GM supervillan |

Batpony, Greenclaw, Michael Hallet, I'm Hiding in Your Closet, Abraham Z, and Yogadragon
Discussion thread is now open for my Gameday Part 2 run of 8-20 Torrent's Last Will.
I would like to start on 1 October if possible, but will delay if PCs are still in games due to the site outages we've had of late.

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PFS Special 9-00: Assault on Absalom
Hello Pathfinders! As we get closer to Gameday VII Part 2, we still have space available for the upcoming multi-table special, 9-00 Assault on Absalom.
At the moment we have spots open at the following tables:
However, we also have some extra GMs that would be happy to step in and run another table. If you don't see an opening at your preferred level, sign up on the appropriate waitlist and we'll muster another table.

GM Rinaldo |

Campaign threads are now opened for The Quest for Perfection.
Players please check in!
Juno Berik (Meloriel),
Zelrora Emeraldsky (Deadly Secret)
Sang Almaas (Noral)
Johnny Brom (EwokBanshee)
Gronkh Maha (Abraham Z.)
Maelstrom Stormsinger (GM Evil)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone! Just a heads up on the slight delay in my games. Me and the kids all came down with some kind of summer cold, and it put me behind a little bit. I’m getting everything started in a few hours, so be ready to get started! I’m going to go ahead and ask my players for To Judge a Soul to keep an eye open here for a link to the gameplay thread, as i’ll be setting it up as well. I apologize for the delay, but I look forward to running these games for you all!

GM MattMorris |

Sedoriku (Menarul)
Bristor (Calvert)
Hawthwile (Sunlight Under Stone)
Noral Toral (Kargar)
Llamma_Bill (Vaylin)
Zin Z’arin (Robyyn)
Campaign thread is now open for my run of the Tyranny of Wind series. Please dot in when you get the chance.
Projected start date is October 1, but we will delay if PCs are still in games due to Gameday delays.

GM Rinaldo |

Campaign threads are now opened for The Quest for Perfection.
Players please check in!
Juno Berik (Meloriel),
Zelrora Emeraldsky (Deadly Secret)
Sang Almaas (Noral)
Johnny Brom (EwokBanshee)
Gronkh Maha (Abraham Z.)
Maelstrom Stormsinger (GM Evil)
Gronkh if you are still here, please check in! I'll be opening your slot if I don't hear from you tomorrow (Sunday).

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GM Rinaldo wrote:Campaign threads are now opened for The Quest for Perfection.
Players please check in!
Juno Berik (Meloriel),
Zelrora Emeraldsky (Deadly Secret)
Sang Almaas (Noral)
Johnny Brom (EwokBanshee)
Gronkh Maha (Abraham Z.)
Maelstrom Stormsinger (GM Evil)
Gronkh if you are still here, please check in! I'll be opening your slot if I don't hear from you tomorrow (Sunday).
Done, sorry to be late.

GM Z..D.. |

Opening up my table for 9-00 Assault on Absalom (tier 10-11).
Will the following player/character report in HERE
Saashaa aka Professor
Fedora Ferret aka Teddy
There are still four open slots at my table. Please reserve your spot at the Gameday Special Sign Up sheet. The follow the link on the spread sheet to my table.

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Do you need to be Confirmated? Then I got something for ya.
Link here for recruiting for The Confirmation in session 2 of Gameday VII

GM Nowruz |

Hello, one of my players is not reacting and I am recruiting for one spot in my 'Heroes for Highdelve' game (LINK).
We have started but only did the optional part and have not had the first encounter, yet.

GM Hawthwile |

Recruiting for a Gameday VII session of #10-1 Oathbreakers Die!
Signup sheet can be found here, and the game is projected to start Oct. 1 (or earlier if everyone is ready, myself included).
Remember, only you can prevent an assassination!

