![]() Hello, fellow players and GM! This will be a really fun module series with a good seven levels of character/party growth. I tend to enjoy playing full casters the most. I've also enjoyed playing 3/4 BAB 2/3 caster classes a bit lately. I thought maybe it'd be fun to try an Archeologist Bard (they get Trapfinding) and be the sneaky/traps guy; a role I've only ever done by having an improved familiar and I see someone mentioned Wizard. If no one else is feeling like playing a Cleric, I'll happily play one. Clerics are probably my favorite class. I enjoy playing support and helping the rest of the party shine. ![]()
![]() Yeah, Zin & Gummy that's a good point. @GM: character creation guidelines, if you please. If it helps for reference when I GM campaign mode modules or APs my guidelines are: anything Paizo is OK. 20 point buy. 150 GP. 2 Traits. A Drawback gets you a third Trait but the Drawback must actually hinder your character mechanically and it can't be something disruptive to gameplay. ![]()
![]() Still deciding on a character. My vine leshy level 1 is still finishing a scenario that probably won't be done before this one starts. But my PFS-30 character is unplayed with a couple GM chronicles. And I have unused Duskwalker and Ganzi race boons. I've been making my Ganzi into a dual-cursed oracle of the heavens, which is probably my next choice for this scenario. Anyway, I'm leaving in a bit for the holiday weekend but I'm bringing my laptop and have hero lab. So I'll finalize a character soon and be ready to go and post regularly by tomorrow morning. ![]()
![]() Question about the upcoming Retrocon: I'm first on the waitlist on the signup doc for Year of the Shadow Lodge (I've played all the other specials). There's room in some not-Paizo tables, but I don't feel ready for the learning curve of a different PbP system right now. Will there be an overflow Paizo.com table for waitlisters? I have characters in every sub tier. ![]()
![]() Barm wrote: Can I take one too, since I already have chronicle sheet for that game? Pretty sure you still can, since your character adventured with me. IIRC when you replay for no credit, you still have to mark off expended consumables on your ITS. I'd say just mark it on your ITS with my PFS# and the spell level. ![]()
![]() My options are:
![]() If a wizard who was subject to Nightmare had open spell slots from the previous day, could they still spend the time and prepare spells in them? Nightmare says arcane casters cannot regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours. ![]()
![]() Reductions in duration, number of targets, and the power of the actual spell effect are very disappointing to me. Here are some comparisons of classic/iconic spells: Air Walk
Dimension Door
Dominate Person (now just Dominate)
Those are some pretty drastic differences. It does look like blasting as a caster is somewhat improved in some regards. But blasting has always been a subpar use of your limited spell slots because your martial party members can do HP damage all day without spending resources. Casters can alter reality in ways that martial cannot, so why spend your spells doing something they can already do without expending a resource? With many buff/debuff spells being much less effective, it feels casters are intended to mainly just do more HP damage in combat like other PCs. Or heal. I don’t think this much of a drastic cut in overall power is an okay solution to the caster/martial power discrepancy. I enjoy playing casters, especially full casters, and these changes to spells significantly decrease my enjoyment of playing Pathfinder. ![]()
![]() Tentatively interested in using a GM star replay for this, depending on my confidence in the rest of the party. Characters I could play:
Several have improved familiars with high disable device, knowledges, and UMD. ![]()
![]() Backstory is in the hero lab stat block below. Sorix Seraxis, human Exploiter Wizard: Sorix Seraxis
Female human (Chelaxian) wizard (exploiter wizard) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 133, Ultimate Wilderness 210) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1; Senses Perception +0 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +1 Dex) hp 8 (1d6+2) Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 Defensive Abilities share will -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) or . . gauntlet +0 (1d3) Special Attacks arcane reservoir (1/4) Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5) . . 1st—color spray (DC 15), grease . . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, read magic -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11 Feats Extra Arcanist Exploit[ACG], Extra Arcanist Exploit[ACG], Scribe Scroll Traits azlanti scholar, magical lineage, historian of the rebellion Skills Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +2 Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Strix SQ zealous Combat Gear scroll of enlarge person, scroll of infernal healing (x5), scroll of magic missile (x2); Other Gear haramaki[UC], dagger, gauntlet, backpack, bandolier[UE], belt pouch, ink, inkpen, journal[UE], silk rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, wizard starting spellbook, 26 gp, 4 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Arcane Reservoir +2 DC or CL (4/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +2 CL or DC while cast spell. Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar. Familiar Bonus: +4 to initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach. Quick Study (Ex) Use 1 reservoir as a full rd action, consult spellbook to switch out mem spell (provokes AoO). Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch. Share Will (Su) When your or familiar fails a save vs. mind-affecting effect, the other can roll in their place, but failure affects both. Zealous -5 to hit and +2 to damage on your first attack against a target of a different religion than you -------------------- Sorix Seraxis grew up in the hinterlands north of Kintargo near the border with Nidal, where her family still resides. She was born into the underground cult of Desna who actively opposes the Kuthite government of Nidal. Her family and network have been waging an underground resistance against the Umbral Court practically from the moment it took control of the nation. As a devout follower of Desna (Zealous drawback), freedom is one of Sorix’s most fundamental principles. Astoundingly bright from a very young age and intensely interested in the arcane, Sorix came to Kintargo as an adolescent to begin her formal education in the magical arts as an apprentice under the court wizards of Count Auxis Aulorian. There, she earns her keep as a scribe and assistant to the court wizards and as a tutor and nanny to the Aulorian children. The recent events and takeover of Kintargo has made Sorix decide enough is enough, and it’s time to act. Rumors of the Silver Ravens have intrigued her immensely, as she’s already very familiar with life as a member of an active resistance (Historian of the Rebellion campaign trait). She’s attending the protest hoping to meet the Silver Ravens and intends to ally with them as soon as possible. She was recently contacted by a friend of a friend who instructed her to look for a man there wearing one black glove on his right hand and no glove on his left hand. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
![]() andreww wrote:
I know that at CL 5 the scribe of the scroll could only animate a maximum 10 HD of dead (unless they scribed it in a permanent desecrate effect; wouldn't some clerics of evil deities hang out in desecrated temples? I realize that for PFS that's not how it works). But could you buy a scroll with extra onyx attached, intending to use it in a desecrate effect? For that matter, could you buy a scroll with less onyx attached than that needed to animate the maximum amount of dead? I've never thought about scrolls with material components that can vary. ![]()
![]() Yeah Jezebel, my dhampir cleric of Set is 9 and Yazdan "the mad Qadiran" necromancer wizard is 7. They're both really fun to play. I just thought for my other less-nercromancy-focused characters it'd be nice to have a potential 15 HD of recently deceased minion in their back pocket. I've been spending all my prestige on scrolls for every occasion lately. ![]()
![]() 3rd level cleric scroll of animate dead = 375 gp
-- seems really straightforward, just want to make sure I'm not missing anything before I start buying these. EDIT: I see I'd need to cast desecrate, otherwise the HD cap would be 10. ![]()
![]() Thanks everyone for the thoughts and insight. How about this plan: I command the original shadow to command its spawn to go far far away when it's time for the daily saving throw, and come back after. Then maybe UMD a wand of Ill Omen on the shadow. And if it still succeeds on the save I just start spam channeling again until it fails to save again. Maybe I could also trap it under a ghost touch net until it is back under my command. ![]()
![]() Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid creature killed by a shadow's Strength damage becomes a shadow under the control of its killer in 1d4 rounds. -- If I have a Shadow enslaved via Command Undead, and it kills a humanoid creature, thus turning it into a shadow under the control of the shadow who killed it, do I indirectly also have control of the new shadow, by telling my slave shadow to tell the new shadow what to do? ![]()
![]() animate dead says, "A skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse or skeleton." How long does a corpse remain "mostly intact"? If a human skeleton were butchered for meat, can the pile of bones be animated as a skeleton? How about a dozen or so human corpses each butchered, then transported for several days to a city to buy the onyx needed to animate them? ![]()
![]() I will be running this scenario in a few days and I have a couple questions: B5. Barracks:
Quote: A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check locates a secret door in the south wall, as well as the secret door at the other end of the short tunnel that opens into the corridor outside of area B7. This references two secret doors; I only see one (that opens into the corridor outside of area B7). Help? B9. Tseka’s War Room: Quote: Makino stands in the square next to the secret door in the north wall I only see secret doors in the south and east walls. Help? ![]()
![]() Nefreet wrote:
I'd like to confirm that these are all purchasable in the quantities listed. I just read this in another thread: Quote:
I'd like to start making use of that technique. ![]()
![]() Quote:
Can someone help me build this idea with Ninja? I've been messing around in PCGen for hours and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to qualify for all the feats and at what levels to take them. This would be for PFS - is it even possible to get this build to be effective at a reasonable level? |