The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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yeah, a quickie would be awesome.

Gummy Bear wrote:
Is anyone looking to run a quick game (a 1-2 perhaps?) before the start of GDVII?

I have a number of games wrapping up this work or next and was considering giving it a go.

I was considering running some quests for quick XP for a couple of PCs.

Liberty's Edge

If you do, I would also like to join (L1 brawler). Not that it matters, but this character is not committed to any GDVII games.

Dark Archive

If we can make it before the first Session, I'd like to join with this character to get some XP :) He's a pyrokineticist.

I have a fresh mesmerist not committed until session 2, would be interested as well.

Looks like we've got one table at least Won't be starting until Monday but earliest. If we play quests, then we'll btry to complete as many as possible before game day and the decide what we want to do about any we didn't get to, if anything, after that.

Grand Lodge

I have a level two alchemist I'd very much like to get into a game soon.

Silver Crusade

Not related to this quickie discussion, but I have 2 level 2 CORE characters that would both love a game during gameday. It looks like everything in that range has been filled for CORE at this point.

Same here. I have a level 2 CORE sorcerer that is not in any gameday game.

Recruiting is now open...

... for a run of as many of the PFS Quests: The Silverhex Chronicles as can be reasonably completed via PbP prior to Gameday (August 13th).

You may play your level 1 character or a pregen in these quests either as a CORE game, a
standard game, or, if you are so inclined, both!

Projected start date for each is July 17th.

GM Valen wrote:

Recruiting is now open...

... for a run of as many of the PFS Quests: The Silverhex Chronicles as can be reasonably completed via PbP prior to Gameday (August 13th).

You may play your level 1 character or a pregen in these quests either as a CORE game, a
standard game, or, if you are so inclined, both!

Projected start date for each is July 17th.

Your core link goes to the slide show....with that said. I have a core wizard I would not mind bringing along.

Z...D... wrote:
GM Valen wrote:
Recruiting is now open...
Your core link goes to the slide show....


Z...D... wrote:
...with that said. I have a core wizard I would not mind bringing along.


(and Thanks!)

I forget, is Silverhex repeatable?

philipjcormier wrote:

I forget, is Silverhex repeatable?

It is, but must be played with a different 1st level PC or pregen each time.

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It is! I'm on tap to run it this weekend, so I'm going to take advantage of that.

GM Valen wrote:

Recruiting is now open...

... for a run of as many of the PFS Quests: The Silverhex Chronicles as can be reasonably completed via PbP prior to Gameday (August 13th).

Due to demand, I am running 3 tables (my limit). The CORE table is now full. Two spots remain at the 2 standard tables (a 3rd spot if a reserve does not show).

To make things easier on me, I am asking that players agree to do the quests in order.

GM Valen wrote:

Recruiting is now open CLOSED...

... for a run of as many of the PFS Quests: The Silverhex Chronicles as can be reasonably completed via PbP prior to Gameday (August 13th).

That sure was fast! All tables are full.

Also, a wait list has started (Just mentioning this in case any enterprising GM is wondering if there is interest in yet another run...)

I am looking to do some spell trading during the next PbP Gameday. I still have room for two to four wizards.
Wizards wanted. :)

What tier?

TBD, but 3-7. See the link :)

Got it! I just considered creating a new char or something for it, but then it had to be low, low tier (maybe some evergreens). Good luck!

I am about to start a new run of 5-08 The Confirmation. I have 4 spots left open. I will take the first 4 to apply.

Recruitment Thread

All aboard to the River Kingdoms!

The following Pathfinders can board their ship here:

Kenji Haru
Pelagos Sing
Blooming Flower
Shenendril al-Ranginori

And the following agents can report to a second vessel here:
Omero Tegus
Waddy of the Waddykins

Upon boarding, please post in character in the Gameplay thread.

Arrival time remains set for sometime on Tuesday, July 17th.

GM Nowruz wrote:

HEROES FOR HIGHDELVE (Tier 1) - Evergreen

Recruiting for a Gameday VII SEP 10 game.


One more seat available.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello I'm a relatively new Pathfinder player looking to get into PFS PBP. I have a decent grasp of the rules and I'm looking for a fun scenario to get started. I have not played PFS before

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi, Rorrim, and welcome. There are not many games starting up right now, because we have a major Play by Post convention, Gameday VII, starting up in a few weeks. I do have a game for new players planned for gameday, if you are interested (starting August 13).

Dark Archive

Redelia wrote:
Hi, Rorrim, and welcome. There are not many games starting up right now, because we have a major Play by Post convention, Gameday VII, starting up in a few weeks. I do have a game for new players planned for gameday, if you are interested (starting August 13).

That sounds wonderful. I've read all the guides I can find pertaining to playing but I'll try to post as often as possible to counteract my inexperience. so I just need a lvl 1 PFS Legal character?