GM Hawthwile |

And recruitment for Oathbreakers Die is closed! Will the following players please check in here:
- Michael Hallet
- Tealik
- Zin Z'arin
- OG3
- into the aether

GM Nowruz |

Hello, one of my players is not reacting and I am recruiting for one spot in my 'Heroes for Highdelve' game (LINK).
We have started but only did the optional part and have not had the first encounter, yet.
Nobody interested in 'Heroes for Highdelve' game (LINK)?
One seat for a level 1-2 character available. It is also possible to choose a unique pregen (all details provided).

NotEspi |
Hi, folks!
I am in need of at least two players for a table of 7-01: Between the Lines. We currently have:
- pacifist diplomancer sorcerer 5
- conjuration arcanist 4
- spear-wielding shaman 3
With that said, we are in need of a few martials, preferably at least one frontliner. I did message a player that was with us in the previous scenario, but they didn't get back to me so far. They would be a barb 2.
So we have spells, we have heals, we have a hex or two, we have summons, and we have a boatload of diplomacy.
What we lack is a frontline and ranged attacks.
PM me if you're in the 3-5 range and interested. Thanks!
Well, that was fast. Filled, thanks!
I might make another post over the weekend to grab one more player, if the barbarian doesn't get back to me.

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GM Cwethan |

Hey guys, calling on Undiana Jones and the TBAs to check in here for Assault on Absalom!
GM Andrew
Pirate Rob
Abraham Z.
Rogar Valertis


Gameday VII - Part 2
Muster is opened for: Book 2 of Hell's Rebels (AP 98 sanctioned content only)
Game location: Myth Weavers Forum - Follow all instructions before posting.
Posts that do not meet the requirements will be deleted. Do not post until you have all the information ready to go: it is not a discussion thread and it is solely intended to showcase applicant characters. It is not a race: I will select the best candidates in a week or two so there's no point cluttering the thread - thank you. If you have any questions please PM me instead of posting to Myth Weavers (Paizo or Myth Weavers boards, your choice).

Bigguyinblack |

Opening up my table for 9-00 Assault on Absalom (tier 10-11).
Will the following player/character report in HERE
Saashaa aka Professor
Fedora Ferret aka TeddyThere are still four open slots at my table. Please reserve your spot at the Gameday Special Sign Up sheet. The follow the link on the spread sheet to my table.
Things I think we have covered: Healing, Traps, knowledges
Things we don't have covered afaik: Swarms, social skills, ranged dmg,The ability to cast a long duration Mage Armor would be a bonus.

GM Deadly Secret |

Hello Pathfinders. May I please get the following to report in for PFS Module Master of the Fallen Fortress
Bildozer with De Torqueville
Eggishorn with Katsu Hinata
azjauthor with TBD
GM_MG with TBD
GM Evil with TBD

Thralleon |

GM Z..D.. wrote:Opening up my table for 9-00 Assault on Absalom (tier 10-11)
Things I think we have covered: Healing, Traps, knowledges
Things we don't have covered afaik: Swarms, social skills, ranged dmg,The ability to cast a long duration Mage Armor would be a bonus.
I may have just the guy for you. Paladin 10/Swashbuckler 1. He's a solid diplomancer with the ability to man the front lines. As an added bonus he has several spell like abilities, including AOE. He's only been played IRL so I'll have to get all the information added to his profile.

GM Doom 'n Gloom |

Gameday VII, part 2 nears, and something in the desert looms. Looking for CORE characters for a run through the Free RPG Day classic Risen from the Sands. This will be a challenge for the Level 2-4 range, so I recommend bringing your highest level character in range. I currently have three spots reserved and three spots open.
If interested, please head to the Recruitment Thread

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Another note flitters through the door, with a similar invitation. It appears that more than one big, hungry, evil monster or demon is looking for new prey at the moment. This one seems to be from another realm and is looking for slightly younger and tenderer meat for its meal.
I've had a space open up in my Tier 3-4 table for the Assault on Absalom Special being run over on RPGGeek. Will take the first interested party to drop me a PM.
No worries if you haven't played on RPGGeek before. The forums operate pretty similarly to the ones over here and we can get you up to speed pretty quickly over the next few days, if you are keen to play and willing to learn on a new site.

