Red Dragon

ScorchedOne's page

*** Venture-Captain, Iowa–Spirit Lake 2,193 posts (4,800 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.


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I am looking at a Swashbuckler & Duelist with the Harbor Guard Moonlighter background. It becomes the time for bed, however.

Edelsmirge wrote:
Can you explain the free archetype rule a bit to me?

Per the page linked:

The only difference between a normal character and a free-archetype character is that the character receives an extra class feat at 2nd level and every even level thereafter that they can use only for archetype feats. Depending on the needs of the group and the theme of the game, you might restrict the free feats to those of a single archetype each character in the group has (for a shared backstory), those of archetypes fitting a certain theme (such as only ones from magical archetypes in a game set in a magic school), or entirely unrestricted if you just want a higher-powered game.

Further info:


I'm torn between a Mithra dancer and a Varg berserker. The current submissions seem to lend more to the idea of the dancer.

Thus also the dotting.

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Not coming by to play, but I just wanted to say this is one of the best adventures in my opinion and I'm glad to see it run. I did the first two parts of the series back when, and it's a great time. I hope all involved have a wonderful experience.

Definite interest. Still haven't played this module.

3/5 * Venture-Captain, Iowa–Spirit Lake

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Apologies, I was away at a convention (where two separate people told me about this post, proving they are better at checking forums than I).

Our general page for Eastern South Dakota (Sioux Falls) is Here. If you're over in the western half I can try to get you some information there.

Josh Pierce
Venture Captain South Dakota

ScorchedOne wrote:
DM Trawets wrote:

Completed Submissions:

SchoredOne: Arcane Physician / Pact Wizard (FF)

This is ScorchedOne's submission. Stopped the Cleric route, went Spellslinger, in the Thief role.

Originally put in the wrong character link.

Kobold wizard (spellslinger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 183, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 74)
CN Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged pistol +4 (1d6/×4)
Wizard (Spellslinger) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—abundant ammunition[UC], magic missile
. . Opposition Schools Abjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Illusion
Str 9, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats Gunsmithing[UC], Point-Blank Shot
Traits deft dodger, vagabond child (urban)
Skills Craft (alchemy) +6, Craft (weapons) +4, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Perception +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven
SQ arcane gun, gliding wings[ARG], mage bullets
Other Gear pistol[UC], wizard starting spellbook, 120 gp
Special Abilities
Abjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Abjuration school.
Arcane Gun (Su) Imbue two firearms with magic; cast spells thru the firearms.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Divination You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Divination school.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Gliding Wings DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height. DC 15 to glide laterally 5ft per 20 ft fallen.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Illusion You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Illusion school.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as remain in bright light.
Mage Bullets (Su) Sacrifice a spell to grant an enhancement bonus or special ability to arcane gun.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.

DM Trawets wrote:

Completed Submissions:

SchoredOne: Arcane Physician / Pact Wizard (FF)

This is ScorchedOne's submission. Stopped the Cleric route, went Spellslinger, in the Thief role.

Robert Henry wrote:
Torgald Frostbeard wrote:
I'm somewhat amazed that nobody has gone with Wood Arcane School. Enchantment bonus to Intelligence, and a scaling ranged attack that uses intelligence for hit and damage

Sadly didn't know it existed... like I said, I don't play a lot of casters.

If there is an archetype to play "Harry Dresden" let me know where it's at. I fear one would have to multi-class in to gunslinger and we're not able to...

Literally doing this. Spellslinger wizard. Already my plan.

I've completely gone off that concept based on your suggestion. Now I'm looking at Spellslinger, because when else am I going to play that archetype? Will have that up before the original deadline, or whenever you say a different deadline exists.

EDIT: "Thief" role, with perception and disable device.

So I have an idea for a rather complicated character, so before I go mapping it all out:

Arcane Physician / Pact Wizard (FF) archetypes, with a final goal of going Stargazer.

Why, you might ask? To fulfill largely the cleric role, and gain eventual access to the healing hex which would be immensely useful.

Would this be acceptable?

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A lot of charms have prerequisite excellencies. And yes, they should be good ones.

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Indeed, you will notice I have... 3? 4? several excellencies.