Redelia wrote:
Hi, Rorrim, and welcome. There are not many games starting up right now, because we have a major Play by Post convention, Gameday VII, starting up in a few weeks. I do have a game for new players planned for gameday, if you are interested (starting August 13).

What game will you be running?

Rorrim wrote:
That sounds wonderful. I've read all the guides I can find pertaining to playing but I'll try to post as often as possible to counteract my inexperience. so I just need a lvl 1 PFS Legal character?


Or if you prefer, you could always try playing a pre-generated character at any level they are available. (Which are 1, 4, 7, aannnddd maybe something higher? I don't remember!)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll be running Heroes for Highdelve. It actually has a set of really nice pregenerated characters, which I will be encouraging everyone to use, so you don't even need to build a character before trying Play by Post. If you are interested, please click on this link to go to the game's discussion thread and post there.

Hey all - I'm interested in finding a game for the upcoming PbP Gameday VII. I've gone to the website and it seems that even the games that are marked as open, most of them are already full when you follow the link to the recruitment or game page.

Just wanted to mention that I have a small stable of characters and would love to find a game!

Silver Crusade

I second Papasteve08. Many of the games listed as open are actually full. I have a fresh level 2 kineticist who would love to get into a game, but there is nothing available for which she qualifies. (I can post once a day, in case anyone is considering opening up a last minute table.)

I'm just going to throw this out here just in case someone sees it. Myth-weavers is noted as an acceptable site for PbP Gameday VII. The learning curve for formatting is pretty steep on that site, but I've been gaming there for a couple of years now. If you are looking for a player to sit at a table you are running on Myth-Weavers, but don't want to wait for someone to get up to speed - I'm your guy.

If y'all have time, collecting the table numbers of tables that are full but listed as open will help the organizers fix the situation!

Papasteve08 wrote:
The learning curve for formatting is pretty steep on that site

I checked the site out once, but couldn't even figure out how to get started. Is there a guide somewhere that would help someone learn the site?

This is probably the closest thing to it.

Essentially, there are many more formatting choices than we have here on the Paizo forums. A rainbow of colors for text. (we've taken to adopting a specific color for our characters, so in addition to bold for speech and italics for thought, we color the text as well. It really pops in a post)

Inline images, fieldsets to box your posts makes it look clean and sharp.

Integrated character sheets so that you can incorporate your rolls right into your flavor text, and with the right code it pulls all the relevant rolls right off of your character sheet.

Yea, it sounds like a lot. I was a lot when I started. I had a practice thread where I was able to just post all sorts of things to figure out how it all worked. Once you get the hang of it, its a snap.

One tip - I use google docs for all of my posts. All I have to do is create my post, with all of the normal formatting code I always use. Then just a quick copy/paste into the website and you get a fantastic looking post without redoing tons of formatting code every time.

Here is an example of what you can do with Myth-Weavers

Grand Lodge

i've played in a few PFS games on mythweavers...with Son of Meepo...takes z bit to get used to the format but still fun....

Papasteve08 wrote:

Here is an example of what you can do with Myth-Weavers

Links to a private game ;)


So apparently I'm still climbing that learning curve a bit... ha! Sorry for the tease.

To Papasteve & Warah, i'm running The Dalsine affair at tier 1-2, and from earlier applications, just 2 have signed in so far.

So if you're still looking for a game to join...


I'm in! Thanks!


Recruiting for a game starting NOW!

ONE seat available.


If you already play in my 'Heroes for Highdelve' game during Gameday VII then please do not apply.

Grand Lodge

Accepting signups for 9-14: Down the verdant path (Tier 1-5, PFS Classic) HERE

I have a couple reserved spots, and for the rest I'm prioritizing new PFS or new PBP players. Beginning at the start of gameday. Will announce players in 24 hours (give or take).


Grand Lodge

Also, calling Fandral, Tami, Chabon, and Exi to report in for Solstice Scar C Discussion thread here!

Grand Lodge

I've opened up two more tables for Gameday VII:

6-01 - Trial By Machine for August 13th
6-05 - Slave Ships of Absalom for October 1st.

Signups for both can be found < HERE >.

Sovereign Court

GM zebeev wrote:

I've opened up two more tables for Gameday VII:

6-01 - Trial By Machine for August 13th
6-05 - Slave Ships of Absalom for October 1st.

Signups for both can be found < HERE >.

currently view only.

Grand Lodge

Ah, yes. I'm dumb. That's been remedied. :P

Grand Lodge

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Will Pirate Rob, Blazej, Setare Katsu, TrinketMike, RabbitAlmiraj, and gemmik please check in HERE for your trip down the Verdant Path.

Scarab Sages

The Man Behind the Curtain wrote:
Will Pirate Rob, Blazej, Setare Katsu, TrinketMike, RabbitAlmiraj, and gemmik please check in HERE for your trip down the Verdant Path.

Forgive me, I'm not seeing a "Setare Katsu" here, even on your wait-list...but I'd signed up. I'm a tad confused.

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