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Threads for my 1-2 table of multitable special 9-00 Assault on Absalom are now up on RPGG. We kick off on October 1 sharp, and will be wrapping up on November 12.
This is a multi-table special, so pacing will be fast and furious. Should be fun!
Can the following people please subscribe to the below listed threads...
4)Son of Meepo
Gameplay & Discussion links can be found here
We also still have room for one more person if anyone is keen. If so, you need to sign up on the sign up sheet HERE. Once done, please join us in the above threads. Sign up is first in, first served.

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GM Lorenzo's #9-00: Assault on Absalom (Tier 5-6)
I invite the following players to please check in on the Discussion Thread and, when ready, make your in-character introductions in the Gameplay Thread.
Lady Ladile
Gary Pepper

GM Lupulus |

[PFS] PbP GameDay VII (session 2): School of Spirits by GM Lupulus
Hey if you are signed up for my game of School of Spirits, please check in on discussion, and probably dot-and-delete into gameplay too.
Aron Marczylo

ScorchedOne |

HEAR ME HEAR ME. Will the following unwitting victims please report for duty at:
Assault on Absalom 9-00 (Tier 1-2)
Apoc Golem AKA Caebricalius Melandrus
Hawthwile AKA Drelluandast
eijel AKA Boomer Forgehammer
Nathan Goodrich AKA Kwan Zinshen
lucklesshero AKA Makon
philipjcormier AKA Andy Applebottom

GM Ladile |

GM Ladile's Golemworks Incident (Session #2; Tier 5-6)
Paging the following players to check in to Discussion & Gameplay:
Rogar Valertis
Big Joe
Our original start date is October 1st but we can push that back a few days to account for the site outages if need be. If you are no longer interested in playing or are unable to play then please let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement player. Thanks!

GM Picatrix |

PbP Gameday VII | PFS# 7-17: Thralls of the Shattered Gods, with GM Picatrix
I currently have room for several more at this table. It's a neat follow-up to a Season 5 scenario that has one of PFS' most memorable NPCs. Post in the recruitment thread if you're interested.

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GM Lorenzo's #9-00: Assault on Absalom (Tier 5-6)
Mustering well underway, but still waiting for the following four players to join the table:
Gary Pepper
Please check in on the Discussion Thread and, when ready, make your in-character introductions in the Gameplay Thread.
Lady Ladile and Cwethan are already doing what they can to carry out the myriad tasks in 'Preparations.'
If you've decided not to join us, please let me know right away, so we can offer your seat to deserving players on the wait-list.

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Due to issues with scenario support I do not have the scenario for the game I am supposed to be running for Session II.
I am looking for a GM that will be able to pick up a game of Signs in Senghor. Was hoping to get it fixed but I want someone to have time to get it set-up over the weekend. Please let me know if you can help.

GM Doom 'n Gloom |

Alright, sorry for the delay folks.
Please head over to the Discussion Tab to find out what, exactly, has Risen From the Sands!


Would the following please report here, we are mustering for a standard run of #9-10 (Signs in Senghor). This was formerly GM Eclipse's game.
Ayla Vivindor/Rogue
Dark Schnyder/Magus
Reingard/Sacred Huntsmaster
Gack Blooth/Spellslinger
Athalis Faerahrn/Magus
Gil Vladinescu
PM's will go out to waitlisters if any of the top 6 don't show.

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I'm interested in joining that 7-17 Adventure, Thralls of the Shattered God. Level 8 Paladin with a bit of Occultist and Ranger. I am a Follower of Apsu and everything entails, so do not expect a normal Paladin.
Make sure you post that in the recruitment thread. It looks like there should be one more space open.