's abilities

Two elves in a basket

Possibility of Scout Class in subsequent rounds

Cavalier / Paladin

Multiclassed Oracle / Oracle?

Playtest Report - Level 9 Bone Oracle

Cavalier Oaths for NPCs

Cavalier and Oracle playtest report and questions - 11 / 20

Burning magic and spell level

If you don't want my opinion, then please do not ask

Another way of looking at the Oracle.

Oracles, Cavaliers, Curses & Orders

Burning magic does it stack? multiple hits and multiple oracles

Waiting to be flamed

Pathfinder playtest on RPoL

Curses: What are they good for?

Any word on when we will see more Foci for the Oracle ?

Base class versus Prestige Class?!

Cavalier as a class is redundant

Catch-all post with my concerns, questions and complaints

Will we see a preview for the changes being made to the classes?

Surprising Charge

Mighty Pebble + Sling

More oracle curses?

Cavaliers in high society

Yet Another Cavalier's Mount Thread

Pre-playtest thoughts

Oracle semi-playtest thoughts

Patfinder Playtest mentioned on!

Oracle: Spell List

Cavalier Cockatrice Lvl 15 ability... Act As One

Different Oracles Should Have Different Spell Lists

Clarifications / Error Reports

Oracle: Damage abilities just aren't that strong.

The Toe-Steppin' Halfling Brigade Playtest

[Oracle] Armor of Bones: Clarification / feedback

Duration of Revelations... Misread?

Thoughts on the oaths

Rules Questions

Oracle casting

Oracles and a table of focus-domain associations

Oracle-Earth Glide

Oracle-Deaf (reading lips)

Cavalier Mount abilities issues

Suggested Oracle Curse and Mystery (Focus, whatever)

Movie lines that fit the new classes

Challenge Part 2

The Oath Thread

Cavalier and Oracle playtest report and questions - 11 / 13

The Cavalier's Got a Fragile Pet

Starting money for the Cavalier?

Oracle-General First Impressions

Cavalier - Mount Death

New Golarion class origins

The Challenge

Oracle - Focus as a name ...

Playtest 11-15

On the names of things...

Oracles unattached to Domains

Uses for Wind Sight -- Does it need a longer duration?

Playtest Observation - Cavalier Steps on Paladin's Toes

Cavalier, adding some flexibility.

Playtest Schedule

Oracle - Battlecry and Speak in Tongues

What is the Mechanical Niche of the Cavalier Class?

Oracle's Combat Healer Revelation Clarification

Cavalier: Too many little bonuses?

New names for focuses

APG Playtest Blog!

Ironborn (Malhavoc Press) 3rd-level cavalier of the lion NPC

Krzysztof the Cavalier

Cavalier now available on

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