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Would be a fun opportunity for the Spellslinger wizard. Pew Pew Enervation rays out of my gun.

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Bonus Points:
2 - Dodge to 4
1 - Archery 4
1 - Awareness 4
2 - Temperance to 4
2 - Willpower to 7
7 - Essence 2
3 - Bonus Charm

Some work to come on Name and Background / History, but the long and short of it is that he was a helot in Lookshy, who worked in a distillery / tavern / brewery, some form of alcohol serving or crafting establishment. A group of soldiers, including dragon-blooded officers, didn't appreciate being cut off, and decided to try cutting off something of his. His anima manifested as a shadow cloak that helped him dodge the attacks coming at him, and he was able to escape across rooftops cloaked in night and his anima.

If that's not quite "epic" enough, there could certainly be people he saved by diverting the attentions of the hostiles, but I honestly don't know if a more "epic" exaltation befits the concept and a Night.

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I'm fabulous. Let me know when you need me to start working and I'll have it done the next hour I have available.


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I still am here and can get a manse should that be needed. I hadn't begun making the character so I am still exceedingly flexible.

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Given the remaining I would either go for Night or Changing Moon.

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I mean Dawn Caste is your fighter type primarily, which is why I shy away from it but it tends to be slightly more straightforward.

That being said, Toptomcat kind of took the most difficult one. None of them are that hard and both they and I are absolutely happy to assist with anything you need.

I am similarly fine with most of them. I suppose I'd prefer to leave the Dawn to someone that likes that sort of thing.

I prefer Lunars, but if we want to go full Solar I can deal.

I actually still have my 2E exalted solar and lunar books... right here... in my hands.

Toptomcat wrote:
Yeah, I agree that five isn't a necessity- especially because someone always wants to play a Lunar or an Infernal or a Legendary-Breeding Dragonblood or something.

Yeah, because Lunars are best fuzzy boys/girls/other.

Dot for interest.

Just want to say it was amusing to see how much longer this group lasted rather than mine.

Keep fighting the good fight, folks.

Wound up taking both a 2 and a B (1). Will have turn up momentarily.

Chronicle Sheets

Will have it reported as soon as I have the information I need from a certain lucky player.

Absolutely, apologies for the difficulties. It will likely be tomorrow for chronicles.

The judges confirm with each other that none of them have further questions, and they call a brief recess before reconvening to issue their verdicts.

Hao Jin seems fairly peaceful through the whole situation. She doesn't particularly thank you for the assistance, but at the same time doesn't seem put out by your interventions on her behalf. Perhaps she is still absorbed in the problem with the tapestry.

The judges re-enter, and Tenth-by-Third seems ready to pronounce judgement. "We have concluded that what Hao Jin has done was done with all good intention, and while intention is not normally a factor in cases such as these, we must consider the limited scope of human understanding. While negligence is not a mitigation, the fact is that Hao Jin could not have known the calamity that her creation could cause. Though she might have had some concept of the offense this might cause to Pharasma and the Boneyard, it was not through spite or malice but out of a desire to create that she violated these principles. It is a tenet of justice that for a true crime to be committed, one must have the desire to do so, the guilty mind. We find that Hao Jin has more than served sentence for her negligence, and have strong belief that with our ruling she will not make the same mistakes again, but could be a force for balance within the planes. It is for that reason we formally drop all charges against the sorceress Hao Jin, thank her for her several centuries of service, and encourage her to go forth and create freely, although one will hope more responsibly."

The long pronouncement complete, the judges rise, as do all within the room (and hopefully yourselves as well), and make a timely departure lest they be pestered.

After the trial, Eleven-Sun-Truth congratulates the Pathfinders on their work with Hao Jin and assistance in the trial.

As for the sorceress herself, she at first expresses stoic gratitude before her relief cracks the facade and she smiles warmly. She thanks the Pathfinders for their help and agrees to help the Society directly by performing the transposition ritual herself. However, she warns that even with her magical mastery, performing the ritual will cause the demiplane to unravel dangerously within hours— there’s only one chance to get things right. She further speculates that after the demiplane finishes tearing itself apart, its built-in processes should slowly begin stitching it back together, so there’s the possibility that the tapestry demiplane could restore itself within their lifetimes—and
when it does, she bequeaths it to the Society. Once the group is ready to leave, Hao Jin can send them back to Absalom herself, though she prefers not making a reappearance on Golarion just yet.

I'll start getting chronicles done later this weekend, but you have time for some wrap-up RP including with Hao Jin should you prefer.

As the trial runs its course, Tchekua discusses the ongoing ramifications of Hao Jin’s pet project.

“Even in the event that Hao Jin performed the necessary steps to create her demiplane and fill it for the sake of historic preservation, there remains the fact that she left her charges untended. Thousands of creatures across more than a dozen generations suffered in her absence as she explored the Outer Planes. Were she truly responsible, would she not have guarded and guided these people until such a time as they could chart their own destinies?"

So far as I know, the intent is more so that you don't have party of 6, all going "I aid" to the one with the highest bonus each time. It's supposed to be a "challenge", I'm not picky about the actions of counsel as long as they're in keeping with the thematics and follow the appropriate rules laid out.

Inspired by the talk of recklessness, Tenth-By-Third expounds on Hao Jin’s irresponsibility.

“Mortals are fallible, naturally erring from cosmic law and planar constants. The accused has a record of recklessness, and it is clear that she would revert to such reckless behavior again if permitted the freedom to experiment again. Can even centuries of self-reflection overcome a creature’s base instincts?”

This question causes the judges to argue with one another for some time. Tchekua insists that the rise of civilization is a natural outgrowth of mortals’ ability to surpass their instinct-driven ancestors and attain limitless levels of higher reasoning. Zahal takes a middle ground, acknowledging that societies and people may evolve, but they do so only by overcoming the staggering inertia of their current philosophies. Ultimately the judges come to a standoff on the subject and call for a witness to Hao Jin’s reckless tendencies and capacity to grow and learn

I think I had been waiting to see if Meylara as counsel wished to comment on your testimony. If that is not the case I will progress the scenario later today.

No fights, just rolls. Apologies it logged me out so I wasn't getting updates.

And yes, despite having overrun we're still boon eligible.

The counsel is limited to the items I mentioned at the time, yes. They aid checks. Those making checks use full bonuses. Heroism is okay also.

The same person should not do all the witnessing, basically. It is encouraged that multiple people take turns.

The judges seem to find Quenly's point well stated and appropriate. Zahal follows up on a similar point. "“Ah yes, and let us not forget what drew me to these proceedings in the first place: Hao Jin’s interference with the River of Souls. In recent years, her demiplane has captured souls bound for Pharasma’s judgment. And as I need not remind anyone, stealing souls is, ah…” Zahal leans down, taps her snout, and rumbles the last part of her sentence to convey its severity. “…deeply frowned upon.” Then with a smirk, she adds, “Unless this is what defines cosmic law these days?”

Zahal does not seem impressed by Torean's argument, though it is at least a sound one. "So," it says, apparently content to move on.

Tchekua takes issue less with the abduction of people and more with the disappearance of property. “An enduring stone structure might survive for thousands of years, its carved walls and sheltered libraries preserving the lore of lost ages for all who follow. To have such sites swiped not only steals the past from future generations, but it also robs the present people of their cultural heritage. What have you to say to that?”

The trial is the final bit, yes.

Witnesses choose a skill appropriate to whatever they would like to do. Counsel must use the skills listed. You could use knowledge appropriate, any social, pretty much what you want.

Tenth-By-Third seems to consider Setare's words. The argument is not lost on it, but neither does it seem completely convinced. It looks to Zahal, who continues. “Consider the actions that followed: she used her untouchable redoubt to abduct mortals—as many as hundreds at a time. Was there just cause? Was there consent? Or was this the callous action of a sorcerer focused on her own goals rather than aware of the bigger picture?”

Witnesses can act in more than one "round", just only one witness per round and it's best to change them up between, not the same person time after time.

The only person allowed to aid is counsel. You will not be able to aid on checks during this. Much like in a real trial.

It is similar to aid, so I'd allow that. The Counsel -can not- be a witness, for the pros and cons of that statement. Witnesses must be supplied, they will not be called.

Counsel can not change, if one person chooses to be counsel, they are counsel. Period. Witness will change each "round" (for lack of better terminology).

(Just trying to clarify, not angry despite bolding. Bold is for emphasis.)

Also good job coordinating. This is fairly important.

Diplomacy/Sense Motive:
A likely judge is Tchekua, an apkallu who was part of Hao Jin’s first tribunal (with a DC 33 Knowledge [planes] check, a Pathfinder recognizes apkallus (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 33) as extraordinarily powerful outsiders who resemble anthropomorphic birds and are patrons of mortal civilization). Tchekua was fairly sympathetic to Hao Jin centuries ago and might still be. There’s also word that one of the judges is arriving from another plane for this event, which is rare.

Tchekua is an enthusiast of mortal history, having studied and catalogued the lengthy timelines of thousands of worlds. He is an avid archivist who understands the merits of preserving and understanding the past. The prevailing rumor of the off-world judge is that they’re a representative of the Boneyard, based on the group of psychopomps seen alighting and entering through the courthouse’s back entrance. If it’s true, the psychopomps would be especially interested in anything Hao Jin did that influenced the River of Souls (the means by which the dead reach Pharasma for their final judgment).

Hao Jin’s demiplane offended many axiomites concerned with the stability of the cosmos, but apparently it perturbed even Otolmens, a primal inevitable demigod of Axis concerned with machinery, mathematics, and physics. Bystanders believe they saw the Tenth-by-Third, the herald of Otolmens, enter the courthouse, and it seems likely the herald will serve as one of the judges.

Tenth-by-Third is dogmatic even by the standard of inevitables. The scent of chaos offends the herald, whereas interacting with lawful-aligned beings sets the herald at ease. Some bystanders believe that the yamaraj Zahal may be serving as one of the other judges. A yamaraj is an extremely powerful dragon-like psychopomp that operates one of the Boneyard’s courts to determine souls’ fates. Any psychopomp judge would take offense at any interference in the River of Souls, so such a topic should be handled carefully if it’s brought up.

The time having passed, the Pathfinders share what they have learned with eachother, as well as what they already knew but only recently recalled.

During the trial, one person will be able to act as a witness to either support each assertion or dispute it. This witness can change after each judge's question, but two people cannot make statements for both parts. One person can, however, serve as substitute legal counsel rather than allow Hao Jin to. Someone serving as Hao Jin’s counsel cannot serve as a witness but can assist during each scene by assisting the witness PC or protecting that PC from the judge’s inquiries. Each of these requires a Profession (barrister) check, and an untrained PC can use any of the following in place of Profession (barrister): the highest of their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers; or a modifier equal to their ranks in Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive, whichever is highest.

The group is gathered in the tribunal room, and once the time has arrived all are sufficiently silenced. Sitting in judgment are the apkallu Tchekua, Tenth-By-Third, a herald of the demigod Olomens (the herald is an 8-foot-diameter brass sphere inscribed with many thousands of mathematical characters that slowly swirl about their body as if driven by ocean currents), and the draconic psychopomp Zahal.

Tenth-By-Third opens the discussion by challenging how Hao Jin created her demiplane.

“The basis of this trial is the nature of this mortal’s demiplane, which violates at least fifty-three firm principles of astral safety, in turn triggering twelve separate instances of multidimensional uncertainty and instability. Safer techniques existed by which to achieve a similar result, yet she embraced an unintuitive and untested methodology—all compounded by a sorcerous disregard for cosmic calculus.”

The herald details some of these consistencies in Hao Jin’s behavior before Zahal encourages it to get to the point— that Hao Jin’s techniques were irresponsible, that she didn’t respect arcane theory, and that her sorcerer spellcasting is too unpredictable to be trusted with demiplane creation. "Are there any who can present evidence to the contrary?"

Eleven-Sun-Truth requests that the Pathfinders remain in the general area while it checks in with its superiors, mentioning that the trial’s set to begin in about 2 hours.

Each PC can attempt one Diplomacy check to gather information, Knowledge (planes) check, Knowledge (religion) check, Profession (barrister) check, or Sense Motive check to learn more.

Anything else before we move on to the trial?

Yes, you have plenty of time to rest.

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